Welcome to my fitness log

I've created this to keep everything to do with my fitness journey in one place for easy reference.
I've listed links to places I visit regularly or places I think are interesting or valuable resources.

I started doing Crossfit September 22nd 2009 and I loved it - it's totally awesome and it made me a better person in so many different ways!

After nearly 4 years of Crossfit and wrist injury I tried a home fitness DVD for a change and something new - Rip 60 was really great and then I found Beachbody / Tony Horton's P90X!
It's THE best home fitness program ever!!!
It changed my body in so many amazing ways and got my cardio fitness, my core and overall strength including push up strength better than ever before!!

I now do many Beachbody programs as they are all so great.
I 'm a big Tony Horton fan because he makes me work hard but makes me laugh at the same time.
After I completed P90X, I did P90X3, P90X2 and some P90X+. I''ve tried other Beachbody programs including the P90, Piyo, Focus T25,
21 Day Fix Extreme, Country Heat, BodyBeast and Insanity, The Aslyum 1 and 2. Completed 21 Day Fix and 22 Min hard Core.

Did some Insanity Max 30 and Core de Force but my knees can't handle jumping every day so I have to mix them in.
Shift shop is great and looking forward to the new 80 Day obsession.

I'm the fittest I've ever been in my life and still getting stronger every day!

Saturday, 28 September 2013

P90X Week 11 Day 6 Kenpo X + X Stretch

Week 11 Day 6 Kenpo X + X Stretch

Kenpo today although a little timid with left leg as wary of hurting hamstring but it went really well no pain at all
I didn't do X jacks, just small normal jacks mostly as I didn't think that would be sensible

Went straight into X Stretch afterwards as I felt I needed it and that means Sunday is complete rest day. Tomorrow a few walks planned but other than that will be pretty lazy if I'm honest.

My hamstring didn't hurt on any of the stretches but I didn't push it to see if it hurt either but overall I'm really chuffed.
Bring on week 12

HRM 2 Hrs 1 mins 593 cal 55% fat  Max 160 86% Avg 106 57%

I saw my other half today for the first time in 3 months and he noticed I had lost some weight I told me I looked gorgeous For people to notice I gotta be doing something right hey  

Friday, 27 September 2013

P90X Week 11 Day 5 Legs and Back but no ARX

Week 11 Day 5 Legs and Back but no ARX

Well my hammy felt much better so instead of rescheduling legs and back I thought I'd give it a go and see what I could do and it went really well.

I didn't do balance lunges on chair I did them on the floor and managed to do them all with no pain

So I pretty much got it all done after that, just being careful not to go too deep in the lunges on the left leg and slightly shallow on the speed squats just to be on the safe side.

Only really felt my hamstring at the end on the hamstring stretch, which was to be expected so really chuffed.

I did skip ARX though, I was slightly short on time but also thought I had given my leg enough work for the day and didn't want to be stupid.

Steam cleaning and Les Mills Combat dvd's arrived wahoo!!

No yoga for me today - did a load of steam cleaning with our new steam cleaner - it was pretty naff actually and I had to use far more elbow grease than I had expected too
On the upside my leg is feeling good, I can walk pain free so not sure its ready for Legs and back yet but its on the mend

Some really good news ...... my Les Mills Combat Dvd's finally finally arrived today

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

P90X Week 11 Day 3 Shoulders and Arms

Thanks a million guys

I had a word with physio last night (who just got down on the floor and did it from cold with no pain what's so ever in his legs "you mean like that?" - honestly how to make me feel better!!!! grrrrrr) and he suggested trying K tape - that pretty coloured stuff that you can't miss on athletes and tennis players these days!
Well I put some on last night and it seem to be helping no end, very little pain today at all so I'm really pleased.

So today I managed to get Week 11 Day 3 Shoulders and Arms done - warm up was very gentle ie knee raises and very very little jog on the spot. Jacks were walked side to side only but I got a little warmer so I think it was ok
Only really noticed my hammy when bending down to pick the weights up. Half way through I decided to raise the weights up so that helped.

I had to keep pausing to get down on the floor and back up for lying tri's but it was good to get something done. Also did standing curls and not crouching curls!

I also managed some chair dips, I didn't go too deep and was aware of shoulder still not ready for too deep yet but all good.

I skipped ARX as I thought I might be too much for my leg. It felt weird, I was wondering around drinking my shake afterwards thinking why don't I feel right ahh I feel unfinished missing ARX but still I think its for the best. I'll have to add it in my 'catch up the missed workouts week' at the end
HRM 1Hr 16 mins 426 cal 55% fat  Max 155 84% Avg 111 60% 

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Strained hamstring = Stupid

Well I'm sat here feeling very frustrated with, annoyed at and sorry for myself!!!

I did something very stupid that I should have learnt the lesson not to do by now.

My mum was talking about some pilates moves shes been watching some vids about for sacroiliac dysfunction / pain (back of hip/glute area) so there was some basic moves like bridges, clams etc, I thought yep I can do of those. Some intermediate ones, yep I think I can do them too. Some advanced ones including single leg bridge with hand moving overhead. I watched the vid and thought I can do that me thinks - "let me try that see how difficult it will be for you" so down I got and 1 leg bent, the other straight out (think single leg wall squat) and then up into single leg bridge I went and OMG nasty pain in the back of my left thigh !!!! Shook it off and thought what a muppet I should have warmed up. Did a few double leg / normal bridges to warm up and then retried with the other leg = I did it. Pelvis dropped a little but I braced harder and redid it carried on and thought hmm that's a little ochy in the left leg still, stretch it out it will be fine.

So I think I have strained my hamstring like a total egotistical numpty!!!! Stupid stupid stupid. No warm up, just high end work from cold - honestly sometimes I question my own mentality!!

I did a very similar thing when my push up bars arrived only a few weeks ago - deep full push up from cold and strained my shoulder - I told myself I would never do that again and then go be totally stupid with my hamstring today.

It's plyo day and although I think its only minor and just get on with it, I think that would be stupid, especially if it made it worse. So I've been icing it every hour or so and will see how it goes.

So close to the end of P90X and I'm so annoyed at myself!!!!

Monday, 23 September 2013

P90X Week 11 Day 1 Chest and Back + ARX

Week 11 Day 1 Chest and Back + ARX

I was like going back to an old faithful today with chest and back.

I managed to get my Pull up revolution assist thingy to work with my P90X pull bar so it's a little awkward but far better than using a chair. I thought the fact that my feet have to swing forward to clear the floor would be a problem but it worked fine and felt secure so really chuffed.

Dive bomber push ups are still crazy hard decline were all negatives only but I pushed as hard I could today and was pleased overall.

ARX went really well, I could push harder than usual as I can most mondays as my abs are well rested 3 new PR's for me - I managed 18 pulse-ups, 23 oblique v-ups and 32 continuous Mason twists for the first time

HRM 1Hr 28 mins 567 cal 55% fat Max 157 85% Avg 118 64% 

Sunday, 22 September 2013

P90X Week 10 Day 6 Kenpo X

Week 10 Day 6 Kenpo X

Felt a bit smashed yesterday so took yesterday as rest day and did Kenpo today followed by about 30 mins of foam rollering and stretching.

New PR for me today, I tried a X jack about week 2 or 3 and my knees didn't like it at all ie pain felt straight the way. Tried a few today and no pain so carried on and I did all the X jacks with Tony and the kids - wahoo!!!  

Would have liked to do X stretch but just couldn't fit the 2nd hours in so did my own thing lol and felt better for it

Bring on Week 11 tomorrow, only 3 weeks + 3 missed days to go!

 HRM 1Hr 27 mins 648 cal 45% fat  Max 167 90% Avg 127 69%

Friday, 20 September 2013

P90X Week 10 Day 5 Legs and Backs + ARX

My pull bar arrived, had a bit of Krypton factor to put it together but got there in the end lol.

It actually works on only 3 doors in this house. But hey it works lol. I can do jumping pull ups on it very easily because it so low compared what I usually use.
I tried a blue band wrapped round it and my knee and only got about half way but I was pretty cold really ie no warm up. I felt it in all kinds of places too! (In hindsight I think this was a good thing as I think it got things firing correctly that maybe weren't before )
Tried the black band and wahoo I managed 3 chin ups.

Week 10 Day 5 Legs and Backs + ARX

I tried the new bar with black band and managed 5 chin ups just and then the other positions were really hard ie only 2 or 3 reps and also my knee didn't like being squished!
So from switch grips on I went back to my normal bar with pull up revolution.

So I may have to try the chair option and see what that's like?
Because it's much lower ie I stand with my hands on it in chin up position and my arms are 90 degs so I can't really use my PU revolution/chin up max because I need to put a foot in??

After I'd finished I wondered if I could get it to hang on my normal bar/rack and its about 2 inches to narrower = bummer!

Will have to have a play and see what I can sort out for the best scenario!

A few Pr's on my leg stuff today so that was good. But abs were tired as usual on a friday. Tony says don't work abs everyday but ARX followed by yoga belly 7, followed by ARX is abs everyday in my book!!

HRM 1Hr 41 mins 740 cal 45% fat  Max 197 90% Avg 126 68% 

Thursday, 19 September 2013

P90X Week 10 Day 4 Yoga X

Watched the X2 Bring it again DVD, the R&M dvd (learning loads by the way) and half of the XCore and it looks great, hard but great lol.

I ordered my P90X chin up bar today too (sometimes you just have to treat yourself don't you lol) it should be here tomorrow Looking forward to trying it during the end of P90X just to see what the different hand positions are like

I also got a message from states about my Combat Dvd's at last - apparently it was shipped last saturday? So assuming it does arrive that will be exciting too.

Does everybody agree that a Hybrid without doing either program (ie X2 and combat) in full would be a mistake???

Week 10 Day 4 Yoga X

I ate better today thank goodness and my energy was better.

Half moon's were tough today though, my glutes are ouchy!
Also my sitting bones feel bruised too but not quite sure why?

Legs and back tomorrow with new bar he he he

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

P90X Week 10 Day 3 Backs and Bi's + ARX

Week 10 Day 3 Backs and Bi's + ARX

Another appointment today meant early dinner (which was also low carb - ie tuna stir fry without no rice) and many hours before my workout again grrrrrr
I pushed hard, including upping my lawnmowers to 30lb, but was very on energy towards the end I couldn't even manage one assisted chin up so did two negatives only After doing RX too I was totally shattered .

Nice chicken salad afterwards though, and saved some chicken for now and so bed for me to get some more recovery time for these growing muscles.

 HRM 1Hr 29 mins 601 cal 55% fat  Max 159 86% Avg 121 65%

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

P90X Week 10 Day 2 Plyo X

Week 10 Day 2 Plyo X

Had long day today and more than normal hours between food and workout today and I felt it in plyo today. I still pushed and even managed some PR's but generally my energy was low. Mainly from being slightly dehydrated I think.

I've had my recovery drink, a good meal, took on lots of water and even a having slow release protein drink just before bed. Early night and should be ready and raring to go for Back and Bi's tomorrow

Felt a couple of tweaks in my knee during it so I got on my rumble roller afterward and wow that can really painful on them Quads, but should sort any troubles out.

Only 2 more + 1 missed plyo session to go for the end of Round 1 - in the words of Tony "It's almost over and it makes me sad!"

 HRM 1Hr 19 mins 669cal 40% fat  Max 167 90% Avg 135 73%  

Monday, 16 September 2013

Phase 3 Week 10 Day 1 Chest, Shoulders & Triceps + ARX

Phase 3 Week 10 Day 1 Chest, Shoulders & Triceps + ARX

I was cautious with my shoulder today but pushed where I could. Skipped the Chair dips completely and did some tricep kickbacks in there place.

My tri's still had minor doms so that didn't help either lol

My chest and shoulders were a little shakey afterwards so I guess I worked hard and hope I don't suffer to much tomorrow. I stretched out well so fingers crossed.

ARX went really well though did quite a few more reps than usual so really pleased with that.

HRM 1 Hr 35 mins 587cal 55% fat Max 152 82% Avg 116 63% 

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Phase 3 Week 9 Day 6 Kenpo X

Bit of DOMS today in the glutes - I guess I forgot to stretch them yesterday grrrr

Phase 3 Week 9 Day 6 Kenpo X

Love Kenpo

Got it all done this week, shoulder is much better. It seem only the chair dip position is what upsets it at the moment - so skip them for this week and try again next week

Was planning to do X stretch straight after but time just ran out today and Sunday is family time so will just rest this week.

But did remember to stretch my ouchy ouchy glutes afterwards though.

Bring on Week 10!

 HRM 1hr 7 mins 516 cal 45% fat Max 166 90% Avg 70 20% 

Friday, 13 September 2013

Phase 3 Week 9 Day 5 Legs and Back + ARX

Phase 3 Week 9 Day 5 Legs and Back + ARX

Wow I forgot what a beast of a workout this was - phew! Sweat went to that can't stop leaking phase again wow!

Even got wobbly legs walking down the stairs afterwards lol always a good sign that I worked hard

HRM 1hr 33 mins 867 cal 45% fat Max 171 92% Avg 134 72%  

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Phase 3 Week 9 Day 4 Yoga X

Phase 3 Week 9 Day 4 Yoga X

This was kinda tough today, probably because is such a while since I've done it.
Had a weird noise from my shoulder when I put my arms out to the side for the seated hamstring stretch which worried me for a few seconds but wow it feels tons better and more solid since so really pleased with that.

HRM 1Hr 33 mins 449 cal 60% fat  Max 144 78% Avg 104 56%

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

P90X Phase 3 Week 9 Day 3 Shoulders and Arms + ARX

Phase 3 Week 9 Day 3 Shoulders and Arms + ARX

Well today was great until chair dips and upright rows and my shoulder started to complain not happy about it but I backed off with the weight and reps. Only did a few side tri rises too - they weren't painful but I knew they would up set it so I didn't push - only did 10 on each side.

I've had the hot wheat bag on it tonight and its calmed down so hopefully it will all be fine.

I pushed on the bi's though and got some PR's by adding a few reps where I failed before so hopefully the doms wont punish me tomorrow

ARX seemed tough tonight too, I felt my abs right up the centre during the wide leg situps and I dont normally get that?

HRM 1Hr 28 mins 601 cal 55% fat  Max 159 86% Avg 121 65%

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

P90X Phase 9 Week 8 Day 2 Plyo

Phase 3 Week 9 Day 2 Plyo

Energy seemed a little low at the start but then I got my second wind about half way through

A little doms today in the chest and back but its all good.

 HRM 1Hr 9 mins 622 cal 40% fat  Max 167 90% Avg 141 76%

Monday, 9 September 2013

P90X Phase 3 Week 9 Day 1 Chest and Back + ARX

Phase 3 Week 9 Day 1 Chest and Back + ARX

Was so pleased to get back to it today. Slightly different today though as my mum wanted to do it with me which was great but I had to workout downstairs with no pull up bar

I had to cart some dumbells downstairs too as I didn't want to bring my bowflex down so weights were a little lighter than usual and I had use bands for pull ups which were very light and too easy as 20 reps was easy peesy!

So quite different but as I'm getting back into it after a week of resting my shoulder its probably not a bad thing.

First round of push ups I did on the back of the settee to see how shoulder was and it felt great, so second round I hit the deck with my new power stands
I only managed 2 full military push ups but considering my shoulder I'm pleased. The rest I did mostly full down and up on knees. No shoulder pain at all yippeeee!

Looking forward to plyo tomorrow

HRM 1Hr 29 mins 651cal 50% fat Max 162 88% Avg 125 68%

Friday, 6 September 2013

P90X X Stretch

X stretch today - nice and gentle and it felt good. My chatanguras were ok for the shoulder thank goodness, but I was aware of it afterward for about an hour but then all good.

Thursday, 5 September 2013

P90X Kenpo X

Kenpo X today (one of my missed ones) - I enjoy it and thought it would be a good workout to throw in that's not too taxing but my shoulder did start to moan a little about 3/4 of the way through not pain really but I was definitely aware of it.
Ever tried throwing a punch with your body and keeping your arm tucked in lol
Skipped the right hand in the shoulder sequence completely but couldn't miss the punches at the end although not giving it 100% I did it.

Also got my trigger point ball and spent about 10 mins rolling my delts up and down the wall - need to get some sleep tonight as was up till 2am last night or should I say this morning chasing 2 hornets out the house - oh the joy!

The plan is x stretch tomorrow then probably the weekend off and then to start phase 3 assuming I'm pain free - that the plan!

Oooh yes question for you guys - has anyone got P90X plus????
Is it worth it ie is it that different?
Is the Kenpo+ disc worth it - I love kenpo but something fresh would be great to liven things up??
Interval+ sounds interesting too????

HRM 1hr 9 mins 454 cal 50% fat Max 160 86% Avg 119 64% 

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

My own circuits to rest shoulder

My foots fine after finding some triggers in my foot and rolling on a golf ball = short term pain for long term painlessness = bargain!

My shoulder still isn't overly happy, had a word with physio yesterday and he said about 10 days before I can try another push up but I can do other stuff that doesn't cause pain.

So today I decided I would throw something different into the mix and try not to upset my shoulder so I came up with a little circuit of
10 x Deadlift
10 x Bicep Curl - with easy bar to help with stability
10 x crazy frog
3 x 10 seconds of Superman, Bananman
10 x side tri rise
x 3 circuits upping the weight each time

Felt great to deadlift again (37kg for 10 reps I didn't think was too bad considering its many many months since I lifted heavy), and the crazy frogs were pretty easy but the side tri rise - I did 5 reps of everything as a warm up before I started and 5 reps into first round my shoulder wasn't happy so I canned the side tri rise and carried on.

It made a change but boy it was no fun compared to working out with Tony

Then I spent a little over 20 minutes on my Elliptical - I did Tabata Sprints followed by incline intervals.

Worked hard and good calorie burn but I'm so looking forward to Kenpo tomorrow.
I decided to give it a few more days before I thinking about trying a chatangra in yoga! I know its mainly the down and no push but should I risk it?
10 days since my last push up with be Monday so maybe X stretch another kenpo and may be a plyo - I enjoy yoga but think it might be risky for my shoulder. Prob give Yoga a miss completely, hope I haven't lost too much strength and start phase 3 on Monday and see how it goes?

 HRM 1Hr 18 mins 562 cal 45% fat  Max 174 94% Avg 124 67%