I haven't posted in ages, things have been a little crazy with moving house and all that goes with that.
But I did a few weeks of Morning Meltdown 100 and then moved onto 6 Weeks of the Work and that was amazing!!
Loved it, tough but brilliant. The variety is something else!!!
I decided to change my diet up by going my plany based and ct out all the energy drinks, pre and post workout powders.
I started straight into round 2 of The Work but then took bad with IBS/stomach bug so been out of it for a week. But I got back to it with Yoga 21D Day 4 Flow on Wedensday and yesterday I had to go back to old fav.
Bodycombat 67 - after renewing my les mills subscription.
Loved it, my top end HR was not as good as usual but no preworkout to open things up I guess it was too be expected.
I cut the workout short by about 6 minutes, missing the last section but then did or attempted the core section. I had to listed to my body as I'm only just recovered from literally doing very little for week recovery from a weird bug and sloshy tummy.
The dip in the middle was me pausing to check an important email.
But I'm back it now, trying to lean down some of the fluff I put on over the months of moving, no workouts and too much comfort eating.