Welcome to my fitness log

I've created this to keep everything to do with my fitness journey in one place for easy reference.
I've listed links to places I visit regularly or places I think are interesting or valuable resources.

I started doing Crossfit September 22nd 2009 and I loved it - it's totally awesome and it made me a better person in so many different ways!

After nearly 4 years of Crossfit and wrist injury I tried a home fitness DVD for a change and something new - Rip 60 was really great and then I found Beachbody / Tony Horton's P90X!
It's THE best home fitness program ever!!!
It changed my body in so many amazing ways and got my cardio fitness, my core and overall strength including push up strength better than ever before!!

I now do many Beachbody programs as they are all so great.
I 'm a big Tony Horton fan because he makes me work hard but makes me laugh at the same time.
After I completed P90X, I did P90X3, P90X2 and some P90X+. I''ve tried other Beachbody programs including the P90, Piyo, Focus T25,
21 Day Fix Extreme, Country Heat, BodyBeast and Insanity, The Aslyum 1 and 2. Completed 21 Day Fix and 22 Min hard Core.

Did some Insanity Max 30 and Core de Force but my knees can't handle jumping every day so I have to mix them in.
Shift shop is great and looking forward to the new 80 Day obsession.

I'm the fittest I've ever been in my life and still getting stronger every day!

Wednesday, 30 November 2016

H&C/Max30 Hybrid Day 3 Hammer Conditioning

Phew this was tougher than I remember too! That Fly lunge twist with a teeny tiny weight really makes the shoulders burn. I look forward to getting better at this one and increasing my pace to match theirs as for some of them I was bit slower

Followed by my own extra cool down/stretch - the 2-3 minute ones are never enough for me. I need to stretch everything out to feel done.

I managed to get my power rack built up today in my new gym space - just need to get all my dumbells,weights and bars there now. Getting there slowly.

Only 6 hours sleep last night so need a more good quality sleep tonight.

Tuesday, 29 November 2016

H&C Hammer Plyo & Ab Hammer

Enjoyed this tonight, pleased with my performance overall and surprised myself too ;)

Took a couple of breathers in last round of lunge,lunge,squat and the sumo jumps near the end of the rounds but other than stuck with it.

I did jumping pull ups and chin ups as to use the chin up max takes up so much time that you dont get many done.

No bench at the moment but used the arm of the settee and it worked brilliantly.

Ab Hammer was tough for me though - took breaks as I needed and did my best.

Monday, 28 November 2016

H&C Iso Strength Chisel & BOD Yoga Foundation Stretch

So I started H&C/Max 30 hybrid today with Iso Strength chisel and loved it.
Having been doing calisthenics for about 5 week I haven't really touched a dumbell in that time and I'm so gonna have to embrace the onslaught of DOMS that I think will hit after tonight's workout with Chisel because boy was I shaking on some of these moves.
Those 10 sec holds are really tough!!!!

Chased it with BOD Yoga Foundation Stretch - great stretch but mostly lower body - much better after a cardio day ;)

Saturday, 26 November 2016

Barstarzz Week 1-2 & BOD Yoga Relax

Skills was max push ups in 100 secs - I did 12 feet and 12 knees which I was disappointed with as 5 weeks ago when I started these I did 14 feet and 13 knees so as I thought.... not recovering/not enough rest/ workout programming not working for me so definitely time to start a different program I think - So H&C/Max 30 hybrid it is.

Workout was Amsterdam again = 30 secs rounds of Burpees, Plank, Squat Calf Raises, Push ups, Plyo lunges and side plank holds. 4 Rounds with 1 min rest.....I improved by more better quality burpees, got all planks like last time, extra 7 squat calf raises, Push was less numbers than last time but this time they were on the floor instead of on power stands. Plyo lunges I alternated between deep and therefore slightly slower ones and shallow quicker ones (Mary katherines). I also managed all side planks for the full 30 secs again.
But I did get a 10 min panic/stressed facetime call from my dad at 3 mins to the end grrrrr 

Finished off with BOD yoga retreat 1-6 relax which was lovely and calming.

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Insanity Max 30 Tabata Power

I managed to squeeze in Max 30 Tabata Power tonight. I didnt get chance to take my preworkout and I knew to it maxing out really early on in Min 5 but still glad I got something done - something is better than nothing right?

Push ups were really tough after all the push ups yesterday but still enjoyed it.

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Barstarzz 1-1 and BOD Yoga Elise Well Rounded

Skills was Pull ups/Neg Chin ups = 0 pull ups, 1/3 chin up and 10 chin up max assisted chin ups.

Pull up & push up mixer so 1 pull up with 5 secs hold at the top, 5 at the middle and 5 at the bottom, then 10 push ups. 2 pull ups plus holds and then 10 push ups adding a pull up till you can do more.
I managed 4 rounds all assisted chin ups with push ups being 10 feet, 8f & 2 knees, 5f 5k & 5f 5 k.

Then 2 rounds of 1min each of Diamond/Miltary Push ups, pull ups, Pike Push ups, knee raises and chin ups.
Rnd 1 = 6 Diamond & 8 Miltary on knees, 6 ass & 3 jumping negs, 12, 11 and 6 assist & 3 jumping.
Rnd 2 = 3 Military feet and 10 knees, 6 assist, 13, 10, 8 assisted.
My forearms were toast!!!

Chased it with BOD Yoga Elise's Well Rounded - a really great booty focused yoga routine. Some bits pretty tough and I had to shake it out a couple of times but really enjoyed it. Will do this one again for sure.

Monday, 21 November 2016

Insanity Max 30 Cardio Challenge & BOD Yoga Ted's Muscle Recovery

Well I just did Cardio Challenge, my first ever Insanity Max 30 workout and woweeee!!
I maxed out pretty early on, in Min 6,  as I'm certainly a late bloomer into the cardio world and have lost a little cardio conditioning over the last couple of months but wow did I enjoy it!

I kept going and kept pushing following the modifier where I needed to to keep going and it was awesome!

Chased it with Ted's Muscle Recovery Yoga which gave some nice stretches.

Saturday, 19 November 2016

Barstarzz PreProgram Wk 4-4 = Complete & BOD Yoga 3-5

So today was the last workout in the Barstarzz 4 week Pre-program and I have to say its been great. It's been a tough week and I felt it tonight after a week of no barstarzz workouts but I did my best.

I think I would have done better at the pull ups/chin ups if I had Pullupmate bar at the start of the program but looking forward to hopefully (after even more delays waiting for people to get jobs done) getting my gym set up by the end of next week and then I can really get stuck into my training with my power rack, higher pull bar and more space so I can get my bench and weights out again.
Need to buy some good flooring as its concrete floor too!

I did assisted tricep dips tonight - think I might feel those tomorrow.

I did find the 4 Barstarzz workouts a week pretty tough going. I feel I need more recovery time to get the best out of it as repeatedly hitting the same muscle groups is hard for me. I certainly felt a little run down into week 4 hence needing the rest.

Looking forward to the 12 week program but I might go to 2-3 times a week to allow for more recovery. Giving a chance for a good cardio and a maybe a weights workout.

Friday, 18 November 2016

Core de Force MMA Shred & BOD Yoga Prog Week 3-4

Couldn't jump up and down while doing Core de Force MMA Shred tonight but still got a good workout in.

Chased it with some Yoga flow with Ted and felt so much better afterwards.

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

22MHC Cardio 2

Wow 3 really long hard and very stressful days and boy did I need a workout! Managed to squeeze in some heart pumping feel good destress hormone releasing cardio with Cardio 2 from 22 Min Hard Core and a little stretch.

I feel so much better and hope the next few days are not as stressful.

Saturday, 12 November 2016

Barstarzz PreProgram Wk 4-3 & BOD Yoga 3-3

Spent nearly 4 hours getting more of the kitchen finished off - who thought that modifying a shelf to fit, fitting 1 drawer, 1 false draw front and 2 cupboard doors could take so long!!

Skills was side plank - max hold min 100 secs. I need to work on this one as I only managed 40-20-20 secs on left side and 40-20-8-8 on right as arm was hurting?

Push ups - max in 100 secs - I did 16 feet with breaks and 16 on knees with breaks - this is 5 more than last time I tried ;)

Workout was Pull up pyramid which I did using chin up max on new bar. 1 to 5 and back down to 1 reps. Pretty tough but got through it.

Then a repeat of London but I didn't have to modify this time as got bar yippeee but this of course did make it tougher lol.
1 min hanging L-Sit - 5-3-3 grip goes really fast on the thick slippery bar, 5-3-2 & 3-2-1
1 min hanging knee raise - 3-1-1 grrr grip, 3-2-2, 2-1 omg no grip left at all.
30 sec Side plank right - did them all =  more progress
30 secs side plank left - did them all
Rest for 1 min and repeat twice more.

Straight into some Yoga with Ted and BOD Week 3-3 Balance and loved his nice little workout.

Right wrist still a bit tweaky and moving business premises this coming week so workouts could be hit and miss. Although only 1 workout of Pre program left I feel like I need to recover before starting the main 12 week program, so this rest week couldn't be timed better.

Thursday, 10 November 2016

Barstarzz PreProgram Wk 4-2 & BOD Yoga 3-1

Very long tiring day, honestly this week feel like a fortnight already - but later than I would have liked I thankfully got to try out my new pull up mate bar at last. It's brill!!!!

So I tried a few reps with Chin up max of chin ups and pull ups. Then changed it do a dip station and chin up max also works as a tricep dip assist as well so I'm over the moon. I can pretty much do them unassisted  - much to my surprise - but the assist will help me no end so super impressed.

Skills was L-Sit kickout which I could do properly this time from my new bar ;) The bar is thicker than what I'm used to so that affected my grip somewhat and I didn't always get my legs straight but great to not have to modify.

Because I cant jump upstairs anymore, I had to carry all my equipment downsatirs grrrr
Workout was Wash Warrior Heights again - 1 min each with 1 min rest between 3 sets of..
Squat Jumps - 27, 25, 22
Bodyweight Rows - for real unmodified using new bar :) 12, 10, 8
Plyo Lunges - 70 fast/shallow, 20 fast-10-10 deep and slower, 10 deep - 10-10 faster/shallower
Push ups - 10k-2f-6-4k, 5f-6-6k, 4f-5-5knees
Burpees - 9, 9, 9 mixture of stepped back and jumps as I was toast!

Not getting started for over an hour after I planned meant my pre-workout was pretty much gone and my energy levels were low for this workout. Really tough week, not enough sleep due to burning the candle at both hands and poor eating meant I really felt it tonight :(

I was toast but after such a stressful day I knew some yoga would help be feel better and relax so I did BOD Yoga Week 3 day 1 too and although shaky in some poses, it did me good.

Plumber didn't turn up as got delayed but is coming in the morning. Time for zzzzzz's

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Pullupmate and breakdown

My new pull up bar arrived today from pullupmate and super excited to try it out but we had to go out for a couple of hours before hand and guess what....we broke down! Filled my car with fuel and it pee'd it all out over the forecort!! 
So after a 3/4 hour wait in 5 degress we all got very very cold. AA finally arrived and made a temporary fix with some tape of all things which took another 1/2 hour. 
We drove home (as not safe to drive anywhere else) to get the other car to go do what we set out to do and got back way too late for a workout :(
Really disappointed but fingers crossed for tomorrow as after going to our unit to get 17 pallets ready for half of our business move, the plumbers coming to plumb in the new sink (yippee) and hopefully I will get my workout done and try my new pull up bar too. I also cant find my chin up max anywhere so got another one coming tomorrow also

Monday, 7 November 2016

Barstarzz PreProgram Wk 4-1 & 22MHC Cardio 1

Long day and not great eating but got it done thankfully.

Skills was neg chin ups with rip 60 again.

Workout was Around the Block again..
5 Sets/Rounds with 1 min break in between of
5 pull ups (Rip 60 Straps)
10 Tricep Dips (My wrist has been achey since last time I did tricep dips and I've been resting it since so I subbed lying tricep press/skullcrushers with 10lb)
10 Push ups (Rnd 1 All feet 5-3-2 but I felt like a strain in my left pec, Rnd 2 I played in safe and just did knees, Rnd 3 Knees again, 4 I tried tricep push ups instead 4-4 then 2 wide & 5 was 10 wide knees

Chased it with 22MHC Cardio 1 phew!!!

Barstarzz PreProgram Wk 3-4 & 22MHC Cardio 1

Long day and not great eating but got it done thankfully.

Skills was neg chin ups with rip 60 again.

Workout was Around the Block again..
5 Sets/Rounds with 1 min break in between of
5 pull ups (Rip 60 Straps)
10 Tricep Dips (My wrist has been achey since last time I did tricep dips and I've been resting it since so I subbed lying tricep press/skullcrushers with 10lb)
10 Push ups (Rnd 1 All feet 5-3-2 but I felt like a strain in my left pec, Rnd 2 I played in safe and just did knees, Rnd 3 Knees again, 4 I tried tricep push ups instead 4-4 then 2 wide & 5 was 10 wide knees

Chased it with 22MHC Cardio 1 phew!!!

Saturday, 5 November 2016

Barstarzz PreProgram Wk 3-3 & BOD Yoga Wk 3-2

So last workout of Week 3 for me and still loving it ;)

Skills was plyo lunges - went nice and deep.

Then workout was a repeat of one done before so I was really interested to my progress....

30 secs rounds of Burpees, Plank, Squat Calf Raises, Push ups, Plyo lunges and side plank holds. 4 Rounds with 1 min rest.....I improved by better quality burpees, 10 secs on planks (did all for the full 30 secs no breaks), extra 5 squat calf raises, 12 push ups but more importantly last time I did 3 feet and 45 knees - today I did 36 feet and 24 knees. I also managed all side planks for the full 30 secs when I was only managing 20-25 secs before so really over the moon.

Chased it with 3rd week of BOD yoga day 2 stretch - the lovely stretch was needed.

Friday, 4 November 2016

Barstarzz PreProgram Wk 3-3 & BOD Yoga Wk 2-5

Day 3 of Week 3 of Barstarzz PrePrograme was Neg chin ups again for skill and I managed another 2 in the 100 secs this time with rip 60 straps.

New workout today very cardio/legs based - Stumbling which was 20 plyo lunges, 15 squat calf raises, 10 jump squats, 5 front squat ( I would call them broad jumps from Tony) and 30 Squat sit hold. Rest 1 min and repeat twice more= phew! I completed it in 11.05mins

Then second one was London for abs and was 1 min hanging L-Sit but no bar so I subbed in Boat with bent knee then straight legs, 1 min hanging knee raise but I subbed Boat again with bent knee, 30 sec Side plank right, 30 secs side plank left rest for 1 min and repeat twice more.
I managed 10 boat with straighten each round, 12 boats each round, 1 side plank right I took 2 breaks 20-5 secs but I got all the other 30 sec side planks.

I know I didn't get the benefit of the grip/hang practice but boy I felt in in the abs!

Chased it with BOD Yoga day 4 - Yoga on the go for a swift 20 mins of great yoga ;)

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Barstarzz PreProgram Wk 3-2 & BOD Yoga Wk 2-4

So leg flutters for skill training then workout 1 was Pinehuert which was 1 push up, with 1 sec plank, 2 push ups, 2 sec plank and so on up to 10 push ups with 10 sec plank.

Then Workout 2 was Giza which is a repeat of one I've done already..
1min each x 3 sets with 1 min rest in between of
Push ups - All power stands Rnd 1 10f-10k, 2-8f, 6-6k, 3-5f, 5-4-4k
Plank- 1-40-20 secs, 2-30-20secs, 3-40-15 secs
Tricep dips - On chair 1-10-10 all straight leg, 2-12-9-3 bent legs, 3-12-5-5 straight leg

Glute bridges -1-35, 2-35, 3-39

I'm stoked at my increase in push ups, plank wasn't so good after the first workout, tricep dips improved and did my glute bridge reps so I'm happy.
Then after a min or two breather I went into Yoga Flow from week 2 which was different but I enjoyed it and some good quad burning poses in there too which was nice after all upper body earlier.

Barstarzz PreProgram Wk 3-2 & BOD Yoga Wk 2-4

So leg flutters for skill training then workout 1 was 1 push up, with 1 sec plank, 2 push ups, 2 sec plank and so on up to 10 push ups with 10 sec plank.

Then Workout 2 was a repeat of one I've done already..
1min each x 3 sets with 1 min rest in between of
Push ups - All power stands Rnd 1 -5-5f, 8k, 2-6-5-4-3 k, 3-5-4-3-2 f wide
Plank- 1-yep, 2-30-20secs, 3-30-20 secs
Tricep dips - On chair 1- 8-5-5 all straight leg, 2-10-7-6 bent legs, 3-10-7-6 straight leg
Glute bridges -1-27, 2-27, 3-34

I'm stoked at my increase in push ups, plank wasn't so good after the first workout, tricep dips improved and did my glute bridge reps so I'm happy.
Then after a min or two breather I went into Yoga Flow from week 2 which was different but I enjoyed it and some good quad burning poses in there too which was nice after all upper body earlier.