Welcome to my fitness log

I've created this to keep everything to do with my fitness journey in one place for easy reference.
I've listed links to places I visit regularly or places I think are interesting or valuable resources.

I started doing Crossfit September 22nd 2009 and I loved it - it's totally awesome and it made me a better person in so many different ways!

After nearly 4 years of Crossfit and wrist injury I tried a home fitness DVD for a change and something new - Rip 60 was really great and then I found Beachbody / Tony Horton's P90X!
It's THE best home fitness program ever!!!
It changed my body in so many amazing ways and got my cardio fitness, my core and overall strength including push up strength better than ever before!!

I now do many Beachbody programs as they are all so great.
I 'm a big Tony Horton fan because he makes me work hard but makes me laugh at the same time.
After I completed P90X, I did P90X3, P90X2 and some P90X+. I''ve tried other Beachbody programs including the P90, Piyo, Focus T25,
21 Day Fix Extreme, Country Heat, BodyBeast and Insanity, The Aslyum 1 and 2. Completed 21 Day Fix and 22 Min hard Core.

Did some Insanity Max 30 and Core de Force but my knees can't handle jumping every day so I have to mix them in.
Shift shop is great and looking forward to the new 80 Day obsession.

I'm the fittest I've ever been in my life and still getting stronger every day!

Sunday, 30 May 2010

100526 L-sit, Good Mornings, Sit-ups, Back Ext.

Warm up:- normal combo + 2 push ups on knees and then tried again for a full push up - nearly there got sort of one but wasn't full depth, tried again and failed twice so did 10 push ups on knees.

100526 L-sit, Good Mornings, Sit-ups, Back Ext.

Three rounds for time of:
10-15 seconds L-sit - I did hanging L-tuck as cant get legs out yet - 15 secs straight
pvc - 15 pound barbell Good mornings, 15 reps - I did 7kg /15lb bar
20 Abmat sit-ups - feet unanchored with soles together
Back Extensions, 15 reps - I did abmat ones as no equipment to hang off safely

Done in 10.12 mins (splits 3.28, 3.28, 3.14)

Think I scaled too low for this one as except from the situps the rest seemed too easy - but it's first time doing good morning with any weight so didn't want to be stupid. People have been saying about hams hurting after this and I didn't want to spend tomorrow in agony - lots to do.

Cash out:- Chin ups with blue band assist at pin 5 x 3, pin 4 x 3, pin 3 x 3 got 1 then failed the next 2 and had some pain in left elbow so decided to call it quits.

Felt a bit dissatified after today - as didn't feel I had done much but with elbow moaning thought it best to stop and be ready to start again after rest day - looks like it's gonna be a tough cycle of hero wods!

Saturday, 29 May 2010

100525 "Fran"

Warm up:- a few arm swings, over-n-unders, lat and front raises, band dislocates with ohs x 5, 10 abmat situps, 10 abmat back extenstions, 10 push ups against pin 5 (straight thru pretty easy so go pin4 from now on), 3 blue band assist chin ups

Three rounds, 21-15- and 9 reps, for time of:
95 pound Thruster

Last time Fran came up we recommended going as close to RX’d as possible.  This time we want you to move fast.

I scaled to one of the recommend variations of 9 sets of 5 each exercise but kept the same 14kg / 30lb weight and same blue band assist pull ups the same as last time to see if there was a difference.

Done in 9.49 mins NEW PR compared to 11 mins 100112

I did all chin up today with a little jump assist for reps 3-5 in the later rounds
It actually felt slow and the weight felt heavy to my surprise but PR by 1.11 secs isn’t too bad is it?

Cash out:- Bench press 7kg x 3, 12kg x 3 3RM 17kg - 22kg -22kg again width wider grip - 27kg - 30kg / 66lb PR by 2kg / 4lb
wasn’t at my limit but after Fran wasn’t going to stupidly push and was pleased with progress as I need to get my push ups back.

NB synergy sachet taken PWO again

Friday, 28 May 2010

100524 Back squats 5-5-5-5-5

Warm up:- a few arm swings, over-n-unders, band dislocates with ohs x 5, 10 abmat situps, 10 abmat back extenstions, 10 push ups on knees
Back squats @7kg x 5, @17kg x 5

Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5 reps
27kg - 32 - [b]37 - 42 - 44kg / 97lb NEW PR[/b]

Compare to 091111

Cashout:- Ring support holds x 10 secs x 3, Ring rows with knees bent 90 deg x 3,3, Monkey hang x 10 secs, Hand tuck sit x 10 secs, Knees-toelbow attempts x 2,3
Still had some left in the tank so did a gentle jog pace (sp 8) 7 mins on elliptical lev 2 with a couple of 30 secs spints (sp 11/12) Total 1000m

Held core much better today and felt much stronger with the squats :) good day.

Out of Recovery shake because my delivery didn't arrive today grrr the courier gave up looking for us and took it back to the depot grrrr so had a synergy shake satchet instead, and hope it doesn't give me headache like last time.

Tender triceps and pecs today

A little sore from yesterday - my triceps are sore, pecs are tender and also noticed some tingly numbness in left hand this evening - mainly little finger area - only minor but noticable - some inflamation no doubt probably made worse from pizza I had today - most bread I have had in months and months but nice!!

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

100521 Run 400M / 50 squats x4 & 100522 “J.T.”

Not much of a warm up today, few arm swings, knee highs, over-n-unders and a few meters on elliptical and 5 squats with a squat stretch

100521 Run 400M / 50 squats x4
3 rounds
Run 400 M - I did 400m on elliptical at level 4
20 Squats

Done in 10.56 mins

Took a 5 mins rest and then did

a few arm rotations, some ring rows (with knees bent), 5 push ups against bar at pin 5, 5 HSPU progs with knees on 8" box, was looking to 15 & 9 on higher level ie bench so tried but the one I tried was an only just and I really felt it in my triceps from yesterday push jerks doh!! stick to the 8" today

100522 “J.T.”
Pack /puppish
HSPU (If you cannot do HSPU choose the hardest progression you are able to and use that) - Knees on 8” box
Bar dips - bench dips at bar at pin 5
Push ups - scaled to 15-9-6 bar at pin 5
Done in 10.10 mins shut 

Doubled up to catch up but as soon I started JT I realised it was a mistake! I planned to do all in the 21-15-9 rounds but after the first few push ups I realised how fatigued I still was from yesterday and I was not going to make 21 so decided to drop to 15-9-6 and just slogged thru to the finish.

Hopefully I won't pay too dearly tomorrow for my sillyness today!! I just don't like feeling / being behind! 

100520 185 rack to OH x 20, Burpees x 40

Warm up:- normal combo + decline situps x 5, bench dips with legs at 45 and then straight, got my EXF rings today WAHOO  party so had to try them out with some ring rows and support holds, tried a false grip too.
10kg press x 3, push press x 3, push jerk x 3 and then 15kg push jerk x 3, 2 burpees

100520 185 rack to OH x 20, Burpees x 40
25-45 pound barbell, Shoulder to overhead, 15 reps - I did 45lb / 20kg
30 Burpees

Partition as needed, any order. - push jerks x 3 reps x 5 (all deadlifted and hand cleaned to rack), burpees 5 reps x 6

Done in 8.51 mins

Pretty pleased with todays wod - I originally planned to go with 17kg / 37lb with 5 reps but at the last minute figured I should push harder to get stronger and so I went with the top of the puppies scale of 45lb / 20kg and although tough I did it and was pleased with form throughout.
Burpees on the other hand hmm overall pleased I got them done and didn't drop to squat thrusts so obviously getting better but my form was pretty sloppy - sloppy trying to be fast as I was aiming for the target of 7 mins, but also lack of room, my barbell was on the floor in front of me as I went down into push up and had to work hard not to head but it so that really didnt help either!

Trying to find time to move some furniture about to make more room!

Cash out:-Chins with blue band assist at pin 5 x 3, pin 4 x 3, pin 3 x 2 failed both chin to bar but not over, took a min or so breather and retried pin 3 x 1, 1 yay me.
Push ups at pin 1 x 3 - failed 3rd rep grrrr

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

rest day but did some push ups

Rest day for me except for a few push ups with band assist. I will get that push up back asap

2pm ish
Red band pin 5 x 3
Red band pin 4 x 3
Red band pin 3 x 3 - last rep was tough so took a break

7pm ish
Red band pin 4 x 3
Red band pin 3 x 3 - only just made it up on the last rep

Monday, 24 May 2010

lost strength :(

I just wanted to share that I have lost the ablity to do push ups again  :(

Not done enough of them clearly and obviously lost the strength I gained - I tried on 3 or 4 different days now and nope it's not happening I've definitely gone backwards!  :(

So more bench press and push ups progs for me over the next few days - I NEED to get that push up back and keep it then turn it into 2 and then 3

Sunday, 23 May 2010

100517 "Tommy V" and 100518 " Annie"

MONDAY 100517
“Tommy V”
pvc-15 pound Thruster, 12 reps - I did 22lb / 10kg
15 ft Rope Climb, 6 ascents - I did beginner roper climbs, laying to standing = 1 ascent
pvc-15 pound Thruster, 9 reps - I did 22lb / 10kg
15 ft Rope Climb, 3 ascents - I did beginner roper climbs, laying to standing = 1 ascent
pvc-15 pound Thruster, 6 reps - I did 22lb / 10kg
15 ft Rope Climb, 1 ascents -  I did beginner roper climbs, laying to standing = 1 ascent
*You can sub beginner rope climbs if you are unable to climb a rope yet.

I did the same as last time to compare the two - last time I finished in 9.12 mins Oct 29th 09
Done in 4.20 mins - New PR bigsmile

Def up the weight next time - probably up to puppies 16 kg / 35 lb

Had a few minutes breather then hit

Tuesday 100518
20-15 and 10 rep rounds of:
Single unders
Sit-ups - I did Abmat unanchored - very little hand movement/assist ecept tha last few reps

Done in 3.47 mins includes a few seconds to get from outside backdoor to living room floor each round as skipping outside.
Splits 1.21, 1.28 (took a few breaths during situps doh!!), 0.57.

My first time doing “Annie” and first time skipping since I left school! Ordered rope a few days ago and it came sat morning. Had a go and wahoo I can skip, much better than I remember too.
So as it was my first time I thought buttercup made sense and found the situps to slow me down lol.

Cash out:- It went so well and quick lol that I thought I would try for some DU’s - to see what all the fuss is about lol
Nope can’t do them yet, got close a couple of times but rope hit feet! Maybe next time pray

Saturday, 22 May 2010

Skill day

Had a skill day today - to work on form.
Mainly clean & jerk but checked other stuff too. Had my mum film me so I could see what’s what!
Need to check out the footage to see if what I think is happening is happening lol.

100516 Clean and jerk

After 2 days of pretty much doing nothing to rest my sore quads from Karen I got back to it today after a very hard day being on my feet all day - my back isn't used to it lol

Warm up:- a few arm swings, over-n-unders, 10 abmat situps, 10 abmat back extenstions

Cash in:- carry bar and weights downstairs and outside so I could have a bit more room x 4 trips

Clean and Jerk (I did push jerk)
1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

16kg - 18 - 20 - 22 -24 (failed jerk but recovered and tried again successfully) - [b]24[/b] - [b]24kg / 53lb[/b] = [b]PR[/b] by 4kg / 11lb

Cash out:- carry bar and weight back up the stairs x 4 trips

Compare to 091112.

Pleased with wod and PR - quads felt great so really pleased that I took the extra rest day - even though I'm now further behind with wods.
Clean felt better although I think I still need to be carefull I'm not reverse curling it up instead of shrugging it close to me grr - need to video myself.

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

100514 "Eva"

Warmup:- 1 hour of mowing the lawns had a quick drink and then a few arm swings, over-n-unders, 10 butterfly abmat situps, 10 abmat back extenstions, a few strides on the elliptical, 10 2kg db swings, 5 blue band assist chin ups,

100514 "Eva"
Three rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters - I did elliptical level 4 600 meters
15-24# Kettlebell swing, 15 reps - I did 8kg / 18lb DB swings
15 Beginner or assisted Pull-ups - I did blue band assisted pull ups (mix of chins and pulls) with a little jump assist as needed in round 2 and 3, alos feet a few inches apart towrds later reps to help.

Done in 18.46 mins PR
Splits were 5.56, 6.23, 6.26

Compared to last time..

Friday 091113
Three rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters - I subbed elliptical trainer level 4 600 meters
15-24# Kettlebell swing, 15 reps - I used 8kg/18lb dumbell
15 Beginner or assisted Pull-ups - I subbed o/h pulldown @ 20kg

Done in 19.34 mins.
Splits were 6.20,6.18,6.54.

Yesterday I hoped to do this much faster as it was a while ago but considering how beat up and achey I felt from Karen yesterday and I had just mowed the lawns for an hour and sweapt the path before I started I was fairly pleased with my PR.

This evening I ache like I don't know what - rremind me not to a 100 anythings in one go without building up to it more slowly!!!

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

100513 "Karen"

Warm up:- arm swings/rotations, knee highs, side-to-side lunges with overhead press, 10 abmat situps unachored butterfly, 10 abmat back extensions, 10 push ups against pin 3, 10 Blue band assisted chin ups at pin 5, hang clean @ 10kg, press @ 10kg, 2 thrusters @ 10kg

100513 "Karen"
100 Wallball shots, 10 pound ball to 8’ target - I subbed Thrusters @ 10kg / 22lb
Women 6-8” ball

Done in 13.38 mins
Broken into 25, 15, 10, 10,  10, 10, 10, 10 OMG! (The first 50 done in 5.34 it went down hill after that = too much bar staring!)

I'm glad I persevered and got it done but boy energy was low today - day didn't go to plan at all but that's life!

Sunday, 16 May 2010

EXF Rings

Ordered New EXF rings from ringtraining.com dance

Saturday, 15 May 2010

100512 MU's, Powers Cleans, Run 220m

Warm up:- arm swings/rotations, knee highs, side-to-side lunges with overhead press, k starr’ over-n-unders, 10 abmat situps unachored butterfly, 10 abmat back extensions, 3 push ups against pin 5, 3 push ups against pin 4, 3 push ups against pin 3, 3 push ups against pin 2, 3 Blue band assisted chin ups at pin 5, 3 Blue band assisted chin ups at pin 4, 1 Blue band assisted chin ups at pin 3 and failed the next, 10 bar dips, 3 push ups against pin 1, 10 power cleans @ 10kg, Elliptical for about 5 meters, planned to do bar muscle ups at waist height so tried one and on 2nd decent bar come off pins and I landed on rear red 
face so ok 3 dip/3pu’s sub it is.

Puppies/pack mix
Five rounds for time of
5 Squat muscle-ups - subbed 3 bar dips / 3 blue band assisted pull ups per MU
10-25 pound Power clean, 10 reps - I did 12kg / 26lb
Run 220 meters - I did elliptical no arms level 4

Done in 29.05 mins The subs really slowed it down and I had to walk from one room to another to get to elliptical.

Splits 5.35, 5.52, 5.51, 6.06, 5.39

Rnd 1 & 2 were all chins, 3,4 & 5 were mix of chins and pulls - some had a little jump, later rounds had feet apart to give more assistance.
Power cleans were very light and so flew thru them - def up the weight next time and I’m going to order some rings from the US as the subs drive me round the bend!!

Rest day because very sore

Took extra rest day today - thighs/hams and biceps so very sore and tender from this last cycle.

Struggled to walk up the stairs or get up out of or down into chair yesterday without groaning, today is better with just a little soreness in the legs but biceps still sore so much needed rest day and get back at it tomorrow!

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

100510 HSPU, DB Sqaut Cleans, L pull ups

Warm up:- arm swings/rotations, knee highs, side-to-side lunges with overhead press, k starr’ over-n-unders, 10 abmat situps unachored butterfly, 10 abmat back extensions, 3 push ups against pin 5, 3 push ups on knees tried for a full one but failed so did another 7 on knees, 5 blue band assist chin ups, 10 shoulder press @ 2kg dbs, a hang power clean @ 2kg db, hang clean @ 2kg db, clean @ 2kg db's

Five rounds for time of:
10 Dumbbell shoulder press, 5-15# - I used 7kg / 15lb for rounds 1 & 2 then dropped a kg for the rest of the rounds 6kg / 13lb
5-15# Dumbbell Squat clean, 10 reps - I used 7kg / 15lb for rounds 1 & 2 then dropped a kg for the rest of the rounds 6 kg / 13lb
10 Beginner or assisted pull ups - blue band assisted at pin 5 - first 2 rounds were all chins with some jumping assist, then switched to mix of chin and pulls with jump assist were nec.

Done in 19.57 mins phew (I think GD has been listening to me wanting to up the work level and time to about 20 mins lol as the last 2 wods have been that way without me even trying lol)

Splits Rnd 1 = 3.20 mins
Rnd 2 = 4.17,
removed a kg from both db's = 0.40,
Rnd 3 = 3.25,
Rnd 4 = 4.22
Rnd 5 = 3.50 with adrenaline push to finish lol

Tough but great in an insane crossfit way  ;-) Chins were tough as biceps were tender from yesterday sdhps. Shoulder press was the main reason for the drop in weight but I think I would have struggled to finish or just took all day lol so target next time is all rounds with 7kg

Had 2 scoops of Phd det way with handfull of nuts as pre workout instead salmon salad and energy levels were much better - no drop today :) 

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

100509 "Jerry"

Warm up:- arm swings/rotations, knee highs, side-to-side lunges with overhead press, k starr’ over-n-unders, 10 abmat situps unachored butterfly, 10 abmat back extensions, 10 push ups on knees

Sunday 100509

Run 800 M - I did elliptical level 4 in 5.24mins
Row 1K - I subbed 100 SDHP @ 14kg / 31lb - broken into 50 (with a few breathers but held onto the bar), 25, 25 done in 7.57 mins
Run 800 M - I did elliptical level 4 in 6.21

Done in 19.42 mins

This one totally kicked my but today!!
I was originally planning to double up today to catch up from life getting in the way again yesterday but no way - my energy levels just plummeted with this wod!! Guess I neeed to look at my eating and introduce some carbs grrr

Sunday, 9 May 2010

100508 Crossfit Total

Warm up:- arm swings/rotations, knee highs, 10 abmat situps unachored butterfly, 10 abmat back extensions, 5 dislocates with 5 o/h air squats

Tuesday 100508
“CrossFit Total”
Back squat, 1 rep
Shoulder Press, 1 rep
Deadlift, 1 rep

BS - warm ups 17kg x 5, 27kg x 3, 37 kg x 2, 47kg x 2,
52kg x 1, 57kg x 1, 59kg x 1 NEW PR  grin

SP - 7kg x 5, 12kg x 2, 17kg x 2,
22kg x 1, 24kg x 1, 26kg x1 = F (Current PR is 25kg )

DL - 12kg x 5, 22kg x 4, 32kg x 2, 42kg x 2, 52kg x 2,
62kg x 1, 68kg x 1 = F, 67kg x 1 (Current PR is 72kg shut 
eye  )

Crossfit Total of 59+24+67 = 150kg / 330lbs down by 3kg / 7lb
Compared to 10223 of 153kg / 337lb

Went better than I thought - still dissapointing but I haven’t done any real heavy stuff since the last total so not really surprised. Pleased by by Squat up 3kg / 7lb though.

Saturday, 8 May 2010

100505 DB DL, Hang CL, push press, squats & 100506 Squat cleans / Sit ups

Took an unplanned rest day yesterday - due to feeling very achey, lacking sleep and my mum wanted me to keep her company as she was feeling rough from having a tooth out. I had headache all evening and woke up with it grrrr

I felt better today apart from the headache, still not enough sleep but decide I would feel better after my wod or two to catch up  wink

Warm up= arm swings/rotations, knee highs, k star's over-n-unders, side to side lunges with overhead press, 5 band dislocates with ohs, 10 push ups (5 at pin 4, then knees on floor x 2 tried full on floor nope failed twice so did another 5 at pin 4), 5 blue band assist pull ups, 10 bench dips at pin 4, 10 abmat sit ups

1 round of wod with 2kg DB's to warm up fully

From 100505
Five rounds of
5 Dumbbell deadlifts
5 Dumbbell hang cleans - hang squat cleans
5 Dumbbell push presses
5 Dumbbell squats

Increase the load each round.

5kg/11lb - 6kg - 7kg - 7kg - 8kg/18lb

Push press was my week link but glad I pushed to 8kg on the last round

Took a few mins rest then decided to do the next wod more as a do it but don't kill myself after those hang squat cleans I've just done!

From 100506
Complete as many rounds in seven minutes as you can of
95 pound Squat clean, 10 reps - I scaled to on 10kg/22lb as not done many full cleans really
20 Sit-ups - I did abmat with feet anchored under BB and hand behind head (I now realise this was wrong after reading other post regarding hand over head - which thankfully makes alot more sense how you would touch the anchor? rolleyes  )

Completed 2 rounds and 4 squats cleans (I wasnt really pushing in the 1st round but tried to turn it up a little in the 2nd lol)

Pretty tough cycle this time but all good. I'm gonna try upping my wod time / reps / levels to get from average 12 mins wod to 20-25 mins by increasing reps where I can - trying to work up to pack reps then maybe bring up the weights - depending on the wods of course lol

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

100504 Barbara = Barbie

Warm up= arm swings/rotations, knee highs and side to side lunges with overhead press, band dislocates with ohs, 10 push ups, 5 blue band assist pull ups, 5 sit ups


Five rounds, each for time of:
5 Pull-ups - blue band assist at pin 5 as last time
10 Push-ups - done on bar at pin 4 - pin 5 last time
15 Sit-ups - abmat unanchored hands pretty much on floor - hands assisted last time
20 Squats

Rest precisely three minutes between each round. Post time for each of five rounds to comments

This time - Last time
Rnd 1 = 2.31 - 2.52 = PR by 0.21
Rnd 2 = 2.14 - 2.45 = PR by 0.31
Rnd 3 = 2.25 - 2.42 = PR by 0.17
Rnd 4 = 2.44 - 2.44! = same grrr push ups were slowing me down
Rnd 5 = 2.33 - 2.43 = PR by 0.11 - changed grip width to help with fatique  wink
Overall PR by 1.20 mins  bigsmile with harder push ups and situps.

Pleased with progress - will increase the pull up difficulty next time to pin 4 - or should I increase reps all round?????

Monday, 3 May 2010

100502 BB squat snatch and pullups

Warm up:- 10 arm swings/rotations, 10 knee highs, 10 side to side lunges with overhead press, 10 kstarr’s over’n’unders, 10 band dislocates with ohs, 6 abmat sit ups, 5 decline situps, 10 abmat back extenstions, 1 push up (yay again lol) but failed the second, went to bar at pin 1 for 10 (1,3,3,3), 10 bar dips (8,2), 10 pull ups blue band at pin 5

Went outside today to give me a bit more room with my bar - started off not being able to do 1 squat snatch lol but broke it down and got it sorted, then got another so went for it.

100502 BB squat snatch and pull ups
Squat snatch, pvc - 25# - I used emtpy 7kg/15lb bar only 12-9-6
Beginner Pull ups, Assisted Pull ups or Ring Rows as necessary - as was outside used reebok band and did rows - easyish so did 21-15-12

Done in 7.08 mins

Pleased with my snatches today - to go from struggling to get one, I kept loosing the bar forward to not missing in one during the wod smile last 2 reps were a little wobly obviously getting tired but overall pleased.

Cash out:- u/h pull downs from a semi squat position w/u with 5 @ 25kg, then went 3RM @ 30-35-40-42kg / 92lb New PR
Tried for another push up but nope too tried

Sunday, 2 May 2010

100501 Run 5k

Warm up:- A few arm swings and some k’star over-n-unders.

100501 Run 5k

I knew there was no way I could do 5k but I thought I would see what I could do so I choose to do some laps round the water tower near by - approx 345meters.
I ran the first lap and got a bad stitch about 3/4 way round - what causes those exactly?? - EDIT I googled this and found the answer to the stich question. rolleyes

Then I walked the next lap, then walked / ran the next 2 for a total of about 1380 meters.
Lap 1 - 2.58
Lap 2 - 3.56
Lap 3 - 2.50
Lap 4 - 3.04
Total 12.50 mins

When I had finished my right calf tightened up and I thought it was just a cramp at first but it just stayed tight, I stretched out but it didn’t get any better. It actually felt like it was too big for the skin (incredible hulk style) - I know that sounds odd but my calf felt so hard and big and very uncomfortable - anyone know what causes it? - It lasted about 15 mins

The runs with rest I did during the last months or so didn’t casue either - I assume it was the continousness of today?

It’s the first time I’ve ran that far since high school but never had a feeling like this. The left calf had it mildly but the right was much worse - I had a recovery shake incase I was lacking something but I’m curious to know if anyone knows why or what it was I was suffering from earlier?  question

Saturday, 1 May 2010

100430 Burpees, Sit-ups, KB Swings, Pu's, HSPU's

Warm up:- arm swings/rotations, knee highs, side to side lunges with overhead press, kstarr’s over’n’unders, HSPU progs with knes on 8” box x 3, blue band assist pull ups at pin 5 x 3, KB swings @ 2kg x 5, @ 7kg x 5, @ 13kg x 3, abmat situps unanchored x 5, set up for burpees and got into push up position got another full push up, went for second burpees but failed the push ups so dropped to knees.

35 Burpees or squat thrusts (5 burpees on knees, the squat thrusts 5,5,4,2,6,4,5)
30 Sit-ups - abmat unachored and arms out resting on floor as much as poss (except for 2 breaths at 2 points again lol)
25 Kettlebell swings, 15-25 pounds - I did 13kg / 29lb DB like the other day (balanced plates this time) but this time unbroken
20 Beginner or assisted pull-ups - First (5) blue band assist pullups at pin 4, the at pin 5 x (5,5,5)
15 Handstand push-up progressions - knees on 8” box unbroken (except for 2 breaths at 2 points lol) forehead to floor as before

Done in 12.57 mins PR by over a min wink

Pleased it was quicker than the other day, KB well DB swings were unbroken this time as I didn’t get that pain again so that was good, I tried to do the same as the other day to compare but def pushed towards the end watching the seconds tick by so that helped - always helps to have a goal!!

Cash out:- wanted to see how my push ups were doing so did bar at pin 1 x 3, then tried 8” box for 3 again but got 1 and failed 2nd rep, rested and tried again, same 1 then fail, rested and got another 1. decided muscle were too tired.
Tried for some chin ups - pin 4 x 1, pin 3 x failed, tried again only got chin to bar but not over so def too tired give up for today.