Welcome to my fitness log

I've created this to keep everything to do with my fitness journey in one place for easy reference.
I've listed links to places I visit regularly or places I think are interesting or valuable resources.

I started doing Crossfit September 22nd 2009 and I loved it - it's totally awesome and it made me a better person in so many different ways!

After nearly 4 years of Crossfit and wrist injury I tried a home fitness DVD for a change and something new - Rip 60 was really great and then I found Beachbody / Tony Horton's P90X!
It's THE best home fitness program ever!!!
It changed my body in so many amazing ways and got my cardio fitness, my core and overall strength including push up strength better than ever before!!

I now do many Beachbody programs as they are all so great.
I 'm a big Tony Horton fan because he makes me work hard but makes me laugh at the same time.
After I completed P90X, I did P90X3, P90X2 and some P90X+. I''ve tried other Beachbody programs including the P90, Piyo, Focus T25,
21 Day Fix Extreme, Country Heat, BodyBeast and Insanity, The Aslyum 1 and 2. Completed 21 Day Fix and 22 Min hard Core.

Did some Insanity Max 30 and Core de Force but my knees can't handle jumping every day so I have to mix them in.
Shift shop is great and looking forward to the new 80 Day obsession.

I'm the fittest I've ever been in my life and still getting stronger every day!

Sunday, 30 January 2011

110125 Muscle-ups, Squats, chin up & push up tests

AM - micoach walk 10 min blue zone - covered 1km
PM -Warm up= arm swings/rotations, knee highs, dislocates, 5 abmat butterfly situps unanchored, 10 decline situps,  15 abmat back extentions, samson stretch, bergener skill stuff, 2 MU progs, rolling ITB in tennis balls to stop knee clicking
C/I Chin up challenge test with Pull up rev. = 6, push challenge test with red band assist in 3 = 5

TUESDAY 110125 Muscle-ups, Squats

Three rounds for time of:
8 Muscle-up progressions (Squat pull, with jump assited to straighten arms)
25 Squats (20,5) (20,5), (17, 4,4)

Done in 7.14 mins
Splits MU 0.53, Sq 0.59, 1.12, 1.11, 1.41 (thought I miscoutned so did 9 to make sure), 1.16

C/O some more MU progs at different ring heights, pulls x 3 with pull rev, 2 x 1 legged squats rope assisted, beginner ring push ups x 3

Friday, 28 January 2011

Sunday 110123 Deadlifts and DU's

Warm up= arm swings/rotations, knee highs, dislocates, 15 abmat butterfly situps unanchored, 10 abmat back extentions, 5 dowel good mornings, 10 8kg Good mornings, samson stretch and twist
 Chin challenge with pull up revolution 1-2-2-2-4 = 11, 5 push ups against bar pin 5, DL's 16kg x 5, 36kg x 5, 46kg x 2

Sunday 110123 Deadlifts and DU's
Three rounds for time of:
79 pound / 36 kg Deadlift, 10 reps
15 Double-unders or tuck jumps - subbed Push ups (because of foot) bar at pin 4

Done 4.22 mins
Splits DL 0.47, PU 0.32 (10) , 0.48, 0.33 (10), 0.53, 0.45 (6,3,1)

Was originally gonna go for 46kg but after warming up my lower back felt not fully mended from 72kg CFT the other day so left my ego at the door as per GD and backed of to 36kg. Glad I did too.

C/O some hanging knee raises, tried for some KTE, and attempts an hanging L Sit - they are hard - really felt it in my quads trying to kept stright leg up! Attempted 5 V Ups - not great form, tried to get into Hollow Rock position a few times too - thats tough too. Full pushups negatives x 3

Thursday, 27 January 2011

110120 Snatch & 110117 Rope Climbs

Warm up= arm swings/rotations, knee highs, dislocates, 5 abmat butterfly situps unanchored, 10 decline situps, 15 abmat back extentions, 3 snatches with dowel

Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

8-8-10-12-12-13 NEW PR-14kg / 31lb NEW PR

Was inside and didn't want to push it - need to be outside to be able to dump it - so only did what I felt comfortable with so pleased with PR's - could do more outside - next time!

Didn't feel like I had done much so I did..

110117 Rope Climbs
Three rounds of:
Beginner rope climb, max reps in 3 minutes

14-12-12 reps

Tough on hands and grip but enjoyed it all the same lol

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Chin Challenge, Push up Challenge

Chin up challenge - pullup reveloution x 1-2-1-1-4 = 9

Push up challenge - red band pin 3 x 4-5-4-4-5 = 22

Nothing else as need to rest foot - running was too much for my still mending foot!

Monday, 24 January 2011


I took a much needed rest day - lacking sleep again and I pulled a muscle in my right foot and agravated my obviously still mending left foot doing that walk,jog,running grrr.

Sunday, 23 January 2011

110116 “CrossFit Total”

Warm up= arm swings/rotations, knee highs, dislocates, bergener skill transfers, 15 abmat butterfly situps unanchored,  15 abmat back extentions,

Sunday 110116

“CrossFit Total”

Back squat, w/u 17kg x 5, 27 x 5, 37 x 2
1 rep 47 - 53 - 57kg / 125lb
Shoulder Press, w/u 7 x 5, 17 x 3,
1 rep 22 - 25 equal PR - 26kg / 57lb New PR party
Deadlift, w/u 8 x 5, 16 x 5, 27 x 4, 37 x 2, 47 x 2,
1 rep 52 - 62 - 72kg / 158lb Equal PR

Crossfit Total = 155kg / 341lb PR by 5kg / 11lb to my last time May 10

I was only expecting about 75% of what I achieved today considering so many missed wods during my foot injury so I'm over the moon to realise I have not lost as much strength as I thought.   bigsmile

Chin Challenge, Push up Challenge, MiCoach

Chin up challenge - pullup reveloution x 1-2-1-1-4 = 9

Push up challenge - red band pin 3 x 3-4-2-3-5 = 17

MiCoach 10min Blue Zone 90% Total time 11.34 Walk 900 meters

miCoach walk, jog, run and assesment

Was due to do Crossfit Total today but after only 5.5hrs sleep decided that it would be stupid so went out for a walk, jog, run comparing pace to heart rate etc covering just under a mile - wow my hip flexors were not happy about it rolleyes Started the micoach schedule but just couldn't keep up the pace it wanted so after 6 mins stopped and decided to do the Assement - very tough and couldn't keep up the pace for the time it wanted but it's adjusted my zones and that should be attainable and should help with improvement.

Assuming good night sleep tonight will try Crossfit Total tomorrow - although I’m not expecting any PR’s as it seem so long since I’ve done any heavy DL’s and even longer for Squats so not gonna push too hard but see what I get and take it as point to start again from for this new year!

Saturday, 22 January 2011

110115 “Elizabeth”

Warm up= arm swings/rotations, knee highs, dislocates, 15 abmat butterfly situps unanchored,  15 abmat back extentions, samson stretch and twist
Clean x 5 @ 7kg, 3 x 14kg, Assisted ring dips x 5

110115 “Elizabeth”

Cleans @ 14kg / 30lb
Ring Dips - blue band assisted pin 5

Done in 8.51 mins PR by 1 sec to last time same reps but ring dips were assisted with toes on floor

Delay on the day and ended up wodding 4+ hours after eating and I think it made it feel a bit sloggy - energy just not there like normal but hey I got it done.

c/o Chin up challenge - assisted Pullup Revolution x 1-2-1-1-4
It feels a more natural motion with the pull up revolution than it did with the horizontal bands - I also feel I can lessen the assistance in a more gradual and controlled manner - I'm very hopeful that my first unassisted pull up will happen sooner rather than later!

Thursday, 20 January 2011

110113 GHD situps / Push Jerks

Warm up= arm swings/rotations, knee highs, dislocates, 5 abmat butterfly situps unanchored, 5 decline situps,  15 abmat back extentions, samson stretch, 5 push press @ 7kg, 3 x 16kg

Chin up challenge - blue band @ pin 3 x 1-1-1-1-2

110113 GHD situps / Push Jerks

Five rounds of:
10 Sit-ups - 1st round was delcline bench the rest were Abmat unachored
5 Push jerk - 16kg / 35lb (1st round and 3 of the 2nd were push press = DOH! then the rest were push jerks)

Done in 5.31 mins
Splits:- 1.15, 1.04, 1.02, 1.03, 1.04

Great wod - loved it - def need to up the scaling next time!

C/O practice cleans ready for Elizabeth 7kg x 10, back squat 7kg x 10, air squats x 5-5-5-5-5-5

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

110112 Rowing and Push ups

I orginally planned to do a am and pm wod today but it didn't happen as I had to learn yet again that doing a wod without eating enough food is not clever!

w/u a few arm swings and 5 push ups pin 4

110112 Rowing and Push ups

Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
Row 250 meters - subbed 200m elliptical lev 2
10 Push-ups - bar at pin 4 (10-10-5,5-4,3,3-4,3,3-6)

We usually sub a 200 M run for a 250 M row.  Another way to sub is a an average 250 m row is about a minute, fast 45 seconds, slow about 1:15+.  Pick the time frame you would generally fall into and sub box jump, running, jump rope etc….

Completed 5 rounds + 200m + 6 push ups
Splits:- 1.07, 0.36, 1.15, 0.38, 1.16, 0.46, 1.19, 0.59, 1.17, 0.58, 1.18, 0.32 only 6 reps timer went

I debated before starting this to go for 15 mins but during the rounds 4 & 5 of push ups I was reaching muscle failure so decided 12 mins was enough for today but def go for 15 mins next time as endurance should be much better by then.

My arms were still shaky over 2 hours after wod giving me a great indication that I hadn't fuelled properly pre-workout and thinking it was only a short wod - I didn't after either!!! So decided the sit ups and push jerk wod that I planned to do later should wait till tomorrow!!

Sunday, 16 January 2011

11011 Muscle ups, Wall Ball, HSPU, Power Clean

Evening WOD

Warm up= arm swings/rotations, knee highs, dislocates, 5 abmat butterfly situps unanchored with arms on floor, 10 abmat situps with arms across chest, 15 abmat back extentions, burgener warm up/skill transfers, samson stretch.
5 beginner ring rows, 3 muscle-up progressions, 3 wall ball shots, tried HSPU bridged on feet..erm nope so tried with blue band assist = just 3, tried with green band assist = did 3 but no way it was happening for wod, 5 power cleans @ 8kg, 3 @ 16kg

11011 Muscle ups, Wall Ball, HSPU, Power Clean

Three rounds for time of
6 Muscle-up progressions - squat mu with a jump to help press out the dip
15 Wallball shots, 11 pound / 5kg ball
9 Handstand push-ups progressions - subbed 2 x 7kg / 15lb DB presses due to logistics (after 3 reps stopped to drop to 5kg)
35 pound / 16kg Power clean, 12 reps

Done in 14.06 mins (including 1.23mins to change DB's to 5kg after 3 reps)
Splits 5.25 less 1.23 = 4.02, 4.19, 4.20

Apart from getting DB weight wrong - really pleased with this wod - a few breaths here and there but kept a good pace and most of all - all my wallballs were pretty much unbroken - major pr for me - good indicator of my cardio getting better - YAY
Also the power cleans flew up today, elbow speed slowly getting faster - had some that felt great - Yay

miCoach Walk and chin ups and push ups

Decided to get outside today as the weather has picked up and I'm gonna try micoach walk to run Schedule /plan

10 mins walk with slow start distance covered 700m (didn't get to the pace it wanted but that was because I didn't have it set right when I started DOH!)

Also I want to really achieve my goals of push ups and chin ups this year so I'm gonna try and get some done earlier in the day that my normal wod.

Chin up Challenge - blue band assist pin 3 - 5 reps in sets of 1,1,1,1,1 with 60 secs rest between sets except last round 90 secs rest
Push ups Challenge - red band assist pin 3 - 13 reps in Sets of 2,3,2,2,4 with 60 secs rest inbetween sets

If I can get up to 20 of each then go to the next level ie less assistance

Thursday, 13 January 2011

110109 Weighted pull-ups 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

w/u 3 x pull ups blue band pin 5, 3 x pin 4

110109 Weighted pull-ups 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

Blue band @ pin 3 feet together - Blue band @ pin 2 feet 12" apart - Blue band @ pin 2 feet together - Red band @ pin 5 feet 12" apart - Red band @ pin 5 feet together - Red band @ pin 4 feet 12" apart PR - Red band @ pin 4 feet 6" apart PR Wahoo!

I tried with feet together afterwards just for fun but failed lol

c/o 10 push @ pin 4, pin 1 x 2, 8" box x 1 and failed 2nd, x failed, pin 1 x 4 varying hand widths, 13" box x 2

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

110105 “Fran”

Warm up= arm swings/rotations, knee highs, dislocates, 5 abmat butterfly situps unanchored with arms on floor, 10 abmat situps with arms across chest, 15 abmat back extentions, burgener skill transfers, samson stretch. fran mwod stretches
Thrusters @ 8kg x 5, 14kg x 3, blue band assist pull ups x 3

Three rounds, 21-15- and 9 reps, for time of:
35 pound / 16kg Thruster (broken as required)
Pull-ups - blue band pin 5 (broken as req, a few jumps in the last few reps of round 2 and 3)

Done in 11.14 mins
(4.30, 4.25, adrenaline fuelled 2.17)

Not the time I was hoping for but a PR none the less.
Compared to Jan 12th 2010 the full 21-15- and 9 reps @ 14kg / 30lb and same blue band assist pull ups in 11.00 mins it's about the same time but more weight and considering how many wods I've missed and how much conditioning I lost due to foot injury in 2010 - it's like I'm back to where I was so that's a positive although I would have like to have done it faster!
Compared to Oct 2nd 2010 Heavy Fran at scaled 15-12-9 reps @ 16kg / 35lb and same blue band assist pull ups in 12.06 mins I would say the full reps in a 52 secs less time is a reasonable PR?

It was mainly cardio that slowed me down - having to put the bar down to get oxygen is very frustrating but my muscular endurance needs to be improved this year too. My muscles are clearly not used to doing that many reps that quick!

C/O only stretching and foam rolling

For next time I think if I drop the weight and keep doing the full reps to work on endurance and speed then increase the weight? does that sound like a good plan?

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

110104 Front Squat

Warm up= arm swings/rotations, knee highs, dislocates, 5 abmat butterfly situps unanchored with arms on floor, 10 abmat situps with arms across chest, 15 abmat back extentions, burgener skill transfers, samson stretch.
front squats 5 @ 8kg, 5 @ 14kg, 2 @ 18kg

110104 Front Squat

Front squat 3-3-3-3-3 reps

20-22-24-26-28kg / 62lbPR

24kg was my previous 3RM and 28kg was my previous 1RM from nov = nice pr

I had some left in the tank afterwards and nearly did some more but thought I wouldn't be stupid and save it for Fran tomorrow.

C/O only stretching and foam rolling

Sunday, 9 January 2011

110103 Run, Overhead Squats, Pull-ups

Warm up= arm swings/rotations, knee highs, dislocates, 5 abmat butterfly situps unanchored with arms on floor, 10 abmat situps with arms across chest, 15 abmat back extentions, burgener skill transfers.
5 pull ups blue band pin 4 feet 12" apart, 5 begnner ring rows feet under rings, OHS 5 with dowel, 5 @ 8kg, 200m elliptical lev 2

MONDAY 110103 Run, Overhead Squats, Pull-ups

3 rounds for time of:
Run 200-400 meters - sub 400 meters elliptical lev 2
15 Overhead squats, 18 pounds / 8kg (broken 10,5)(7,8)(5,7,3)
15 Pull-ups (assisted or beginner okay) - blue band pin 4 feet 12" apart rnd 1 & 3 (broken as req), beginner ring rows feet under rings rnd 3 (unbroken)

Done in 18.49 mins (includes approx 14 secs each walk to and from elliptical machine)
Times were
400m 2.13, OHS 1.51, Pull ups 1.35
400m 2.30, OHS 2.11, Ring rows 1.09
400m 2.29, OHS 2.36, Pull ups 2.10 

OHS were tough but I got them done phew. My right knee was clicking quite badly through the OHS - it used to be my right knee when I first started CFit then they were both fine now the right knee has started??? If only KStarr was in the UK!!

C/O only stretching and foam rolling

Saturday, 8 January 2011

110101 “Jack”

Warm up= arm swings/rotations, knee highs, dislocates, 5 abmat butterfly situps unanchored with arms on floor, 10 abmat situps with arms across chest, 15 abmat back extentions.
push press 5 @ 8kg, 3 @ 14kg, DB KB swings, 5 @ 2kg, 5 @ 7kg, 3 x 9kg, step ups 13” x 4

Saturday 110101

Puppies/pack mix
Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
30 pound / 14 kg Push press, 10 reps
10 KB Swings, 20# / 9kg
10 Step ups, 13” inch box (still wary of foot)

Did 6 rounds + 5 PP’s

Tough again but I push through! My arm were tired from the last 2 days of hero wods and the Push presses were tougher than I thought they should be and although broken from round 3 or 4 onwards I got it done.
My foot feels good so providing no aches and pains of the next couple of days I think will try some skipping or low box jumps to see how it feels.
3 tough days for 3 tough hero’s. RIP Jack

Not sure where to jump back in as I’m a bit behind the wod schedule?? - was thinking of skipping the next cycle but I think I ought to do Fran!  worried

Friday, 7 January 2011

101231 “Murph”

Warm up= arm swings/rotations, knee highs, dislocates, samson stretch, 5 abmat butterfly situps unanchored with arms on floor, 10 abmat situps with arms across chest, 15 abmat back extentions.
Elliptical 200m, 5 pull ups blue band pin 4 feet together, 5 push ups pin 4, 5 squats

Friday 101231

1/2 mile Run - sub elliptical lev 2 800m
25 Pull-ups (assisted or beginner pull ups okay) - blue band pin 4 feet 12" apart broken into 5 x 5 (all chin except 1 round of pulls)
50 Push-ups - pin 4 broken into 5 x 10
75 Squats - broken into 5 x 15
1/2 mile Run - sub elliptical lev 2 800m

Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed.

Done in 23.45 mins
800m done in 4.45, PU,PU & squats in 13.07, 800m in 5.51

This one is my first time doing Murph and it was tough for me on the push ups especially after 40 of them in Nate yesterday (what a plonker). The 10's were broken too as required even into 3's in the later rounds with varying hand widths to spread the pain, which I may regret tomorrow but pain is just leaving the body right? RIP MURPH

Thursday, 6 January 2011

2011 Goals

New year and all that - thought I'd look at my goals, their progress and see where I'm aiming at......

2010 look back - First 6 month of the year I made good progress and hit some goals ie Full push up, DL my bodyweight pr of 72kg / 158lbs, and pr back squat of 58kg / 128lb, chin up blue band at pin 3 but then I damanged my foot pretty bad. My injured foot caused me to miss so many wods and loose so much strength it's a bit scary and quite disheartening but I can't beat myself up I just have to be grateful its mending and get back to it. It's getting stronger everyday and providing I don't push it too hard with burpees too soon I aim to get back the strength I've lost and go beyond!

My chin up progress (1RM's) was the only thing that didn't go backwards because I could work them on 1 foot so although I definitely lost endurance ie 5 reps and up I did gain a little 1rm strength with my current pr at red band at pin 5 back in aug but have since lost that too it seems!
This is still a big goal that I really want to acheive this year so incorporating harder levels ie less resistance into wods even if it slows some wods down sometimes ie a fast time is no good if I neglect the strength building part right?

So my 2011 Goals....

1) Box jumps, skipping and then burpees again as foot strengthens
2) Full push up - again
3) Keep full push up and do consecutive ones (dont get there celebrate then back off -stay with it)
4) A chin up
5) Start running outside (weather permitting)
6) Run 800 meters
7) Run 1 mile
8) BW DL again
9) DL 1.5 x BW
10) Seated MU (straight legs)
11) Ring Dip
12) BW Squat

101230 “Nate”

Eventually back at it after 2 crazy days with aback strain from sawing wood and a stupid angle!

Warm up= arm swings/rotations, knee highs, dislocates, bergener skill transfers, 3 bench sit ups to parrallel, 10 decline bench 45 degs situps, attempted 3 beck exts on decline bench but couldn't secure feet, 5 good morning with dowel, 10 good mornings @ 8kg, 3 squat muscle ups, 4 push ups at pin 4

101230 “Nate”

Puppies/pack mix
Complete as many rounds in 15 minutes as you can of:
2 Squat Muscle-ups - slightly higher than last time
4 Push ups @ pin 4 - did these to work on them as not done many lately
8 14kg Kettlebell swings  - 2kg more than last time

9 rounds + 2 mu's + 4 PU's PR by 3.7 round yay!

Good wod today - pleased with pace, kept going with the odd breath here and there ie no bar staring or major muscle fatigue - I was dripping sweat for ages afterwards lol = well scaled wod yes?

c/o none just stretching and foam rolling - I felt good and maybe could have done some but I thought I better save some for the next 2 hero wod's coming  :shock: !!

Monday, 3 January 2011

101227 Split Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps & 101228 Front Squat, L pull ups

Warm up= arm swings/rotations, knee highs, dislocates, samson stretch, bergener skill transfers, 5 abmat butterfly situps unanchored with arms on floor, 10 abmat situps with arms across chest, 15 abmat back extentions.

3 x press @ 8kg, 2 x push jerk @ 8kg, split jerk 5 @ 8kg, 3 x 14kg, 2 x 18kg, 2 x 20kg

Split Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

22-24-26-28 Poor form - 28 PR - 29 PR - 30kg / 66b F
That was my 7th but I wanted to get the 30kg / 66lb so went again with more aggression and got it - a little wobly at the top but I got it - does it still cound as a PR?

I also power cleaned each one 30kg my 1RM for my power clean too.

5 mins later - samson stretch, front squat x 3 @ 14kg, x 2 @ 20kg, pulls ups blue band pin 5 x 3, blue band pin 4 x 3

101228 Front Squat, L pull ups
5 rounds for time of:
20kg / 44lb pound Front squat, 3 reps
7 pull-ups blue band pin 4 (1st round feet together, rest feet 12-14" apart)

Done in 5.15 mins PR by 6.16 mins when did it in 11.34 mins not rushed after being ill
Splits 0.57, 0.58, 0.59, 1.08, 1.11.

Note to self :- do same blue band pin 4 next time but with feet together and maybe a kg or 2 on front squat and aim for same time or less.

Saturday, 1 January 2011

Happy New Year

Lazy day for me after Bull beat me up yesterday but just wanted to wish everyone a very Happy New Year to all!

Health, happiness, prosperity and pr's to all this year - bring it on !!!