Welcome to my fitness log

I've created this to keep everything to do with my fitness journey in one place for easy reference.
I've listed links to places I visit regularly or places I think are interesting or valuable resources.

I started doing Crossfit September 22nd 2009 and I loved it - it's totally awesome and it made me a better person in so many different ways!

After nearly 4 years of Crossfit and wrist injury I tried a home fitness DVD for a change and something new - Rip 60 was really great and then I found Beachbody / Tony Horton's P90X!
It's THE best home fitness program ever!!!
It changed my body in so many amazing ways and got my cardio fitness, my core and overall strength including push up strength better than ever before!!

I now do many Beachbody programs as they are all so great.
I 'm a big Tony Horton fan because he makes me work hard but makes me laugh at the same time.
After I completed P90X, I did P90X3, P90X2 and some P90X+. I''ve tried other Beachbody programs including the P90, Piyo, Focus T25,
21 Day Fix Extreme, Country Heat, BodyBeast and Insanity, The Aslyum 1 and 2. Completed 21 Day Fix and 22 Min hard Core.

Did some Insanity Max 30 and Core de Force but my knees can't handle jumping every day so I have to mix them in.
Shift shop is great and looking forward to the new 80 Day obsession.

I'm the fittest I've ever been in my life and still getting stronger every day!

Thursday, 29 April 2010

100428 Front Squat 3RM & 100427 HSPU/PU/KB swings/Situps/Burpees

Warm up:- arm swings/rotations, knee highs, side to side lunges with overhead press, kstarr’s over’n’unders
Front squat @ 10kg x 5, @ 12kg x 3

Front squat 3-3-3-3-3 reps
14 - 16 - 20 - 22 - 24kg / 52lb NEW PR’s

All HPC’s into position. Slightly rushed but good pr’s none the less.

Further warm up as decided to do 2 in 1..HSPU progs with knes on 8” box x 3, blue band assist pull ups at pin 5 x 5, KB swings @ 2kg x 5, @ 7kg x 5, @ 13kg (I thought was 14 till after wod) x 3, abmat situps unanchored x 5, set up for burpees and got into push up position ( iusually drop to knees for burpees) and although sloppy form push up felt strong so tried a more concentrated one and WAHOOO I got my first full push up!! SO after a small punch of the air thought I better try again to make sure it wasn’t a fluke lol. Good plank and I did another one - didn’t quite touch the floor but only an inch or two away but YAHOOOOO dance so come down from the high with 2 more burpees but drop to knees as still got the wod to do.

15 Handstand push-up progressions - knees on 8” box unbroken (except for 2 breaths at 2 points lol) forehead to floor NEW PR
20 Beginner or assisted pull-ups - First (5) blue band assist pullups at pin 4, the at pin 5 x (5,5,5)
25 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood - scaled to 14kg was the plan but found out after I missed a 1kg plate off grrrr so 13kg / 29lb (12,13)
30 Sit-ups - abmat unachored and arms out resting on floor like brandx rules (except for 2 breaths at 2 points lol) NEW PR
35 Burpees or squat thrusts - First (5) burpees with push ups on knees, then sqaut thrusts (5,5,5,5,5,5)

Done in 13.50 mins

Wow did this one make me sweat - dripping off me it was - Pheeww! I also had a strange pain in my upper right ab area while doing KB swings - that was the only reason I took a break - it was still when I carried on too - not sure what it was will see if it there next time?

But once I recovered a little I had to try another push up just to see if I could get closer to the floor….and YES I touched my nose to the floor,  and made it up - I had my feet about a 6-8 inch apart and not together but party OMG YAY ME I GOT ANOTHER PUSH UP!!!!! party

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Forced rest day grr

Forced rest day for me today - had a meeting during the day so time contraints and a severe lack of sleep- means no wod done and an early night needed sleep

100426 Wall Ball / Muscle ups

Warm up:- arm swings/rotations, knee highs, side to side lunges with overhead press, kstarr’s over’n’unders, 10 push ups at pin 3 NEW PR, 5 bar dips at pin 3, 5 blue band assistaed pull ups at pin 5, 5 thrusters @ 10kg

100426 Wall Ball /Muscle-ups
25 Wall ball shots, 6-8 pound ball - subbed thrusters @ 30lb / 14kg
5 Muscle-ups - subbed 3 blue band assisted pull ups at pin 4 & 3 bar dips at pin 3
20 Wall ball shots, 6-8 pound ball
4 Muscle-ups
15 Wall ball shots, 6-8 pound ball
3 Muscle-ups
10 Wall ball shots, 6-8 pound ball
2 Muscle-ups
5 Wall ball shots, 6-8 pound ball
1 Muscle-ups

Done in 25.38 omg - thrusters were a bit of a slog but I got there in the end. I though about quitted after 2 round at 14 mins but decided I wouldn't quit no matter what. Struggled with oxygen and wrists were tender during the thrusts too.
Chin ups were with small jump assist as I tired and dips were the easy bit lol

Sunday, 25 April 2010

100424 "Paul"

Warm up:- arm swings/rotations, knee highs, side to side lunges with overhead press, kstarr’s over’n’unders, laying kte x 3, tuck jumps x 4, overhead walk with 10 kg x 20 yards

100424 “Paul”
Three rounds for time of
25 Double unders - subbed tuck jumps
15 Knees to elbows - laying
15-25 pound Overhead walk, 20 yards - first time so did 22lb / 10kg

Done in 11.08mins

Different but good - def. up level next time wink

Cash out:- Static hang for 30 secs

Saturday, 24 April 2010

100423 HPC and burpees

Warm up:- arm swings/rotations, knee highs, side to side lunges with overhead press, kstarr’s over’n’unders. 10 push ups against pin 5, 10 HPC @ 10kg, 3 squat thrusts.

Puppies + ‘cup mix
Three rounds for time of:
15-25 pound Hang power cleans, 12 reps - I did 27lb / 12kg
10 squat thrusts

Done in 5.45mins

Good metcon - my squats thrusts although still torture feel like they are actually making progress - feeling much better and more fluid - really pleased.

I really need to get my weakness sorted so that I can up the scaling a little - there seems to be one part of most wods that I can't do past buttercup/puppies grrrrr - but it's getting there slowly - I should probably just be more patient hey? My weights are gradully increasing nicely but the bodyweight stuff is very slow grrrr

These HPC were easy peasy for me today I really should have upped the weight more but noted for next time.

Cash out:- Bench press:- 10kg x 5, 15 x 5, 20 x 3, 25 x 3, 1RM’s 30-32-33-34-35 New PR by 2 kg bigsmile 
That's a half my Bodyweight Bench for me - yay me

100422 Back squats and dips

Warm up:- arm swings/rotations, knee highs, side to side lunges with overhead press, kstarr’s over’n'unders. 10 abmat situps (5 arms over chest, 5 arms t side of head), 10 abmat back extensions, 10 squats with 5 band dislocates.
5 bar dips, back squat @ 7kg x 3, 12kg x 3, 25 kg x 3

Four rounds for load and time of
Back Squat, 3 reps - I did 25kg / 55lb - feeling week today
10 Dips or Bench Dips

Done in 3.49

poor sleep and eating again and felt pretty week - should squat much heavier but just couldn't do it today.

Cash ou:- Hanging KTE attempts x 1,3,3,3

Thursday, 22 April 2010

100420 clean one rep every min

Warm up:- arm swings/rotations, knee highs, side to side lunges with overhead press, kstarr’s over’n'unders. 10 abmat situps, 10 abmat back extensions, 10 squats with band dislocates.
clean broken into it’s sections with 10kg bar, then about 3 practice cleans.

Clean one rep every minute on the minute for 15 minutes.

10kg/22lb / 25kg/55lb
although the last rep at 25kg was more of a psuedo clean as I caught it high and then front squated it.

I did 10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22-23-24-25.

3rd rep my form was off and I caught my chest on the way up red 
face - not good - don’t try this too often ladies

Cash out:- retried the 25kg clean grrr I felt like I was muscling it up. Tried again twice but lept doing the same thing as if it was slightly mental and some fatigue so eft it there for next time.

Considering I was a little weary of these they went pretty well all in all. Must try to shrug more!

Chin ups with blue band assist at pin 5 x3, pin 4 x 3, pin 3 x 3F 1, 1f only nose to bar, 1, pin 2 only got eyes to bar, tried with a jump twice but still only got noise to bar grrrr

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

100419 walking lunges, squats, back extensions

Warm up= arm swings/rotations, knee highs, side to side lunges with overhead press, kstarr's over'n'unders.
10 abmat situps, 10 abmat back extensions, 5 walking lunges, 10 squats

3 rounds for time of:
Walking lunge, 35-50 ft - I did 17 lunges
20 Squats
10 Back extensions - abmat

Done in 7.52
Splits 2.26, 2.39, 2.46

Cash out:- Push ups x 3 reps at pin 5, pin 4, pin 3, pin 2, pin 1 NEW PR!!
Tried 8" box and got 1 but very sloppy form, tried again and got it much better NEW PR!!!

Monday, 19 April 2010

Monday 100418 DB weighted pull ups, Sprints, Ring HSPU

Warm up= arm swings/rotations, knee highs, side to side lunges with overhead press, kstarr's over'n'unders.
Shoulder press @ 2kg x 10, @ 4kg x 5, 7kg x 3, blue band at pin 4 assist pull ups x 3, 150m elliptical walk, jog, run, tried a walk for the first time (planted hands and walked feet up the walk)

100418 DB weighted pull ups, Sprints, Ring HSPU
Complete as many rounds in 10 minutes as you can of
Pull-ups (assisted or beginner okay) , 3 reps - I did blue band at pin 4 assist
Sprint 50 meters - elliptical at level 4 x 50m
3 Shoulder presses with heavy (for you) dumbbells - I used 2 x 7kg DB's
1 Handstand hold on the wall (scale and use progressions if you have to, but try to get upside down) - planted hands and walked feet up the walk and held as long as I felt confortable

5 rounds + pu's + sprint + press's.

This was a quite a different wod it seemed. First time I have been nearly inverted - walking feet up the wall felt strange and yet invigorating at the same time. I did try to move my hands once - interesting - will try these next time handstand holds come up - much better than knees on 8" box that I was doing previously. Tried something I didn't think I would be able to do and managed it  :cheese: I know I didn't get completely vertical but it was further up the wall than I thought I could / would do and certainly a new sensations that I feel like I am progressing in and that's good progress.

Sunday, 18 April 2010

Friday 100416 Row 500 m x 4

Warm up= arm swings/rotations, knee highs, side to side lunges with overhead press, kstarr's over'n'unders.
SDHP x 10 @ 10kg, x 5 @ 14kg

Fri 100416
Three rounds for time of:
Row 500 meters subbed SDHP @ 14kg / 30 lb
Rest 3 minutes

Slow time of 13.41
Splits were 2.31, 2.35, had some sharp pains in left shoulder on last 5 reps so dropped down to 13kg for last round, 2.28

50,50 SDHP's at 14kg is a new PR for me (most I'd done before at 14kg was 25)

Saturday, 17 April 2010

Thurs 100415 "McGhee"

Warm up= arm swings/rotations, knee highs, side to side lunges with overhead press, kstarr's over'n'unders.
3 push ups at pin 7, 3 at pin 5 and 3 at pin 4, 5 dl's with 10kg, 3 box jumps at 8"

Thursday 100415 "McGhee"
PuppyCup mix
Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
65 pound / 30kg Deadlift, 5 reps
10 Push-ups (progressions okay) against bar at pin 5
9 Box jumps, 15-20 inch box - scaled to 8" foot still getting stronger will try to find something higher next time

I did 10 rounds +DL's + PU's

I actually enjoyed this wod.
I did the push ups at pin 5 because I knew I could get 10 without maxing out each time but they still got tough after round 5 - had to take a few extra breaths and also varied my grip width from shoulder, to a couple of inch wider to wide grip which helped as the other muscles helped the tired ones.
My box jumps seem much better and I kept a good rhythm it felt good.
Had a few shooting pains thru right glute during 3 of the DL's - not sure why but it was already tender and moaning from yesterday.

RIP McGhee

Thursday, 15 April 2010

100414 Filthy fifty

Warm up= arm swings/rotations, knee highs, side to side lunges with overhead press, shoulder warm up as last time, then 3-4 of everything in the wod while setting up the equipment. I tried a jumping pull up with no band but nope still not quite.

100414 ‘Filthy Fifty’
For time:
20 Box jump, 10-15 inch box - I scaled to 8”
20 Jumping pull-ups - my were blue band assist pin 4
20 Kettlebell swings, 12kg
Walking Lunge, 20 steps
20 Ab-Mat Sit-ups
20 Push press, 25-30 pounds - I did 29lb / 13kg
20 Back extensions
20 Wall ball shots, 10-16 pound ball - I subbed 29lb / 13kg thrusters
20 Burpees
20 Standard Jump Rope Jumps - I did the jumps with no rope

Done in 20.43 mins

Thrusters took me a while and the burpees took me ages - that’s what killed my time - I really struggle with the squat thrust part of the burpees grrrrrrr

Cashout:- none - poor eating during the day and a busy 24 hours meant I was shattered and looking for a recovery shake.

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

100412 Snatch Balance

Warm up= arm swings/rotations, knee highs, side to side lunges with overhead press, shoulder warm up as yesterday, 5 ohs squats with band disclocates, then more dislocates with dowel. snatch balance practice with dowel.

Snatch balance 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

First time doing these so just used empty bar 7kg and tried the movement. Failed the 2nd attempt, weight went back - I countered it a it went it forward and I fell on my rear red 
Curious moevement for sure - it was different - I can see why it can help other movements - very good. I need a few more tries at this one before I gently up the weight tho’.

Cashout:- Bench press with hands at push up distance (trying to get stronger at press ups) 7kg x 5, 10kg x 5, 15 x 3
3RM:- 20-25-26-27-28   1RM 30-31-32-33kg/72lb NEW PR  bigsmile - last time I did bench at normal hand width with my max was 31kg in Jan 10

100411 "Erin"

Warm up= arm swings/rotations, knee highs, side to side lunges with overhead press, 5 abmat butterfly situps unanchored with arms cross chest, 5 abmat situps butterfly unanchored with arms side of head, 10 abmat back exentions, kstarr over-n-unders, shoulder warm up as yesterday,10 push ups with mini band pin 2 (3,3,3,1), 10 bar dips (5,5)
2kg db split cleans x 5, beginner pull ups with bar at just below chest height, feet about 3 foot infront of bar (about 45 deg body angle) x 5

Three rounds for time of:
5-15 pound Dumbbells split clean, 10 reps - first time so only went with 12lb / 5kg db’s
15 Beginner Pull-ups - I did beginner pull ups with bar just below chest height

Done in 7.41 mins

Split clean felt dodgy for my left knee - and also noticed a phenomen - when i do barbell split jerk - my right leg automatically goes forward, on the dumbell split cleans today my left leg automatically went forward ooooh

Cash out:- u/h pulldowns 20 kg x 5, 1RM’s of 30,35,40,42,43,44,45kg wahoo New PR

Sunday, 11 April 2010

100410 Back squat and handstnd walks / bear crawls

Warm up= arm swings/rotations, knee highs, side to side lunges with overhead press, 5 abmat butterfly situps unanchored with arms cross chest, 5 abmat situps butterfly unanchored with arms side of head, 10 abmat back exentions last 5 with 2.5kg plate help to chest,
Was reading about shoulder on miltary.com and so did a warm up version of the ‘best shoulder workout’ - 5 lateral raises palm down, 5 lateral raises thumb up, 5 lateral raises thumb down, 5 front raises, 5 o/h press, 5 crossovers.

Cash in:- After my lightbulb moment this morning wanted to try more so I did red mini band (at pin 2) assisted push ups x 3,3,1, band dislocates with o/h sqaut x 3,3,3,1 alternating with push ups.

Three rounds for time of
25- 45 pound Back squat, 12 reps - I did 45lb / 20kg
Handstand walk 12 yards - sub bear crawls

Done in 6.20 mins

It seems a long time since I’ve done many back squats and they slowed me a little today. Bear crawls seemed much easier today than last tme I tried them.

Cash out:- was so please with my push ups from earlier that I wondered if I can do any at pin 1 - I tried and managed 2 bigsmile
Tried again with band at pin 1 still but with push up bars (less assistance as body higher plus increased ROM) - just managed 1.
Decided to push my look and try an unassisted one but nope failed.
Tried again with band at pin 2 but still with push up bars x 1 and then failed next. - the increased ROM made my shoulder winge a little so called it quits.
Hanging KTE attemps x 5,4,1

Light bulb moment about assistance bands for push ups!

Well this morning after contemplating push ups and the fact that I seem to be pushing my limit each time, following the 100 push up programe (and the fact that I feel it build endurance and not so much strength) - I was researching on the net about push ups and reading the crossfit journal archives. I found an article on bodyweight excercies and their assistance with bands - even for push ups.
So I stood looking at my power rack a little later and a light bulb moment!!

I took my mini / red band and put it across pin 2 of my rack and tried a push up (on the floor) and hey presto I could do it - wahoo I could do 2!! Exaclty the same principal as I do my assisted chin ups.

So I can now work at the proper horizontal - that has to be better than working down the rungs using a bar???

Friday, 9 April 2010

100408 "D.T."

Warm up= arm swings/rotations, knee highs, side to side lunges with overhead press, 5 abmat butterfly situps unanchored with arms cross chest, 5 abmat situps butterfly unanchored with arms side of head, 10 abmat back exentions, 5 chin ups blue band pin 5, 5 x 10kg Deadlift, 5 x 10kg Hang power clean, 5 x 10kg push jerk, 5 x 13kg deadlift, 5 x 13kg Hang power clean, 3 x 13kg push jerk.

Cash in:- Push up challenge 5th day of program, re-doing week 1 again = 33 reps broken into sets of 6,8,6,6,7 with 90 secs rest

100408 Puppies:
Three rounds for time of:
35-45 pound Deadlift, 12 reps
35-45 pound Hang power clean, 9 reps
35-45 pound Push jerk, 6 reps

I did 35 lb / 16kg for all - done in 5.09 mins.

Good workout - I felt I got the weight spot on - the DL’s were piece of cake and allowed for a breather and the rest were ok to tough in round 2 & only just made in in round 3 - I pushed myself and it felt good. I was alsopleased with the time I took. Just a few breaths to keep me going, only put the bar down to reset for deadlift and no bar staring smile

Cashout:- Chin ups blue band pin 4 x 3, pin 3 x 1,1, NEW PR pin 2 x F eyes only to bar

Compare to ..

SUNDAY 100314
Pull-ups 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

Blue band assisted at pin 5 with both feet together
Blue band assisted at pin 5 with 1 foot on band only
Blue band assisted at pin 3 with both feet together - F only got eyes to bar
Blue band assisted at pin 4 with both feet together - wahoo new PR
Blue band assisted at pin 4 with 1 foot - New PR but felt a slight pull at upper left abs
Blue band assisted at pin 4 with the other foot lol - equal PR and not a fluke lol - I knew I couldn't do anymore having failed the pin 3 already - thats the min target for next time!

Stoked about doing 2 chin ups at pin 3 :D

Strange thing is apart from doing wod's and the u/h pulldowns at cashout the other day I haven't really been working at it - Yay me - but my push ups that I'm working at seem to be really hard work grrr

Thursday, 8 April 2010

100406 OHS

Warm up= arm swings/rotations, knee highs, side to side lunges with overhead press, 10 abmat situps unanchored with arms cross chest, 10 abmat back exentions, 5 ohs squats with band disclocates,

Tues 100406
Overhead Squat 5-5-5-5-5 reps

7kg - 8 - 9x only 2 reps - 9 - 10kg

With brand new barbell wahoo! First time I've done 5RM of OHS and although I still have to have my hands really wider - wider than the recommended snatch grip width - it's much easier with this straight ended barbell.
Hopefully I can work more on flexibility and get better.

Cash out:- Did some practice with new 7kg barbell (no extra weight) of power and squat snatch, hang power clean and full squat clean - I feel my technique is coming along - the movement feel smoother and slicker.

Wed 100407

Did todays today and will do yesterday’s tomorrow because my new 6ft Barbell should be arriving tomorrow - wahoo!!!

Warm up= arm swings/rotations, knee highs, side to side lunges with overhead press, 6 blue band assisted chin ups at pin 5, 5 air squats, 5 10kg SDHP, 3 side-to-side low 6” hurdle jumps

Cash in:- Push up challenge 4th day of program, re-doing week 1 again = 27 reps broken into sets of 6,6,4,4,7 with 60 secs rest

Row 250-500 meters - subbed 25 x 14kg SDHP PR
30 Double-unders - 30 side-to-side low 6” hurdle jumps
20 Squat thrusts
Done in 6.32 mins

Them squat thrusts I find really hard with my long legs grrr, felt like it took longer than the rest of the wod put together.

Cash out:- U/hand pulldowns 3RM’s - 20kg, 25, 30, 40, 45F, 42 x 2 only, 41kg.

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

100404 Weighted pull ups and DB clean and jerks

Warm up= arm swings/rotations, knee highs, side to side lunges with overhead press, 2 blue band assisted chin ups at pin 5, 5 air squats, empty db clean and jerk, then 7kg db clean and jerk.

Cash in:- Push up challenge 3rd day of program = 38 reps broken into sets of 8,10,7,7,10f6 with 120 secs rest

SUNDAY 100404
For time:
10 Dumbbell Clean & Jerks
1 Weighted pull-up
9 Dumbbell Clean & Jerks
2 Weighted pull-ups
8 Dumbbell Clean & Jerks
3 Weighted pull-ups
7 Dumbbell Clean & Jerks
4 Weighted pull-ups
6 Dumbbell Clean & Jerks
5 Weighted pull-ups
5 Dumbbell Clean & Jerks
6 Weighted pull-ups 4
4 Dumbbell Clean & Jerks
7 Weighted pull-ups
3 Dumbbell Clean & Jerks
8 Weighted pull-ups
2 Dumbbell Clean & Jerks
9 Weighted pull-up
1 Dumbbell Clean & Jerks
10 Weighted Pull-ups

I scaled to 2 x 7kg DB’s and Blue banded chin ups at pin 5.

Done in 38.55 mins big 

It was a hell of a slog for me!! I did full squat cleans and then split jerk - which I assume is correct?
I’ve not done many squat cleans - usually shy to power cleans but decided to go for it but boy they took it out of me - it made my chin ups the easy bit - go figure!!

This was close to “Joshie” for the slog and I nearly quit at round 7 but I’d started so I finished - if you know what I mean lol overall very long session and I needed a recovery drink after this one - I was a wreck and still puffing for oxygen for ages after I had finished!!

Sunday, 4 April 2010

100402 "Tabata Something Else"

Warm up:- arm swings/rotations, knee highs, side to side lunges with overhead press, 5 air squats, 5 green assist chin ups, 5 push ups against thigh (pin 5) high bar, 5 abmat situps.

“Tabata Something Else”
Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest where the first 8 intervals are pull-ups, the second 8 are push-ups, the third 8 intervals are sit-ups, and finally, the last 8 intervals are squats. There is no rest between exercises.
Do three rounds of work:

PU 9-9-8 - assisted with green band
PU 8-8-8 - against thigh high bar
SU 7-7-7 - abmat with arms across chest, unanchored
lost a bit of time as downloaded rocky tabata music and after 4 mins it went strange and wasn't sure where I was ie 10 or 20 secs so restarted the track and carried on
Sq 10-10-11

Total 102 Tabata Score 33

I wanted to do it the same as last tme to compare to, which I did except the pull ups - I got on the black band and it just felt silly so I went green instead. My left bicep is still sore.

Compared to Oct 09...
PU 14-11-9 - assisted with black band
PU 7-6-6 - against thigh high bar
SU 5-6-6 - abmat with arms across chest, unanchored
lost a bit of time as downloaded rocky tabata music and after 4 mins it went strange and wasn't sure where I was ie 10 or 20 secs so restarted the track and carried on
S 10-8-8

Total 96 Tabata Score 28

Next time I will do Blue band assist, pin 4 bar, and arms assist abmat situps.

Cash out:- Hanging KTE attempts x 2,3, Hanging tuck sit x 10 secs x 3

Saturday, 3 April 2010

Sat 100403 1600/1200/800/400m Runs

I should have done 100402 tabata today but my bi’s, traps and forearms ache and instead of taking a rest day - as my forced rest day was two days ago I done 100403 today and will do 100402 tomorrow.

Puppies: scaled further
Run 800 approx 500 240 meters (ran round water tower) 1.49
Rest 3 minutes
Run 600 400 meters (measured 100m x 4) 2.52
Rest 2 minutes
Run 400 300 meters (100m x 3) 2.07
Rest 1 minute
Run 200 100 meters 0.37

Total time 13.29mins

Scaled because I’ve never actually ran that far but wanted to do something and was really pleased with what I did do. I think I need to re-look at the 500m for the tower as the time seems very quick by comparison even though it was fresh legs?

EDIT - Found a great google maps trial link and it measures the distance to only 240m! but the rest were good.

Friday, 2 April 2010

Wed 100331 Split Jerk

Yesterday was forced rest day from wod’s due to some work issues - I had to go and step in to help, Throwing some 25 litre drums around, then shaking some 10 litre containers for about 2 hours.

Today - During the morning I spent a couple of hours pouring from 10 litre containers and shaking a 25 litre container with increasing fluid levels of 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22.5 litres.

Evening wod Warm up= arm swings/rotations, knee highs, side to side lunges with overhead press, 10 o/h air squats with band dislocates, 10 Abmat butterfly with arms across chest sit ups, 10 Abmat back extentions

Cash in:- Push up challenge day 2 of program = 32 reps broken into sets of 6,8,6,6,7f got 6 with 90 secs rest

Split jerk warm ups 3 x 10kg, 3 x 15kg 2 x 18kg and felt pretty weak confused think the push ups took more out of me than I thought so not lower than originally planned

Wednesday 100331
Split Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - started to feel much stronger for some reason - 25 - 27kg / 60lb All PR’s wahoo!!!  bigsmile (I also cleaned each one - first few dl'd then cleaned from high hang, last few were better and faster from the floor)

compare to Dec (my first time)
MONDAY 091207
Split Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
10-15-17-18-18-19-19kg / 41lb

Cash out:- Tuck hang x 10 secs, left leg single l sit hand x 10 secs, right leg single l sit hand x 10 secs, Tuck hang x 10 secs, seated knees to elbows (can’t remember it proper name) x 3,3, laying knees to elbows / reverse crunch (hands outstretched and weighted) x 2

Thursday, 1 April 2010

100330 front squat and pull ups

Warm up= arm swings/rotations, knee highs, 3 blue band assisted chin ups at pin 3, 5 air squats, 3 front squats @ 10kg,

Cash in:- Push up challenge test @ pin 3 = 8 followed by by 1st day of program = 25 reps broken into sets of 8,6,6,4,4,5 with 60 secs rest

Five rounds for time of:
PVC - 65 pound Front squat, 3 reps - I did 15kg / 33lb
7 pull-ups (beginner or assisted okay) - I did blue band assisted chin ups at pin 4

Because of being sick (IBS) the last 2 days and wanting to do something I did this wod but not rushed at all, as I didn't want to take too much out of me.
Done in 11.34 min - went fit should be much faster and heavier  ;-)