Welcome to my fitness log

I've created this to keep everything to do with my fitness journey in one place for easy reference.
I've listed links to places I visit regularly or places I think are interesting or valuable resources.

I started doing Crossfit September 22nd 2009 and I loved it - it's totally awesome and it made me a better person in so many different ways!

After nearly 4 years of Crossfit and wrist injury I tried a home fitness DVD for a change and something new - Rip 60 was really great and then I found Beachbody / Tony Horton's P90X!
It's THE best home fitness program ever!!!
It changed my body in so many amazing ways and got my cardio fitness, my core and overall strength including push up strength better than ever before!!

I now do many Beachbody programs as they are all so great.
I 'm a big Tony Horton fan because he makes me work hard but makes me laugh at the same time.
After I completed P90X, I did P90X3, P90X2 and some P90X+. I''ve tried other Beachbody programs including the P90, Piyo, Focus T25,
21 Day Fix Extreme, Country Heat, BodyBeast and Insanity, The Aslyum 1 and 2. Completed 21 Day Fix and 22 Min hard Core.

Did some Insanity Max 30 and Core de Force but my knees can't handle jumping every day so I have to mix them in.
Shift shop is great and looking forward to the new 80 Day obsession.

I'm the fittest I've ever been in my life and still getting stronger every day!

Saturday, 30 November 2013

Les Mills Combat 60

Originally on the plan was LM Combat 30 again but I've done it a few times and wanted more of a challenge so I went for Combat 60.

It was good fun, a few new combo's to get my head around and keep up with and went over my ankle, on a cone, while out for a walk earlier and so was a bit wary of it. 
I think I went a little crazy on the upper cuts as I can feel my muscles complaining already  

The push up and abs section at the end caught me by surprise but it was really good. Couldn't manage them all so more goals to work towards  

On a side note my mum has decided she wants to see some changes in herself and may try Les Mills Pump, so I may be doing a few odd workouts from my normal schedule, to workout with her for some moral support - we will see how it goes.

HRM 59mins 502 cal 45% fat MAx 162 88% Avg 135 73%

Thursday, 28 November 2013

LM Combat 30 followed by LM Pump Hard Core Abs

Loved Combat as usual  the jump kicks which I thought were almost impossible when I first tried are pretty easy now  

Hard core abs - I thought would be a breeze after all those Ab Rippers but wow no couldn't do them all - made my muscles scream in a new way  

Variety really is the spice of life and a good way to get your body to change for the better!!

HRM 64mins 482 cal 45% fat MAx 169 91% Avg 128 69%

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

LM Pump Challenge

I upped the weights for chest & tris  and lowered it slightly for Lunges. I used to dumbbells to get less than my empty 7kg bar and it actually went much better - it was lighter obviously but I was working in a small space and the DB's were much easier I didn't feel so 'careful not to hit that' that it made it much better.

I chucked in a few more clean and press + dead row combos just for fun while Rachel was waffling about setting up for lunges .

HRM 39 mins 237 cal 55% fat MAx 158 85% Avg 115 62%

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

LM Combat 30 followed by LM Pump Flow

So I really threw myself into Combat 30 today and now I'm more familiar with it I got a real good sweat on and really really enjoyed it - I was pretty frustrated when I started so I needed it today  and felt great afterwards.

Then straight into Flow - which is a 20 minute yoga session and it's quite different to X and X2 yoga. It moved quite quickly but that was more because it's new to me as I'm sure it will be fine once I get used to it. 

'from downward dog, bend your knees and step your hand forward, now drop the back leg and lift your chest up' - sounds simple I know but I'm so used to 'swing thru to runners pose' that it seems odd and then to lift your chest seems really strange  
But overall I enjoyed it, some slightly different stretches in there that felt good and for a short 20 mins session is pretty cool  

I had to add a corse pose, curl up in a ball and a couple of ohms just to finish though 

HRM 61mins 512 cal 40% fat MAx 168 91% Avg 135 73%

Monday, 25 November 2013

LM Pump Challenge

LM Pump Challenge again for me today.

I upped the weights for chest & tris and shoulders too ;)

Lunges are still tough - really ouchy/crampy. May try a couple of DB's to try a lighter weight to see how that feels next time.

Saturday, 23 November 2013

LM Pump Wk 1 Pump Challenge

Yesterday didn't quite go to plan because I had to go do some extra work for 4 1/2 hours so bang went the workout 

But today I got LM Pump Challenge done to start my week 1 of pump.

Upped the weight for a couple of the moves from those I did in the trial day so pleased with that. This is def. an intro workout I think or should I say hope as there isn't much to it really.
Nice burn from the squats but the only really 'ouch, got to stop' bit is the lunges for me as the they are pretty tough for me even empty 7kg bar - but I'm using my empty bar and they say 15lb / 6.8kg is for advanced users so I guess it's not that surprising lol.
Need more weight for legs and Back again as not really feeling the burn there.

HRM 39 mins 224 cal 55% fat MAx 156 84% Avg 112 61%

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

X2 Balance and Power

Well this was tough today, the workout was tough anyway but I was pretty whacked after Total body on Monday which fried my triceps, Yoga was tough on the whole body again on Tuesday which made my triceps scream for mercy from all the chataranga's and today more tricep work in 2 lots of sphinx roll up thingies on the ball and more push ups  

Some of the balance stuff today was near impossible for me - namely the crawly crab press, split lunge and the plank ball crunch - OMG  
Lunge with Stab. ball after all those elevated leg lunges in P90X - no probs me thinks - how wrong can you be!!!! 
Plank ball crunch - shouldn't be too hard after doing the same move on the Rip 60 straps = I managed 1 rep and crash landed (I was pretty knackered by then though lol)
Crawly crab press = yeah right oh looks easy...it's not!!!! I kind of managed 1 rep on each side - WOW!!!
Me and that Stab. ball are yet to make friends I think - it nearly chucked me on the floor a bunch of times today  
It/I can only get better from here on lol  

On a positive note my med. ball arrived today and it's awesome. I also managed to do some push ups on it during the Lateral Plyo Push ups, albeit on my knees and no plyo (figured I better master push ups before I get to do Plyo ones lol), but still managed it so pleased with that as I surprised myself.

Also the Glute bridge roll out - I could actually do !!!! thanks to Rip 60 I think - it was the easiest move for all the ball moves, I did 12 reps and with pretty good form too I reckon - hooray at least I can do one ha ha!!

Was going to Recov. & Mob. tomorrow but I don't think my tri's can cope with supporting my body yet again to foam roll  so I think it's rest day for me!

HRM 1hr 06mins, 468 Cal, Max 164 89% Avg 123 66%

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

X2 Yoga

X2 Yoga

Well this was the same as X and yet totally different at the same time.  

I didn't manage to watch all the dvd last night so I was a little in the dark as to what was coming which made it tricker for me. Lots of this was much faster than X and I struggled to keep up but I will get better and next time will be much more enjoyable I feel.

My triceps were also complaint after the push ups and tricep kickbacks yesterday so I even had to drop to me knees for some it because my trio's were fried  

I reached round for the grab today and made it on both sides wahoo! new PR for me - I did it without even trying too - they are the cool improvements right 

HRM 1hr 09mins, 320 Cal, Max 150 81% Avg 102 55%

Monday, 18 November 2013

X2 Total Body + X2 Ab Ripper

Wow this was pretty different 

I was a bit rushed tonight as had a crazy day but got it done. I really enjoyed it but some bits were much easier than others.

All the warrior 3 stuff and lunges was ok, but that stab. ball was tough  the first Boing push up was a total fail  and the Balance kickbacks were pretty impossible the first time round. The second round I found my balance a little better so pleased with the speedy improvement but phew I burned few calories on that today!

Lots to improve on but lots of fun 

HRM 1hr 27mins, 650 Cal, Max 165 89% Avg 127 69%

Saturday, 16 November 2013

P90X2 Plyocide

X2 Plyocide

Wow fun, fun, fun!!!!!!
Love it  

It actually wasn't as hard I thought it was going to be  Couple of the moves to improve on but mostly I could keep up, much to my surprise  

By doing X2 Rec. & Mob. a few times now, that had prepped me for the toe touch squat thingies (not sure that's the correct term lol) and Combat definitely prepped me for the fighter kicks. 
I had a few penalty push ups to do but not as many I thought I might have! The last bit was the hardest for me ;

HRM 1hr 6mins, 534 Cal, Max 169 91% Avg 132 71%

Friday, 15 November 2013

P90X2 Core

X2 Core

Well that was tough and easy all at the same time lol

Overall it was easier than I expected but yes there was some really tough stuff that will take some mastering but it was fun.

I need to get some more air in my Stab. ball as it was too soft and made everything really hard so much so that I scrapped it a few times it was just silly I just sank into it = not good. I thought it was hard enough but how wrong can you be  

Inchworm was tough with my long legs and tight hamstrings so I can't keep them as straight as I would have liked but I did my best.

Burpees I did on the floor because of soft Stab. ball and as I haven't mastered them on the floor yet it was more good practice. I still can't jump both feet together very well but my feet are getting quicker after my week of combat so I'm hopeful I can get there soon. Every inch of progress is still progress!

Screamer lunges were really fun lol and need more weight in the 3 point squat press. I used a 5lb/2.3kg plate instead of my med ball (that hasn't arrived yet) and it really wasn't heavy enough for the presses. 
But I also used it in the Dreya rolls and I got my first one i.e. unassisted rise from the floor  it was a little ungainly and a little stumble but I got up there at last. It took a few attempts though. Couldn't get a clean second one though! Will try next time with a bit more weight to help  

Looking forward to Plycide tomorrow 

HRM 1Hr 12 mins 489 cal 50% fat MAx 166 90% Avg 121 65%

Thursday, 14 November 2013

X2 Recovery & Mobility

X2 Recovery & Mobility done today - ready for X2 Core tomorrow ;) Something tells me it might be harder than it looks lol

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Combat 30 and Pump Challenge

So early christmas for me today Les Mills Pump arrived    

Combat 30

Had more fun today because I had a better idea what was coming but I really felt like it was just a warm up so as I was super excited about Les mills Pump arriving I just had to have a go...

Pump Basics and Pump Challenge

Basics was just set up and bicep curls - I did them empty 7kg bar

Then Pump Challenge which is about 30 mins and was so much fun. I only used empty bar to ease in to see how it went and felt.

Seems like an age since I've squated with a bar on my back  
Deadlifts felt good, not full depth to the floor like I'm used to but still felt it so was great. 
Deadlift + Row was a different move but very effective. 
Clean and Press - wow missed this one too! 
Chest press on the floor felt odd and limiting on the range compared to normal but still felt it, but in the arms more than the chest  
The lunges oh wow considering I only had 7kg on my back they burned and burned and I had skip a few OMG - I'll notice that "change" tomorrow as they like to call it. 
For shoulders I started with 2 x 3kg DB's but that was too much so I dropped to 2 x 1.25kg plates and that was much better. Not worked at those angles quite like that before.

There was no cool down or stretch included which surprised me but I did my own / Tony's inspired cool down stretches and felt like I actually got in a workout today.  

They explain form very well which was great. I felt areas of body woke up like never before which was quite unexpected! Totally awesome loved it!!!

HRM 1Hr 24 mins 652 cal 50% fat MAx 161 87% Avg 128 69%

Monday, 11 November 2013

Combat Hiit Shock Plyo

Well this was kinda tough but not as tough as I expected it to be. I had to take a couple of breaks - no let up is quite different to 30 secs to 1 mins breaks I'm used to with Tony  

The hovers or plank holds were tough after everything else so a bit of collapsing going on there but overall is was ok. Mary kathryns (they don't call them that lol) I still find really hard to do at speed but lots of lunges made it slightly more leg intensive.
I used a 3kg weight and it was wayyyyy to light but won't go crazy so 4kg next time - slowly but surely wins the race right?

These 30 mins ones are still taking some getting used to as I don't feel finished - my body is still ready to go for the second half 

HRM 40mins 388 cal 35% fat MAx 171 92% Avg 146 79%

Saturday, 9 November 2013

X2 Recovery & Mobility

X2 Recovery & Mobility for me today, it felt great to roller out the knots  

Then what looks to be tough Hiit Plyo on Monday 

HRM 101mins 185 cal 60% fat Max 127 69% Avg 90 49%

Friday, 8 November 2013

Combat 45

Combat 45

Well today was hard but only in trying to keep up with the new moves and routines, they move really fast and I found it tough. Ok most of the way through but one section I really stuffed up.
I'm so used to Tony and most dvds to be fair when they say right hand they move their right hand and I've got my head used to that i.e. I can look at the screen and copy them to know what I'm doing but in Combat they say right hand and actually lift their left hand to make it so that you can mirror them - Does that make sense?
So I start this dodgy section wrong foot forward so it was not going well, also then used the correct leg hoping to swop when we did the other side but I just couldn't cope with it and got really frustrated  so it lost a lot of its momentum for me and my right leg did more than my left!!
I thought about redoing the section by with my frustration I gave it best.  

I know it will be better next time but grrrr it's got me tonight!!

I also know that these dvd's have to suit beginner to advance so they can't go too slow but the instruction is lacking a little sometimes I think - I guess when you get used to the Pro that is Tony everyone else just doesn't quite cut it lol

Sorry but I'm still a little frustrated  - does it show lol

HRM 54mins 456 cal 45% fat Max 166 90% Avg 135 73%

Thursday, 7 November 2013

HIIT Power

HIIT Power

Well this started off quite easy mainly because I chose weights that were too light - I only went with 2 x 3kg trying to keep things easy thinking about recovery etc and hardly broke a sweat nearly 10 mins in, but then they turned the heat up with the bodyweight stuff and pheeeew!!!

The 3 push press routine was pretty easy with the 3kg's so when Dan says "if you wanna go to a heavier weight.." I jumped to 2 x 5kg and did one set...erm wrong that was too much lol ( I did it but knew I wouldn't get any more sets with good form) so went back to the 3's. Will definitely try 2 x 4kg throughout next time!

The clean action is different to how I learnt it as there is no real dip and shrug - it's more of a reverse curl so that took a bit of getting used to as I kept getting out of sync. with the guys  

Those scarecrow push ups (more weird names lol) are tougher than they look! But I actually did something similar without really trying when the sphinx push ups got hard in P90X lol

And the mountain climbers (not like the mountain climbers I know i.e. plank position and run with your feet) in plank position and bring righ knee up to left elbow, then left knee up to right elbow (I think there something similar in X2??) but boy did I feel those in my obliques  

Burpees - OMG I've always pretty much hated burpees but another reason I wanted to do combat was to learn to love them - if that's possible? 
My problem is I have long legs and have always struggled with the jump back and forward again - any tips anyone?

HRM 42mins 337 cal 45% fat Max 167 90% Avg 132 71%

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Day 1 Combat 30

Day 1 Combat 30

Well this was kinda fun, I enjoyed it but as usual when you start something new it was trying to get the moves down and trying to keep up with the trainers Dan and Rach'. Overall I don't think I did too bad.

I enjoyed it but will no doubt love it more next session as I become more familiar with the routine. I remember when I first tried Kenpo and thought I wouldn't ever get it lol.

I got up a good sweat but it was over pretty quick at only 30 mins. It was fairly easy  I even thought about doing it again but then I remembered I ought to be taking it easy / should be maybe rest / recovering for a few more days but the no exercise blues were getting to me and I had to do something 

HRM 37mins 340 cal 40% fat MAx 168 91% Avg 142 77%

Whats next.......Les Mills Combat with maybe P90X2 thrown in?

Ok so I've done Rip 60, I've done P90X so whats next???

Well I've aways wanted to try Les Mills Combat so I'm going to start with that but I don't want to loose the strength I've gained from P90X and will probably miss Tony very soon so I think I will intermix P90X2.

I know I should probably do one exclusive before I try the other but I want to enjoy getting fitter doing what feels right, and shaking things up keeps things interesting and according to Tony is the best way to confuse the muscles and get results right??

So here we go...

Monday, 4 November 2013

Post P90X fit test done.

I completed P90X and pretty much loved every minute of it ;)

Visually I don't think I look that different - I know I am different but certainly no 'WOW look at the transformation' going on and that's mainly because I didn't stick to the nutrition plan. I am eating good clean food but working that in the constraints of family eating if you know what I mean. But also it's a food plan I can stick with not just a 90 day diet and then back to before.

That being said I'm really pleased with my results the main ones being...
I've lost..
1cm from my chest,
1.5cm from my waist :cheer:
1.5cm from my hips :P
and over 1cm off each thigh  ;)
= approx. 2% body fat gone

Chin ups went from hardly moving up at all to 1/4 of the way up
Sit and reach went from -3 1/2" to +1/2" = 4" gain on my reach :blink:
and wait for it....
Push ups from 0 to 2 standard width and 4 military push ups :woohoo:  (that's 2 new Personal Bests for me !!!!)

So overall I'm really really pleased with my results from P90X and looking forward to doing Combat and P90X2 - Bring it!!!

NB If anyone is thinking about maybe doing P90X - just do it - you won't regret it!!!!

Friday, 1 November 2013

P90X Final Yoga = P90X Graduate!!!!

Final Yoga X 

Yoga is still tough in parts i.e. right angle pose with the grab, Half moon and twisting half moon but I enjoyed it. 
If I'm honest like most people I think the 1 1/2 hours is a touch long but I feel better for it every time so its got to be good  .

Wahoo!!!! I did it, I've completed P90X   I'm a P90X Grad!!!!!!!