Welcome to my fitness log

I've created this to keep everything to do with my fitness journey in one place for easy reference.
I've listed links to places I visit regularly or places I think are interesting or valuable resources.

I started doing Crossfit September 22nd 2009 and I loved it - it's totally awesome and it made me a better person in so many different ways!

After nearly 4 years of Crossfit and wrist injury I tried a home fitness DVD for a change and something new - Rip 60 was really great and then I found Beachbody / Tony Horton's P90X!
It's THE best home fitness program ever!!!
It changed my body in so many amazing ways and got my cardio fitness, my core and overall strength including push up strength better than ever before!!

I now do many Beachbody programs as they are all so great.
I 'm a big Tony Horton fan because he makes me work hard but makes me laugh at the same time.
After I completed P90X, I did P90X3, P90X2 and some P90X+. I''ve tried other Beachbody programs including the P90, Piyo, Focus T25,
21 Day Fix Extreme, Country Heat, BodyBeast and Insanity, The Aslyum 1 and 2. Completed 21 Day Fix and 22 Min hard Core.

Did some Insanity Max 30 and Core de Force but my knees can't handle jumping every day so I have to mix them in.
Shift shop is great and looking forward to the new 80 Day obsession.

I'm the fittest I've ever been in my life and still getting stronger every day!

Monday, 29 April 2013

Rip 60 Week 2 Day 3

Poor sleep last night but went for it today anyway.

Energy was lacking half way through and my legs felt heavy. My plank was much better though and I held the v-sit for the 60 secs again without the rotation so pleased with that.

Jumping jacks series is still tough and my legs were seizing up a little today grrrr.

Sunday, 28 April 2013

Rip 60 Week 2 Day 2

Had an unplanned rest day yesterday, we cleaned out a load of junk from the shed and took us around two hours so that put paid to my workout lol.

Today went well, jumping jacks are still tough but the elevated plank was much better, didn't do full time but much better than last time ;)

My upper body is feeling far more stable and secure somehow, and even though I'm using my hands on the floor I'm getting no wrist pain which is awesome!!

I'm definitely burning some serious fat with this rip 60 as my body changing almost before my eyes, its incredible. I'm eating the same as I was doing crossfit but the changes are quite impressive.
Something tells me I've still got to learn to scale my wods a lot more - I need to think more cardio on the crossfit wods and less strength - leave the strength for strength days!!

Friday, 26 April 2013

Rip 60 Week 2 Day 1

Well today was not as tough as I thought overall but the raised feet plank was really tough, especially followed by the swimming legs!!.  I think I should have held my abs far more as I felt in my lower back a little grrrrr.
My V sit wasn't as good today either for some reason - adding in the rotation put me off my game a bit I think?
Generally it went pretty well though - I think its a amazing how the body adapts to the stress that its put through.
I am also really suprised how much DOMS I haven't had with these workouts?? Is it a perfect warm up and cool down that's doing it?? As nothing else is different to my normal wods???

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Rip 60 Week 1 Day 5

Well apart from 2 rest days I've done the first week and I feel great - feeling and seeing changes in my body already so really chuffed about that.

Missing my deadlifts, but I think I should take 2 days off now to recover and then go for week 2 of Rip 60. Maybe through in some DL's some where but we will see.

Jumping jacks are still tough for me, had a twinge of knee pain yesterday too - might me the mortons / no impact advised type thing coming to get me from all the jogging and jumping jacks but not really sure.
See how it goes Week 2 - rotation is added so it should be fun.

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Rip 60 Week 1 Day 4

Wahoo Major PR I managed to hold my V sit for a full 60 secs.

Jumping jacks I did slower today but kept going and completed the 60 secs of vibration squats.

It's all going really great - my posture is feeling much better and I feel lighter and its easier to move around (not that I thought it was hard before but everything just seems easier somehow? odd but true)  = some pretty awesome transformations going on and its only Day 4!!!!!

These workouts don't seem to wipe me out like some of crossfit stuff does but that's probably because I still try and do too much! I think its the strength work that takes it out of me so I think maybe split the day more instead doing too much and then having to recover for days meaning overhaul doing less work grrrr

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Rip 60 Week 1 Day 3

Had a rest day yesterday but got back to it today!

Going well, the jumping jacks are still tough but my V sit is getting better - I managed 30 secs , rest a sec, then 30 secs :) very pleased with that considering could only manage a few secs on day 1.

I really enjoy these work outs.

I also tried more of a controlled negative on the push up part of the burpees trying to build some strength in there ;)

Friday, 19 April 2013

Rip 60 Week 1 day 2

Rip 60 Week 1 day 2

Well I had another stab at it today even thought I was a little achey but nothing like I half expected to be so that was good.
The jumping jacks are really tough for me and my muscles felt pretty tired so rest day tomorrow I think - I have done 3 days on so thats a real accomplishment - I haven't done that in a long time.
 It was done before I knew it so that was great ;)

Trying to work through the doms more and not spend more time recovering than actually doing something - gonna try and tough it out and adapt to it more :)

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Rip 60 Week 1 Day 1

Today I tried something different - The Rip 60 System.

I bought it because it was on offer and fancied a change - one of the Crossfit recommendations is try new things so I decided to lol. I was very wary that it was a little gimmicky but it looked pretty sound anyway so lets see.

It's a really well made piece of equipment and the trainer on the DVD is really very good.

Week 1 Day 1 - an intro into the new system.
It was pretty tough as in I couldn't keep up with the cardio side - it is my weekness but I really enjoyed it. It made a great change and I think it will be awesome for my core and cardio/endurance.

I know I still sometimes don't scale the wods enough and so miss the cardio side sometimes and although I dont want to loose my crossfit skills I think the change will do me good. I will still keep up with my barbell work as it would be shame to loose the gains I'm making if I just do the Rip 60 for 60 days and nothing else. See how we go.

The schedule it says to do is 5 days on and then 2 rest days and so not sure how it will work out for me but I think I'll suck it and see, maybe 2 days Rip60 1 day weights, rest and repeat might work??

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Push ups as per GD day 36, Runs/Sit-Ups/Toes-to-Bar

Push ups as per GD day 36
7 reps EMOM for 6 mins - Pin 4
7-7-7-5f-3f-2f erm felt like an epic fail somehow - its not really but these have been going so well this kinda seems disappointing. I took extra day to recover from doms in front delts from push jerk the other day and may be they not mended as I thought.

800-meter run - subbed elliptical
50 sit-ups - scaled to 30
25 toes-to-bar - scaled to 12 Knees to elbow attempts (4-4-2-2) compared to last time (3-3-2-2-2)
400-meter run - subbed elliptical
35 sit-ups -  scaled to 20
15 toes-to-bar - scaled to 9 Knees to elbow attempts (4+3+2)
200-meter run - subbed elliptical
20 sit-ups -  scaled to 10
5 toes-to-bar - scaled to 6 Knees to elbow attempts (4-2) last time 5 (3+2)
Done in 16.44 mins compared to 15.54 last time
Splits 4.41 =NEW PR, 2.03*, 1.28, 2.33*, 1.45*, 1.08, 1.21*, 1.12*, 0.31
last time = Splits 4.44, 1.54*, 1.17, 2.25*, 1.37*, 0.58, 1.22*,1.02*, 0.30

Poor performance by comparisons to last time all round really - I’m a little tired and food hasn’t been great the last 4-5 days, so will have to keep an eye, been very low on carbs and I wonder if that’s whats doing it - I’ve also reduced intake trying to rid the excess fat but maybe gone too far?? Give it a few more days and see. Maybe just a bad day - I guess we all have them??

Saturday, 13 April 2013

EMOM: Chin-Ups, Push Jerk/TTB

EMOM: Chin-Ups - PU rev assisted
3 reps EMOM for 10 mins - going for 3’s again as loss of performance on 4 was so apparent

Push Jerk/TTB
Push jerk 65lb/29kg s/scaled to 15-12-9 @ 15kg
TTB s/scaled to 12-9-6 HKR’s (3-3-3-3, 3-3-2-1, 3-3)
Done in 8.18mins
Splits:- 1.34, 1.31, 1.43, 1.22, 1.19, 0.46
First time doing this one and the weight I think was perfect - really felt it after 9 reps but managed to push through but wrist complained almost immediately after finishing shut eye. Hope to maybe string some 4’s together next time for HKR - its my grip that gives out so need to work on that.

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Elliptical 20 mins Lev 2

Elliptical 20 mins Lev 2
Target =>3.02m
Completed 3.26m bigsmile yep smashed it! (tried to keep pace 9-10 but nearer 10 ;) )

Then I backed off the pace but carried on for another 0.74m in 5.24mins to complete 4K in 25.24 mins . I haven’t done 4K since April 11!!Looking forward to building on this.

Monday, 8 April 2013

Push ups as per GD Day 35

Push ups as per GD Day 35
Pin 4 Max sets - 4 mins rest
After reading a bit of Star’s book (preview PDF) on push ups I realised I had somehow gone astray on my Push ups for some reason so narrowed my grip again and kept my elbows in - instead of elbows out like I had been doing doh
So my sets were 14-10-8 compared to last time of 14-12-11
but I’m ok with that as I was working on form - even recorded my self to get my form better, trying to keep my forearms vertical (well perpendicular to the bar anyway lol) as much as I could. It felt much stronger and more stable. It obviously is more delt work again with the narrower hands but worth it I think - should help far more with ring dips etc.
Tried a full push up negative and checked form on floor too.
I need to stay tighter all over over but a with a bit of work I think I’m getting there and my position felt much better channeling Kstar - Thank you for a great piece of writing and great pictures - awesome huggs Glad I found it when I did before I really did my shoulders no good at all.

Friday, 5 April 2013

HSPU/Ring Dips/Push-Ups/Double-Unders

20 Muscle-Ups - Scaled to Squat MU’s with jump assist (rings at 13)
10:00 mins cap
Skipped this due to pisiform complaining again figured I’d be stupid to lean on it during false grip!

HSPU/Ring Dips/Push-Ups/Double-Unders
3 x 5:00 AMRAP
5 Handstand push-ups - scaled to DB press @ 5kg
5 ring dips - blue band assisted (rings at 12)
10 push-ups - at bar position 5
15 double-unders - subbed 30 single under jumps without rope (room to small to skip in)
Rest 2:00
Rnd 1:- 2 Rnds + 5 DB presses, Rnd 2:- 1 Rnd + DB + RD + 6 PU’s, Rnd 3:-  1 Rnd + DB + RD + 3 PU’s
= 4 reps more than last time grin

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

EMOM Chin ups, Michael

EMOM: Chin-Ups - PU rev assisted
4 reps EMOM for 10 mins
I haven’t chin’d since Jan so was curious to see how I got on
Completed 4-4-4-3f-1f-3f-0f-3-2-2 compared to last time Completed 4-4-4-4-4-4-1f-3-2-2f
Slightly disappointing but partially expected.
Go for 3’s next time or change to Rows again?.

Three rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters - sub elliptical lev 2
50 Back Extensions - scaled to 16 abmat - up 1 from last time
50 Sit-ups - scaled to 26 abmat butterfly touch above head and feet - up 1 from last time
Done in 22.24 mins compared to 23.20mins last time = 6 more reps and a faster time bigsmile