Welcome to my fitness log

I've created this to keep everything to do with my fitness journey in one place for easy reference.
I've listed links to places I visit regularly or places I think are interesting or valuable resources.

I started doing Crossfit September 22nd 2009 and I loved it - it's totally awesome and it made me a better person in so many different ways!

After nearly 4 years of Crossfit and wrist injury I tried a home fitness DVD for a change and something new - Rip 60 was really great and then I found Beachbody / Tony Horton's P90X!
It's THE best home fitness program ever!!!
It changed my body in so many amazing ways and got my cardio fitness, my core and overall strength including push up strength better than ever before!!

I now do many Beachbody programs as they are all so great.
I 'm a big Tony Horton fan because he makes me work hard but makes me laugh at the same time.
After I completed P90X, I did P90X3, P90X2 and some P90X+. I''ve tried other Beachbody programs including the P90, Piyo, Focus T25,
21 Day Fix Extreme, Country Heat, BodyBeast and Insanity, The Aslyum 1 and 2. Completed 21 Day Fix and 22 Min hard Core.

Did some Insanity Max 30 and Core de Force but my knees can't handle jumping every day so I have to mix them in.
Shift shop is great and looking forward to the new 80 Day obsession.

I'm the fittest I've ever been in my life and still getting stronger every day!

Monday, 29 March 2010

100327 Thrusters

Warm up:- arms swings /rotations, over n unders, 10 Abmat butterfly with arms across chest sit ups, 10 Abmat back extentions, 5 10kg Thrusters,

12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 PR - 17 PR - 18kg / 40lb NEW PR :P

Flexility is still an issue but it's slowly getting better I think - better rack position I feel but the wrists take the strain quite a bit.

Cash out:- PU Challenge 26 - 2,2,3,3,3,3,3,2,2,2,1
CU Challenge 26 - 3,3,,3,3,3, felt strong so dropped the pins down to to pin 4 to give a little less resistance, 2 as failed the 3rd rep, 2,2,2,2,1

Maybe should have waited till I got to 30 before decreasing the assistance but it felt right at the time - I'll know in 48 hours if it was a mistake lol

3 full push up negatives and then Stretched and foam rollered afterwards as usual.

Sunday, 28 March 2010

100326 Muscle Ups

Warm up= arm swings/rotations, knee highs, Kstar over n unders, 5 push ups against bar at pin 3, 5 blue band assisted chin ups with feet 10” apart, 2 squat bar muscle ups - bar at waist height

For time:
10 Muscle-ups
If you cannot do the muscle-ups do 40 beginner or assisted pull-ups and 40 bench dips or 20 squat muscle ups.  I did 20 squat bar muscle ups - bar at waist height

Done in 3.19mins

Cash out:- PU Challenge 25 - 3,2,3,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1
CU Challenge 25 - 2,4,2,2,2,2,3,2,2,2,2

CU's are feeling good - 4 reps is good but then begins to get tricky
PU's at pin 3 are easier but 3 is doable but getting close to limit

Also did 3 full push ups negative before stretching

Friday, 26 March 2010

100326 Snatch

Warm up= arm swings/rotations, knee highs, Kstar over n unders,  10 abmat situps with arms cross chest feet unachored butterfly, 10 abmat back extensions, 10 (5,5) push ups against bar at pin 3, 10 air squats, 10 dislocates with band, 5 blue band assisted chin ups with feet 10" apart to see how bicep felt,

Thurs 100326
Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

7kg 5ft Bar is a little too short as I have to hold it on the screw thread area but wanted to see what I could do
Started trying to warm up, practisce stuff
5 x deadlift with the wide grip
5 x shrug
5 x high hang to over head
5 x OHS

Then got a phone call - some ones coming round DOH that's the end of that WOD, so did a quick 15 push ups to complete my challenge, quick stretch from doing the push ups and jumped in the shower.

PU Challenge 24 - 2,2,2,2,2,2, wod warmup = 5,5 but not counted them, 5,5,5
CU Challenge 24 - none did 5 with feet wide apart as warm up but wary of bicep and ran out of time

Thursday, 25 March 2010


PU challenge during the day = 2, CU challenge during the day = 2 - not the greatest restart but had a busy morning.

Warm up:- arms swings /rotations, over n unders, 10 Abmat butterfly with arms across chest sit ups, 10 Abmat back extentions, 6 Push ups against pin 3 (3,3), 2 x blue band assisted chin ups, 5 4" box jumps

10-8-6-4-2 reps of the triplet:

Beginner or Assisted pull-ups - blue band assisted with feet 6" apart
Box jump, 12-15 inch box -  scaled down to 4" to see how my foot is
Sit-up - abmat

Done in 8.14 mins
Enjoyed the WOD - I wasn't recked at the end but as I feel like I'm getting back into it wasn't such a bad thing I guess. Still huffing 'n' puffing but not the normal crossfit wipe out!

Cashout:- finish my PU challenge @ pin 3 (2, felt that pull again so narrowed grip slightly 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1) intermixed with same wall squats and some air squats.
Didn't do any more CU's as WOD had lots.

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Reasses of PU & CU Challenge

After struggling with over training and thinking about it while recovering ......

my chins ups are still improving slowly so I will continue with them as I have been doing I think - not sure to aim at increasing reps per set or stick to 2-3's - I think as I'm aiming at increasing strength I'll stick to 2's actually to see if that helps the progress (as I was fatigueing trying to do 5-6 reps per set! and I think the endurance will happen naturally in wod's)

My push ups are struggling and I think it's because I'm so close to my max so I'm thinking of....
-Trying pin 3 instead 2 to make it slightly easier and see if that helps build the strength better also try sets of 2-3's
-Take rest days off to allow recovery

Try to spread it out thru the day unlike doing all 20 odd in one session in the morning - not the greatest idea I don't think ( like a 2nd wod per day = silly me) - so 2 pu's and 2 cu's here and there thru the day

Suck it and see for 10-15 days and see how I feel - if all goes well go till 30 days if not re-asses again!

Own combo of 100321 / 100322

Warm up:- arms swings /rotations, over n unders, 10 Abmat butterfly with arms across chest sit ups, 10 Abmat back extentions, 10 blue band assisted chin ups (5,5), 15 Push ups against pin 4 (5,10) to see haow pull is,  3 5kg db power snatches, 5 x deadlifts @ 7kg, 5 x deadlifts at 17kg, 5 sdhp @ 7kg, 7 x sdhp @ 12kg

As I wanted to get back into it and I missed sundays wod, still not bought a jump rope or want to jump to much because offiit - I decided to do my own combo of 100321 & 100322.

Puppies For Time

Row 100m - subbed 10 x SDHP @ 12kg / 26lb
10 x Deadlifts @ 20kg / 44lb
5kg / 11lb DB Power Snatch x 25 reps (Alt arms)
Row 100m - subbed 10 x SDHP @ 12kg / 26lb
10 x Deadlifts @ 20kg / 44lb
5kg / 11lb DB Power Snatch x 20 reps (Alt arms)
Row 100m - subbed 10 x SDHP @ 12kg / 26lb
10 x Deadlifts @ 20kg / 44lb
5kg / 11lb DB Power Snatch x 15 reps (Alt arms)

Done in 9.37 mins

Good metcon phew - I felt pukie coming on after 2nd round and so took a few moments for it to subside and cracked on. Really enjoyed getting a WOD done at last and chuffed to be back at it.

Cash out:- Push ups at pin 4 5,5 & Blue band chins 5,5,5
Stretched and foam rollered

Monday, 22 March 2010

Run round tower 2

After a crazy silly week I decided to get back at it today - went to do my PU challenge from where I left off and on 2nd rep felt a pull thru left upper shoulder into pec area - shook it off and tried another 2 but the pull felt worse every rep so decided that was not maybe such a good idea. I guess I need to warm up more?  I didn’t expect that this morning!
I tried a couple of chin ups and couldn’t believe how week I felt - it’s only been a week not a month big 
I was going to do wod from Sunday but after this morning decided not to be stupid so thought I’d so some lower body and try running again. So I ran round the tower again slightly slower than last try and wahoo - I made it without stopping approx 500m.  party  Walked for about 300m and then did some 50m shuttle runs type stuff (25m of it is a fair uphill gradient) x 8 = another 400m so really pleased with that - at least I acheived something today.
Stretched well afterwards and hope to not be in any pain tomorrow pray .

I've been trying to workout why I felt like I did last week - I felt like I was overtraining and after this morning I don't think I was warming up properly (I also thought for greasing the groove it didn't take much warm up but hey ho) so I will definitely try warming up better in future when I do my challenge stuff in a morning and also only on WOD days so I give my muscles some recovery time because doing it every day was obviously too much for me. It would be great to see some more progress in my Push ups though I have to be honest.

Sunday, 21 March 2010

Took a rest but still addicted to Crossfit!

Had a crazy few days - had lots of work to do and after feeling slow to recover and lacking sleep and proper food decided the best thing to do was to have a few days off - hopefully another good nights sleep tonight and should be fresh and ready to get back at it.

It's amazing you really miss it when you don't do any for a few days = addictive to Crossfit - not a bad addiction I don't think hey?

It's also nearly 6 months since I started - and I took a week off at nearly 3 months (not by choice at that time) so it might be what my body needs about every 3 months??? But we will see - I had been pushing quite hard this last month or so (excluding my injured foot) - maybe a little too much?? See how I go.

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Another day off today - it's been a really strange few weeks - all sorts of family stuff going on, i've not been eating that great, and not sleeping that great either grrrr Our oven packed up last night also so emergency microwave dinner tonight - not great!

Yesterdays ab / rib area pull that I noticed during my chin ups yesterday got a ittle more uncomfortable last night and so decided not to be stupid today - hanging for knee raises = that would hurt! - back extensions would stretch it = would hurt, OHS erm no,  means the WOD is out of questions really.  More chins def not an option plus felt under par so long walk in the trees was the best I could do today!!

Not sure what's going on with me at the moment but hopefully things will get back to normal soon - I miss my wod's and want to get back to doing them and yet by body seems to have other plans?????

100314 pull ups

Warmup:- arm swings/rotations, pushups against bar at pin 2 10 (6,4)

SUNDAY 100314
Pull-ups 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

Blue band assisted at pin 5 with both feet together
Blue band assisted at pin 5 with 1 foot on band only
Blue band assisted at pin 3 with both feet together - F only got eyes to bar
Blue band assisted at pin 4 with both feet together - wahoo new PR
Blue band assisted at pin 4 with 1 foot - New PR but felt a slight pull at upper left abs
Blue band assisted at pin 4 with the other foot lol - equal PR and not a fluke lol - I knew I couldn't do anymore having failed the pin 3 already - thats the min target for next time!

Day 17 of My personal push up & chin up challenge:- push ups against pin 2 x 22 reps (6,4,2,4,4,4), chin ups not done due to ME WOD

Hip flexors twingy and shins a little tender from yesterday running  rolleyes

Monday, 15 March 2010

Run round tower

Well today should have been 100313 for me but it's Mothering Sunday and I spent all day with my mum and she wanted us to have a lazy day just chilling together so we did.
We went for a walk at one point and I did manage to get a run in - ran round the water tower (approx 500m) - furthest I've run in my adult life in one go lol so I pleased with the effort. I had to slow to a fast walk twice, just a few secs when my legs felt heavy and ran out of oxygen!

Then we measured some distances for me so that I can start running more so measured some 25m sections so I know whats what - so I ran a few more 25m meter sections with the tape.

So now I plan to run more in the WODs instead on my elliptical - weather and wod dependant of course - as my weights and rack are upstairs. But I'm pleased with the progress so far  ;-P

My old groin issue decided to winge a little afterwards but thankfully went off fairly quickly and my foot started aching this evening - I presume its from the jumping of yesterday and the running today - see how it feels tomorrow.

Saturday, 13 March 2010


Strange day today I was set to get lots of work done but then realised it was the Grandprix qualies and start of the season 'who's gone where' followed by Six nations Rugby and so it turned out to be a real lazy tele day

I managd to get a WOD done but not my PU and CU challege.

Warm up:- arms swings /rotations, over n unders, 5 air squats, 3 jumps to see if foot ok, 3 blue band assisted chin ups, 3 5kg db cleans

Three rounds for time of:
20 Double-unders - I scaled to 10 jumps to see how my foot was
10 Pull-ups (Assisted or Beginner okay) - I did blue band assisted
5-10 pound dumbbells Squat clean, 10 reps - I did 10lb / 5kg DB's

Done in 11.19 mins

This was a real metcon for me - more oxygen needed!!!!

Thursday, 11 March 2010

100309 & 100310

Day 16 of My personal push up & chin up challenge:- push ups against pin 2 x 21 reps (4,4,4,3,3,4), chin ups with blue band feet together x 21 reps (5,5,4,4,3) done in a few stages this morning - had a crazy day.

Warm up:- arm swings / rotations, knee highs, over n unders, 5 air squats, 3 HSPU with knees on 8” box then tried 3 with push up bars, 2 beginner rope climbs.

Puppies/pack mix
Three rounds for time of:
1 3 Beginner Rope climb
5 Handstand push-up progressions - knees on 8” box hand on push ups bars
10 Assisted One-legged squats - assisted with rope used for rope climbs - fair bit of arms used to assist

Done in 8.29 mins.

HSPU progs were tough but did it.

after about 5-10 mins I decided to do tother WOD to catch up

additional warm up:- deadlifts @ 7kg x 5, 10kg x 5

Five rounds for time of:
25-45 pound Deadlift, 10 reps - I went with 45lb / 20kg
10 push-ups (Progressions okay) - bar at pin 3 to help with speed and muscle fatigue

Done in 8.22 mins

Rnd 1= 1.22, Rnd 2= 1.42 but felt very fatigued on the push ups so raised the bar to pin 4 to make it a little easier
Rnd 3=1.32, Rnd 4= 1.35, Rnd 2.09! Reached muscle failure at rep 7 grrr so had to wait a few secs to finish
Deadlifts were easy peasy - prob too light for this WOD on its own but went light as 2 wods in a row!
Push ups are still hard for me grrrr I felt better after making it slightly easier but still struggled with reps 5-10, probably didn’t help having already done 21 early in the day but still grrrrrrr

I actually enjoyed the WOD and look forward to doing it again. Also pleased I got both done to catch up.
Grrr another rest day for me - Had to go out today for much longer than I thought and left no time to get a wod in, poor eating and by quads still hurt from the squats downer

Did manage to pull in my Day 15 of My personal push up & chin up challenge:- push ups against pin 2 x 20 reps (5,5,5,5,), chin ups with blue band feet together x 20 reps (5,5,5,4,1) at 10.30pm tonight - not ideal but better than not at all I thought.

Will see how tomorrow goes - got lots of work to do tomorow but hopefully I may be able to get 2 wods in tomorrow - we’ll see.

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

100307 Helen & 100306

I decided I wanted to try real running today - I’ve done all my wod on my elliptical trainer so far and haven’t really ran since school days gulp and so I did my first ever outside wod today - Helen this morning. I didn’t want to be stupid so I shotened the distance not knowing I was going to feel wither during and probably mist inportantly afterwards lol

I also had to improvise slightly for beginner pull ups as I had no bar of any kind so foun my reistance bands with handles and hooked it up - so at least I was working the muslces in a similar way but with much lesss resistance - I figured is was better than skiping the pull up part alltogether!
Warm up:- arm swings / rotations, knee highs, 34m jog, 5 band pulls, 5 2kg db swings, 5 10kg db swings

Puppies/Cup mix
3 rounds for time of
run 200 m - I thought it was about 200m till I measured it afterwards when I finished so quick! Was actually 64 m!!
15 kettlebell/dumbbell swings, 15-25# - I used 23lb / 10kg
9 pull ups (assisted, or beginner pull ups) - I used resistance bands with handles

Done in 5.20mins

Running went better than I expected - I had built it up in my mind to being something I wasn’t going to be able to do (fear of running stems from running into a Pool table when I was 12/13 - sounds crazy I know but I was in a social club canteen doing a running race with a friend running down between tables and chairs and tripped on a chair or table leg and lauched myself at full tilt into the side a full size pool table major DOH!!! I know - smashed up my face and broke my arm - things we do as kids hey!!!) so although the distance was shorter than I thought, it was probably good thing - see how am I tomorrow and go further next time. 
I also feel better at running now too - not full pelt but running none the less lol.

Later in the day got my other WOD done to catch up ( I now its not normal or recommended but I did the other this morning, it was only short and I felt recovered well enough)

Warm up:- arm swings / rotations, knee highs, over and unders, squat stretch, 7kg squats x 5, 12kg squats x 5, bar squat/seated muscle up progressions x 3 with bar at waist height.

Day 14 of My personal push up & chin up challenge:- push ups against pin 2 x 19 reps (5,5,4,3,2), chin ups with blue band feet together x 19 reps (5,4,4,3,3)

3 Muscle-ups (or progressions) - I tried bar sqaut/seated muscle up progressions - thru the transition and the press up ie the push part of the dip
pvc -25 pound Back squat, 15 reps - I used 26lb / 12 kg Low bar
6 Muscle-ups (or progressions ) - as above
pvc-25 pound Back squat, 25 reps - as above
9 Muscle-ups (or progressions)- as above
pvc -25 pound Back squat, 35 reps- as above
9 Muscle-ups (or progressions)- as above
pvc -25 pound Back squat, 25 reps- as above
3 Muscle-ups (or progressions)- as above
pvc -25 pound Back squat, 15 reps- as above

Done in 21.11 mins

I expected this to be a metcon type thing more than anything else but I’m clearly not used to doing that many reps of squats even light weight ones lol

Apart from a rest on high bar back area at rep 20 of 35 I didn’t put the weight down thru out and something tells me I my quads and hamstrings will not love me tomorow and my traps, delts and glutes have not fully mended from the other day either rolleyes
My left knee stated to complain at rounds 3 and 4 too grrrr

Cashout:- lots of stretching and foam rollering

Monday, 8 March 2010

Rest day - much needed

Unscheduled rest day today due to feel like I'm overtraining slightly since doing my PU & CU challenge even on rest days I don't feel like I've rested properly in weeks also my sleeping has been poor and my eating even poorer!!
So after waking up today and aching like I've not ached in a long time I figured I'd be sensible and take a rest day and get back to it tomorrow - Had a good meal tonight and been shopping for good food so get a good nights sleep and bring it on tomorrow  ;-)

Saturday, 6 March 2010

100205 21-15-9 Deadlifts/OHS scaled

Warm up:- arm swings / rotations, knee highs, 10 abmat situps fett unanchoured, 10 abmat back extenstions, 10 dislocates with 10 o/h squats.

Day 13 of My personal push up & chin up challenge:- chin ups with blue band feet together x 18 reps (8,2), push ups against pin 2 x 18 reps (10)

15-12-9 reps of:
45-95 pound Deadlift - I did 95 lb / 43kg
15-25 pound Overhead squat - I did 16lb / 7kg bar only

Done in 8.52mins
Great WOD I really enjoyed this one - I was puffing and panting like a stupid thing lol. The second round was the worse the deads felts heavy and the 12th rep I failed on, dropped the weight forward and had to rest and redo rep 12 but other than that went well. I kept the OHS weight faily low as still fairly new to them ie only 3 wods done 1 with dowel and some 1RMs so overall really pleased with progress - You gotta love Crossfit!!

Cashout:- chin ups with blue band feet together x 18 reps (4,4), push ups against pin 2 x 18 reps (8).
tried a bar squat muscle up prog to see if it would be a better MU prog for tomorrow than pulls and dips sub - never tried on a bar before - seems ok

Friday, 5 March 2010

Rest Day / PU & CU Challenge

Rest day for me except pu and cu challenge

Day 13 of My personal push up & chin up challenge:- chin ups with blue band feet together x 17 reps (4,4,4,3,2), push ups against pin 2 x 17 reps (4,4,4,3,2), dropped to 4 to try to stay away from muscle failure, done this morning.

Thursday, 4 March 2010

100203 Shoulder Press

Day 12 of My personal push up & chin up challenge:- chin ups with blue band feet together x 16 reps (6,4,3,3), push ups against pin 2 x 16 reps (6,4,2,2,2), done this morning.

Warm up:- arm swings / rotations, knee highs 5 dislocates with 5 o/h squats.

Shoulder press @ 7kg x 4, 12kg x 3

Shoulder Press 3-3-3-3-3-3-3

15 - 17 - 19 - 21 - 23PR - 24F - 22kg
Rested 2 mins between sets

23kg felt really heavy today but I squeezed it up there. the 24kg was not going any where which kinda suprised me as 1RM from CFT 24th Feb was 25kg?
But I didn't get a full nights sleep last night and I hadn't eaten well thru the day really so we will see next time hey.

Cash out:- KTE attempts 3,5,3

Wednesday, 3 March 2010


Warm up:- few arm swings, knee highs,

Day 11 of My personal push up & chin up challenge:- push ups against pin 2 x 15 reps (6,4,3,2), chin ups with blue band feet together x 15 reps (6,5,4) done this morning.

200m to warm up the legs

2 rounds of:
Run 400 meters
Rest 90 seconds

4 rounds of:
Run 200 meters
Rest 60 seconds

Done on Elliptical level 4 in 15.28 mins
Splits were 2.29, 2.24, 1.06, 1.08, 1.08, 1.07

Pleased with this WOD I felt pretty consistant. I want to try real running outside but after just some fast walking yesterday my foot was still pretty achey so I figured I ought to let it fully mend before I try any jogging/running on it.

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

100301 "War Frank"

Day 10 of My personal push up & chin up challenge:- push ups against pin 2 x 14 reps (5,5,4), chin ups with blue band feet together x 14 reps (5,5,4) done this morning.

Warm up:- few arm swings, knee highs and over-n-unders, 5 squats, 10 abmat situps unanchoured, 10 abmat back extenstions, 5 push ups against bar at pin 2, 3 chin ups and 2 tries with new band but it gives me very little assistance so need to get stronger before that helps.

100301 "War Frank"

Three rounds for time of:
5 Muscle-up progressions of your choice - subbed 3 pulls ups & 3 bench dips against bar at pin 2 (chins for Rnd 1 & 3 and pulls in Rnd 2)
20 Squats
10 Situps - abmat unanchored

Done in 13.20 mins (splits 4.20, 4.28, 4.32)

Pull ups were tough during this wod but my squats felt faster than a few days ago which I pleased about - Good WOD

Monday, 1 March 2010

Rest Day / PU & CU Challenge

Rest Day for me today

My pecs and shoulders feel tender today from the last few days and mainly overwork of many reps yesterday but decided to get my challenge reps done and then maybe go for a long walk later on.

Day 9 of My personal push up & chin up challenge:- push ups against pin 2 x 13 reps (4,3,3,3), chin ups with blue band feet together x 13 reps (4,4,4,1)

I also found a uk supplier of powerbands at London Kettlebell so have ordered #2 band - the next band down (in assistance level) ready for my next step of my chin ups ;)

I've found power bands really great for getting stronger at chin ups - they are listed as follows

  • The maximum resistance provided by PR Band #1 is approximately 35lbs.
  • The maximum resistance provided by PR Band #2 is approximately 50lbs. - Ordered this 28 Feb 10
  • The maximum resistance provided by PR Band #3 is approximately 80lbs.  - then moved to Iron Woody Blue Band 17 Dec 09
  • The maximum resistance provided by PR Band #4 is approximately 120lbs. - moved to Iron Woody Green band 29 Nov 09
  • The maximum resistance provided by PR Band #5 is approximately 150lbs. - I started with Iron Woody Black band 11 Oct 09


Day 8 of My personal push up & chin up challenge:- push ups against pin 2 x 12 reps (4,4,4) , chin ups with blue band feet together x 12 reps (4,4,4 but failed last rep, 1) done this morning

Warm up:- few arm swings, knee highs and over-n-unders that's all - 3-2-1 Go!

5 Squats
5 Push-ups (progressions okay)
5 Pull-ups (beginner or assisted okay)
5 Sit-ups
15 Squats
15 Push-ups (progressions okay)
15 Pull-ups (beginner or assisted okay)
15 Sit-ups
25 Squats
25 Push-ups (progressions okay)
25 Pull-ups (beginner or assisted okay)
25 Sit-ups

Done in 23.19 mins (Last round took longer than the first two put together)
I did all push ups at pin 2 and pull ups with blue band assisted feet together - I knew it might be a slog but went for it and broke it up as required.
I thought about scaling it more overall or just on the hard sections but after reading Big D's reply to someone yesterday about taking longer rest to complete it without dropping to knees I went for it no matter how long it took. I even reached muscle failure at rep 12 of the 25 push ups but rested for a min or so and ploughed on!!! 2's and 1's  for push ups and chins (some jumping assist to get done, with some alternating pull ups and chin ups ) but eventual success.
All situps were Abmat unanchoured

Although I'm looking forward to rest day tomorrow as the last 3 days have been pretty tough - I feel so much stronger in myself and my legs especially that feel like I want to do something tomorrow too to keep up the momentum lol I'll do my PU & CU challenge and see how I feel.