Welcome to my fitness log

I've created this to keep everything to do with my fitness journey in one place for easy reference.
I've listed links to places I visit regularly or places I think are interesting or valuable resources.

I started doing Crossfit September 22nd 2009 and I loved it - it's totally awesome and it made me a better person in so many different ways!

After nearly 4 years of Crossfit and wrist injury I tried a home fitness DVD for a change and something new - Rip 60 was really great and then I found Beachbody / Tony Horton's P90X!
It's THE best home fitness program ever!!!
It changed my body in so many amazing ways and got my cardio fitness, my core and overall strength including push up strength better than ever before!!

I now do many Beachbody programs as they are all so great.
I 'm a big Tony Horton fan because he makes me work hard but makes me laugh at the same time.
After I completed P90X, I did P90X3, P90X2 and some P90X+. I''ve tried other Beachbody programs including the P90, Piyo, Focus T25,
21 Day Fix Extreme, Country Heat, BodyBeast and Insanity, The Aslyum 1 and 2. Completed 21 Day Fix and 22 Min hard Core.

Did some Insanity Max 30 and Core de Force but my knees can't handle jumping every day so I have to mix them in.
Shift shop is great and looking forward to the new 80 Day obsession.

I'm the fittest I've ever been in my life and still getting stronger every day!

Wednesday, 28 February 2018

80 DO - Day 41 Total Body Core

Loved this today, kept up the pace, got my weights spot on and at the end I was soooo done!!!!

Tuesday, 27 February 2018

80 DO - Day 40 Half Way!!!! Cardio Core + X3 Yoga

Cardio Core done and in the bag!!! My shoulders were struggling yet again but everything else felt good.

Chased it with some Tony time and X3 Yoga and I can not believe how much stronger I felt in all the poses💪!!! I'm astonished😲!!! I guess Autumn's program is making us so much stronger for all of the other programs too!!

Loving it😍!!!!

Only 40 days to go OMG!!! Then what are we going to do😱?????

Monday, 26 February 2018

80 DO - Day 39 Booty

Wow this was a great booty/leg day! Fairly fast paced and I had to pause once to catch up as my weights took longer to change but overall I loved it.

The 3 x 3x10 worked me hard today and I really felt my booty working!!!

The side lunge I dropped my bands and upped my weigths and it was much better. Increased most of weight on everything else from last week too :)

Got my Barbell out for the sumo hinge and I had weigths all over the place!

Saturday, 24 February 2018

BodyCombat 67

Thoroughly enjoyed me some BodyCombat today - punching and kicking was just what I needed!!

Followed by some good ol' foam rolling and a nice long stretch.

Have a great weekend everybody.

Friday, 23 February 2018

80 DO - Day 37 AAA

This workout feels quite messy and all over the place. She rushed through it and I had to pause to get my reps in, make notes, select right weight etc. which was frustrating and made it take longer than it should.
My floor was a total mess when I had finished too - I used every sinlge weight in my rack from 1kg/ 2.2lb to 10kg/22lb!!!

I'm hoping it will be better next week, if we do each body part first ie burn out the shoulders, then the delts etc like the last phase as it makes it flow much better.

My shoulder really was not happy on the tricep push ups even though I was on P. Stands on my knees but at 8 reps I figured I wouldnt be stupid. Set 2 I did a lying tricep press and then felt fine - not sure what's with my left shoulder but move still upsets it grrrrr.

Noticable improvement on my plank hold for Tricep Kickbacks today though so that was a nice surprise.

Double Blue'd on some of the butt moves too :)

I'm not gonna do Cardio Flow tomorrow - I'm gonna do some BodyCombat instead - I need a change and my shoulder def. does not need the weight bearing of Cardio Flow as much I would like to do it - we have to listen to our bodies.

Thursday, 22 February 2018

80 DO - Day 36 Legs

I was at home today due to an appointment this morning, so later than normal and had to use Bowflex instead my normal dumbells. Bowflex slowed me down slightly so I had to pause quite a few times (plus living room logisitcs) but it meant I could go heavier easier so that was cool.

Apart from the 35's I picked up by accident (looked at the wrong line on my sheet) pleased with allmy weight choices. Boy they were heavy for that last set of reverse lunges but I managed them - a little slow but I did it OMG!!

40lb was tough to hold for goblet squat but fine as 2 x 20lbs for Weighted Warrior 3. 30lbs was great for the curtsy's and 50lbs was fine for the Sumo's.

Also used a slightly different piece of carpet ofcut for the sliders and it was much slidier, which made the single leg stuff tougher (moving leg couldn't assist as much) and the hamstring curls easier - which I actually managed to do this week wahoo!!

Bonus round with the 15lb was tough after everything else but totally doable :)

So awesome progress - Yay!!! Love leg day!!!!!

Wednesday, 21 February 2018

80 DO - Day 35 Total Body Core

This is a great workout, pushed hard and loved it!

Increased weights on every round for evything except skull crushers where I stayed the same on last round for safety/form.
Cautious with shoulders so did spiders on knees. Slowed down the crab dip to sit through and that felt much safer and better ;)

Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Pure Cardio 2 and 80 DO - Day 34 Cardio Core

I decided to warm up with some Shaun T for an extra burn and destress (rough morning) with Pure Cardio 2 then on to Cardio Core.

My shoulders still cause me to take breaks in these plank moves grrrrrrr. Still toast from yesterday it seems :(.

I decided to use my power stands on the last move and it did make it a little easier so I think I might try it for all oof them next week. It certainly helps my wrist, gives me a little more range of motion in the pike up moves and if it takes a little weight of my shoulders, I should get more out it overall while my shoulders build more strength - sound reasonable???

Monday, 19 February 2018

80 DO - Day 33 Booty

Wow I loved this today Booty / leg day.

3 x 10 works best for me as I can go medium (I really need to warm up and can't go heavy straight out of the gate like Autumn), heavy and X heavy as each round progresses!

Great cardio element to the standing section too ;)

Heel press I definitely get more booty action if I go yellow and not green - green I feel more hamstring. Hamstring curls dont get much booty action with either yellow or green? Anyone else?

Got the weight right on the single leg bridge and press overs as I could really feel it in those last 3 reps.

Loved it!!!!

Saturday, 17 February 2018

80 DO - Day 32 Cardio Flow...err nope..Max 30 Cardio Challenge

So I got warmed up and ready to go today and I started Cardio Flow and my shoulders moaned on those first few inchworms, I did a few spiders moved on to diamond jumps and then as we started inchworms again my shoulders said "you think we can cope with another 30 mins of this you got to be joking!!!" So I stopped. Not only mentally was not in the mood for it my body physically just didn't want it - it needs more recovery of those same old moves beofre we start next week so that was that.
I dont want to feel I've cheated on Autumn or the program or not do it to its fullest but I have to listen to my body and all the shoulder/plank work is taking its toll and I/they clearly need more rest. People with strong upperbody or not recovering for an injury might be fine but not me.

I dove into the BOD library and chose some Shaun T with Max 30 Cardio Challenge, which I really enjoyed. Had a min or two to sort out a hair malfunction a good few minutes in but other than that I pushed as hard as I could. I modified some of the floor work to not stress my shoulders and def. worked up a good sweat and burnt a few calories too.

Friday, 16 February 2018

80 DO - Day 31 AAA

This was ok today, my energy levels were low and I struggled in the shouders with all the plank work. I modifed where I had to and pushed on everything else.

Thursday, 15 February 2018

80 DO - Day 30 Legs

I didn't get enough sleep last night and boy did I know to my obliques and abs even before breakfast!!! Anyone else???? Autumn knows how to make us wake new muscles up thats for sure!!!

Phase 2 Leg day = Now that's what I call leg day!!! OMG!!!

Those slider moves very quickly after the weighted moves sure make those legs work hard! I shouted a few expletives and pineapples a few times today trying to get oxygen but I loved it!

Hamstring Curls on Sliders I found really hard and chose to modify most of them, so hopefully I will be stronger for those next week.

Loved the bonus round too - reminded me of 22 MHC ;)

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

80 DO - Day 29 Total Body Core

Wow this was a shoulder burner for sure!!! I gave it my all I was 'done' at the end OMG.

Some interesting new combo moves and you cerntainly don't need heavy weights for this to work.

The easiest move for me was the French twist - for anybody that has done Kenpo X its like one the first moves ("move with your hip and your body") but with a weight in your hand ;)

Did everybody else struggle with Crab Tricep Dip to Sit Through???

Tuesday, 13 February 2018

80 DO - Day 28 Cardio Core + IM30 Max out 15

Enjoyed the new Cardio Core today although my shoulders didn't. They were toast from yesterday still so that made the plank core work tough as I had to keep taking a break just to rest my shoulders that were screaming.

Been incredibly stressed for weeks now but finally we took one of our pups to be rehomed as he was not getting on with the others and causing so much destress to the household its just not funny. So today our 3 dogs became 2. So a litte sadness but more relief than anything that our home is peaceful again and everybody is so much calmer we might actually get some sleep again.

To help with the de-stress I needed a bit more cardio after Cardio Core so I did a quick 15 mins with Shaun T and feel so much better.

Here's to peace, harmony and sleep.

Monday, 12 February 2018

80 DO - Day 27 Booty

This was a leg/hamstring and booty day if you ask me lol

I went light in the first round to get a feel of the new moves and heavied up in the second.
Except for the Heel Press up as I went with Autmn and green in the first but felt in 100% hamstring and none in the booty so after listing to Weekly obsession and the advice given - I lightened up to yellow and I could actually feel it more in the booty ;)
Also even with yellow for the hamstring curl I still didnt feel much in the booty - anyone else??

I went with double dumbells for reverse lunges as I couldnt see the point in going light considering the only complication was the knee lift.

Camels were new to me but I was chuffed to match them with 35lbs/16kg KB in the second round - same as KB Swings.

The only one I struggled with was the rotating back side lunge where the band kept sliding up my leggings. I even doubled to Blue and yellow in the second to see it helped but it still slid up which made me not be able to sit so low in the lunge.

Overall enjoyed it!

Saturday, 10 February 2018

80 DO - Day 26 - Cardio Flow End of Phase 1!! + 22 MHC Cardio 1

Woke up with AAA Doms today - love to feel new muscles waking up ;)

I wanted a little more today so I started with Cardio 1 (3 rounds plus burnout clearly show on my HR graph is pretty cool)- which was good fun and a nice bit of Tony time lol

Then into Cardio Flow which I actually felt much stronger in overall. I didn't have to put a knee down like I had done in previous weeks and I even got a little jump in on the step throughs which my shoulders just didn't feel strong enough to let me do before so I'm super pleased with the progress in these 4 weeks!!!

Having watched, well kind of as I was stretching lol, this weeks weekly obsession I'm a little scared about next week with some of the new combo moves but mostly just excited - anyone else???

Roll on Phase 2!!!

Friday, 9 February 2018

80 DO - Day 25 Legs

Love leg day and pushed hard today especially in the second set = phew!!!

For most of the weights I kept the same as last week but of course did an extra 5 reps with them this week!!!

Those buddha's are still tough especially with a10kg/22lbs at the end and OMG that squat hold...I completely forgot it was coming and boy did my legs scream and I only chose a 5kg / 11lb like she suggested...I think I caved with a few seconds to go.

Thursday, 8 February 2018

80 DO - Day 24 AAA

So new 80 DO BB bands today and I wasn't quite sure where to go with them so I stuck with Autumn on her band/loop selection and it was about right.
Fire hydrants were the toughest for me but I pushed through!!! Better resistance definitely made me feel it/the proper muscles working more.....I'm still aware of my glutes/booty over 2 hours later = scary!!!

Pleased with the weights I lifted =  shaky and done!

Shoulders were toast in the second round of the slider moves which I was slightly dissapointed with as I hoped to go through them without breaks but I did my best.

Looking forward to leg day tomorrow albeit with slight trepidation that my booty lets me get through it lol

Wednesday, 7 February 2018

80 DO - Day 23 Cardio Core + X3 Cold Start

X3 Cold Start first as I feel better going to cardio a little bit warmer and it burns another 50 cals :)

Cardio Core felt good today, I felt strong in the core sections and I even smashed the standing mountain climbers today ie my pace was much faster, knees were higher and I didnt stop before time wahoo!!!

I had to take just 2 mini breaks in the long core section but overall I think crushed it as best as I could!! Does anyone know if this one stays the same for phase 2 (only longer version like Cardio flow) or does she change it up a little??

Tuesday, 6 February 2018

80 DO - Day 22 Booty

I had to embrace the burn today - I upped my bands and pushed hard as its week 4 and I realised the bands I've been using are not what I thought!!! So I increased them and got a much better workout that was so much more burny near the end!!!!
My Beachbody 80 DO ones should be arriving today so I'm looking forward to seeing the difference on Thursday with AAA.

Did a little foam rolling with stretches afterwards and I'm very excited to see what next weeks Booty brings as we start the week with it on Monday omg!!

Monday, 5 February 2018

80 DO - Day 21 Total Body Core

Wow this was tough today - those last 5 reps seemed to be really hard!!!

I calculated the weights so that although we went down to 2 x 15 reps I still overall lifted slightly more than last week (still 30 reps afterall) and boy did I feel it and did I have to push through omg!!!

Even the band ones today were tough and I had to take breaks to get through some of them but a few swear words and pineapples later I got it done = wow!!

Was late starting my HRM today, I missed the warm up like a muppet as I was so eager to get started lol.

Saturday, 3 February 2018

X3 Cold Start, 22MHC Cold Start & 80 DO - Day 20 Cardio Flow

I wanted a little bit more today and needed my Tony fix lol so I did X3 Cold Start, then 22 Min Hard Core Cold start before going into 80 DO Cardio Flow.

Felt stronger overall but legs were tired from leg day which meant the jumping diamond squats were tough today!

I can't believe its the end of Week 3 already!!

Friday, 2 February 2018

80 DO - Day 19 Legs

Leg done done and dusted!!

Increased all weights pretty much everywhere except 3rd set of the good mornings (I added weight last week in set 2 and 3 and I didnt in set 3 today as I felt my right hamstring again).

Sumo Squats I upped to a 27kg/59lbs DB on the 3rd set which felt good ;) 

Got my barbell out for the hip hinges / deadlifts this week and it felt great to lift heavy with 17kg / 37lbs 1st round, then 27kg/59lbs and 37kg/81lbs in the 3rd.

Thursday, 1 February 2018

80 DO - Day 18 AAA

A little tired again today but increased my weights, bands and although shaky in the plank moves, felt stronger and that I wasn't going to collapse in a heap. I even managed to stick with them on that crazy hold at the end phew!!

And I accomplished my goal from last week - I managed all 3 sets of push ups on my feet - I had to take a quick breather or two and some were a little shallow in that final set but I did it wahoo!!

Feeling my lower abs today in those knee tucks so I clearly worked them harder yesterday :)

I need some more sleep and more energy from somewhere for leg day tomrrow!