So today maybe a little slower but concentrate of holding that stomach in so much more and position shoulders correctly for push ups. Also burpees are bad because I let my core go so doing them at a higher position will help alot.
Muay Tai Knees down to 4kg
DB as 5kg was just a little tough yesterday, 4kg DB for Vsit with rotation as touching the floor. Stayed at 7.5kg for KB
Single leg Hip raises were still tough but a little better. I put the weight downa nd tried with more stabililty with hands on floor and they were easier but still tough on the ham strings.
Burpees I tried much harder to hold core and set my shoulder to concentrate on push up part also did them on push up bars on 2 blocks and a step = a little above knee height. I'm disappointed as I feel I've lost a fair bit of push up strength during the last 6 weeks but I have gained alot of stabilization in my shoulders and core and my legs and feet are much better at jumping.
Burpees I tried much harder to hold core and set my shoulder to concentrate on push up part also did them on push up bars on 2 blocks and a step = a little above knee height. I'm disappointed as I feel I've lost a fair bit of push up strength during the last 6 weeks but I have gained alot of stabilization in my shoulders and core and my legs and feet are much better at jumping.
Reverse Crunch went pretty well and tried 2 partial range push ups again, but I put my knees down a couple of times trying to set my shoulders and core better
Heart rate monitor on today - just under the 59 mins on the clock 491 Calories.
Max HR was 172 = 92% of Max and Ave 137 = 74%
Didn't push as hard and keep going regardless as form is more important, I worked harder on my push ups as the height was still a little high and so the push ups were tough (may know to them tomorrow) but still burnt around the same amount of calories as yesterday with better form.
I'm aware of my back muscles more tonight so that interesting I obviously was using them more and they are not used to it, although I did go for a nearly horizontal lat pull, before coming a little way, and then up a little more.
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