Tried BodyPump 95 today and its a great release. Really tough Bicep and Lunge track with so many pulses OMG!
BodyPump 95
Warm up- 8kg Bar & 2 x 2kg for shoulders.
Squats - 14kg Bar - tough one all in one stance for the 5mins - I think I missed a rep or two as I;m slightly slower on the singles.
Chest - 8kg Bar and 2 x 4kg for A Press. Only just made it through on the A Press as those pulses are tough. Also 2 sets and I was slow in changing from bar to dumbells.
Back = Deadlifts, Rows, Clean and Press & Power (push)Press 12kg Bar & 5kg DB for Thrusters. 2nd set 13kg and 5kg and 3rd set 14kg and 5kg DB. Good weight on the bar but could have gone up with the DB - maybe 6 and then 7 next time.
Triceps - 1 x 5kg for overhead tricep for a start but it got heavy quick, dropped to a 4kg and then a 3kg. Mixed with Bench tricep dips (tough and took breaks). I used a 5kg for the Kickbacks and it was a tough heavy for perfect form as a little swinging going on.
Biceps - 2 x 4kg - tons of pulses and it was burny but I think I made it, may have missed a rep as I was second or so slow starting.
Lunges - 2 x 3 kgs DBs - wow Regan and those pulses in squat position really refatigue the legs before going into the lunges. I dropped 1 db and then the other in the pulse section and missed 1 set of pulses on both legs OMG!!!
Shoulders - 8kg Bar and Presses were tough and I think I misses a few reps and 2 x 3kg DBs for shoulder but after a couple of reps too heavy to went to 2kgs and just made it but had to push through the burn phew!
No core section in this one.
Just bought a Wahoo TickX HRM so going to try it out tomorrow.
Collaboration request
11 months ago
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