Welcome to my fitness log

I've created this to keep everything to do with my fitness journey in one place for easy reference.
I've listed links to places I visit regularly or places I think are interesting or valuable resources.

I started doing Crossfit September 22nd 2009 and I loved it - it's totally awesome and it made me a better person in so many different ways!

After nearly 4 years of Crossfit and wrist injury I tried a home fitness DVD for a change and something new - Rip 60 was really great and then I found Beachbody / Tony Horton's P90X!
It's THE best home fitness program ever!!!
It changed my body in so many amazing ways and got my cardio fitness, my core and overall strength including push up strength better than ever before!!

I now do many Beachbody programs as they are all so great.
I 'm a big Tony Horton fan because he makes me work hard but makes me laugh at the same time.
After I completed P90X, I did P90X3, P90X2 and some P90X+. I''ve tried other Beachbody programs including the P90, Piyo, Focus T25,
21 Day Fix Extreme, Country Heat, BodyBeast and Insanity, The Aslyum 1 and 2. Completed 21 Day Fix and 22 Min hard Core.

Did some Insanity Max 30 and Core de Force but my knees can't handle jumping every day so I have to mix them in.
Shift shop is great and looking forward to the new 80 Day obsession.

I'm the fittest I've ever been in my life and still getting stronger every day!

Wednesday, 30 April 2014

P90X2 Recovery and Mobility

Recovery and Mobility

Love my foam roller!

I still can't workout why I'm so hungry -I'm eating the same as I have for the last 2 weeks and this week 3 I just can't get enough food???

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

P90X2 Plyocide


Pushed hard again tonight  

I think I managed some Mary Katherines  not really deep on the lunge but I now can actually get the movement working correctly at last. Wahoo!!!

I also managed to stick with them on the last exercise (set plyo sprint plank thingy) for the first time ever! My ploy's were't perfect but my hands left the ground each time they were supposed to I'm calling that a win  

I can't believe how hungry I am at the moment - for the last 3 days all I want to do is eat?? what's all that about??? - I don't feel like I've built that much muscle but hey maybe its all going on in areas that are not visible???

Monday, 28 April 2014

P90X2 Week 3 Core

Week 3 Core

Pushed hard tonight and really enjoyed it. Surprised myself again with how much I've progressed from week to week  

Upped most of my reps where I was lagging behind, upped my weight again to 6 kg on the 3 point squat press and overall I feel so much stronger in the core and shoulders  

My only real tough ones in this are the single leg walkout to sphinx is really tough the last few reps and still need more upper body strength to do the up and down sphinx part, and the 1 leg med ball burpee - I've only done them 2 leg because the push up is crazy hard for me!

But overall really pleased 

Saturday, 26 April 2014

X2 Yoga, X2 Balance & Power

Yoga yesterday

Enjoyed it - still some elements in there - mainly the standing single section, he keeps us there for sooooo long!
But I manged to hold the wrap for the full time 

Balance and Power today

More PR's for me today, I upped my weights for the warrior row press to 5kg and it was still pretty easy 

My balance and comfort factor with the stability ball is much much better.

I even managed some Split lunges and plank ball crunches today which for some reason seemed impossible for me last week. 

Dumbell row to side plank I did with 3kg and that was easy I got 20 reps.

It's amazing how the body adapts and the real noticeable changes in my capabilities in 1 week is amazing!

Another week and then I'm really looking forward to the strength phase - I want to build some more muscle 

Thursday, 24 April 2014

X2 Total Body + Ab Ripper

Total Body + Ab Ripper

Wow great workout, upped nearly all my weights tonight  .

I increased my med ball push up side arm balance - I did 8 in the 1st round and another 8 took a breather and then 2 more in the second 

Ab ripper was pretty tough again especially being pretty spent from the workout but I got it done as best as I could.

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

X2 Recovery and Mobility

Recovery and Mobility

ahhhh nice to foam roll the kinks out, especially after not much sleep last night. Need an early night tonight to get ready for Total Body tomorrow!!

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

X2 Plyocide


Enjoyed this today and pushed hard, noticeable progress again so I'm a happy camper 

Think I even managed some mary katherines - they weren't deep but they felt much better and much faster than just a skippy lunge!

Monday, 21 April 2014

X2 Core


So today went really well, pleased with some of my progress...

Sphinx plank crunch up from 12 to 16 reps
3 speed med ball push up I actually manged some on my feet instead of knees it was either 4 or 5, I didn't manage to touch the ball every time (was about inch away) but that is a major pr for me - before I could not do plyo push ups, couldn't even get my hands off the floor but wahoo I can do half (hands only) plyo push ups  
More core circles and better form
I managed an extra dreya roll tonight making 10!
Slow mo balance climber I did 16 up from 8 last week
Extra 2 reps and better form on Ryan sphinx twist crunch 
Extra rep on med ball burpee too but still shallow push ups

So over the moon with progress in a week  
Although I've tweaked something or got a trigger or something in my right glute grrrrrrr will have to foam roll it in well tomorrow ready for plyocide!

Saturday, 19 April 2014

X2 Balance and Power

Balance and Power

Some of these moves are easy and some are hard!

I can't believe some of the improvements since my one and only attempt at this prior to X3 again!!
All the ball stuff was tons better, some I got twice as many reps  except the Plank ball crunch right at the end - with tired arms and body that was crazy hard for me tonight - struggled  

Lots to pleased about and lots to improve on too 

Friday, 18 April 2014

X2 Yoga

X2 Yoga

Nice yoga session  

My triceps are complaining a little today so the chaturanga's got tough very quickly but overall I enjoyed it.
The warrior 3 stuff is the hardest because we stay on the one leg for quite a while and it makes the glute scream!!!  

Looking forward to breeze through this one by the end 

Thursday, 17 April 2014

X2 Total Body + Ab Ripper

Total Body + Ab Ripper

Phew what a workout  This is a great total body workout!

Hey guys guess what?.....I can do push ups on two med balls    
Who would have thought it!
I tried two on my knees when we did med ball push with side arm balance and easy peasy so I thought try it and see....and wowser I did it!! Great depth too and the side arm balances 2 and 2 the first round and then 6 in the second round! I couldn't believe it, I'm so chuffed, amazed and proud of myself!!

I also managed the tricep kickbacks on the stability ball. When I tried to balance with one arm on the ball in Dec I landed on the floor - tonight I did all 12 kicks backs!! 

Wow more thank you's for X3 and Tony!!

Ab ripper was pretty tough especially after total body but I did as much as I could. I has to miss some reps, but will do more next time!

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

X2 Recovery & Mobility

Recovery & Mobility

Started with a little pain above my knees during squat press, foam rollered and went to the pain cave for a while  but retested squat press and no pain!

Gotta love my foam roller!!!!  

Is every one still foam rolling????

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

P90X2 Plyocide


It was fun tonight, missed a few reps watching form a few times but generally I kept up I think  

Except for mary katherines (plyo lunges) - I'm still yet to conquer these!!!

I'm aware of a little DOMS today in the core - so thats a good sign of things working in the right places from yesterday! (Hmmm didn't really get much DOMS at all while doing X3  )

Monday, 14 April 2014

P90X2 Here we go! Week 1 Core

Ok so I spent all of Sunday thinking about going back to X after X3 and something was making me think I was missing something somehow......I flicked through the X3 book to the 'what to do now your done' page and Tony himself says that after X3 the best thing is X2 then the original!!! 

So that was my answer, and it does make sense to continue the core and balance work already built in X3 so here we go with X2!

I did try 1 and a bit weeks of X2 just before X3 unexpectedly came out and then jumped into X3 so I'm actually quite pleased to see what improvements I see that X3 has done for me  

Week 1 X2 Core

I forgot that X2 have very different warmup and includes a few minutes foam rolling - which I love! The sphinx plank on foam roller was a breeze for me and I remember sooo struggling to hold it for the full time before  

Its a great workout! A few of the moves I had to watch as usual as I had forgotten many of them  

Warrior 3 cross crunch was really easy for me considering how hard Tony makes it sound lol
Single leg walk out to sphinx was much better than I remember.
Core circle I did manage to do this time (I remembered to pump my Stability ball up as hard as I good too which helped)
Holmsen screamer lunges - OMG yes they do make your quads scream!
Med ball Dreya roll - last time I was ecstatic after getting 3 - tonight I did 9 with same 3kg Med ball   How it happened I'm not really sure but wow I'm stoked!!
Med ball burpee - couldn't do one before, I managed 6 tonight  Push ups were a little shallow but I still did them!
Oh and I nearly forgot - Groiners! 
I couldn't do them properly I had to step each movement! 
Tonight I went up onto a bit of a fist instead a flat palm to give a little extra room and tried and hey presto I can do Groiners!!  

So overall I'm really pleased! I felt in control of the ball tonight instead the ball being in control of me! 
X3 has done wonders for me generally in my strength and balance but in terms of prep for X2 ...total magic!
My core is so much stronger and I'm so much stronger - Bring it on!!!

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Program debate

I've been debating it over the last 24 hours and I think I will switch programs. I feel a bit like I'm quitting but it's no good if it's not right for me and it's no good if I'm gonna get injured either.

I love the Combat workouts and I think as a cardio workout they work really well. To do one when I feel like it or to sub in for Kenpo or MMX for a change they are awesome. I just don't think LMC is a well rounded program as there isn't the variety to get the rest that most people need.

So I've decided to do some more X, but instead of X Yoga sub in X2 or X3 yoga if time is short and also for Plyometrics sub in X3 Agility x or X2 Plyocide just for a bit of variety and for Kenpo sub in X3 MMX or LMCombat