Welcome to my fitness log

I've created this to keep everything to do with my fitness journey in one place for easy reference.
I've listed links to places I visit regularly or places I think are interesting or valuable resources.

I started doing Crossfit September 22nd 2009 and I loved it - it's totally awesome and it made me a better person in so many different ways!

After nearly 4 years of Crossfit and wrist injury I tried a home fitness DVD for a change and something new - Rip 60 was really great and then I found Beachbody / Tony Horton's P90X!
It's THE best home fitness program ever!!!
It changed my body in so many amazing ways and got my cardio fitness, my core and overall strength including push up strength better than ever before!!

I now do many Beachbody programs as they are all so great.
I 'm a big Tony Horton fan because he makes me work hard but makes me laugh at the same time.
After I completed P90X, I did P90X3, P90X2 and some P90X+. I''ve tried other Beachbody programs including the P90, Piyo, Focus T25,
21 Day Fix Extreme, Country Heat, BodyBeast and Insanity, The Aslyum 1 and 2. Completed 21 Day Fix and 22 Min hard Core.

Did some Insanity Max 30 and Core de Force but my knees can't handle jumping every day so I have to mix them in.
Shift shop is great and looking forward to the new 80 Day obsession.

I'm the fittest I've ever been in my life and still getting stronger every day!

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

111209 400m, Deadlift

Slightly belated Happy Christmas to all

Warm up:- spealler, 10 wallballs, 10 sit ups, 10 b/e, 10 push ups pin 5, 10 chin up PU rev. assist top

111209 400m, Deadlift
AMRAP in 15 mins
400m Ellipitical lev 2
Deadlift x 15 reps @ 27kg / 60lb

Completed 3 rnds + 400m ellipitical in 15 mins then finished the round of DL's anyway in just over 16 mins

Splits:- 2.27, 1.15*, 2.37*, 1.15*, 2.51*, 1.20*, 2.57*, 1.15*

Stretch and Foam roller

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Primal fitness workout 2 LHT

Warm up:- spealler, 5 wallballs

Wall push ups (using PU bars) x 30 mostly narrow and a few wide towards the end
2 leg chair assisted pull ups x 20
Pole squat x 50
Elevated jack knife press @ pin 5 x 10 full depth - 10 top of head to bar
Forearm/knee plankx 90 secs hold
Forearm/knee side plank x 28 sec hold each side - Target was 45 secs

Wall push ups (using PU bars)x 10 narrow, 3 wide, felt too high and just weird so changed to..
Push ups on bar at pin 5 x 10
2 leg chair assisted pull ups x 20
Pole squat x 50
Elevated jack knife press @ pin 5 x 3 just feels odd after a normal OHP so I changed to..
Overhead press @ 7kg x 20
Forearm/knee plank x 60 secs hold - Target was 90 secs hold
Forearm/knee side plank x 23 sec hold each side - Target was 45 secs

Shoulder felt much stronger today, no real achyness felt. I wasn't stupid with it thankfully but pushed to fatigue.
I'm missing deadlifting so I think I will add in a wod again for some variety now shoulder feels better, don't want to loose too much strength.

stretch and foam roller

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Primal Fitness bodyweight

Warm up:- spealler, 10 situps, 10 b/e

Started really easy to see how it goes and how shoulder felt

Wall push ups (using PU bars) x 15 wide grip, 5 narrow
2 leg chair assisted pull ups x 10 pulls, 10 chins - 10
Wall squat x 10
Pole squat x 10
Air squat x 20
Elevated jack knife press @ pin 5 x 5
Overhead press @ 7kg x 10
Hand/knee plank (using PU bars)x 90 secs hold
Hand/knee side plank (using PU bar)x 45 sec hold each side

Wall push ups (using PU bars)x 8 narrow, 5 wide
2 leg chair assisted pull ups x 10 pulls, 10 chins-6chins-4chins
Air squat x 20
Pole squat x 20
Elevated jack knife press @ pin 5 x 10
Hand/knee plank (using PU bars) x 90 secs hold (Goal target reached - up to next level next session)
Hand/knee side plank (using PU bar) x 45 sec hold each side (Goal target reached - up to next level next session)

Shoulder achyness told me when I had done enough each set.

stretch and foam roller

Tonight already I know i pulled my calves groan.. from bein up on my toes for all the push ups, the press and the extra help to get the chin over the bar on the assisted pulls and chin.

Also lacking sleep so bed time it is 

Monday, 12 December 2011

Tabata Sprint on Elliptical

Trying a slightly different approach for a few weeks just to mix things up and hopefully get my shoulder stronger

w/u spealler, 200m elliptical

Tabata sprints on ellitical

10 mins fairly relaxed speed on elliptical
3 mins lev 2, 1 min lev 3, 1 min lev 4, 1 min lev 5, 2 mins lev 3, 2 mins lev 1 = 1160m

Stretch and foam roller

Friday, 9 December 2011

done something after a week of no wods and lots of cleaning

Wow what a crazy week I’ve had!

I finally got something done today but it wasn’t much - still wary of shoulder as I’ve been doing a ton of cleaning and I’ve been my shoulder has been a little achey so didn’t want to wod and stuff it up!

Warm up:- spealler, 10 wallballs, 10 situps, 10 b/e

5 push ups @ pin 5 - shoulder felt ok
5 push ups @ pin 3 - no pain but I felt it so didn’t want to push any more

6 chin up with top assist
4 ” “

plank hold on elbows for 30 secs
”  ” on push up bars for 40 secs

air squats x 13 - concentrating on core and form
dowel squats x 8 - ” “

Stretch and foam roller (OMG how much hamstring flexibily have I lost big surprise )

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Metcon 111108 "White"

Thankfully I haven't done any major damage to my shoulder, just a delt strain like I hoped (ie nothing more severe) so I've rested and rested some moreand now after nearly a week I need to do something!

Warm up:- Spealler, 3 hollow rocks attempts, 2 beginner rope climb (laying to standing), 3 hanging knee raises, 3 walking lunges, 100m elliptical

Metcon 111108 "White"

Scaled to
Five rounds for time of:
3 Beginner rope climbs (laying to standing)
5 Knee raises (hanging KTE attempts)
15 Walking lunge steps
Elliptical 300 meters

Done in 19.49mins
Splits were 3.40, 3.44, 3.55, 4.07, 4.22

Considering longest metcon in a while fairly please with pace - I knew when I got to 10-15 mins because everything just got harder! That's what lots of short metcons does for you, so great to do a longer one. RIP White

I haven't done any lunges in along time and I considered scaling back the reps but it was a hero wod so I didn't really want too, but I'm in pain already after a few hours so OMG!! I need lots of sleep and I need to eat more I've only just managed 1800 calories today and something tells me it's not enough grrrr

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

No major damage to shoulder - phew

Went Physio on Monday and I 'correctly diagnosed yourself' he said lol - just a delt' strain, no damage to rota' cuff thank goodness. He gave me some treatment inc some ultra sound (never had that before) and said rest it for the rest of the week and then build back up slowly.

I asked him about my wrist while I was there and he suggested using push up bars to save irritating my wrist so I think I will do that from now on too.

I was thinking of backing off and try push up on bars for 3's again instead of jumping the gun again and I think this proved that I should!!

Sunday, 27 November 2011

Deltoid stain from push ups without warmup with poor form

My planned wod went out the window today after trying to show someone how well my push ups were coming along!

I didn't warm up properly (just a few arm swings) and dropped down and did a push up - which was a struggle but I did it  bigsmile(which I have to stay was great progress as last time I showed her a few months back - I failed and pretty much face planted  blush ) but when I got up my shoulder hurt - I figured just a minor strain.

She told my position was not great so I got down and did another which she said was better.

But when I stood up my shouldder really hurt and within a few minutes I couldn't lift my arm for the pain   beatup OMG!! I guess I badly strained my front delt - that was not on the plan - I 'm pretty pissed, and made an apointment to see a pyhsio on monday, to make sure I haven't done it any major damage!

We live and learn don't we!

Note to self - push ups to me are pretty much still max effort and I know for certain I wouldn't do Bodyweight Deadlift without lots of warm up first so why should my push ups be any different = lessons learnt 1) Don't be stupid or you will pay with pain!!, 2) Always warm up properly 3) Check your start postiton is correct always!! 4) Just because of lots of people can just drop and turn out 20 push ups and do push ups for warm up - I'm clearly not there yet!!

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Front Squat + 110920 Lynne

Warm up:- spealler, wallballs, red band dislocates, 7kg front squat x 5

Front Squat 3's
10 @ 13kg
6 @ 19kg
3 @ 25kg / 55lb

Pre wod warm up:- push up at pin 5 x 5, pin 1 x 2, 3 chin ups pu rev assited top

110920 Lynne
5 Rounds of
Max push ups - full
Max pull up - Chins PU ref assisted

Push ups = 1 failed 2nd - 2 - 1 f - 1 f - 1 f
Chin ups = 8-6-5-5-5
Rested between rounds 2-2-3-3mins respectively

I guess my push ups were down from mondays Press and wallballs, and my abs still haven't fully recovered from those box jumps and HKR's!

Stretch and foam roller

Monday, 21 November 2011

Press + metcon 110926

Warm up:- spealler, wallballs, sit ups, b/e and 9 chin ups pu rev top assist

Press DB's 3's
6 @ 3kg
2 @ 6kg
3 @ 8kg / 17lb

Pre metcon warmup:- box jumps 4 @ 4", 4 @ 8", 4 @ 13", HKR x 3

Metcon 110926 wallballs, TTB, Box jumps
AMRAP in 15 mins scaled to
10 wallballs (5kg to ceiling)
10 HKR's (KTE attempts)
10 box jumps 13" box

Completed 4 rnds + wallballs +2 HKR in 15 mins including 1.10min interuption (had to run downstais and back)
I finished the 5th round 16.57mins - because of the interuption and ebcause I wanted to.

Really please with box jumps - NEW PR for me especially since foot injury.

Stretch and foam roller

N.B. Gone pretty strict primal eating over the last few days and my energy levels are not quite there, don't think I'm eating enough grrrr

Saturday, 19 November 2011


I've cut out the oats and I feel much better - can't beleive the difference. I feel lighter and more energetic, my get and go is coming back! Damn those oats - they really are the enemy!

Chin up s+ Metcon "Dianne"

Warm up:- Spealler, wallballs, sit ups and b/e, a few red band dislocates

CFSB lite
Chin ups
8 @ PU rev assisted top
5 @ 2.5" down

Pre metcon warm up:- DL's x 5 @ 7kg, 5 @ 17kg, 5 @ 37kg, DB presses 5 @ 2kg, 5 @ 5kg

Metcon 111010 Dianne
scaled to
Deadlifts @ 43kg / 95lb
DB Press @ 7kg each

Done in 10.35 mins - wow bit of a slog today

1st round went ok, then slogged the rest
Splits 1.35, 1.59, 1.39, 2.09, 1.16, 1.55 phew!

Stretch and foam roller

Monday, 14 November 2011

Push ups + Metcon 111012

Warm up:- spealler, wallballs, 5 situps. 5 b/e’s, 5 mountain climbers

Push ups
8 @ pin 5
2 @ PU Bars @ pin 1
Full x 1-2-3 failed last rep so only 2-1-3 and failed 3rd rep again = Total of 8 full push ups in a session - NEW PR - Still can’t manage 3 consecutive push ups yet but still hoorah for some progress no matter how small!

Metcon 111012 400m, pul ups, b/e, s/u
Scaled to AMRAP in 10 mins

Eliptical 400m
10 chin ups - PU Rev assisted top
15 abmat b/e
20 abmat sit ups

Completed 1 Rnd + 400m + 10 pull ups in 10 mins
then finished the round untimed.

1st round of chin were unbroken in as much as as hands didn’t come off the bar, but did take a few breaths inbetween reps = PR, 2nd round was broken 5-4-1

Stretch and foam roller

Recovery has been slow this last 2 weeks, diet changes of note - oats, nuts and fruit for breakfast instead of toast and maralade with protein shake and other meals more fish than meat. Also cooking in coconut oil instead of olive oil.
I lacked sleep a few nights but cought and still noticed recovery is slow??? 
I've been trying to reduce protein shakes and get all protein from food - my protein intake is down from 100-130 non workout days with extra 30 protein in postwork out shake on workout days down to 80-100 non workout days with extra 30 protein in postwork out shake on workout days.

Anything glaringly obvious to be the cause please??

Friday, 11 November 2011

Beg RIng Rows + Deadlift

w/u spealler less leg swings because i missed them with interuptions and distractions, wallballs, situps and b/e, push ups x 3 on knees, tried for a full but just failed miserably red face so did 2 red band assisted from pin 3
question  if i’m strong enough to do push ups - why is on some days I just can’t do them, and others and I can do 2 in a row?? whats that all about???

CFSB lite inspired
Beginner Ring Rows 3’s
6 @ heel at center
4 @ heels -3.0 inch from center
3 @ heels -6.0 inch from center NEW PR bigsmile

Deadlift 5’s
10 @ 15kg
6 @ 30kg
4 @ 45kg
5 @ 60kg / 132lb

$ out:- 10 DB lateral raises @ 2kg, 10 bicep curls @ 2kg, 10 DB press @ 2kg, 10 DB lateral raises @ 2kg, 12 Bicep curls with 7kg Barbell

Stretch and foam roller

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Bench Press + metcon 110824 Santiago

Warm up:- speller, wall balls, bench press 10 @ 7kg

Bench Press
10 @ 12kg
6 @ 22kg
3 @ 31kg / 68lb - failed 3rd rep about 1/2 up with left side grrr - thank goodness for my safety bars. Rested a few mins and tried to lift it but nope, had to slide out from under it.

Pre metcon warm up
Hang squat clean 3 @ 2kg DB's, 3 @ 4kg DB's, 2 @ 7kg DB's, 3 PU Rev assisted chin ups, Power cleans 3 @7kg, 3 @ 12kg, 2 @ 16kg - found a strange pain in right glut when lifting so rolled on a tennis ball, 3 push ups on knees

Metcon 110924 Santiago scaled to
3 RFT of
7kg / 15lb DB Hand Squat Clean x 12
PU rev chin ups x 12
16kg / 35lb Power Clean x 10
10 push ups - on knees

Done in:- Stopped after 2 rounds @ 14.57mins - so slow - I felt like I was going in slow motion.
The DB HSC were tough, the chins were slow and broken up (5-3-2-2 & 4-3-2-2-1), PC's were ok and felt light by comparison to the rest, Push ups I did all on knees due to room logistics and although broken up I was quite pleased with. But after 2 rounds and way over my normal 10 mins range I decided to stop and not be pig headed.

Stretch and foam roller

Friday, 4 November 2011

Back squat + metcon 100928

Warm up:- speller, 5 wall balls, 10 sit-ups, 10 b/e, 8 chin up @ top

Back Squat
10 @ 20kg
5 @ 30kg
3 @ 38kg / 83lb

Pre metcon warm up - a few rep of all except wall balls and burpees

Metcon 110928 CF Games Event 10 scaled to
10 SDHP @ 14kg / 30lb
20 wallballs @ 5 kg to ceiling
10 TTB attempts
20 box jumps @ 8"
10 SDHP @ 16kg / 35lb
20 burpees - mainly walked out and all push up on knees
10 shoulder to Overhead @ 18kg

Done in 14.55mins inc 0.57 sec interruption

Tough wow! but somehow enjoyable lol - couldn't get enough oxygen for the burpees and shoulder to overhead!

Stretch and foam roller

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

DB Press + Metcon 111020

Warm up:- Spealler, wallballs, situps and b/e

CFSB lite
DB Press - Find 1 RM
6 @ 2kg
2 @ 5kg
1 @ 8kg
1 @ 10kg left arm slow
1 @ 11kg left arm terribly slow and struggled but made it so - 11kg / 24lb is my new 1RM

Metcon 111020 100m's
8 Rounds of 100m sprint on elliptical
Rest 90 secs
0.24 - 0.21 - 0.22 - 0.23 - 0.23 - 0.24 - 0.23 - 0.22

Stretch and foam roller

Monday, 31 October 2011

Chin ups + metcon "Cindy" 111008

Warm up:- Speealer, wallballs, red band dislocates

CFSB light inspired
Chin up progressions
7 @ top of PU rev assist
5 @ 2" down - speed was much better than last time, one breath taken between each breath instead of 2-4

Pre metcon w/u 2 push ups on 8" box, 3 squats

111008 "Cindy"
scaled to AMRAP in 10 mins of
3 Beg body rows - bar at pin 5, knees bent
4 push ups - Started with PU Bars on 8" box but 2nd round only managed 2, so changed to bar at pin 5 for rounds 3-6, 7th round did another 2 on bars on 8" box and the rest at pin 5
7 Squats
Completed 9 rounds

Stretch and foam roller

Friday, 28 October 2011

Push ups + 110406 CF Games 11.3

Warm up:- spealler, wallballs,

Push ups
8 @ pin 5
2 @ PU Bars on 8” box
Full x 2-3 failed last rep so only 2-1
PU bars x 2 very slow only just made last rep
PU bars on 4” box x 2

Not sure how best to progress my push ups at the moment - I’m trying the 100 push ups program but obviously I’m not doing as rx’d ie 3 times a week so dontknow

Pre wod warm up:- clean and jerk 6 @ 7kg, 2 @ 12kg

110406 CF Gmes 11.3 scaled
AMRAP in 5 mins of
37lb / 17kg Squat Clean
37lb / 17kg jerk

Completed 18 rounds - PR as last time in Apr only 16 rnds
Also wore wrist straps to help my wrist

stretch and foam roller

Thursday, 27 October 2011

U/H Pulldowns and Deadlift

Warm up:- spealler, wallballs, 4 push ups red band assit pin 3, 5 bicep curls @ 7kg, 10 good mornings @ 7 kg

CFSB lite
U/H Pulldowns Test 1 RM
10 @ 20kg
6 @ 35kg
1 @ 44 - equal last 1rm when starting CFSB June 11
1 @ 46 all time PR previous 1RM was 45kg Apr 10
1 @ 48 oh yeah!!
1 @ 50kg / 110lb Smashing my previous all time PR by 5 kg / 11lb Wahoo!!!!!  bigsmile

Deadlifts 5’s
10 @ 15kg
6 @ 27kg
4 @ 40
5 @ 56kg / 123 lb

Stretch and foam roller

Monday, 24 October 2011

Bench Press + 110811 DU's, Box jumps. KB Swings

Warm up:- spealler, wallballs, 8 chin ups PU rev assit top, 3 push ups red band assited pin 3, 5 beginner body rows

Bench Press 3’s
10 @ 12kg
6 @ 21kg
3 @ 30kg / 66lb not an all time pr (33kg/73lb Sept 10) but pr since wrist injury and indicator of getting my strength back wink

Pre metcon warm up:- 3 tuck jumps, 3 box jumps 8”, 4 DB swings @ 2kg, 3 @ 7kg, 3 @ 11kg

110811 DU’s, Box jumps & KB Swings scaled to
3 RFT of
20 tuck jumps
15 Box jumps @ 8”
10 DB swings @ 11kg / 24lb

Done in 9.18mins
Splits 2.36, 3.08, 3.34

Enjoyed this wod, my abs surely know to it the nect morning but it was a great wod. Hopefully my foot will be fine too.

Saturday, 22 October 2011

Front Squat

Warm up:- Spealler, wallballs, 10 abmat situps, 10 abmat b/e's, 8 chins at top, 10 (6-4) push ups with red band assist, 5 beg body rows pin 5

CFSB lite
Front Squat 3's

10 @ 12kg
6 @ 17kg
3 @ 23kg / 50lb

Felt good, becareful not to squat to deep

short on time so jumped on ellipitcal and did some interval sprints 30 secs on, 15 secs off x 3

stretch and tried 2 push ups - got on and failed 2nd

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Shoulder Press

Grabbed a few minutes as short on time again today

Warm up:- arm swings, twists, knee highs, 5 squats, 5 wallballs, 1 push ups with red band assist on pin 1, 5 push ups with red band assist on pin 5

CFSB lite
Shoulder Press 5’s
10 @ 8kg
3 @ 15kg
5 @ 21kg / 46kg - Failed 4th rep, rested a few sec and retried but failed again.
backed of 2 kg and did 2 more reps @ 19kg / 42lb

Last time I failed on 3rd rep so some progress but I think it’s time to change back to 3’s


Sunday, 16 October 2011

Chin ups

Hamstrings still sore from good mornings the other day but grabbed a few mins today

Chin ups PU rev assited
8 @ top
5 @ 2” down (took a 2 breaths between 3rd & 4th, 4th & 5th rep but got it done) 5RM PR

Light Stretch

Saturday, 15 October 2011

Ring Rows + Deadlifts

Warm up:- Spealler, wallballs x 10, 10 abmat sit ups, 10 good morning @ 7kg

Beginger Ring Rows
6 @ Heels under rings
2 @ -3.0" from rings
3 @ -5.5" from rings

10 @ 12kg / 26lb
8 @ 25kg / 55lb
6 @ 40kg / 88lb
5 @ 52kg / 115lb

$ out:- Push ups 3 @ pin 1, 3 @ floor but failed 2nd rep, rested a few secs and retried but failed.

Stretch and foam roller

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Push ups + Metcon 110827

Warm up:- Spealler, wallballs x 10, hollow body rocks x4, abmat b/e’s x 10

Push ups
10 @ pin 5
5 @ pin 1
1-2-1-1-2 full push ups ( PU prog Wk 1, Day 1) Rested 60-60-120-180 secs between sets. 2ns reps the form was a little snaky but got them down.

110827 Wallball, Rope climbs
AMRAP in 10 mins of
15 wall ball 5kg / 11lb ball to ceiling
3 beg rope climbs - laying to standing
Completed 5 rounds + 4 wallballs

Splits:- 1.28, 2.02, 2.04, 2.13, 1.55, 0.19

Stretch and foam roller

Friday, 7 October 2011

Bench Press + Metcon 110922 5KM

Warm up:- Spealler, 10 wallballs, 3 mountain climbers, 3 squat thrusts,10 situps, 10 back ext’s,

Bench Press
10 @ 12kg
6 @ 20kg
3 @ 29kg / 64lb

Metcon 110922 5KM
Scaled to Elliptical and 2 miles
Done in 19.14 secs PR by 29 secs bigsmile finally a PR at something this week!!

I went for a PR on 1 mile and got it at 9.07mins Yay, I then backed off but then decided to carry on and my pace was pretty good to I decided to see what my 2 miles was and a finished with a very bit of a push at a wonderful surprise of 19.14 giving my a great PR.

Felt great to PR after a few failures this week.

Stretch, Mobility and Foam Roller

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Back squat & 110901 Weighted chins

Warm up:- Spealler, 10 wallballs, 12 red band dislocates, 4 mountain climbers, 3 squat thrusts, 2 hollow body rocks, 10 back ext’s, 8 assisted chin ups, 10 push ups pin 5, 5 squat @ 7kg

Back Squat
10 @ 15kg
6 @ 25kg
3 @ 34kg felt good and strong so went for another
3 @ 36kg / 79lb

Wod 110901 Weighted Chins
I did most assistance using pull up revolution
top - 2" - 4" - 6" - 8"
Last was tough only just made the 2nd rep and completely failed 3rd, rested a few and tried but forget it total failure at about half way up

Stretch and foam roller, and got 1 push up but slowly.

I'm wondering if I'm doing too much variety of strength stuff that my goals are not coming as fast I would like - ie too much diluting going on (trying ot get stronger at everything at the same time) - I think I need to concentrate on my goals of push ups and chin ups till I acheive them and let the squats and dl's grow slowly with wods until I reach my goals then I can add the variety back in?? Make sense anyone??

Actually the more I think about it - I just need to get more workouts done then there's no problem. Because to just alternate Push ups and chins as strength with metcon will be tricky and I think I'll overworked them pretty quickly? So just stick to the plan and get on with it! More workout day needed!

I think I was just disheartened with the few recent failures!!

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Press + metcon 110902

Finally a wod after days of agony from 75 squats the other day downer

Warm up:- Spealler, 10 wallballs, 12 red band dislocates, 4 mountain climbers, 2 hollow body rocks, 10 situps, 10 back ext’s, 8 assisted chin ups, 10 push ups pin 5, 5 beginner body rows, 10 bench dips

10 @ 8kg
6 @ 14kg
5 @ 21kg / 46lb Failed 3rd rep, rested a 1 min or so and tried again but failed on 4th rep red face

I think I taxed my shoulder too much during the warm up and my lifts always suffer when I power clean the bar up first! Also I think I need less warm up reps as my shoulder felt tired at the 6th rep of the 6 rep warm so lessen learnt for next time - will redo next press session to if I can get it, if not I will change to 3’s again.

Metcon 110902 Power cleans, bar facing burpees
dcaled to 12-9-6-3 reps for time of
12kg Power cleans
Squat thrusts

Done in 3.58mins

Powercleans were way too easy for me so up them for next time. Squat thrust were about right, tough and had to break them up to finish the first few sets. Hope my foot is ok?

Stretch and foam roller with 1 full push up.

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Bench Press + Metcon 110820

Warm up:- Spealler, 10 wallballs, 12 red band dislocates, 4 mountain climbers, 2 hollow body rocks, 10 situps, 10 back ext's, 8 assisted chin ups, 10 push ups pin 5, 5 beginner body rows

Bench Press
10 @ 12kg
6 @ 18kg
3 @ 28kg / 61lb

Metcon 110820 Mu's and Squats
3RFT of
5 Squat MU's
25 Squat

Done in 6.02 mins
Splits:- 1.33, 2.11, 2.17

Great to wod again since severe sleep deprevation started after tuesday grrrr.

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Shoulder Press + Metcon 110807 CF games Master chipper

Warm up:- Spealler, wallballs, 5 mountain climbers (my hips are still clunking and I’m getting concerned?),  10 situps, 10 back ext's, 10 push ups @ pin 5, 5 beginner body rows, 8 (5-3) chin ups @ top

10 @ 8kg
3 @ 14kg
5 @ 20kg / 44lb = 5RM from June 2010!

Pre metcon warm up:- 4 KTE attemtps, 5 powercleans @ 7kg, 10 SDHP @ 7kg

Metcon 110807 CrossFit Games Masters Chipper

Puppies: up and down scaled as below
10 Push-ups - @ pin 5
15 Wall ball shots, 6-8 pound ball to 10’ target - I used a 11lb / 5kg ball to ceiling
20 Toes-to-bar (or as high as able) - as high as I could
25 Power cleans, 15-20 pounds - 20lb / 9kg
30 Burpees - I did 1 with a full push and 15/16 with push on knees all walked out (lost count no idea why/how?), then I did 15 push up against Pin 5 with a jump and clap
40 Sumo deadlift high-pull, 10-15 pounds - 20lb / 9kg (broken 20-10-10)

Done in 14.02mins

If I hadn’t took soo many breath during breaks in SDHP could have finished under 14 mins grrr.
TTB attempts took a long time, haven’t done any in ages and I knew to it!! Also hips clunked at my legs got to the down position??? very odd
Was wary burpees because of foot and also hips clunking at plank.

Stretch and foam roller

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Chin ups and Deadlifts

Warm up:- Spealler, Wallballs, 10 situps, 10 back ext’s, 5 mountain climbrs, 5 push ups on knees, 3 hollow body, 3 hollow body rocks.

Chin ups 5’s (PU revolution assited)
9 @ top PR
5 @ 1.5” down PR

Deadlifts 5’s
10 @ 10kg
8 @ 27kg
6 @ 37kg
5 @ 48kg / 105lb

$ out
After reading my first few wods after digging out my notebook - tried some beginner body rows (inverted with bar in rack)
Bar at Pin 5, knees bent 90 degs x 1-3-3
10 push ups @ pin 5
5 bar dips at pin 5 knees bent
5 ring dips - blue band assisted

Stretch and foam roller inc bridge work and 2 full push ups wink

Saturday, 24 September 2011

Push ups + metcon 110816

Warm up:- Spealler, wallballs, 2 hollow body, 2 hollow rocks, 5 mountain climbers, 1 min elliptical

Push ups
11 @ pin 5
5 @ pin 1 PR
1-1-1-2 @ floor Major PR Rested 2-2.30mins between them.

Metcon 110816 5KM
For time:- 1.5 miles
2400m Elliptical Level 2

Done in approx 14mins excluding a 2-3 mins interuption grrrr - I got interupted and I pressed reset instead of lap on my timer as I hit 2000m, sorted the problem out in about 2-3 mins and came back and finish the last 400m - soooo frusting and hence my time isn’t exact.

$ out:- 1 burpee (feet stepped in and out but with a full push up) yay!

Stretch and foam roller, full push up from the floor.

Total of 7 full push ups in one session = Major PR for - first 2 consecutive push ups since injured wrist in Feb 11 and my form is so much better.

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Front Squat + Metcon110815

Warm up:- Spealler, wallballs, 2 push ups on knees,  2 hollow body, 5 mountain climbers, 5 decline situps, 5 7kg good mornings, 3 chins at top, front squat 4 @ 7kg

Front Squat Test 1RM

10 @ 12kg
6 @ 18kg
1 @ 24kg / 53lb
1 @ 28kg / 61lb
1 @ 30kg / 66lb NEW PR

Barbell taken from Rack each time to save cleaning it and upset my traps

Pre wod warm up:- DB shoulder press x 3 @ 3kg, 3 x 5kg

110815 Puppies
With a continuously running clock, do one pull-up and one handstand push-up the first minute, two pull-ups and two handstand push-ups the second minute, three pull-ups and three handstand push-ups the third minute… continuing as long as you are able. When you cannot complete the required number of reps for either exercise, continue only with the other as long as you are able.
 Use as many sets in any order each minute as needed.

6 mins of Chin ups & 9 mins DB’s = Total 15
First time I've done this and don't think I did it to its full potential as I missed the 'Use as many sets in any order each minute as needed.' tut tut - I'll know for next time.

Stretch, foam roller, tried a full push up but pecs still too tender from those 75 ugh managed 2 on knees just to keep the blood pumping

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

U/H Pulldowns and 110811 400m, Deadlifts

Warm up:- spealler, wallballs, 3 hollow body, 10 sit ups, 10 b/e

U/H Pulldowns
10 @ 20kg / 44lb
6 @ 35kg / 77lb
3 @ 44kg / 97lb PR bigsmile and equals 1RM from 20 June 11 Yeah!!!!!  party(As per GD - I should have retested 1RM before now but only just realised so will retest next pulldown session)

Pre-wod warm up:- 1 min elliptical, DL's 10 @ 10kg / 22lb, 10 @ 20kg, 4 @ 30kg, 2 @ 40kg / 88lb

110811 400m, Deadlifts
AMRAP in 12 mins
600m Elliptical lev 2
5 DL's @ 40kg / 88lb

Completed 2 rounds + 500m elliptical
Splits:- 3.21, 0.50 , 3.43, 0.55, 3.11 - 500m elliptcical
All splits except the first include 12-14 secs to walk from room to room.

Stretch and foam roller

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Pain! from 75 push ups arrghh

OMG I hurt today - the fronts of my shoulders, my triceps and my lats - that what 75 push ups (assisted) does to you when you have never done that many before!!!

Rest day for me ohh

Saturday, 17 September 2011

Chin ups + Gator Wod 110812

Warm up:- Spealler, wallballs, 5 moutain climbers, 5 squat thrusts (which were a little disconcerting because my hips pop each time I get out into plank??), red band dislocates, 5 push ups @ pin 5, 10 front squat @ 7kg

Chin ups - pull up revolution assited
8 @ top  (PR for max reps here)
5 @ 1" down

Pre-wod wram up:- 5 Front squat @ 14kg

110812  “Gator”

35 pound / 16kg Front squat, 5 reps
15 Push-ups @ pin 5 (8-7), (5-5-3-2), (5-3-3-2-2), (3-3-3-2-2-2), (3-3-2-2-2-2-1)

Done in 14.17 mins
Splts:- 1.50, 2.26 (total slog on push ups here on in), 3.07, nearly quit but it was a hero wod so pushed on, 3.26, 3.25.

Push up slogfest for me!! I've lost my muscular endurance since doing strength reps of 5,3 & 1's and very little metcos in months.
I really hope my arms/chest doesn't hate me too much tomorrow.

Stretch and foam roller

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

3rd Physio Visit

Physio again to stop my right trap causing me wierd heavy head / headache pains over right eye grrrr

Long session but hopefully its fixed it - just got to get over the treatment now - normaly 24-48 hours to recover!

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Push ups + Metcon 110731

Warm up:- spealler, wallballs, 5 situps, 5 b/e, 3 hollow body

Push ups
10 @ Pin 5
5 @ Pin 2 - Slow last rep - do again next session as jump to pin 1 will be too much
1-2 Floor - Got 1st rep took a few breaths and went for a 2nd but failed a few inch up. Rested a little approx 20 secs and tried again but failed a few inch up.

Warm up:- 2 Squat MU's, 2 decline situps, DL's 10 @ 10kg, 10 @ 15kg, 5 @ 30kg, 200m elliptical - slow to fast.

110731 Muscle Ups, Deadlift, GHD Situps, Sprints - Crossfit Games Event 4

5 Squat muscle ups
25-65 pound Deadlift, 10 reps
15 Decline Bench Sit-ups
Sprint 50 yards - Sub 100m eliptical
5 Squat muscle ups
65 pound / 30 kg Deadlift, 10 reps
15 Abmat Sit-ups
Sprint 100 yards - Sub 200m eliptical
5 Squat Muscle ups
65 pound / 30 kg Deadlift, 10 reps
15 Sit-ups
Sprint 150 yards - Sub 300m eliptical
5 Squat muscle ups
65 pound  / 30 kg Deadlift, 10 reps
15 Sit-ups
Sprint 200 yards - Sub 400m eliptical

Done in 16.58 mins (includes 12-14 secs to and from the ellipitcal in other room)

Wow it felt great to do a propper crossfit wod - thanks again to Frosty from the Brandx Forum

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Bench Press, RIng Rows, Press, Deadlift

Warm up:- Spealler, 10 wall balls, 10 abmat situps, 10 abmat back extentions, red band dislocates, 5 moutain climbers, 5 squat thrusts

Bench Press
10 @ 10kg / 22lb
6 @ 20kg / 44lb
3 @ 27kg / 59lb

Beginger Ring Rows
6 @ Heels under rings
4 @ -2.5" from rings
3 @ -5" from rings
After each set I did a seated MU to get up off the floor finishing with a support hold for a few secs

10 @ 8kg / 17lb
6 @ 14kg / 31lb
5 @ 20kg / 44lb - failed 5th rep - could hardly budge it! I did this 19th Aug 11 but haven't pressed since so I guess not a total suprise but still annoying grrrr Also programing Press after Bench maybe too much too?

Deadlift - changed to 5's due not DL'ing in 3 weeks and so it seems a good choice/time
10 @ 10kg / 22lb
8 @ 25kg / 55lb
6 @ 35kg / 77lb
5 @ 46kg / 101lb

Stretch and foam roller, tried a push up but only got a few inches again.

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

110730 Rope Climbs, Clean & Jerks Crossfit Games Event 3

First metcon in what feels like an age!

Warm up:- spealler, wallballs, red band dislocates, 5 squat thrusts, tried for a push up but failed. 10 abmat situps, 10 abmat b/e, 4 beginner rope climbs (checking position / logitics in small area), C&J 7kg x 5, 12kg x 3, 18kg x 1

110730 Rope Climbs, Clean & Jerks Crossfit Games Event 3
For Time

Beginer Rope Climbs x 5 ascents
15lb / 7kg Clean & jerk x 5 reps
Beginer Rope Climbs x 4 ascents
20lb / 9kg Clean & jerk x 4 reps
Beginer Rope Climbs x 3 ascents
25lb / 11kg Clean & jerk x 3 reps
Beginer Rope Climbs x 2 ascents
30lb / 14kg Clean & jerk x 2 reps
Beginer Rope Climbs x 1 ascents
40lb / 18kg Clean & jerk x 1 reps

Done in 7.28mins

Cash out:- 3 push ups @ pin 3 - arms felt week so enough for today

Stretch and Foam Roller (new one = suprised how soft my old one had got), tried another push up from floor - went about 5 inch and failed.

Monday, 5 September 2011

Push ups, Chins, Back Squat + Elliptical

After another tough week and no wods I manged a few push ups against the back of the settee on a couple of occasions but thats all grrrrr - I really hope for a better week this week, my mums getting better and stronger every day so here's hoping I can get 3 wods in!

Warm up:- spealler, ballballs, red band dislocates, 3 moutain climbers (to see how foot holds up after all this time)

Push ups
10 @ pin 5
5 @ Pin 3
1 @ Floor - yay!! and form good too, nose and chest to floor, plank felt great!

Chin ups with PU rev assist
10 @ top
5 @ 1" down

Back Squat
10 @ 15kg / 33lb
6 @ 25kg / 55lb
3 @ 32kg / 70lb

Elliptical 800 meters level 2
Target (previous PR from June) = < 4.30mins
Done in:- 4.30 mins equalled PR - Pleased with this considering the last month I've had.
400m splits 2.14.4, 2.15.6, then took a relaxed half speed cool down 400m of 3.58.

Stretch and foam roller, try for push up from floor and got it a little shaky and slow but pleased to get it back after failing last week.

I'm a little wacked tonight - not sure elliptical after this strength stuff is quite right for me?

Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Push ups, chins, Front Squat

No wod since last thursday :( looking after my mum is taking up so much time and work has been busy too! Life sometimes is just like that isn't it!

Warm up:- spealler, wallball,

Push ups
10 @ pin 5
4 @ pin 3
3 @ PU bars on 8" box - last rep was slow again. Next jump is 4" so may change to 5's

Chin ups with PU rev assist - change to 5's as 3's have stalled. Went for 5 @ 60% but feared it would be too much.
6 @ top
2 @ 2.5" down
1 @ 4.5"
5 @ 6.3" - got 3 then rested got 1 and arms just gone, so rested and then got the last 1. I thought it would be tough but grrrr

Front Squat
10 @ 10kg / 22lb
6 @ 15kg / 33lbb
3 @ 22kg / 48lb

Strange headaches again that didn't subside with wrkout like usual. Also lacking time, sleep and good food so called it quits for the day

Stretch and foam roller, try for push up from floor and failed only a few inch up, tried again and failed. Tried lowering from top of push up and back up again but failed again. Considering I managed two last thursday it's very frustrating but good food, more sleep and hopefully physio can sort my neck issue out that he caused last week and all we be ok again.

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Push ups, Chins, Back Squat + Elliptical

The physio took a few more days to get over than I thought after some weird migraine like symptoms grrrr

Warm up:- spealler, wall ballballs, Hollow body practice

Push ups
9 @ pin 5
4 @ pin 3
3 @ PU bars on 8" box

Chin ups with PU rev assist
5 @ 1" down
2 @ 3" down
1 @ 5.5"
3 @ 7.9" - got 2 and failed 3rd rep forehead to bar grrrr - I think its time to switch to 5's

Back Squat
10 @ 15kg / 33lb
6 @ 25kg / 55lb
3 @ 30kg / 66lb

Elliptical 1600 meters level 2
Total time:- 9.39 mins
400m splits 2.21, 2.24, 2.28, 2.26

Stretch and foam roller, try for push up from floor and got it, tried for a second and yes got that too - shaky and slow and lost a little form but got it = progress yay!

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Physio visit 2

Went Physio again yesterday and he gave me loads of treatment for my upper back (thorasic) area and it has really helped - I feel so much freer, like I can actually get my shoulders back to where they feel they should live!

Had a rough day today, I woke up with my right eye lid puffy and had migrain type feelings, nausea and sweating first thing. Then weird pressure around my neck and head on and off throughout the day feeling pretty off colour but got better as the went on. I think it was some anxiety, some IBS and some treatment reaction from yesterday. Needless to say my planned workout today didn't get done but tonight I feel much better so a good nights sleep and all should be ok again.

Looking forward to see what better rack position I can get with my freed off back!

He's advised me to stay away from running for a month or so till my orthontics settle down and hopefully help my knee issue so I will be getting back on my elliptical!

N.B. Note to self started using my self raised stand up desk just over a week ago and it's going well. I also want to start getting on ellipitical for a few mins every hours to keep my self moving around more.

Friday, 19 August 2011

Front Squat, Press, Deadlift + Metcon "Barbie"

Warm up:- Spealler, 10 wall balls, 5 abmat situps, 5 abmat back extentions, red band dislocates

Front Squats
10 @ 8kg / 17lb
6 @ 14kg / 31lb
3 @ 20kg / 44lb

10 @ 7kg / 15lb
6 @ 14kg / 31lb
5 @ 20kg / 44lb

10 @ 15kg / 33lb
6 @ 30kg / 66lb
4 @ 50kg / 110lb
3 @ 64kg / 141lb

"Barbie" scaled to 3 rounds
5 Pull ups - PU rev assist top
10 Push ups - pin 5
15 Situps - abmat with toe above head and to toes
20 Squats

Done in 14.27 less 2 x 3mins rest = 8.27mins
Rnd 1 2.50, Rnd 2 2.42, Rnd 3 2.52

Foam Roller and stretch. Tried for a push up but only got a few inches again, but after todays wod I think my arms were pretty smoked   rolleyes

I'm wondering if I'm trying to do too much again ! Think I might need to rejig my plan.

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Physio visit, Back Squat, Push ups, Ring rows, Fran

Well guys I went to see a physio yesterday about the rubbing noise/feeling in my knee and to see if he could help with my rack position and check my upper back for tightness....and apparantly I have External Tibial Torsion! Which he tell me is structural and I should wear Orthontics for with extra arch support to help with the knee tracking / alignment. This has been the reason for ITB's being so tight and have triggers in them.

Finally an explanation as to why I have never been a runner lol!
Also he checked by back and was pretty amazing how far I can't twist round and said my upper back was "solid"!!! So he has given me a twisting excercise to do and I'll see him again next week for some treatment on it!

Warm up:- Spealler, 10 situps, 10 b/e, 3 hollow body practice, 10 wall balls, 5 kick up attempts

Back Squat
10 @ 10kg / 22lb
6 @ 18kg / 40lb
3 @ 25kg / 55lb

Push ups
8 @ Pin 5
4 @ Pin 3
3 @ Pu Bars on 8" box - last rep was slow but form was pretty good

Beginner ring rows - "infront of center
5 @ 2"
4 @ 4" last rep was tough and form deteriorating
3 @ 6" 5" - tough last rep - redo next time

Metcon - "Fran" scaled
Thrusters 12kg / 26lb
Pull up - PU rev assist

Rediculously slow 10.08 - I didn't want to push too hard as not great eating last 24 hours and lacking sleep but still soooo much sucking wind it was untrue and the pull ups were a slog. Just shows how much conditioning I have lost over the last 2.5 weeks grrr

Strecth, foam roller and push up from floor again yay!

Saturday, 13 August 2011

Front Squat, Shoulder Press, Powerclean, push ups and tabata sprint

Warm up:- Spealler, 5 wallballs, red band dislocates, burgener skills

Front Squats
10 @ 7kg / 15lb
6 @ 10kg / 22lb
3 @ 15kg / 33lb

Shoulder Press
10 @ 7kg / 15lb
6 @ 13kg / 28lb
3 @ 19kg / 41lb

Power clean
10 @ 10kg / 22lb
6 @ 15kg / 33lb
3 @ 21kg / 46lb

Push ups
3 2 pin 5
3 @ pin 4
2 @ pin 2
1 @ pin 1
1 @ push up bars on 8" box
1 @ push up bars on 4" box
1 @ push up bars on floor
1 @ floor - nose to floor but not chest

Tabate Sprints on Ellipitcal lev 2
4 mins of 8 sets of 20 secs on / 10 secs rest
Including warm up and cool down total distance 1 mile

Stretch and foam roller, tried push up from floor again and yes I made it - I needed to get that back for my mental health after 2 weeks of no wods and 2 failed attempts - hoorah bigsmile

Friday, 12 August 2011

Back Squat, Bench Press, Pull down + Metcon Helen

Those deadlifts beat me up a little so took an extra rest day.

Warm up:- spealler, 10 wallballs, red band dislocates

Back Squat
8 x Air
5 @ 10kg / 22lb
4 @ 15kg / 33lb
3 @ 20kg / 44lb
Starting back slow and will check form next session

Bench Press
10 @ 10kg / 22lb
6 @ 18kg / 40 lb
3 @ 26kg / 57lb

Pull downs (close grip underhand on knees)
10 @ 20kg / 44lb
6 @ 30kg / 66lb
3 @ 43kg / 95lb

110723 Helen scaled
Run 200m (+ up and down stairs to get outside)
12 KB / DB swngs @ 7kg (long time since I've done any swings)
6 pull ups - PU rev assist top

Done in 11.10
Splits Run:- 1.49, Swings and PU's (chins 4-2-1)1.34 = Rnd 1 - 3.23
1.58, 1.51 = Rnd 2 - 3.49 (PUs were 4 pull ups and 2 chins)
1.52, 2.03 = Rnd 3 - 3.55 (PU's were 3 ull ups and 3 chins 2-1)

Still getting back into it so didn't push too hard but todays workout felt good. The warm ups sets at 10 & 6 felt muhc better than 5 & 4 like I was doing - thanks again kempie

Stretch and foam roller, tried for a full push up and felt stronger but still only got about 4-5 inches rom the ground grrr

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Front Squat, Press, Deadlift

Well after my mum hurt her back last monday, I've been on full carer duty but she slowly getting better and I managed to get couple of hours to get a workout done. I haven't lifted any iron for 2 weeks and my back ache is coming back from the inactivity/lack of stretching big surprise

So good to move around again but I didn't want to push it after so much inactivity, so aimed to redo last session ie not increase the weight

Warm up:- Spealler, 10 wall balls, 10 abmat situps, 10 abmat back extentions, red band dislocates

8 x Air
6 x 1" from bench
4 x front squat @ 7kg / 15lb
3 x front squat @ 10kg / 22lb

7 @ 7kg / 15lb
6 @ 13kg / 28lb
5 @ 18kg / 40lb - this was the same as last session smile

7 @ 18kg / 40lb
5 @ 35kg / 77lb
4 @ 50kg / 110lb
3 @ 60kg / 132lb - was going to be 66kg / 145lb but I listen to my body and desided not to be stupid and backed off a little.

Foam Roller and stretch. Tried for a push up but only got a few inches again shut eye

I've also made an appointment with a pysio to see if they can help with my knee and my upper back.

Sunday, 7 August 2011

My Mums Back and very long different week

Wow I can't beleive the last week - last monday I woke up to my mum calling me as she was stranded in the bathroom having hurt her back! Since that moment I have been full time carer - it's been tough but she's getting there! She can now walk on her own with just a stick but i still need to help up and down out of chair /sit down and get up.

So my wods were the last thing on my mind this week, lacking sleep and using muscles in a different way - support and lifting my mum as needed. I cant really leve her side for more than 5-10 mins as if she gets in pain I need to get her up.

I managed a few push ups at pin 5 3-3-3 during the day and today I did 5 against the kitchen counter while waiting for the kettle to boil, and 5 against the back of the settee!

I'm hoping we can get her to a physio tomorrow or tuesday and that they can her more.

Friday, 29 July 2011

Ring rows, ring push ups and yoga

Warm up :- spealler, wallballs, 10 abmat situps, 10 abmat b/e

Ring push ups scaled - position 12"
6 @ toes 12" from center
5 @ toes 15" from center
4 @ toes 17" from center
3 @ toes 19" from center

Ring rows scaled - position 12"
6 @ heels 1" in front of center
5 @ heels 2" in front of center
4 @ heels 4" in front of center (4th rep was not great)
3 @ heels 6" in front of center

Then 1 hour of stress and condiioning yoga.

Been trying to watch the games but the live feed stopped working shortly after the womens first event grrrr

Saturday, 23 July 2011

Squat, Bench Press, Chins, Metcon Cindy

Warm up:- Spealler, wall balls, kick ups, 10 abmat sit-ups, abmat 10 b/e tried for a push up again but failed. - not tally surprised as not completely on top form after only about 2 hours sleep night before last!

3 x air
3 x feet 13" from wall
3 x feet 12" from wall
3 x knees to bench

Bench Press - Test 1 RM
5 @ 10kg / 22lb
4 @ 15kg / 33lb
3 @ 20kg / 44lb
2 @ 25kg / 55lb
1 @ 30kg / 66lb
1 @ 32kg / 70lb
1 @ 34kg / 75lb (last time I tried a 1RM bench was 35kg / 77lb Apr 10, last time I benched anything was 3RM 33kg /73lb Sept 10!! Should be able to exceed this in no time following GD's linear progression)

Chin ups with PU rev assist
5 @ top
4 @ 3" down
3 @ 5.5"
3 @ 8" - got 2 and failed 3rd rep forehead to bar grrrr

Metcon - Cindy scaled
AMRAP in 10 mins
3 pull ups - PU rev chins
4 push ups - bar at pin 5
7 Squats
Completed 8 rounds + 3PU + 4PU + 4 squats
Splits :- 0.53, 0.55, 1.00, 1.08, 1.11, 1.11, 1.12, 1.26, 0.58 unfinished round

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Squat, Press, Deadlift and Metcon 110710

Warm up:- spealler, wallballs, kick ups, hollow body practice x 3, 10 supermans and 1 push up from floor with proper hollow body position - Wahoo Major PR  bigsmile  ie my first time ever party

3 x air
6 x knees to bench 6", 4", 2", 1" x 3
3 x front squat @ 7kg

7 @ 7kg / 15lb
6 @ 12kg / 26lb
5 @ 18kg / 40lb

7 @ 18kg / 40lb
5 @ 35kg / 77lb
4 @ 50kg / 110lb
3 @ 66kg / 145lb

Metcon - 110710 400m, Deadlift, Push-ups
Puppies with scaled run
Three rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters scaled further to 200m Run + up and downstairs (My first real outside run in a wod!!!)
20kg / 45 pound Deadlift, 10 reps
10 Push-ups - bar @ pin 5
20kg / 45 pound Deadlift, 5 reps
5 Push-ups - bar @ pin 5

Done in 11.43mins
Dealifts were pretty light but the run was close to my limit for a few more 200's before upping it - and push up endurance is getting better but 10 needs to feel easier (latter half) before going to pin 4
Pleased with progress.

Stretch and foam roller

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Squat, Push ups, Ring Rows + Metcon "Barbie"

Warm up:- spealler, wallballs x 10, 5 abmat sit ups, 5 abamt b/e's

3 x air
3 @ feet 14" from wall
3 @ feet 13" from wall
3 @ 7kg BS
3 @ 10kg BS

Push ups
5 @ pin 5
3 @ pin 3
3 @ PU bars on 8" box
better than last time but still took  two breaths before last rep - think I may start bench press to try to increase strength before trying next 4" drop.

Beginner ring rows - Test 1 RM
5 @ feet under rings
3 @ -3" from center
2 @ -5"
1 @ 7"
1 @ 9"
1 @ 12" my mum was talking to me during my workout (which is very very rare) and said I was bending my knees and wasn't very plank like!
So I tried another with my heels as the pivot instead of my feet flat on the floor so
Heels @ -6" - she said my position was much better and it felt better to me too!
Heels @ -8" and that was my limit for today so will work from this as my 1RM

Metcon Wod
"Barbie" scaled to 3 rounds
5 Pull ups - PU rev assist top
10 Push ups - pin 5
15 Situps - abmat with toe above head and to toes
20 Squats

and like a total muppet I did this without the 3 mins rest - which i remembered during the push ups of the 3rd round - DOH!!
Total time 10.32 mins - splits were 2.53, 3.48, 3.50.

Depending on upcoming wods will do this again next week with the rest and see what difference it makes!
NB The chin ups were really easy for the first few reps of each round - which shows hows much stronger I've got - which is great but my endurance is so crap - 5 reps was tough - must work on that!!

Stretch and foam roller

Saturday, 16 July 2011

Squat, Press, Power Clean + Metcon triplet

Warm up:- spealler, 10 wallballs, 5 kick up attempts (my wrist is beginning to feel better), 5 hollow body practice, 10 supermans

3 x air
3 x air with feet 12 inch from wall and struggled for depth (as per magdaw2020 - I tried 9" but I just can't get down)
3 x air with feet 14" from wall and depth good - so now I now what to work on next lol
3 x front squat @ 7kg
3 x front squat @ 7kg - concentrating hard to keep weight over midfoot - get that chest up and elbows high grrr!

5 @ 7kg
5 @ 7kg
5 @ 10kg
5 @ 14kg
5 @ 17kg / 37lb

Power Clean
Worked on form then went for 1RM
8 @ 7kg
3 @ 15kg
3 @ 20kg
3 @ 20kg again to make sure I kep t it close
2 @ 25kg
1 @ 28kg
1 @ 30kg but not very clean equals PR from Dec 10!
1 @ 32kg / 70lb but poor form ie I caught in hand and not on delts grrr

Metcon triplet
Air squat 12-9-6
10kg / 22lb Press 21-15-9
10kg / 22lb Power Clean 12-9-6
Done in 8.27mins
Press was really tough - muscles ie front delts & tri's really complaining! dont think i'll up the weight of the metcon press next session - if I can do the same quicker - build up the endurance as these were a little sloggy! Power clean was really light but I worked it skill and it helped with the metcon side - long time since I've done many!!

1 negative push up and 1 push up attempt - made it a few inches again - hollow body is much better - I'm going up as one unit just need the strength
stretch and foam roller  - worked on upper back too to trying and help that rack position/elbows

note:- I was very aware of my hamstrongs today during my workout - not quite sure why?

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Squat Therapy, Push Ups, Pull Downs + Metcon triplet

Warm up:- Spealler, 10 wall balls, 5 kick ups, 10 decline situps, 10 Good mroning @ 7kg, 3 hollow body practice

Squat Therapy
3 x air
3 x bar hold
3 x bar hold to box
3 x 7kg back squat to box
3 x 7kg back squat to box

Push ups
5 @ pin 5
3 @ pin 4
3 @ pin 3
3 @ pin 2
3 @ PU Bars on 8" box = PR

U/H Pull downs on knees
5 @ 10kg / 22lb
3 @ 20kg / 44lb
3 @ 25kg / 55lb
3 @ 35kg / 77lb
3 @ 41kg / 90lb

Metcon triplet
11-8-5 Air Squat
11-8-5 Push Ups @ pin 5
21-15-9 U/H Pul downs @ 22kg  - 21 was broken 8,8,5 and 15 was broken 8,7
Done in 6.54 mins
Total forearm and grip killer!!!!

Stretch and foam roller - including negative full push up and I tried a push up from the ground and tried hard to hold the hollow body and Hey presto I got a few inches off the ground as one unit!!!! Wahoo!! Really pleased with that - something that has eluded for as long as I can remember! Now just build the strength to do the push ups and I'll have cracked it!!

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Squat, Press, Deadlift and Metcon triplet

Warm up:- Spealler, red band dislocates, 2 squats, 1 squat at chest high bar

Squat - filmed to check form
3 x Air
3 x air
3 x back @ 7kg / 15lb empty bar
3 x front @ 7kg / 15lb empty bar
3 x OHS @ 7kg / 15lb empty bar
3 x Power clean @ 7kg / 15lb empty bar
3 x clean @ 7kg / 15lb empty bar

5 @ 7kg
5 @ 7kg
5 @ 10kg
5 @ 13kg
5 @ 16kg / 35lb

5 @ 15kg
3 @ 30kg
3 @ 40kg
3 @ 55kg
3 @ 64kg / 141lb

Metcon triplet
Squats 10-7-4
Press @ 9kg / 20lb 21-15-9
Deadlift @ 43kg / 95lb 12-9-6

Done in 8.31 mins.
Deads were tough today but powered through - felt great to do a proper metcon ie one that made me sweat!!

Stretch and foam roller

Sunday, 10 July 2011

Rest day

I have redone my workout schedule to just 3 days a week instead of 4 to try and give more recovery time.

So I was on tue,wed, fri, sat and now I'm gonna try tue, thurs, sat to see if it helps me recover better. Sometimes life got in the way and sometimes I just wasn't recover enough for my next session and I then felt guilty as if I was letting myself down - which in a way is silly but once you get off schedule its hard to get back on - I was doubling up and it never ever works - I have learnt that lesson with wods and its the same with the strength stuff too!!

Also only doing my squat therapy once a week iit's falling behind everything else and as per Rip' 'everyone has to squat' so more concerted effort and time to that so that I can perfect my form and get to weight on that bar!!

So 3 days a week is the goal (on a rotating 2 weekly schedule) - if I feel like a yoga session or doing more on the days then I will but not to the expense of the goal!!

I'm toying with the idea of 2 weeks strength, 1 week brandx scaled main page wods, and repeat???

But maybe I should just stick with my linear strength progression till I obtain my major goals of 1 chin up and then consecutive ones, and consecutive full push ups then maybe starting throwing in some wods???

Saturday, 9 July 2011

Chin ups, Push ups, Squats, Outside Walk/Jog

Warm up:- Spealler, 10 wallballs, kick up attempts, 2 hollow body practice
Test 1 RM Chin ups
3 @ 1” from top
2 @ 4”
1 @ 9” = last pr
1 @10” = New PR
1 @ 11” failed at eyes to bar
1 @ 10.5” = NEW PR Wahoo!!!  party

Push ups
5 @ Pin 5
3 @ Pin 4
3 @ Pin 3
3 @ Pin 1
3 @ PU Bars on 4” box x 1 and Failed 2nd rep about 1/2 up so rested about 20 secs and got another 1, rested again and got another 1
grr realised after that I got this wrong - it should have been PU Bars on 8” box rolleyes
Also triceps were tender from yesterdays yoga!

Squats - check form
3 @ air
3 @ bar hold pin 13
3 FS @ 7kg
3 @ 7kg low bar
3 @ 7kg high bar

The weather was nice so did 10 mins outside walk 1 min, jog 1 min, walk 1 min, jogged 2 min, walk 1 min, jog 1 min, walk 2min - pleased with progress.
Stretch and foam roller.

Friday, 8 July 2011


Didn't feel 100% to lift iron or me today so decided to do an hours "stress relief" yoga instead.

It felt great and I will try and do it more often as the flexibilty side I think I will really benefit from.

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Deadlift, Abs, Walk/Jog

Warm up:- spealler less leg swings, 4 knee highs, DL’s 3 @ 7kg


5 @ 15kg / 33lb
3 @ 30kg / 66lb
3 @ 40kg / 88lb
3 @ 55kg / 110lb did 1 rep and felt a twinge in my lower back - so decided to listen to my body and quit DL’s for the day.


Decline sit ups x 6-6-6


Decided to get outside for a change and did 12 mins walking, jogging walking, jogging - jogging section were 30 secs increasing to 1 mins.
GPS (Nike+) started about 1 min in and it counted a total of 0.99km in 11min 03secs
Fastest pasce 7' 07", slowest 14' 22" ave 11' 06"/km

Stretch and foam roller

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Squat Therapy, Push ups and Pull Downs

Warm up:- spealler, 10 wallballs, 2 kick ups

Squat Therapy
5 x air
3 x bar hold @ pin 12
3 x bar hold @ pin 13
3 x bar hold @ pin 13 a little closer
3 x bar hold @ pin 13  closer still

DB Rows
5 @ 2kg
5 @ 7kg
5 @ 10kg

These felt quite odd!

Push ups - I got my 3's close to my recent 1RM (PU Bars on 4" box 6 June 11 when started Strength work) and surpassed my 3RM from Feb 11 (Pre wrist injury) so decided to test my 1RM again
3 @ Pin 4
2 @ Pin 2
1 @ Pin 1
1 @ PU bars on floor = PR
1 @ Full on Floor = PR Wahoo!!!!  party
  huggs  Huge Thanks to GD for strength program and Carl Poali for wrist positioning huggs  I got my full push up back after hurting my wrist Feb 11!!
I rested a few secs and did another one to make sure it wasn’t a fluke lol!! My core/plank wasn’t 100% but I cam work on that tongue wink

U/H Pull downs using high pully on knees
5 @ 10kg / 22lb
3 @ 20kg / 44lb
3 @ 25kg / 55lb
3 @ 34kg / 75lb
3 @ 39kg / 86lb

Metcon couplet
10-7-4 Push ups @ pin 5
21-15-9 U/H pulldown @ 20kg / 44lb

Done in 4.37 mins

Sunday, 3 July 2011


Mowed to lawn today and di some weeding - took me best bart of two house.

Later hoovered and mopped the kitchen floor on hands and knees - and boy my triceps were not happy after press yesterday, mowing this morning and now on hands and knees - crazy day - thank god for rest day tomorrow!!

Saturday, 2 July 2011

Shoulder Press & Chin ups

Warm up:- Spealler, red back dislocates


Shoulder Press
5 @ 7kg / 15lb
3 @ 10kg / 22lb
3 @ 15kg / 33lb
3 @ 19kg / 41lb
3 @ 23kg / 50lbs (Both arms were slow, but the left was really slow and shaky on rep 2 and 3!) Think I need to move to 5's?

Chins - P U Rev assisted - increasing with less assistance
3 @ 1"
3 @ 2"
3 @ 4"
3 @ 6"
3 @ 8" Last rep only just made it


Couplet from above
21-15-9 Press @ 8kg / 17lb
5-3-1 Chin ups @ top

Done in 4.12mins
Press were tough very close to complete muscle failure on last few reps of each set, chins were pretty good up numbers next time

c/o stretch, flexibility and foam roller

Thursday, 30 June 2011

Deadlift, Abs

Warm up:- spealler, 10 wallballs, 10 knee highs, DL's 3 @ 7kg


3 @ 15kg / 33lb
5 @ 30kg / 66lb
3 @ 40kg / 88lb
3 @ 50kg / 110lb
3 @ 62kg / 137lb

Max reps @ 43 kg / 95lb = 12 reps


Hanging KTE attempts 3-3(2-1)-3
I'm getting closer  grin

Stretch and foam roller

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Push ups and pull downs

Warm up:- Spealler less leg swings

Push Ups

3 @ Pin 5
3 @ Pin 5
3 @ Pin 4
3 @ Pin 2
3 @ PU Bars on 4" box x 1 and Failed 2nd rep about 3/4 up so rested about 30 secs and got another 1, rested again and got another 1

9-6-3 at Pin 5

U/H Pull downs using high pully on knees

3 @ 10kg / 22lb
3 @ 15kg / 33lb
3 @ 25kg / 55lb
3 @ 30kg / 66lb
3 @ 37kg / 81lb

Max @ 10kg = 50 reps - could have done more but decided 50 was enough lol

Stretch out

Saturday, 25 June 2011

Squat Therapy, Elliptical

Warm up:- spealler,

Squat Therapy
3 x air
3 x bar hold @ pin 11
3 x bar hold @ pin 12
3 x bar hold @ pin 13
3 x bar hold @ pin 13 a little closer
Felt it in my lower mid back muscles again - really works them! And my form is definetely getting better - thank Coach Glassman

Elliptical to rest wrist as still a little achey
2400 meters level 2 - in 14.02 mins - PR by 43 secs  bigsmile
Splits every 400m 2.15, 2.17, 2.19, 2.24, 2.20, 2.25

Stretch and foam roller

Squat Therapy, Shoulder Press, Chin ups

Warm up:- Spealler warm up, 10 wallballs,

Squat Therapy Bar holds
3 x at bar at pin 10
3 x  at bar at pin 11
3 x  at bar at pin 12

Shoulder Press
3 @ 7kg
3 @ 10kg
3 @ 14kg
3 @ 18kg got plates wrong so it was actually 16kg
3 @ 22kg / 48lbs (Left arm was a slower than right again??)

12-9-6 @ 8kg / 18lb

Chin ups - P U Rev assisted - increasing with less assistance
3 @ 1"
3 @ 2"
3 @ 4"
3 @ 5.5"
3 @ 7.5" only just! (PR - pleased with progress considering I failed 3rd rep of 6" only 18 days ago  bigsmile )

Max Beginner Ring Rows @ feet under rings = 10 reps

c/o Negative full push up (more controlled than ever before), stretch, flexibility and foam roller

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Deadlift, Abs and Fran

Warm up:- spealler, 5 wallballs, 10 abmat unachored situps, 10 abmat b/e’s,  Bar hold Squats 3 @ pin 8, 2 @ pin 9, 3 @ pin 10, DL's 3 @ 7kg


5 @ 15kg / 33lb
3 @ 25kg / 55lb
3 @ 40kg / 88lb
3 @ 50kg / 110lb
3 @ 60kg / 132lb

Abs Decline Sit ups 5-5-5

30 secs hang

Pre metcon warm up:- red band dislocates, thrusters 3 @ 7kg, 3 @ 14kg and realised no way I was gonna get 21 of them so went to 12kg instead. Pull ups 2 chin, 2 pulls all blue band

Metcon - Fran
Thrusters @ 12kg / 26lb
Pull ups - blue band - mostly with wide feet (alternated grip every 3 reps)

Done in 9.17 mins

My wrist was complaining a little after the first 15 reps but I carried on. I haven't done Fran since Jan 11 with 16kg / 35lb thrusters in 11.14 so not too bad considering?
And actually forgot aout my wrist till it started aching - probably should have quit but well I didn't - I've started so I'll finish and all that lol.

c/o Negative full push up (felt more controlled than previously), stretch, flexibility and foam roller 

Monday, 20 June 2011

Push ups and pull downs

Warm up:- Arm swings and a few twists, over n unders

Push Ups
Pin 5 - Pin 5 - Pin 4 - Pin 3 - Pin 1
Only just but I made it

Max reps at Pin 5 = 10 reps

U/H Pull downs using high pully on knees

5 @ 5kg, 2 @ 10kg, 3 @ 25kg, 3 @ 35kg, 3 @ 40kg / 88lb
want to find max as its ages since I've done any so tried 3 @ 45kg / 99lb but failed
so 2 @ 42kg, 2 @ 43kg and finally 1 @ 44kg / 97lb is my 1RM for the day

I'm going to apply GD's strength progressions to these pull downs to try and alternate them with chin ups to get that elusive unassisted chin up.

Saturday, 18 June 2011

Squat Therapy, Shoulder Press, Chin ups

Warm up:- Spealler warm up, 10 wallballs, 8 band dislocates

Squat Therapy
3 x air
3 x with bar - air squat keeping hands above bar
3 x 7kg
3 x 10kg
3 x 15kg

15 x Air

Shoulder Press
3 @ 7kg
3 @ 9kg
3 @ 13kg
3 @ 17kg
3 @ 21kg / 46lbs (Left arm was a slower than right, quite noticably??)

Max reps @ 7kg = 21

Chins - P U Rev assisted - increasing with less assistance
3 @ top
3 @ 2"
3 @ 4"
3 @ 6"
3 @ 8" 1 then failed, waited a few secs and tried again but failed at forehead to bar. Rested about 30 secs and tried again got 1

Max @ top = 5 reps

c/o stretch, flexibility and foam roller

Friday, 17 June 2011

Rest day needed

I feel ok today but not full of beans ready for another workout so gonna take rest today. Didn't sleep well last night either again - had a few restless nights.

Not sure if the short metcons on top of the strength work is too much for me to recover from when lifting the next day - may be I should only metcon the day before planned rest day?? Or should I lift only 3 days a week and do a longer metcon on a day on its own??? Hmm decisions decsion - I guess I need to try both ways and see how I feel?

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Deadlifts & KTE

Warm up:- spealler, 10 wallballs,  5 kick up attempts, 10 abmat unachored situps, 10 abmat b/e’s


3 @ 14kg / 31lb
3 @ 26kg / 57lb
3 @ 38kg / 84lb
3 @ 49kg / 108lb
3 @ 58kg / 128lb


3 x KTE elbows attemps
3 x KTE elbows attemps
3 x KTE elbows attemps - my best yet - nearly 3/4 of the way

Short Metcon - I did 110320 again to compare
Rope Climbs and Front Squats

For time:
8kg / 17lb pound Front squat, 10 reps
Beginner Rope Climb floor to standing, 3 ascents
8kg / 17lb pound Front squat, 8 reps
Beginner Rope Climb floor to standing, 3 ascents
8kg / 17lb pound Front squat, 6 reps
Beginner Rope Climb floor to standing, 3 ascents
8kg / 17lb pound Front squat, 4 reps
Beginner Rope Climb floor to standing, 3 ascents
8kg / 17lb pound Front squat, 2 reps
Beginner Rope Climb floor to standing, 3 ascents

Done in 4.45 - PR by 14 secs
Splits 1.12, 1.04, 0.58, 0.48, 0.41

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Squat Therapy, Push ups and Chin ups

Warm up:- spealler, 10 wall balls,

Squat Therapy
3 x air
3 x with bar - air squat keeping hands above bar
3 x wall
3 x bar
3 x bar
Felt it in my lower mid back muscles again - really work them!

Push ups
3 @ bar at pin 5
3 @ pin 5
3 @ pin 4
3 @ pin 3
3 @ pin 2

Chin ups with pull up rev
3 @ top
3 @ 2” down
3 @ 3”
3 @ 5”
3 @ 7” New PR  bigsmile 

Rested a few mins and did a short metcon - repeated 110113 GHD situps/push jerks only with a little harder scaling than before

GHD situps / Push Jerks
Five rounds of:
10 Sit-ups - 1st & 2nd round was delcline bench the rest were Abmat unachored - hands touch above head and to feet
5 Push jerk - 17kg / 37lb

Done in 5.48 mins - fairly please with this considering push ups prior to it, wrist injury and general lack of metcons lately!
Splits:- 1.14, 1.15, 1.03, 1.07, 1.07

compared to
110113 GHD situps / Push Jerks
Five rounds of:
10 Sit-ups - 1st round was delcline bench the rest were Abmat unachored
5 Push jerk - 16kg / 35lb (1st round and 3 of the 2nd were push press = DOH! then the rest were push jerks)
Done in 5.31 mins
Splits:- 1.15, 1.04, 1.02, 1.03, 1.04

Saturday, 11 June 2011

Shoulder Press & Chin ups, Short metcon

Warm up:- Spealler warm up, 10 wallballs, 8 band dislocates

Shoulder Press
3 @ 7kg
3 @ 9kg
3 @ 13kg
3 @ 17kg
3 @ 20kg / 44lbs

Chins - P U Rev assisted - increasing with less assistance
3 @ 2"
3 @ 4"
3 @ 5"
3 @ 6"
3 @ 7" 1 then failed
so tried 3 @ 6.5" but got one then failed next rep so I think this was too much too soon

Short metcon - 1 round of Kelly (scaled) for time
400m Elliptical lev 2
15 box jumps 8"
15 wall balls 5kg to ceiling

Done in 4.02
Splits 2.07, 0.57, 0.57

Cashout:- stretch, flexibilty work and foam roller

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Deadlift test 1RM, HKR and short metcon

Warm up:- spealler, 10 wallballs, 3 DL's @ 7kg

Deadlift Test 1RM

3 @ 32kg / 70lb
3 @ 47kg / 104lb
2 @ 57kg / 125lb
2 @ 64kg / 141lb
1 @ 74kg / 163lb
1 @ 77kg / 170lb NEW PR = 115%BW bigsmile

3 x Hanging Knee Raises
3 x HKR
3 x HKR

Short Metcon <10mins
8" box jumps
Power snatch @ 7kg (still wary of wrist)
Pull ups (blue band assist feet 0-18" apart, changed grip every 2 reps)

I did the 21 & 15 in 9.44 mins ( pull ups were really slow & sloggy) and stopped there.

Felt great to get a metcon done.
Wrist was clicking in the latter reps of the 15 power snatches but no pain.
Pull ups really slowed me down - it seems ages since I done more than 5 reps in one go! But I'm concentrating on strength at the moment, so loosing a little endurance is no great shakes.

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

1RM push up test and chin ups

Warm up:- spealler, 5 wall balls, 3 air squats

Squat Therapy with bar - air squat keeping hands above bar 4 x 3 reps
Felt it in my lower mid back muscles for sure!

Testing 1 RM push ups
3 @ bar at pin 4
2 @ pin 3
2 @ pin 2
1 @ pin 1 (approx 17" high)
1 @ push up bars on 4" box (approx 8" high)
1 @ push up bars on floor - failed
1 @ hands on 8" box

Chin ups with pull up rev
3 @ 2" from top
3 @ 4"
3 @ 5"
3 @ 6" only 2 failed 3rd rep - arms just gave out
3 @ 6" again and got them this time

Sunday, 5 June 2011

grrrr IBS

My IBS kicked in again last night and this morning so no wod today grrrr

Friday, 3 June 2011

Shoulder Press & Chin ups 1RM test

I tested my 1RM today so I can start my strength bias stuff as per GD’s advice to me for a simple strength program.

w/u spealler less leg swings, shoulder press 3 x 7kg
Shoulder Press (DL'd and Hang power cleaned the barbell each time)
3 @ 9kg
3 @ 14kg
2 @ 19kg
1 @ 23kg / 51lb
1 @ 25kg / 55lb
1 @ 26kg / 57lb this equalled my PR from 1 Jan 11 but definitely went up slightly easier - some shaking in the arms but not as slow as the last time wink but I was pretty sure I couldn’t manage 27kg / 59lb today so this is my 1RM for now.

Chin up using Pull Up Revolution
3 @ Top - highest point that I can comfortably get my leg in - giving the most assistance possible
2 @ 1” down
1 @ 2” down - this felt pretty easy compared to last time, last time I tried here it was rediculously hard   big surprise 
1 @ 4” down
1 @ 6” down - still felt good and I expected to be done by now so decided to keep going see how far I got
1 @ 8” down
I suprised myself and thought should I try for an unassisted one - just to see - so I did and failed lol
1 @ 10” down -failed. It was pretty soon ie right after my failed attempt so waited 2 mins and tried again.
1 @ 10” down - failed again got about forhead to bar
1 @ 9” down - just made it - slight pause about nose to bar but dug deep and got my chin over the bar phew

Really surpised with my 1RM Chin PR   bigsmile  - I’m hoping with these measurements I can apply the same measured progress to my chins as I can to weights on a barbell.

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Deadlift, Situps and Elliptical

w/u spealler, 10 abmat situps, 10 abmat b/e
DL's 5 @ 7kg, 5 @ 17kg, 5 @ 27kg / 60lb


5 @ 40kg / 88lb
5 @ 46kg / 101lb
5+ @ 52kg / 115lb managed 7 reps


Decline Sit ups x 5-5-10

Elliptical 800m lev 2 - done in 4.30 mins PR by 18 secs wahoo!!
Speed 10.5-11

c/o none just foam roller and stretch

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Sqauts, push ups and pull ups

Warm up:- Spealler warm up, 10 wall balls @ 5kg, red band dislocates

Squat Therapy squats (should have been yesterday with a metcon but hip felt twingy and was busy with websites all day)

5 @ Butt to wall
5 @ Butt to wall
5+ @ Butt to walll - managed 10 reps 

w/u push ups at pin 5 x 3, blue band assist pull ups x 4

Push ups pin 5
The 15 was tough a few breaths taken and shook 1 hand out then the other a couple of times but never actaully left the bar completely.

Pull ups blue band assist
5 @ feet 12" apart
5 @ feet 9" apart
5+ @ feet 6" apart - managed 7 reps

Cash out:- 5 v ups, 5 hollow body practices, stretch and foam roller

Sunday, 29 May 2011

Start of getting stronger

ok life seems to be normalising at last!

I've been spending some my downtime working on a strength building plan to try get myself stronger and finally achieve my goals of an unassisted chin up and get my push ups again without wrist pain.

So using Wendlers 5/3/1 with 7 weeks to 100 push ups along with some short bransdx scaled metcons when I feel I need them or can do them I started today with...

Warm up:- Spealler warm up, 5 wall balls, 5 wrist leans, 9 red band dislocates, Shoulder press x 5 @7kg, 5 @10kg, 3 blue band assisted chin with feet 12" apart.

Shoulder Press (hang cleaned the weight each set)
5 @ 14kg
5 @ 16kg
5+ @ 18kg - did 5 and put it down then remember it should be max reps on last round so picked it up and managed another 3 reps

Chin up with blue band assist @ pin 5
5 @ feet together
5 @ right leg only
5+ @ left leg only - got 6 reps just

c/o 90 single unders 3 x 30 reps. Long time since I done any and wondered how foot and wrist would feel. 5 Laying leg raises. Stretch and foam roller.

Thursday, 26 May 2011

110501 Ring rws, bench press, back squat

Warm up:- Spealler warm up, 5 ring rows, 3 push ups at bar 5, back squat x 5@ 7kg, 5 x 17kg, 3 x 25kg

SUNDAY 110501
Three rounds for time of:
15 Ring rows - feet under rings (15, 6-4-5, 5-5-5)
15-25 pound Bench press, 15 reps - subbed push ups at bar 5 (15, 8-6, 8-4-2)
55 pound / 25kg Back squat, 15 reps (15, 10-5, 7-8)

Done in 18.20mins
Splits:- 1.08, 1.12, 1.49, 2.04, 1.47, 2.53, 2.40, 1.51, 2.50

Higher rep ranges were tough today but felt great to do something

Cash out:- foam roller and stretch

Saturday, 21 May 2011

110430 “Jackie”

I finally managed to wod today hooray!!

Warm up:- Spealler warm up, 5 air squats, 5 wall balls @ 5kg, 45 secs ellipitical, 3 blue band assisted chins, 3 blue band assisted chins, push ups at bar pin 5 x 6-10-7-6-12 shoulder width grip elbows in with roughly 60 secs rest, 5 thrusters @ 5kg, 5 @ 12kg

Row 1000 meters - subbed 1000m Elliptical lev 2
15-20 pound Thruster, 20 reps - 26lb / 12kg
20 Pull-ups (Assisted or Beginner) - Blue band mixed grips

Done in 11.57 mins
Elliptical 5.43, Thrusters broken 8-3-9 in 3.09 couldn't get enough oxygen, Pulls alt 3 chins, 3 pulls - broken 12-8 in 3.04

Tough but enjoyable - felt great to wod!

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Soil moving and push ups

Crazy day yesterday  and was a little concerned with my weight loss of 6 lb in two weeks thru the emotional stress casuing me to not eat very much so measured myself and weighed again this morning and I haven't lost anymore so thats great. 10st 5lb / 67kg / 148lb now so if the fat wants to continue melting off thats fine but I want to eat properly and get my workouts done again properly and get this bog finished.

I ate better today so decided to get some more digging done and moved 5/6 more barrow loads of soil for this bog!

Did push ups at pin 5 5-8-5-5-10 and 5 rites afterwards. I did the rites in the wrong order and I think its that that's causing my light headed grrrr so maybe it's not for me. Will just incoporate the movements into warm up or cool down I think or just try and get more yoga done - that'll help I think

Sunday, 15 May 2011

110429 “Moore”

Warm up:- spealler warm up, 5 air squats, 5 wall balls @ 5kg, 3 pu rev assisted chins, 2 beg rope climbs, 100m ellipitical, 5 push at bar pin 5

FRIDAY 110429
Complete as many rounds in 15 minutes as you can of:
3 Beginner rope climb
Run 400 meters - subbed elliptical lev 2
Max rep push ups - at bar pin 5

3 Rounds (PUs12-9-8) + 3 beg rope climbs + 400m = 3 & 3/4 rounds

Felt pukie coming to get me and the end

cash out:- just stretch and foam roller

Saturday, 14 May 2011

Weight loss

Got on wii to check my weight again this morning and now 10st 7lb / 67kg - I've lost 3 lbs in 14 days through not eating enough with all the emotional turmoil = not the best way to loose weight but I'm hoping its been fat and not muscle!

Eating better today, feel more positive so hopefully on th emend and back to normal

Thursday, 12 May 2011

Rough week and weight loss

Been really rough this last week, emotions causing my IBS to creat havoc so not been eating much at all resulting in me loosing 3 lb!

Felt stronger this morning so did some push ups
Wall push ups x 7 - 10
Kitchen Counter x 7-7-12

Felt ok later so this afternoon went out and moved 5 more barrow loads of soil for over an hour
streched afterwards and did 5 rites

But this evening got some more emotional crap to sort so not feeling so good again :roll:

Sunday, 8 May 2011

CF Games open 11.6

Apart from coping with being emotionally crushed by my other half I managed to get wod done...

Warm up:- spealler warm up, 5 wall balls and 5 weight on wrists, 5 thrusters @ 7kg, 3 @ 12kg, 3 blue band chin ups, 3 blue band pull up
CrossFit Games Open 11.6

Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes of the following rep scheme:
26 pound / 12kg Thruster, 3 reps
3 Pull-ups - blue band assisted
26 pound / 12kg Thruster, 6 reps
6 Pull-ups - blue band assisted
26 pound / 12kg Thruster, 9 reps
9 Pull-ups - blue band assisted
26 pound / 12kg Thruster, 12 reps
10 of the required 12 Pull-ups - blue band assisted

I alternated every 3 reps for chins and pulls for pull ups.

c/o wall push ups 6-10-7-6-12 with 5 tibeten rites ( 6 reps of each), stretch and foam roller

Thursday, 5 May 2011

crazy day

Crazy day - up early, had to go out for some appointments, no time to eat properly and yep no wod again grrrr

Please can life get back to normal so I can eat properly and wod again

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Tibeten Rites and Wall push ups

AM:- Did 5 Tibeten rites ( 5 reps each as just started doing them) with some wall push ups 5-8-5-5-10 reps ( I've gone back to basics to try and strengthen my wrist for push ups)

PM:- planned a wod but we went out during the day and my eating went out the window and that meant no wod! grrrrrr

Monday, 2 May 2011

Active rest day

AM:- Spealler warm up, 1.5 hours lawn lowing and edging and short stretch

PM:- Spealler warm up, 0.5 hour moving 5 more barrow loads of soil and short stretch

Sunday, 1 May 2011

TUESDAY 110426

Warm up:- spealler warm up
DL’s 5 @ 7kg, 5 @ 27kg, 3 @ 37kg, 3 @ 47kg

TUESDAY 110426
Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

57-62-67-70-73-75- 76kg / 167lbs PR by 4kg / 8lbs   party

Really pleased with my 4kg PR today thats 110% BW smile

c.o stretching and foam roller

Saturday, 30 April 2011

110425 “Tabata Something Else”

Warm up:- spealler warm up, 5 air squats, 5 green assist chin ups, 5 push ups against thigh (pin 5) high bar, 5 abmat situps, 10 abmat back ext's

110425 “Tabata Something Else”

Complete 16 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest where the first 4 intervals are pull-ups, the second 4 are push-ups, the third 4 intervals are sit-ups, and finally, the last 4 intervals are squats. There is no rest between exercises.

Post total reps from all 16 intervals to comments.
Compare to 100402.

PU 10-8-6-6 - assisted with green band (chins-chins-chins&pulls-chins&pulls)
PU 8-6-5-4 - against thigh high bar - pin 5 - shoulder width elbows in
SU 7-8-7-7 - abmat with arms - touch above head and toes, unanchored
Sq 8-8-10-9
Total reps 117 Tabata score (lowest from each round) = 25

Compared to last time - only 3 rounds...
PU 9-9-8 - assisted with green band
PU 8-8-8 - against thigh high bar
SU 7-7-7 - abmat with arms across chest, unanchored
lost a bit of time as downloaded rocky tabata music and after 4 mins it went strange and wasn't sure where I was ie 10 or 20 secs so restarted the track and carried on
Sq 10-10-11

Total 102 Tabata Score 33

Cash out:- foam roller and stretching - including itb band stuff because knees clicking again grrrr

Friday, 29 April 2011

Yoga after the Wedding

Congratulations to Prince William and Catherine or should I say Duke and Duchess of Cambridge!

Watched the wedding - it was brilliant!! They looked great and seem really happy together!!

I'm still a bit achey from Fight Gone Bad 2 days ago so just an hours yoga for me today!

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

110409 Fight Gone Bad

Warm up:- Spealler warm up inc 5 wall balls @ 5kg and starting to put some weight on my hands on the floor again, band dislocates, 10 abmat situps, 10 abmat b/e, 5 squat therapy sqaut against chest high bar (feels like its getting better), 5 SDHP @ 7kg, 3 @ 14kg, 5 box jump @ 4", 5 @ 8", 5 press @ 7kg, push press @ 7kg, 2 @ 14kg, 5 DB swings @ 5kg, 3 @ 8kg

110426 Fight Gone Bad

Three rounds of:
Wall-ball, 5kg/11 pound ball, 8 ft target. (Reps)
Sumo deadlift high-pull 14kg /30 pounds (Reps)
Box Jump 8” box (Reps) for 1 round and 5 reps of rnd 2, then changed to step ups
Push-press 14kg /30 pounds (Reps)
Row (Calories) - subbed DB kettlebell swing @ 8kg / 18lb

Rnd 1 = 20,19,14,10,17 Total = 80
Rnd 2 = 17,17,5&9,8,15 Total = 71
Rnd 3 = 15,15,16,10,15 Total = 71
Total = 222

OMG this was tough especially 7 days since my last wod but it was mainly because I just couldn't suck enough wind rolleyes But compared my last fight gone bad I'm pretty pleased with the performance overall.

Compared to last time SUNDAY 100117
“Fight Gone Bad!” - My first time
Three rounds of:
Wall-ball, 14 pound ball, 8 ft target. (Reps) - subbed Thrusters with 12kg / 26lb
Sumo deadlift high-pull 25-45 pounds (Reps) - used 12kg / 26lb (first time at this weight)
Box Jump 14” box (Reps) - subbed 12" step (first time at this height)
Push-press 25-45 pounds (Reps) - used 12kg / 26lb
Row (Calories) - subbed DB kettlebell swing @ 8kg / 18lb (first time at this weight)

Rnd 1 = 12,16,13,12,16 Total = 69
Rnd 2 = 11,13,10,10,13 Total = 57
Rnd 3 = 11,13,10,9,13 Total = 56
Total = 182

c/o just foam roller, stretch and mobility work

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

a few mins

Busy day only mnaged a few mins literally!

Did push ups on bar at pin 3 x 5,5
Pull up rev chins x 5, pulls x 3, chins x 4,1

Sunday, 24 April 2011


Today was a little cooler and I did another 1 hrs of digging and moving 7 barrrow loads of soil!

Treating them a bit like wods with a spealler warm up and a good stretch afterwards.

It's pretty heavy work - not the intensity of Crossfit but to try and wod on top I think would be way too much for me so I think I will wod one day then dig the next, then wod etc till I get this pond / bog dug out and built

Friday, 22 April 2011


My mum wants a pond / bog area built in the garden so today I did 1.5 hrs worth of digging and moving 3 barrrow loads of soil today in the very hot sun pheww and it was very draining so no WOD

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Active rest day = 2 hours of pretty intesive house cleaning for me - oh the joy!

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

110216 "Eva" (Out of sync to rest wrist)

Been out most of the day and lots of crappy eating - went shopping hungry and bought snack foods from the deli = bad idea. Not only did I feel heavy and slow I didn't leave it long enough before wodding because I short on time grrrrrr

Warm up:- Spealler warm up, 5 pull ups (3 chin, 2 pull), 100m elliptical, 5db swings at 2kg, 5 @ 5kg, 3 @ 8kg

110216 "Eva" (Out of sync to rest wrist)

Three rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters - I did elliptical level 4 600 meters
15-24# Kettlebell swing, 15 reps - I did 8kg / 18lb DB swings
15 Beginner or assisted Pull-ups - I did blue band assisted pull ups (mix of chins and pulls) with feet wide apart towrds later reps to help.

Done in 19.47 mins - slower than last time 18.46minsred face
Splits:- 3.48 lv 4, 1.00*, 1.31, 3.44* lev then 2, 1.06*, 1.52, 3.44* level 2, 1.07*, 1.52
*= 12-14 sec walk to change room included
I started with elliptical at lev 4 to compare to last time 100514 but I haven't done any levl 4 since Dec 10 and OMG it felt like running up hill in the mud - it was tough and it really took it out of my legs and so when I started the 2nd round at lev 4 after 100m I didn't think I would finish the wod so dropped to lev 2 - so stupid. And with my crappy eating it was such a slog fest but I finished it!
It was even hard to find the energy to stretch and shower!!!

Note to self:- After eating clean for months and then you eat crap for most of 2 days - your body really lets you know its not the fuel it needs or wants so eat clean all the time!!

Monday, 18 April 2011

rest day

Rest day for me as my wrist is a little achey - and didn't want to push it with JT and all its pushing movements - thought a day off would do me good.

My wod schedule has been much better even though work has been busy. A slightly dissapointing crappy eating day today but should get back to it tomorrow - assuming work doesn't get in the way.

Sunday, 17 April 2011

110406 CrossFit Games Open 11.3

Warm up:- Spealler warm up, dislocates, OHS with butt to wall therapy, 5 push up against bar pin 3, 5 blue band assisted ring dips, 10 PU Rev assist chin ups (6,4 with 10 sec hold at the top of last rep). GWOD scaled to progressions.. 1 mins in straddle sit, 1 min assist middle split, 1 mins supported left split, 1 min supported right split, hands in bridge up bottom position, some height on hands strecthing wrist.
Squat clean & jerk 2 x 7kg, 2 x 17kg

CrossFit Games Open 11.3 scaled

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes of:
37 pound / 17kg Squat clean
37 pound / 17kg Jerk

Completed 16 rounds

Good wod - I actually enjoyed it - I probably could have pushed a little quicker but very weary of wrist and still working on squat form so overall pleased.

c/o foam roller, stretch and flexibilty work.

My recovery has been good with this new Pharma HT and the fat is slowy melting away, so think I've got my food sorted so not bothering with food diary anymore.

Saturday, 16 April 2011

110405 “Michael”

Warm up:- Spealler warm up, dislocates with OHS, 5 abmat situps, 5 Abmat b/e, 5 push up against bar pin 4 x 5, bar 2 x 3, Bar 1 x 3 (2 failed 3rd, 1),  10 PU Rev assist pull ups (3,3,2,2), 5 sqaut therapy squats with hand over chest high bar, GWOD 5 mins practice rope pull ups and KTE on rope.

TUESDAY 110405
Three rounds for time of:
Run 600 meters - sub elliptical lev 2
15 Back Extensions - abmat
25 Sit-ups - abmat with touch above head and to toes

Done in 16.13 mins all unbroken   bigsmile 
Splits:- Elliptical:- 3.22 new PR, 3.20 PR again by 14 secs from March, 3.31. b/e & s/u 1.51, 2.05, 2.01.

Really pleased with my intesity throughout this wod - apart from 2 breaths before 2nd and 3rd round of situps I didn’t stop and it was more work that my last ‘Michael’....
100920 “Michael”
Three rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters - subbed 0.4 m on ellitical at level 4 - but used arms doing a lot of the work to help my foot - its getting there slowly
10 Back Extensions - abmat
20 Sit-ups - Abmat arms by my side on floor most of the time
Done in 12.28 mins

C/o just stretch, foam roller and flexibilty work.

Thursday, 14 April 2011

110403 Diane

Warm up:- Spealler warm up less WB & Kick ups, 10 abmat situps, 10 Abmat b/e, 10 hanging KTE attempts (which are getting better), 10 good morning @7kg, 10 band dislocates, 5 thrusters @ 7kg, 10 PU Rev assist chin ups (5,3,2)
DL's 10 x 7kg, 5 x 17kg, 5 x 27kg, 5 DB press's @ 2kg, 3 @ 7kg

SUNDAY 110403
66# pound / 30kg Deadlift
Bridged Handstand push-ups on knees - subbed heavy DB press's 2 x 7kg / 15lb

Done in 7.28 mins
Splits:- DL's:- 0.49, 0.47, 0.30, DB Presses:- 1.34, 2.01, 1.43

I went light on the DL's because by back been twingy the last couple of days since I did some work down the unit - filling bottles for time!!
And I thought DB press would be better for my wrist which is getting stronger everyday thank goodness! But these were tough - OMG I guess I have lost more strength in my left arm than I thought! Needless to say the presses were broken into 4's and 5' and then 3' and 2's lol
I wrist kept cracking which wasn't great but no pain so soldered on to get it done!

C/o just stretch and foam roller - I was done and still sweating 10 mins later lol always sign of a good wod LOL

Food Diary:- Breakfast:- 1 chicken goujan and handful of nuts
Lunch:- Chicken Breast, Sweat Potatoe and stir fry veg. 2 Multi Vit, 2 grams Vit c
PWO:- Protein Shake (1/4 Recovery, 3/4 Pharma Whey HT) 
Dinner:-  1/2 chicken goujan, pea shoots, 2 cherry toms, 3 slices white cheese, selection of nuts, 3/4 of apple, celery, 1 thorntons brownie
Pre-Bed:- chicken goujan

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

110402 Running and Back squat

Warm up:- Spealler warm up inc 10 WB @ 5kg less Kick ups, 10 abmat situps, 10 Abmat b/e, 10 abmat Situps with 5kg plate, 10 supermans, 10 dislocates, bernger skills
200 meters ellipical, 6 back squat @ 7kg - still working on squat and butt wink pretty bad so decided to stay light for the wod

110402 Running and Back squat
Five rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters - sub elliptical lev 2
5 Back squats - went light empty 7kg / 15lb bar only

Done in 15.23 mins
Spilts:- runs/ellip:- 2.11, 2.15, 2.13, 2.16, 2.18, Squats including walk from room to room:- 0.49, 0.51, 0.50, 0.55, 0.39 (one way walk)

C/o 5 blue band pull up (2,2,1), 5 PU rev pull ups (2,2,1 with a 10 sec hold on the top), push ups at pin 5 bar x 3, pin 2 bar x 3, pin bar x 2,2
Foam rolling and stretching

Food Diary:- Breakfast:- banana choc yogurt, Protein shake (1 scoop of pharma whey HT), 2 Multi vit, 2 grams Vit c, Vit A
Lunch:- Chicken Kiev and stir fry veg. 1 Multi Vit, 2 grams Vit c
Snack:- 1/8 of a Protein Shake (1/4 Recovery, 3/4 Pharma Whey)
PWO:- Protein Shake (1/4 Recovery, 3/4 Pharma Whey)
Dinner:-  1 chicken goujan, 1 1/2 slices of ham, pea shoots, 2 cherry toms, 2 slices white cheese, selection of nuts, 3/4 of apple , 2 thorntons brownie
Watching tv:- 1 chunk of bournville 1 after eight
Pre-Bed:- chicken goujan

Tuesday, 12 April 2011


Busy day had to go the unit to fill bottles for time!

Food Diary:- Breakfast:- 1 chicken goujan and handful of nuts Protein shake (1 scoop of pharma whey HT), 2 Multi vit, 2 grams Vit c, Vit A
Lunch:- 2/3 fillet of beed, stir fry veg, pototoe wedges 1 Multi vit, 2 grams Vit c,
Snack:- Protein Shake (1/4 Recovery, 1/2 Pharma Whey, 1/4 Pharma 6hr)
Dinner:-  slice of quiche lauraine, cucumber, tomatoe and pea shoots
Watching tv:- 2/3 of magnum ice cream
Pre-Bed:- chicken goujan

Monday, 11 April 2011

110401 Muscle Ups

Warm up:- Spealler warm up less WB and Kick ups, 5 situps, 5 supermans. 5 Hollow bodys practices,
3 beg. ring rows, 1 squat MU

FRIDAY 110401 Muscle Ups
20 Squat Muscle-ups for time (with jump assist to help the dip portion)

Done in 3.08 mins

C/O:- 3 beg. ring rows with feet under rings, 3 blue band ring dips, 3 beg. ring rows with feet 6" in front of rings, 3 red band ring dips and then ried a few band assist variations with rack and rings, 3 beg. ring rows with feet 12" in front of rings, 3 beg. ring rows with feet 18" in front of rings

Food Diary:- Breakfast:- 1/2 fillet of beef
Lunch:- 2 medium boiled eggs, 1/2 slice of bread and butter, 1 thorntons brownies
Snack:- 1/2 banana, 1/4 of a Protein Shake (1/4 Recovery, 1/2 Pharma Whey, 1/4 Pharma 6hr)
PWO:- Protein shake (1 scoop of pharma whey HT)
Dinner:-  1 fillet of salmon fried, cauliflower, mashed potatoe and homemade parsley sauce
Watching tv:- Handful of Blueberries and Blackberries with Ice Cream
Pre-Bed:- chicken goujan

Sunday, 10 April 2011

110330 CrossFit Games Open 11.2

Warm up:- Spealler warm up less w/b and k/u, 10 abmat sit ups, 10 abmat b/e, 10 hanging KTE attempts, 10 supermans, some burgener skills, 5 dowel OHS with butt against the wall, 5 squats keeping hands above chest height bar (squat therapy) - found this really tough, couldn't get to depth as my lower back kept tighening up - this is obviously my problem and so I see more of these in my near future to try and fix/improve my squats

110330 CrossFit Games Open 11.2

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
155 pound Deadlift, 9 reps scaled to 45lb / 20 kg
12 Push-ups - scaled to 8 reps and alt bar (pin 5) and beginner ring push ups because still trying to strengthen wrist
15 Box jumps, 24” box - scaled to 4" because still trying to stregthen foot

Completed 8 rounds + 8 DL's

Splits for completed rounds:- 1.40, 1.42, 1.41, 1.43, 1.54, 1.58, 2.13(barbell issues), 1.43

I know I went light but I'm trying to get back into things and it felt great and got a great metcon from this. Not in the slightest games related for me personally at this stage but I found it a great wod!

My back is little tight this evening so glad I didn't do anymore squat therapy today. I must learn not to try working the same muscle group too much on consecutive days doh !

Food Diary:- Breakfast:- 3/4 scoop of meusli, selection of nuts. Protein Shake (1 scoop Pharma Whey HT) 1 multi Vit, 2 grams Vit c
Lunch:- Cherry and Almond Tart, Chicken Goujan, 1/2 fillet of beef, handfull of nuts
PWO:- Protein Shake (1/4 Recovery, 1 Pharma Whey HT)
Dinner:- Dressed Crab, slice of bread and butter, lettuce leaves, cucumber, 3 segments of tomato, nuts, carrot.
Watching TV:- 1 egg custard