Welcome to my fitness log

I've created this to keep everything to do with my fitness journey in one place for easy reference.
I've listed links to places I visit regularly or places I think are interesting or valuable resources.

I started doing Crossfit September 22nd 2009 and I loved it - it's totally awesome and it made me a better person in so many different ways!

After nearly 4 years of Crossfit and wrist injury I tried a home fitness DVD for a change and something new - Rip 60 was really great and then I found Beachbody / Tony Horton's P90X!
It's THE best home fitness program ever!!!
It changed my body in so many amazing ways and got my cardio fitness, my core and overall strength including push up strength better than ever before!!

I now do many Beachbody programs as they are all so great.
I 'm a big Tony Horton fan because he makes me work hard but makes me laugh at the same time.
After I completed P90X, I did P90X3, P90X2 and some P90X+. I''ve tried other Beachbody programs including the P90, Piyo, Focus T25,
21 Day Fix Extreme, Country Heat, BodyBeast and Insanity, The Aslyum 1 and 2. Completed 21 Day Fix and 22 Min hard Core.

Did some Insanity Max 30 and Core de Force but my knees can't handle jumping every day so I have to mix them in.
Shift shop is great and looking forward to the new 80 Day obsession.

I'm the fittest I've ever been in my life and still getting stronger every day!

Monday, 30 December 2013

P90X3 Cold Start followed by The Warrior

X3 Cold Start followed by The Warrior

This went much better for me tonight - I just about managed to keep up with them  

Everything felt a little easier except those beastly Elevator push ups  

My sprawls are slowly getting better - I actually managed a few 2 feet jump backs (thrusters to some) which I was really pleased with  

One part had me feeling slightly nauseous which is very unusual - my heart pumping really hard and yet it wasn't sky high. My heart rate didn't even get up to its normal high end  which was quite odd?

But overall loved it as normal - these workouts are just so much fun!

HRM 54 mins 454 cal 45% fat Max 166 90% Avg 135 73%

Saturday, 28 December 2013

P90X3 Cold Start followed by CVX

X3 Cold Start followed by CVX

Phew!!! I managed to do the whole thing with 2kg DB this evening and I'm really pleased as that's progress  

I had to slow a little on some movements - mainly the Arc Press Lunge and the Travelling Tire Twist but other than that I pretty much kept up with the kids 

HRM 57 mins 509 cal 40% fat Max 170 92% Avg 139 75%

Friday, 27 December 2013

P90X3 The Challenge

X3 Cold Start followed by the The Challenge 

Upped my reps on the pull ups this evening so pleased with that and managed to get a few more full push ups before dropping to my knees - so total for the session up from 17 to 21  

I really looking forward to getting my numbers up doing this workout - It's great  

I don't normally make new years resolutions but Facebook and Tony H. have made me think about so here are mine for 2014..
Get 10 consecutive full push ups, 1 unassisted chin up, burn off some more fat and build some more muscle so that I'm leaner an stronger. Complete P90X3 and then go back to P90X2, LM Pump and Combat.

HRM 51 mins 318 cal 55% fat Max 151 82% Avg 116 63%

Thursday, 26 December 2013

P90X3 Yoga

X3 Yoga

Nice to move my body about today after all the sitting yesterday. Felt looser and fresher  

Too many mince pies and sausage rolls yesterday so back to moderation today. I even had a glass of wine yesterday and regretted afterwards.

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

P90X3 Cold start followed by Agility X

X3 Cold start followed by Agility X

Wow this workout is just so much fun, I probably said it before but who knew how much fun running around my living room could be??  

I think my oxygen intake felt a little better this time, overall my form felt better, and I'm pretty sure I only stopped once or twice before the kids so really pleased with that!

Happy Christmas everyone - who's working out on Christmas day?

HRM 53 mins 467 cal 40% fat Max 169 91% Avg 139 75%

Monday, 23 December 2013

P90X3 Cold Start followed by Total Synergistics

X3 Cold Start followed by Total Synergistics

Enjoyed cold start as usual then got stuck in to Total Syn.

Upped all my weights which felt good, probably will up most of them again next session too. 

I will keep the rear delt one the same though in flying warrior - the front raise with the knee raise is fine but then into Warrior 3 and perform basically a rear delt fly  I'm using 2 x 3kg at the moment and I think if I up it again too soon my form may deteriorate.

My Pull Knee Pulls didn't feel quite as strong this time  

The Warrior Squat Moon is still a beast for me - this time it seemed to go worse than last week as I only managed 6 on each side  not sure why but I will master it 

Considering I upped my weights and increased reps where I could I didn't feel like I was working as hard as last time and my cal burn reflected that too???? 

HRM 1Hr 10 mins 468 cal 50% fat Max 165 89% Avg 121 65% - but left in around 10 mins before I remembered to switch it off.

Saturday, 21 December 2013

P90X3 Dynamix

X3 Dynamix

Well this was really good and a little tough in parts too!

I was expecting something fairly gentle but it made me sweat far more than I expected it to.

Some nice double pulls and mobility work, but some static holds in there that were tough for me today.

Side plank with raised leg and turning your toe down with heel up - was so much harder than it looked or it sounds!
Front to back lunges were not what my legs wanted today 

On a positive note we had a superman in there as I'm really pleased as it felt much better, I felt stronger and my hands were much higher off the floor that last time I did one  (not sure why exactly but any improvement is a good improvement hey!)

Tomorrow is def. rest day for me so I'm ready to attack week 2. Going cinema with my best mate who I haven't seen in months so be great to catch up with him.

Friday, 20 December 2013

P90X3 Cold Start followed by The Warrior

X3 Cold Start followed by The Warrior!

Well OMG this was extremely brutal x 2!!! Total body smash up      

Probably worse because my shoulders were tired and sore from yesterdays CVX but I struggled to keep up with the kids today. Even holding a plank became difficult  

To mention just a few of the moves...
Plank Sphinx Push ups and then later Elevator push ups further trashed my upper body  
Side lunge jump shots, sprawls and super burpees sucked all the oxygen out of me  
Rollers Boats and Fiffer Scissor twists trashed my mid section after I stubbled through Down Dog Crunches  
One leg jump squats, Warrior Squat Lunges and Spiderman Squats trashed my legs  
and then we had burn out of depth charges as the end aswell  

Not enough oxygen and fatigued muscles today and I feel shattered this evening! 

Great job Tony! What a way to ramp up to end this first week of P90X3.

Just Dynamix to finish to tomorrow which as its the alternative to rest day I assume it won't be too bad - but from watching the other day he mentions 'tough on the shoulders holding the plank for this long'  the prospect doesn't thrill me but we will see how I go - if it's too bad I'll do the none plank stuff 

HRM 55 mins 442 cal 45% fat Max 164 89% Avg 132 71%

Thursday, 19 December 2013

P90X3 Cold Start followed by CVX

X3 Cold Start followed by CVX

OMG this one is brutal  In a nutshell Plyometrics with a weight  

Admittedly not tons of jumping but we certainly leave the ground a fair bit and all while carrying a weight!

I started this one with my 3kg medball = Stupid, after 40 secs of jacks while pressing it over head I knew I couldn't last the full 60 secs let alone the next 29 mins so I dropped to a 2kg Dumbell for the rest of the session.
One part I had to drop to no weight but the rest I just about managed 

The Travelling Tire Twist is pretty tough and I had to slow down a little for those although still fun.
The Arc Press Lunge was the hardest for me but then Mary Katherines have been a bit of a nemesis of mine. And these are Mary Katherines but each time you jump up to change legs the weight goes from one hip in an arc over your head to the the other hip   

My main problem was oxygen, just couldn't get enough and as it is CV = cardio vascular - it really didn't take me long to know that this one really works the CV system OMG does it! Reminded me a little of my first day of Plyo X lol

This one has the next level for me that I guess I was looking for so that's a good thing and I hope it doesn't take long for my cardio system to get better because I hate having to slow down or stop because I just can't suck enough wind in grrrr
Muscle fatigue I can cope with better for some reason!

HRM 57 mins 489 cal 40% fat Max 169 91% Avg 136 74%

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

P90X3 The Challenge

X3 The Challenge

Push ups and pull ups!! What more can I say it's sets of Push ups and pull ups in various different hand positions and only Tony could make it fun!.

I really enjoyed it - I started off with low reps to see how I went as you have to keep the same number of reps all the way. I surprised myself  which is never a bad thing lol 

Will up my pull up numbers next time as these didn't tire me out, much to my amazement.
Push ups I will keep the numbers the same and just aim for less on knees as I managed at least 2 full push ups before dropping to my knees each time, which was a total of 17 full push ups for me (nothing for others I know:blush: ) which I'm quite stoked about. Looking to improve this next session.

Slight aside- for standard width and wide push ups were a real bitch for me where as I got stronger at military but I noticed today a huge improvement in those two movements and that can only be down to Pump and Combat  

Great stuff!

HRM 40 mins 198 cal 60% fat Max 144 78% Avg 107 57%

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

P90X3 X3 Yoga

X3 Yoga

Wow that is the way to do Yoga!!!! It's much faster than I'm used to from X but had a little experience from X2 so I really enjoyed it!
It's called Hatha yoga - I think that's what Tony said while I was upside down at some point?

Each movement you're supposed to do with the breath which is fine if you know what you're doing lol

I have to say for those that haven't done yoga before I think people will struggle with this one but I really enjoyed it. You really need to know the moves as the cueing is no where near as good as Yoga X - mainly because of the time element I know but for newbies it would be really hard.

My one gripe is considering one of the slogans is 'a modification for every move' - they don't modify camel. I mainly noticed it because it's one I still need to modify and thanks to Yoga X I know how but I'm sure it will bother others that don't grrrrrr Tony grrrrrr.
They've changed a few names too i.e. cat/cow is now cat/dog and crane is now called crow! Tony comments on the fact that he doesn't know why so who knows lol

Anyway I loved it, 30 mins was really spot on, I could have gone on longer for sure and I didn't burn many calories at all i.e. 170 cals but I felt stretched, energised and refreshed after it which was pretty awesome.
It fits in perfectly for day 3  and I'm ready and rarely to go for Day 4 The Challenge 

I think you guys will love it too!

HRM 34 mins 175 cal 60% fat Max 136 74% Avg 107 58%

Monday, 16 December 2013

P90X3 Cold Start followed by Agility X

X3 Cold Start followed by Agility X

Cold start today wasn't in the programming but he recommends it and I quite enjoy it - I have the time and the 12 mins makes great use of the hour that I have got used to filling up lol.

Agility X - I can not believe how much fun it was   absolutely loved it. It started off and I thought, I'm keeping up well here, but then it ramps up and I had to push! 

I really surprised myself with my long jumps - never really done anything like it before and thought what the hell and I jumped from one end of my mat to the other  how did that happen!

I struggled to keep up with one part where he has us in Set position and then on his command you jump left, right, across etc etc and towards the end I just keep up phew so that will a good goal to aim at:P 

It's not all lower body either there's some push ups, some side arm balance and some plyo push ups which I still can't really do so I just did push ups on my knees as I was shattered by then as it's the last move.

But guys you have to try this it's just brill! As I said in the other post I haven't done any of Shaun T's stuff but after doing this I won't bother!

HRM 56 mins 497 cal 40% fat Max 171 92% Avg 138 75%

Saturday, 14 December 2013

P90X3 Cold Start followed by Total Synergistics

X3 Cold Start followed by Total Synergistics  

Great fun, Cold start is more than just a warm up I reckon lol definitely nice and warm after it lol

Total Synergistics was lots of fun! 
I had to rewind a couple of bits to get my form sorted but really enjoyed it.

With the core work built in you can see why they didn't bother with AB Ripper  I didn't manage all the Brannon Boat but will try next time.

Pull knee pull was tough with the pull up assist which was a little frustrating. It really dug in my shin as I tried to raise my knees - I tried just one knee up at a time and that was a little better. (That's one thing I'm disappointed about the dvd - no demo of these with the chin-up assist - only Dreya using the bands as modification grrr)
Although thinking about it now, the Chin-up Circle crunch was easier and thats probably because I have more chin up strength so maybe I just need to get stronger lol.

I've not done any pull/chin up for what feels like weeks so it felt great to get back to some  

and don't talk to me about Crawly plyo push ups 

HRM 1Hr 2 mins 476 cal 45% fat Max 166 90% Avg 129 70%

Friday, 13 December 2013

X2 Recovery & Mobility

X2 Recovery & Mobility

Felt good to get rolled out tonight ;)  My shoulder feels great so all good.

So thanks to the wonderful people a Beachbody UK - I have my P90X3 already wahoo!!!! So exciting!!!!

So my decision now is considering X2 is more of a follow on to X3 it seems:blink: , do I scrap X2 for now as I'm only in week 2 and go for X3???

I've only watched Total Synergistics and Agility X so far and they do look fun  

Thursday, 12 December 2013

Les Mills Pump Challenge

Shoulder was very touchy through the night, hurt again this morning twice then was fine all day  

Pump Challenge (with my mum)

Went slightly lighter for shoulders so I didn't upset it. 
But upped weight for Dead row / Clean and Press. 
Kept the same weight for chest and tris but used easy bar to see if it helped the clicking I get from left shoulder during tricep press - it felt more comfortable but clicking still there lol
Lunges I think I managed all the reps at the same weight as last time - phew they are tough!

Squats 7kg - pretty good with these today
Lunges 2 x 2kg - the bottom halves make my thighs scream still but I think I got all the reps in this time
Chest & Tris 9kg - try 10kg next session
Back 11kg - felt good - another session here and then up it next time
Shoulders 2 x 2kg - went lighter to make sure shoulder ok - I think I was trying to push too far in my range of motion - go back put to 3kg next time and keep good ROM.

Good fun though - looking forward to the next pump disc but won't do it till my mums ready 

HRM 41 mins 260 cal 55% fat Max 151 82% Avg 117 63%