Welcome to my fitness log

I've created this to keep everything to do with my fitness journey in one place for easy reference.
I've listed links to places I visit regularly or places I think are interesting or valuable resources.

I started doing Crossfit September 22nd 2009 and I loved it - it's totally awesome and it made me a better person in so many different ways!

After nearly 4 years of Crossfit and wrist injury I tried a home fitness DVD for a change and something new - Rip 60 was really great and then I found Beachbody / Tony Horton's P90X!
It's THE best home fitness program ever!!!
It changed my body in so many amazing ways and got my cardio fitness, my core and overall strength including push up strength better than ever before!!

I now do many Beachbody programs as they are all so great.
I 'm a big Tony Horton fan because he makes me work hard but makes me laugh at the same time.
After I completed P90X, I did P90X3, P90X2 and some P90X+. I''ve tried other Beachbody programs including the P90, Piyo, Focus T25,
21 Day Fix Extreme, Country Heat, BodyBeast and Insanity, The Aslyum 1 and 2. Completed 21 Day Fix and 22 Min hard Core.

Did some Insanity Max 30 and Core de Force but my knees can't handle jumping every day so I have to mix them in.
Shift shop is great and looking forward to the new 80 Day obsession.

I'm the fittest I've ever been in my life and still getting stronger every day!

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

X2 Balance and Power

Well this was tough today, the workout was tough anyway but I was pretty whacked after Total body on Monday which fried my triceps, Yoga was tough on the whole body again on Tuesday which made my triceps scream for mercy from all the chataranga's and today more tricep work in 2 lots of sphinx roll up thingies on the ball and more push ups  

Some of the balance stuff today was near impossible for me - namely the crawly crab press, split lunge and the plank ball crunch - OMG  
Lunge with Stab. ball after all those elevated leg lunges in P90X - no probs me thinks - how wrong can you be!!!! 
Plank ball crunch - shouldn't be too hard after doing the same move on the Rip 60 straps = I managed 1 rep and crash landed (I was pretty knackered by then though lol)
Crawly crab press = yeah right oh looks easy...it's not!!!! I kind of managed 1 rep on each side - WOW!!!
Me and that Stab. ball are yet to make friends I think - it nearly chucked me on the floor a bunch of times today  
It/I can only get better from here on lol  

On a positive note my med. ball arrived today and it's awesome. I also managed to do some push ups on it during the Lateral Plyo Push ups, albeit on my knees and no plyo (figured I better master push ups before I get to do Plyo ones lol), but still managed it so pleased with that as I surprised myself.

Also the Glute bridge roll out - I could actually do !!!! thanks to Rip 60 I think - it was the easiest move for all the ball moves, I did 12 reps and with pretty good form too I reckon - hooray at least I can do one ha ha!!

Was going to Recov. & Mob. tomorrow but I don't think my tri's can cope with supporting my body yet again to foam roll  so I think it's rest day for me!

HRM 1hr 06mins, 468 Cal, Max 164 89% Avg 123 66%

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