Welcome to my fitness log

I've created this to keep everything to do with my fitness journey in one place for easy reference.
I've listed links to places I visit regularly or places I think are interesting or valuable resources.

I started doing Crossfit September 22nd 2009 and I loved it - it's totally awesome and it made me a better person in so many different ways!

After nearly 4 years of Crossfit and wrist injury I tried a home fitness DVD for a change and something new - Rip 60 was really great and then I found Beachbody / Tony Horton's P90X!
It's THE best home fitness program ever!!!
It changed my body in so many amazing ways and got my cardio fitness, my core and overall strength including push up strength better than ever before!!

I now do many Beachbody programs as they are all so great.
I 'm a big Tony Horton fan because he makes me work hard but makes me laugh at the same time.
After I completed P90X, I did P90X3, P90X2 and some P90X+. I''ve tried other Beachbody programs including the P90, Piyo, Focus T25,
21 Day Fix Extreme, Country Heat, BodyBeast and Insanity, The Aslyum 1 and 2. Completed 21 Day Fix and 22 Min hard Core.

Did some Insanity Max 30 and Core de Force but my knees can't handle jumping every day so I have to mix them in.
Shift shop is great and looking forward to the new 80 Day obsession.

I'm the fittest I've ever been in my life and still getting stronger every day!

Thursday, 31 October 2013

P90X Final ARX

Final ARX

I did my final Ab Ripper X today  followed by X2 R & M (including the groaning and moaning as I found all the knots that needed sorting out  )

Felt great afterwords - but this has been a bit like a recovery week (pulling in my missed workouts) if I'm honest so probably won't waste too much time next week. 
Final final Yoga tomorrow and I'm done. Weekend off completely then I will do measure and re-test on Monday.

I've decided I'm gonna do Combat for at least a week then see how I feel. 

My fat loss has plateaued it seems so I think Combat may kickstart it again and something I really want to do but I may find that I miss Tony very quickly but we will see.

I definitely feel I may not be as strict with myself trying to follow the programs to the letter - there's a certain pressure that I put myself under and I don't think thats helpful so I may just do more of what I feel like but time will tell.

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

P90X Yoga X

Penultimate Yoga X 

Got it done, being cautions with the shoulder again, felt a little deflated throughout being wary of the shoulder and legs were pretty tired from Plyo yesterday.

But it's in the bag and I'm nearly there 

HRM 1Hr 33 mins 348 cal 60% fat  Max 139 75% Avg 96 52% 

Monday, 28 October 2013

P90X missed plyo

I did my final Plyo (of this round) today but was careful with shoulder ie didn't do any marching with it or baseball or basketball throws near the end just trying help it mend.

Still loved Plyo though

Spent Sunday watching Combat videos of Week 1 and it looks alot of fun! Good little weight session and plyo looks tough so I'm tempted to give it a go but I'm gonna try and watch week 1 of P90X2 before I make my decision

 HRM 1Hr 05 mins 615cal 35% fat  Max 167 90% Avg 144 78%

Saturday, 26 October 2013

P90X Final Week Day 5 Core Syn.

Final Week Day 5 Core Syn.

I dropped the weights like I said (thanks Kaz) and got a good workout, not as hard as last time but still good and i didn't hurt my shoulder. My last Core Syn of this round  I can't quite believe it.

HRM 1 Hr 10 mins 556cal 45% fat Max 168 91% Avg 131 71% 

P90X Final Week Day 6 Yoga X

Final Week Day 6 Yoga X

Well energy wasn't high today and a few sun salutations in and my shoulder wasn't overly happy (may have something to do the 2 hours worth airbrushing done earlier ) so for most of the poses I only did left hand arm work where I could.

Skipped the wrist grab, Royal Dancer and crane completely. I was also short on time so the yoga belly 7 section I didn't even attempt as I was pretty shattered.

But I got the rest done thank goodness.

So offical weeks are completed just a plyo, ARX and 2 yoga's to complete that I missed and I'll be really finished lol

Thursday, 24 October 2013

P90X Final Week Day 4 X Stretch

Final Week Day 4 X Stretch

Just a nice stretch today and it felt good, I needed it especially after the ridiculously busy busy day I had yesterday.

My shoulder feels good but no point being crazy so I might drop my weights slightly for Core Syn. tomorrow just to be on the safe side so 2kg = 1kg, and 4kg = 3kg - still be a good workout but a little safer I think? And I'll skip the Table dip leg raise at the end because that will upset it for sure

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

P90X Final Week Day 3 KenpoX

Well I woke up today with a painful right shoulder feel a like I restrained it again - I'm hoping not as grrrrrr what I did yesterday should not have caused it!!

Anyway I decided to do Kenpo today anyway and just be careful with it.

Final Week Day 3 KenpoX

So I did Kenpo and still enjoyed it but it was tricky trying to avoid stuff that hurt my right shoulder. Jab and uppercut was ok but hook was a nono. All the elbow section also was weird not doing the right side lol ..... left, pretend the right is moving, left, pretend the right is moving etc etc made keeping time a little difficult but it added to the fun
Also the jumping jacks and X jacks were all done without using arms at all.

At least I still got my workout in which I'm pleased with because apart from ribs feeling a little bruised from all the banana man/ supermans the rest of me is still good to go.

I've got it strapped up with that kinesielogy tape and it feels good so rest day tomorrow because got a busy day work wise, then going to see a man to buy an airbrush and get a quick master class! Should be interesting. Then X stretch Thurs and see how it feels friday for Core Syn again. 
 HRM 1 Hrs 04 mins 562 cal 50% fat  Max 166 90% Avg 125 68%

Monday, 21 October 2013

P90X Final Week Day 2 Core Syn.

Final Week Day 2 Core Syn.

Phew this kicked my rear a little tonight. I had a take quite a few pause breaks to catch my breath and keep mopping brow and the rest of me lol.

I had poor form in the sphinx push ups enough to make my back winge a little which was very disapointing.
Everything else was pretty good and better than last time, got a few more reps of most things and took less collapse breaks lol so all good really

Overall I enjoyed it but it did kick my booty!! 
HRM 1 Hr 20 mins 669cal 45% fat Max 172 93% Avg 134 72% 

Saturday, 19 October 2013

P90X Final Week Day 1 Yoga X

Final Week Day 1 Yoga X

Wow had really bad doms yesterday - every time I sat down, stood up or got in and out my car ooouuch!! So took an extra rest day to rest my glutes.

Although still a little pain today I figured I could cope with it so I got my yoga done. It was tough as my glutes and legs were obviously not fully recovered but I got through it and I'm glad I did.

Tried a better attempt at crane today but my arms still are not strong enough so I did some push ups instead and got 3 reasonable Miltary push ups which I was very pleased with after all the work and 2 push ups during the first part of Yoga

I can look forward to core syn on monday now

HRM 1Hr 36 mins 481 cal 55% fat  Max 152 82% Avg 106 57%

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

P90X Week 12 Day 6 Kenpo X

Week 12 Day 6 Kenpo X

Loved Kenpo, kept up all the way through including the X jacks again ;) Wahoo love it!!

May or may not get X stretch done tomorrow as I have to take my mum to physio but then bring on final week!!!

HRM 1 Hrs 07 mins 504 cal 45% fat  Max 166 90% Avg 128 69%

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

P90X Week 12 Day 5 Legs and Back + ARX

Week 12 Day 5 Legs and Back + ARX

It was my last Legs and back for this round

A few PR's today so that feels good but I was shattered. I had to take a few more pause/breaks today too as my HR was high which felt odd ie unusual but I think I lost a little conditioning over the last week which is a shame but that's life.

My knees were a little twingy too but more from Yoga yesterday than anything else - a few of the upward dogs actually caused a few weird pains thru my knees but I think it was just the increased loads from being on my hands doing it properly compared to push up bars where full upward dog was difficult so usually just left my knees down.

I was really lacking energy for ARX and my knees were clicking during crunchy frog whihc felt very dodgy so most of my numbers were lower than usual except for Hip rock and raise where I actually managed all 25

Looking forward to kenpo tomorrow.

 HRM 1Hr 34 mins 787 cal 45% fat  Max 168 91% Avg 135 73%

Monday, 14 October 2013

P90X Week 12 Day 4 Yoga X

Week 12 Day 4 Yoga X

Had a few days off due to a crazy weird week, meetings, visitors and felt the need for some recovery but I'm back at it now and ready to get to the end

Yoga done and I actually did all the 'swing thru to runners pose's on my hands ie no push up bars! I still had to assist each foot into position (just how tony demo's it) but at least I could do it . So overall pretty pleased with that.

 HRM 1Hr 36 mins 487 cal 55% fat  Max 150 81% Avg 107 58%

Thursday, 10 October 2013

P90X Backs and Bi's + ARX

Week 12 Day 3 Backs and Bi's + ARX

Upped quite a few weights today and pull ups generally feel better/stronger too.
I feel more in control with my pull ups too if you know what I mean.

ARX felt tough tonight too but I think that's cause my lower half is still recovering from plyo

 HRM 1Hr 28 mins 616 cal 50% fat  Max 158 85% Avg 123 66%

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

P90X Week 12 Day 2 Plyo X

Week 12 Day 2 Plyo X

Life got in the way yesterday but thankfully managed to get Plyo done today, it was hard work for some reason but then I was pushing pretty hard too

Trying to get lower in alot of the squat moves and trying to be faster in the mary katherines. My knee tuck jumps seem to be getting better too My knees can handle the squat jacks better now too

Wow and I just realised that's its my last offical Plyo session, I just have one more missed session to pull in at the end wow that makes me sad but hopefully plyocide will take its place soon as I really enjoy it in a weird kinda way and I'll miss it without a good replacement = Am I mad lol???

HRM 1Hr 07 mins 648cal 35% fat  Max 169 91% Avg 145 78%

Monday, 7 October 2013

P90X Chest, Shoulders and Tri's + ARX

Week 12 Day 1 Chest, Shoulders and Tri's + ARX

Wow I have lost some push up strength this last week grrrrrr needless to say push ups were tough today, most were on my knees and those slow count ones are really brutal for sapping the strength.

Some improvements today in weights and reps and some scarily no where near last time

In ARX - I actually managed 25 oblique v-ups today on the right side wahooo only managed 23 on the left afterwards cause I was done in lol but really pleased with that PR!

HRM 1 Hr 39 mins 652cal 55% fat Max 154 83% Avg 119 64%  

Saturday, 5 October 2013

P90X Yoga

Missed Yoga

I cracked my toe on the floor on one of the 'swing thru to runners pose' which was a little ouchy tonight

But it mostly went well, balance postures weren't as good as last time, probably because I hit my toe!!!

Chillax tomorrow then bring on Week 12.

 HRM 1Hr 37 mins 421 cal 60% fat  Max 145 78% Avg 101 55%

Thursday, 3 October 2013

P90X Plyo

Missed Plyo

Did Plyo tonight and loved it - it seemed like hard work tonight and I checked and I can't believe it's been 16 days since I last did plyo

Shows how quick you can get out of condition!
But I still loved it, been on a real high since.
Do you know if someone said 4 months ago that I would love jumping around like a mad person I would have said the were crazy - But with Tony I just love it!

My abs, my traps and my forearms are complaining a little from yesterday too but its all good.

 HRM 1Hr 06 mins 625cal 35% fat  Max 169 91% Avg 144 78%

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

ARX & X2 Recovery & Moblity

Completed a missed Ab Ripper X today followed by X2 Recovery & Mobility.

ARX went ok, felt weird doing it on it's own! Did a few mins warm up then got stuck in.
Then went straight into X2 Recovery & Mobility to try it and to do some foam rolling which I always feel better for. Enjoyed it too

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Walked over 4.5 Miles

Was going to be Chest, Shoulders and Tri's today but my other half took me to Rutland Water for the day and well we walked and went in a hide to look at the birds and walked and went in a hide to look at the waterfowl and over the day walked over 4.5 miles!!!
Don't think I've walked that far in one day!

It was a great day but needless to say I'm pretty shattered tonight so no workout for me.

So that's kinda upset my workouts for the week so I may try and pull in some of my missed workouts this week instead of trying for week 12 as I get the feeling it's going to be one of those weeks!!