Welcome to my fitness log

I've created this to keep everything to do with my fitness journey in one place for easy reference.
I've listed links to places I visit regularly or places I think are interesting or valuable resources.

I started doing Crossfit September 22nd 2009 and I loved it - it's totally awesome and it made me a better person in so many different ways!

After nearly 4 years of Crossfit and wrist injury I tried a home fitness DVD for a change and something new - Rip 60 was really great and then I found Beachbody / Tony Horton's P90X!
It's THE best home fitness program ever!!!
It changed my body in so many amazing ways and got my cardio fitness, my core and overall strength including push up strength better than ever before!!

I now do many Beachbody programs as they are all so great.
I 'm a big Tony Horton fan because he makes me work hard but makes me laugh at the same time.
After I completed P90X, I did P90X3, P90X2 and some P90X+. I''ve tried other Beachbody programs including the P90, Piyo, Focus T25,
21 Day Fix Extreme, Country Heat, BodyBeast and Insanity, The Aslyum 1 and 2. Completed 21 Day Fix and 22 Min hard Core.

Did some Insanity Max 30 and Core de Force but my knees can't handle jumping every day so I have to mix them in.
Shift shop is great and looking forward to the new 80 Day obsession.

I'm the fittest I've ever been in my life and still getting stronger every day!

Saturday, 30 April 2011

110425 “Tabata Something Else”

Warm up:- spealler warm up, 5 air squats, 5 green assist chin ups, 5 push ups against thigh (pin 5) high bar, 5 abmat situps, 10 abmat back ext's

110425 “Tabata Something Else”

Complete 16 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest where the first 4 intervals are pull-ups, the second 4 are push-ups, the third 4 intervals are sit-ups, and finally, the last 4 intervals are squats. There is no rest between exercises.

Post total reps from all 16 intervals to comments.
Compare to 100402.

PU 10-8-6-6 - assisted with green band (chins-chins-chins&pulls-chins&pulls)
PU 8-6-5-4 - against thigh high bar - pin 5 - shoulder width elbows in
SU 7-8-7-7 - abmat with arms - touch above head and toes, unanchored
Sq 8-8-10-9
Total reps 117 Tabata score (lowest from each round) = 25

Compared to last time - only 3 rounds...
PU 9-9-8 - assisted with green band
PU 8-8-8 - against thigh high bar
SU 7-7-7 - abmat with arms across chest, unanchored
lost a bit of time as downloaded rocky tabata music and after 4 mins it went strange and wasn't sure where I was ie 10 or 20 secs so restarted the track and carried on
Sq 10-10-11

Total 102 Tabata Score 33

Cash out:- foam roller and stretching - including itb band stuff because knees clicking again grrrr

Friday, 29 April 2011

Yoga after the Wedding

Congratulations to Prince William and Catherine or should I say Duke and Duchess of Cambridge!

Watched the wedding - it was brilliant!! They looked great and seem really happy together!!

I'm still a bit achey from Fight Gone Bad 2 days ago so just an hours yoga for me today!

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

110409 Fight Gone Bad

Warm up:- Spealler warm up inc 5 wall balls @ 5kg and starting to put some weight on my hands on the floor again, band dislocates, 10 abmat situps, 10 abmat b/e, 5 squat therapy sqaut against chest high bar (feels like its getting better), 5 SDHP @ 7kg, 3 @ 14kg, 5 box jump @ 4", 5 @ 8", 5 press @ 7kg, push press @ 7kg, 2 @ 14kg, 5 DB swings @ 5kg, 3 @ 8kg

110426 Fight Gone Bad

Three rounds of:
Wall-ball, 5kg/11 pound ball, 8 ft target. (Reps)
Sumo deadlift high-pull 14kg /30 pounds (Reps)
Box Jump 8” box (Reps) for 1 round and 5 reps of rnd 2, then changed to step ups
Push-press 14kg /30 pounds (Reps)
Row (Calories) - subbed DB kettlebell swing @ 8kg / 18lb

Rnd 1 = 20,19,14,10,17 Total = 80
Rnd 2 = 17,17,5&9,8,15 Total = 71
Rnd 3 = 15,15,16,10,15 Total = 71
Total = 222

OMG this was tough especially 7 days since my last wod but it was mainly because I just couldn't suck enough wind rolleyes But compared my last fight gone bad I'm pretty pleased with the performance overall.

Compared to last time SUNDAY 100117
“Fight Gone Bad!” - My first time
Three rounds of:
Wall-ball, 14 pound ball, 8 ft target. (Reps) - subbed Thrusters with 12kg / 26lb
Sumo deadlift high-pull 25-45 pounds (Reps) - used 12kg / 26lb (first time at this weight)
Box Jump 14” box (Reps) - subbed 12" step (first time at this height)
Push-press 25-45 pounds (Reps) - used 12kg / 26lb
Row (Calories) - subbed DB kettlebell swing @ 8kg / 18lb (first time at this weight)

Rnd 1 = 12,16,13,12,16 Total = 69
Rnd 2 = 11,13,10,10,13 Total = 57
Rnd 3 = 11,13,10,9,13 Total = 56
Total = 182

c/o just foam roller, stretch and mobility work

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

a few mins

Busy day only mnaged a few mins literally!

Did push ups on bar at pin 3 x 5,5
Pull up rev chins x 5, pulls x 3, chins x 4,1

Sunday, 24 April 2011


Today was a little cooler and I did another 1 hrs of digging and moving 7 barrrow loads of soil!

Treating them a bit like wods with a spealler warm up and a good stretch afterwards.

It's pretty heavy work - not the intensity of Crossfit but to try and wod on top I think would be way too much for me so I think I will wod one day then dig the next, then wod etc till I get this pond / bog dug out and built

Friday, 22 April 2011


My mum wants a pond / bog area built in the garden so today I did 1.5 hrs worth of digging and moving 3 barrrow loads of soil today in the very hot sun pheww and it was very draining so no WOD

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Active rest day = 2 hours of pretty intesive house cleaning for me - oh the joy!

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

110216 "Eva" (Out of sync to rest wrist)

Been out most of the day and lots of crappy eating - went shopping hungry and bought snack foods from the deli = bad idea. Not only did I feel heavy and slow I didn't leave it long enough before wodding because I short on time grrrrrr

Warm up:- Spealler warm up, 5 pull ups (3 chin, 2 pull), 100m elliptical, 5db swings at 2kg, 5 @ 5kg, 3 @ 8kg

110216 "Eva" (Out of sync to rest wrist)

Three rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters - I did elliptical level 4 600 meters
15-24# Kettlebell swing, 15 reps - I did 8kg / 18lb DB swings
15 Beginner or assisted Pull-ups - I did blue band assisted pull ups (mix of chins and pulls) with feet wide apart towrds later reps to help.

Done in 19.47 mins - slower than last time 18.46minsred face
Splits:- 3.48 lv 4, 1.00*, 1.31, 3.44* lev then 2, 1.06*, 1.52, 3.44* level 2, 1.07*, 1.52
*= 12-14 sec walk to change room included
I started with elliptical at lev 4 to compare to last time 100514 but I haven't done any levl 4 since Dec 10 and OMG it felt like running up hill in the mud - it was tough and it really took it out of my legs and so when I started the 2nd round at lev 4 after 100m I didn't think I would finish the wod so dropped to lev 2 - so stupid. And with my crappy eating it was such a slog fest but I finished it!
It was even hard to find the energy to stretch and shower!!!

Note to self:- After eating clean for months and then you eat crap for most of 2 days - your body really lets you know its not the fuel it needs or wants so eat clean all the time!!

Monday, 18 April 2011

rest day

Rest day for me as my wrist is a little achey - and didn't want to push it with JT and all its pushing movements - thought a day off would do me good.

My wod schedule has been much better even though work has been busy. A slightly dissapointing crappy eating day today but should get back to it tomorrow - assuming work doesn't get in the way.

Sunday, 17 April 2011

110406 CrossFit Games Open 11.3

Warm up:- Spealler warm up, dislocates, OHS with butt to wall therapy, 5 push up against bar pin 3, 5 blue band assisted ring dips, 10 PU Rev assist chin ups (6,4 with 10 sec hold at the top of last rep). GWOD scaled to progressions.. 1 mins in straddle sit, 1 min assist middle split, 1 mins supported left split, 1 min supported right split, hands in bridge up bottom position, some height on hands strecthing wrist.
Squat clean & jerk 2 x 7kg, 2 x 17kg

CrossFit Games Open 11.3 scaled

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes of:
37 pound / 17kg Squat clean
37 pound / 17kg Jerk

Completed 16 rounds

Good wod - I actually enjoyed it - I probably could have pushed a little quicker but very weary of wrist and still working on squat form so overall pleased.

c/o foam roller, stretch and flexibilty work.

My recovery has been good with this new Pharma HT and the fat is slowy melting away, so think I've got my food sorted so not bothering with food diary anymore.

Saturday, 16 April 2011

110405 “Michael”

Warm up:- Spealler warm up, dislocates with OHS, 5 abmat situps, 5 Abmat b/e, 5 push up against bar pin 4 x 5, bar 2 x 3, Bar 1 x 3 (2 failed 3rd, 1),  10 PU Rev assist pull ups (3,3,2,2), 5 sqaut therapy squats with hand over chest high bar, GWOD 5 mins practice rope pull ups and KTE on rope.

TUESDAY 110405
Three rounds for time of:
Run 600 meters - sub elliptical lev 2
15 Back Extensions - abmat
25 Sit-ups - abmat with touch above head and to toes

Done in 16.13 mins all unbroken   bigsmile 
Splits:- Elliptical:- 3.22 new PR, 3.20 PR again by 14 secs from March, 3.31. b/e & s/u 1.51, 2.05, 2.01.

Really pleased with my intesity throughout this wod - apart from 2 breaths before 2nd and 3rd round of situps I didn’t stop and it was more work that my last ‘Michael’....
100920 “Michael”
Three rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters - subbed 0.4 m on ellitical at level 4 - but used arms doing a lot of the work to help my foot - its getting there slowly
10 Back Extensions - abmat
20 Sit-ups - Abmat arms by my side on floor most of the time
Done in 12.28 mins

C/o just stretch, foam roller and flexibilty work.

Thursday, 14 April 2011

110403 Diane

Warm up:- Spealler warm up less WB & Kick ups, 10 abmat situps, 10 Abmat b/e, 10 hanging KTE attempts (which are getting better), 10 good morning @7kg, 10 band dislocates, 5 thrusters @ 7kg, 10 PU Rev assist chin ups (5,3,2)
DL's 10 x 7kg, 5 x 17kg, 5 x 27kg, 5 DB press's @ 2kg, 3 @ 7kg

SUNDAY 110403
66# pound / 30kg Deadlift
Bridged Handstand push-ups on knees - subbed heavy DB press's 2 x 7kg / 15lb

Done in 7.28 mins
Splits:- DL's:- 0.49, 0.47, 0.30, DB Presses:- 1.34, 2.01, 1.43

I went light on the DL's because by back been twingy the last couple of days since I did some work down the unit - filling bottles for time!!
And I thought DB press would be better for my wrist which is getting stronger everyday thank goodness! But these were tough - OMG I guess I have lost more strength in my left arm than I thought! Needless to say the presses were broken into 4's and 5' and then 3' and 2's lol
I wrist kept cracking which wasn't great but no pain so soldered on to get it done!

C/o just stretch and foam roller - I was done and still sweating 10 mins later lol always sign of a good wod LOL

Food Diary:- Breakfast:- 1 chicken goujan and handful of nuts
Lunch:- Chicken Breast, Sweat Potatoe and stir fry veg. 2 Multi Vit, 2 grams Vit c
PWO:- Protein Shake (1/4 Recovery, 3/4 Pharma Whey HT) 
Dinner:-  1/2 chicken goujan, pea shoots, 2 cherry toms, 3 slices white cheese, selection of nuts, 3/4 of apple, celery, 1 thorntons brownie
Pre-Bed:- chicken goujan

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

110402 Running and Back squat

Warm up:- Spealler warm up inc 10 WB @ 5kg less Kick ups, 10 abmat situps, 10 Abmat b/e, 10 abmat Situps with 5kg plate, 10 supermans, 10 dislocates, bernger skills
200 meters ellipical, 6 back squat @ 7kg - still working on squat and butt wink pretty bad so decided to stay light for the wod

110402 Running and Back squat
Five rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters - sub elliptical lev 2
5 Back squats - went light empty 7kg / 15lb bar only

Done in 15.23 mins
Spilts:- runs/ellip:- 2.11, 2.15, 2.13, 2.16, 2.18, Squats including walk from room to room:- 0.49, 0.51, 0.50, 0.55, 0.39 (one way walk)

C/o 5 blue band pull up (2,2,1), 5 PU rev pull ups (2,2,1 with a 10 sec hold on the top), push ups at pin 5 bar x 3, pin 2 bar x 3, pin bar x 2,2
Foam rolling and stretching

Food Diary:- Breakfast:- banana choc yogurt, Protein shake (1 scoop of pharma whey HT), 2 Multi vit, 2 grams Vit c, Vit A
Lunch:- Chicken Kiev and stir fry veg. 1 Multi Vit, 2 grams Vit c
Snack:- 1/8 of a Protein Shake (1/4 Recovery, 3/4 Pharma Whey)
PWO:- Protein Shake (1/4 Recovery, 3/4 Pharma Whey)
Dinner:-  1 chicken goujan, 1 1/2 slices of ham, pea shoots, 2 cherry toms, 2 slices white cheese, selection of nuts, 3/4 of apple , 2 thorntons brownie
Watching tv:- 1 chunk of bournville 1 after eight
Pre-Bed:- chicken goujan

Tuesday, 12 April 2011


Busy day had to go the unit to fill bottles for time!

Food Diary:- Breakfast:- 1 chicken goujan and handful of nuts Protein shake (1 scoop of pharma whey HT), 2 Multi vit, 2 grams Vit c, Vit A
Lunch:- 2/3 fillet of beed, stir fry veg, pototoe wedges 1 Multi vit, 2 grams Vit c,
Snack:- Protein Shake (1/4 Recovery, 1/2 Pharma Whey, 1/4 Pharma 6hr)
Dinner:-  slice of quiche lauraine, cucumber, tomatoe and pea shoots
Watching tv:- 2/3 of magnum ice cream
Pre-Bed:- chicken goujan

Monday, 11 April 2011

110401 Muscle Ups

Warm up:- Spealler warm up less WB and Kick ups, 5 situps, 5 supermans. 5 Hollow bodys practices,
3 beg. ring rows, 1 squat MU

FRIDAY 110401 Muscle Ups
20 Squat Muscle-ups for time (with jump assist to help the dip portion)

Done in 3.08 mins

C/O:- 3 beg. ring rows with feet under rings, 3 blue band ring dips, 3 beg. ring rows with feet 6" in front of rings, 3 red band ring dips and then ried a few band assist variations with rack and rings, 3 beg. ring rows with feet 12" in front of rings, 3 beg. ring rows with feet 18" in front of rings

Food Diary:- Breakfast:- 1/2 fillet of beef
Lunch:- 2 medium boiled eggs, 1/2 slice of bread and butter, 1 thorntons brownies
Snack:- 1/2 banana, 1/4 of a Protein Shake (1/4 Recovery, 1/2 Pharma Whey, 1/4 Pharma 6hr)
PWO:- Protein shake (1 scoop of pharma whey HT)
Dinner:-  1 fillet of salmon fried, cauliflower, mashed potatoe and homemade parsley sauce
Watching tv:- Handful of Blueberries and Blackberries with Ice Cream
Pre-Bed:- chicken goujan

Sunday, 10 April 2011

110330 CrossFit Games Open 11.2

Warm up:- Spealler warm up less w/b and k/u, 10 abmat sit ups, 10 abmat b/e, 10 hanging KTE attempts, 10 supermans, some burgener skills, 5 dowel OHS with butt against the wall, 5 squats keeping hands above chest height bar (squat therapy) - found this really tough, couldn't get to depth as my lower back kept tighening up - this is obviously my problem and so I see more of these in my near future to try and fix/improve my squats

110330 CrossFit Games Open 11.2

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
155 pound Deadlift, 9 reps scaled to 45lb / 20 kg
12 Push-ups - scaled to 8 reps and alt bar (pin 5) and beginner ring push ups because still trying to strengthen wrist
15 Box jumps, 24” box - scaled to 4" because still trying to stregthen foot

Completed 8 rounds + 8 DL's

Splits for completed rounds:- 1.40, 1.42, 1.41, 1.43, 1.54, 1.58, 2.13(barbell issues), 1.43

I know I went light but I'm trying to get back into things and it felt great and got a great metcon from this. Not in the slightest games related for me personally at this stage but I found it a great wod!

My back is little tight this evening so glad I didn't do anymore squat therapy today. I must learn not to try working the same muscle group too much on consecutive days doh !

Food Diary:- Breakfast:- 3/4 scoop of meusli, selection of nuts. Protein Shake (1 scoop Pharma Whey HT) 1 multi Vit, 2 grams Vit c
Lunch:- Cherry and Almond Tart, Chicken Goujan, 1/2 fillet of beef, handfull of nuts
PWO:- Protein Shake (1/4 Recovery, 1 Pharma Whey HT)
Dinner:- Dressed Crab, slice of bread and butter, lettuce leaves, cucumber, 3 segments of tomato, nuts, carrot.
Watching TV:- 1 egg custard

Friday, 8 April 2011

110329 Thrusters

Warm up:- Spealler warm up less WB and Kick ups, 10 abmat situps, 10 abmat b/e, 10 good morning @ 7kg, 10 decline situps,
12 squats working on form / technique against the wall
3 thursters @ 7kg

110329 Thrusters
Thrusters 3-3-3-3-3-3-3

9-12-12-12-15-15kg / 33lb-12kg / 26lb

Stayed light working on form and wary of wrist

C/O 10 PU Rev chin ups (5,3,2), 10 sec hold at the top (the hold suprised me I could have and probably should have held it for longer)
Stretch and foam rolling

Food Diary:- Breakfast:- 1/2 scoop muesli, selection of nuts. Protein shake (1 scoop of pharma whey HT) 2 Multi vit, 2 grams Vit c, Vit A
Lunch:-  Chicken Kiev and stir fry veg. 1 Multi Vit, 2 grams Vit c
 PWO:- Protein shake (1 scoop of pharma whey HT)
Dinner:-  2 chicken goujans, 2 crackers with butter and chive primula spread, selections of nuts, celery, few slices of tomatoe, 2 slices of white cheese, 4 slices of apple, radish, lettuce leaves, 1 thorntons brownie

Rest Day / Food Diary

I was rough again this morning - I think it's the orange juice that I have been taking my vitamins with grrrr

Food Diary:- Breakfast:- 1/2 scoop muesli, selection of nuts. Protein shake (1 scoop of pharma whey) 2 Multi vit, 2 grams Vit c, Vit A
Lunch:-  1/3 chicken breast, 2 forkfulls of cottage cheese with pineapple, selections of nuts, celery, few slices of tomatoe, 2 slices of white cheese, thorntons brownie,,4 slices of apple, 1 Multi vit, 2 grams Vit c.
Dinner:-  2 medium boiled eggs, 2 crackers with butter and chive primula spread, 2 forkfulls of cottage cheese with pineapple, 2 thorntons brownies

Thursday, 7 April 2011

110328 Squats, Pull-ups, Ring dips

Warm up:- Spealler warm up less WB and Kick ups, 15 abmat situps, 5 abmat b/e, 10 supermans.
5 squats, 3 beg. ring rows, 3 beg. ring push ups, 3 bar push ups, 3 blue band chin ups

MONDAY 110328 Squats, Pull-ups, Ring dips

35 Squats
25 Beginner or assisted pull-ups - Beg ring rows
20 Push ups - beg. ring push ups
25 Squats
15 Beginner or assisted pull-ups - blue band assisted ring dips
10 Push ups - did 15 bar push ups pin 5
15 Squats
10 Beginner or pull-ups - blue band pin 5 chin ups
5 Push ups - bar push ups

Dne in 12.53 mins

Stretch and foam roller and flexibilty work

After seeing gymnastic wod post about push ups http://gymnasticswod.com/content/you-can-learn-lot-push I'm going to start to work on my form and keep elbows close as per Carl  - should make a big difference to my wrist and to all other movements - thank you Carl

Food Diary:- Breakfast:- 2 scoops muesli, selection of nuts and cranberries. 2 Multi vit, 2 grams Vit c, Vit A
Lunch:-  1/2 fillet of beef, pea shoots, radish, 2 cherry tomatoes, 1 Multi vit, 2 grams Vit c.
PWO:- Protein Shake (1/4 Recovery, 1/2 Pharma Whey, 1/4 Pharma 6hr)
Dinner:-  1/3 breast of chicken, pea shoots, 1/2 tomatoe, cucumber, lettuce leaves, 2 slices white cheese, selection of nuts, 2 forkfulls of cottage cheese with pineapple, 4 slices of apple

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Unplanned Rest Day / Food Diary

Another unplanned rest day today - long day on feet all day down the unit, poor eating and not enough sleep last night so time for bed to catch up on some zzzzz's

Food Diary:- Breakfast:- 1/2 scoop of muesli with nuts and sultanas
Snack:- 3/4 promax meal bar
Lunch:- McDonalds Chicken Select 3 piece with sour cream and chive dip
Snack:- Thorntons Brownie
Dinner:- 1/2 fillet of beef, 3 slices of cold roast pork, apple sauce, pea shoots, radishes, 2 cherry tomatoes, cress, cucumber and onion in vinegar, 2 grams vit c, Thorntons Brownie
Watching TV:- 1 aftereight

Monday, 4 April 2011

Rest Day / Food Diary

Rest day - needed! I tweaked my wrist yet again grrrrr 3 days without any strapping on it felt great and achey pain just below the heel of the hand.

Food Diary:- Breakfast:- 1/2 scoop of muesli with nuts and sultanas
Lunch:- Farmhouse Chicken, with rice, peas and sweetcorn. 3 mutli vits, 2 grams of vit c, 1 eskimo fish oil and Vit A
Dinner:- Cold roast pork, apple sauce, lettuce, pea shoots, slice of white cheese, 2 cherry tomatoes, cress, 2 grams vit c, Thorntons Brownie
Pre-bed:- Slice of pork

Sunday, 3 April 2011


Had a lovely day and spent Mothering Sunday with my mum and we did an hours Yoga together.

Food Diary:- Breakfast:- 2 boiled eggs and 1 slice of bread and butter, Thorntans Brownie
Snack:- 2/3 of Protein Shake (1/4 Recovery, 1/2 Pharma Whey, 1/4 Pharma 6hr)
Dinner:- Roast Pork, smal piece of crackling, roast potates, yourkshire pudding, cabbage and apple sauce, Thorntons brownie
Watching TV:- 1 after eight
Pre-bed:- 1 chicken goujan

Saturday, 2 April 2011

110321 Run 10k

Warm up:- Spealler warm up less WB and Kick ups, 200 meters on elliptical

110321 Run 10K

Scaled to 4K on elliptical lev 2

Done 25.06 mins - PR as I've never done 4K before!
Splits every 400m 2.24, 2.28, 2.31, 2.32, 2.33, 2.35, 2.29, 2.30, 2.27, 2.30 was getting pins and needles in my toes and my right hip flexor was beginning to complain.

Cash out:- stretch and foam roller which I really needed as I tweaked my back doing that yoga yesterday grrr

Food Diary:- Breakfast:- 1 chicken goujan, selection of nuts and 6 grapes
Snack:- 1/3 of Cherry and Almond Tart
Lunch:- Chicken Kiev, potatoe wedges and veg. 3 Multi vits, 3 grams Vit c, 1 eskimo fish oil capsule.
PWO:- Protein Shake (1/4 Recovery, 1/2 Pharma Whey, 1/4 Pharma 6hr)
Dinner:- Dressed Crab, slice of bread and butter, 6 grapes, lettuce, cucumber and onion in vinegar, 2 cherry tomato, cress. Followed by 2/3 of Cherry and Almond Tart
Watching TV:- 1 thorntons brownie, 1 chunks of bournville
Pre-bed:- Protein Shake 1 Pharma Whey

Friday, 1 April 2011


Went osteopaths today and it was a waist of time - Kelly Starrett he certainly is not! Wouldn't even treat me - he thought the sqauts of all kinds were dangerous and advise me not to do them!

I really need Kelly Starrett in the UK or a UK version who's nearly as good!

I did an hours Yoga - rented a new dvd by Leah Bracknell and for a beginner like me I found it really great - very calming and relaxing!

Food Diary:- Breakfast:- 1/3 turkey breast, selection of nuts and 6 grapes,
Snack:- Prmax bar
Lunch:- Farmhouse Chicken, veg and sweet potatoes. Multi Vit, 2 grams Vit C, Glutomine, Pure EPA capsule
Dinner:- 2 chicken goujan, 2 slices white cheese, 2 cherry tomatoes, lettuce, cucumber, selection of nuts, 1 fig,  6 grapes
Watching TV:- 1 chunks of bournville
Pre-bed:- 1 chicken goujan