X3 Cold Start followed by Total Synergistics
Great fun, Cold start is more than just a warm up I reckon lol definitely nice and warm after it lol
Total Synergistics was lots of fun!
I had to rewind a couple of bits to get my form sorted but really enjoyed it.
With the core work built in you can see why they didn't bother with AB Ripper I didn't manage all the Brannon Boat but will try next time.
Pull knee pull was tough with the pull up assist which was a little frustrating. It really dug in my shin as I tried to raise my knees - I tried just one knee up at a time and that was a little better. (That's one thing I'm disappointed about the dvd - no demo of these with the chin-up assist - only Dreya using the bands as modification grrr)
Although thinking about it now, the Chin-up Circle crunch was easier and thats probably because I have more chin up strength so maybe I just need to get stronger lol.
I've not done any pull/chin up for what feels like weeks so it felt great to get back to some
and don't talk to me about Crawly plyo push ups
HRM 1Hr 2 mins 476 cal 45% fat Max 166 90% Avg 129 70%
Collaboration request
11 months ago
I feel the same about those push ups. I did my first run through total syngeristics last night and was shouting very colorful things at my mat by the end!