Welcome to my fitness log

I've created this to keep everything to do with my fitness journey in one place for easy reference.
I've listed links to places I visit regularly or places I think are interesting or valuable resources.

I started doing Crossfit September 22nd 2009 and I loved it - it's totally awesome and it made me a better person in so many different ways!

After nearly 4 years of Crossfit and wrist injury I tried a home fitness DVD for a change and something new - Rip 60 was really great and then I found Beachbody / Tony Horton's P90X!
It's THE best home fitness program ever!!!
It changed my body in so many amazing ways and got my cardio fitness, my core and overall strength including push up strength better than ever before!!

I now do many Beachbody programs as they are all so great.
I 'm a big Tony Horton fan because he makes me work hard but makes me laugh at the same time.
After I completed P90X, I did P90X3, P90X2 and some P90X+. I''ve tried other Beachbody programs including the P90, Piyo, Focus T25,
21 Day Fix Extreme, Country Heat, BodyBeast and Insanity, The Aslyum 1 and 2. Completed 21 Day Fix and 22 Min hard Core.

Did some Insanity Max 30 and Core de Force but my knees can't handle jumping every day so I have to mix them in.
Shift shop is great and looking forward to the new 80 Day obsession.

I'm the fittest I've ever been in my life and still getting stronger every day!

Friday, 30 October 2009

From yesterday - tried to post last night but server failed.

Didn't do a WOD today - silly crazy day but tried to grab a few mins where I could.

Did some monkey hangs & swings from chin up bar - as per pullup progressions vid. Was going to try some tarzans but realised hanging off just one hand is harder than I thought but it was a bit too much too soon I guess lol.

Attempted some knees to elbows but knee lift (ie just about stomach level) is still my limit at the moment.Didn't doa WOD today - silly crazy day but tried to grab a few mins where I could.

Did some monkey hangs & swings from chin up bar - as per pullup progressions vid. Was going to try some tarzans but realised hanging off just one hand is harder than I thought but it was a bit too much too soon I guess lol.

Attempted some knees to elbows but knee lift (ie just about stomach level) is still my limit at the moment.

Did 8 u/h pulldowns @ 30kg, tried wide lat pulldown at same weight and erm managed about 3 , tried narrow o/h grip pulldown and err yep lats defintely need more work!!! I guess the biceps really do do most of the work in a chin up movement compared to a pull up.

Did 10 push ups against hip high bar. When it feels a little more comfortable I'll will drop it down about 6 inch.

Had a look at my bench to see if I could make it work for hip & back extensions but nope. Will try stability ball I think as the AbMat ones don't seem taxing enough anymore.

Thursday, 29 October 2009

Grr I'm a few days behind again due to work / busy

Today managed to get back at it..

TUESDAY 091020
“Tabata Something Else”
Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest where the first 8 intervals are pull-ups, the second 8 are push-ups, the third 8 intervals are sit-ups, and finally, the last 8 intervals are squats. There is no rest between exercises.
Do three rounds of work:

PU 14-11-9 - assisted with black band
PU 7-6-6 - against thigh high bar
SU 5-6-6 - abmat with arms across chest, unanchored
lost a bit of time as downloaded rocky tabata music and after 4 mins it went strange and wasn't sure where I was ie 10 or 20 secs so restarted the track and carried on
S 10-8-8

Total 96

Then after a few mins rest and set up..

Friday 091023
“Tommy V”
For time:
pvc-15 pound Thruster, 12 reps
15 ft Rope Climb, 6 ascents
pvc-15 pound Thruster, 9 reps
15 ft Rope Climb, 3 ascents
pvc-15 pound Thruster, 6 reps
15 ft Rope Climb, 1 ascents
*You can sub beginner rope climbs if you are unable to climb a rope yet.

I did a buttercup-ish as I used a 10kg / 22lb barbell for thrusters. I tried some beginner rope climbs for the first time (rope hung from chin up bar of rack) - so laid on the floor and pulled myself to vertical as per pull up progressions vid (she is awesome by the way - very inspiration lady ie I want to be that strong wow)
Done in 9.12mins
The tow rope I used was terrible and chewed my hands up which really hindered my progress but overall I was pleased with my pulls ie better than I expected. Must get a better rope.
Tough day at the office phheww

Friday, 23 October 2009

I had an extra rest day yesterday because my pecs were so sore
So Today I did..

Saturday 091017
Three rounds for time of:
4 Muscle-ups (progressions or substitutions okay)
10-25 pound Sumo-deadlift high-pull, 15 reps

Done in 8.19 mins.
I subbed 12 assist. pullups with blackband and 12 bench dips on a mid thigh high bar & used 9kg /20lb barbell for SDHP's.
This was tough - it had me puffing and panting like a stupid thing!

Rested a few mins then did..

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Three rounds for time of:
Walking lunge 15 meters
Sit-ups, 15 reps

Done in 7.04 mins
I did Abmat situps unanchored with arms across my chest for the first 15, and the next 5 then struggled so put arms out in front to finish that set and the next too.

Phew - hard workout today!! But I'm loving every minute of it in a strange kinda way that I reckon only crossfitters understand lol

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Friday 091016 - out of sync because I didn't want to overwork my lower back that I strained.
12 Hip-Back Extensions
Run 200 meters
9 Hip-Back Extensions
Run 200 meters
6 Hip-Back Extensions
Run 200 meters

I subbed Abmat back extentions as still wary of lower back, and 600 meters on Elliptical trainer for runs.

Done in 13.47mins - pretty pleased - I pushed pretty hard and had to sit gasping afterwards which told me I had worked to more of a crossfit level .

My splits were 4.37, 4.36, 4.33mins

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

I had a couple of days off after I strained my lower back from the deadlift in Crossfit total - nobody to blame but my ego I know

Today I did my normal warm up of..
arm rotations, 8 air squats, squat stretch, 4 lunge and twists, 2 lunge with high reach, 8 abmat situps (was doing really easy hands forwards but now doing arms folded over chest), 8 abmat back extentions, 8 u/h pulldown @ 20kg, 8 push ups at hip height bar (getting easier slowly and my plank is much better).


Thursday 091015
Three rounds for time of:
pvc-15 pound Hang squat clean, 10 reps - I used aa 7kg / 15lb bar
15 Push-ups or progressions - I did push ups against a bar at hip height - Full ROM chest to bar each rep

Done in 7.31 mins
I did 12 reps of HSC's on the last round because 2 were sloppy and I was trying to shrug it and touch my delts each time. My push ups were tough but I'm determined to get stronger at them and so although I took breaks as nec I completed all reps. Overall really pleased with workout

and after a few mins rest and although out of sync slightly because I didn't want to stress my back to quick I did

Monday 091019
If you cannot do any pull ups do 5 rounds of 5 beginner pull ups or 5 rounds of 5 assisted pull ups using as little resistance as possible.

I did u/h pulldown (with overhead pulley on my knees not fixed under a pad like most machine) so that I could increase the weight.
5 reps @ 25kg / 55lb
5 reps @ 30kg / 66lb
5 reps @ 35 kg / 77lb but failed last rep so only 4
5 reps @ 32kg / 70lb
5 reps @ 33kg / 72lb

I arms were shot - they still feel shaky an hour afterwards but still enjoyed the workout.

Saturday, 17 October 2009


Tuesday 091013
“CrossFit Total”
Back squat, 1 rep
Shoulder Press, 1 rep
Deadlift, 1 rep

I didn’t want to push too hard at this as I haven’t done any heavy deadlift (PB = 56kg x 5 reps) or squats (PB = 46kg x 3 sets of 3 reps) since Jan but I thought I’d see what I could do…
I did BS - 12kg x 5, 17kg x 3, 22 kg x 2, 27kg x 1, 32kg x 1, 37kg x 1, 42kg x 1 and lastly 47kg / 103lbs x 1
SP - 10kg x 5, 15kg x 3, 18kg x 1, 20kg x 1, 22kg x1 (equalled my PB from 22nd Sept 09 wod 090921) and so tried 1 better and got 23 kg / 50 lbs x 1 NEW PB
DL - 17kg x 5, 27kg x 3, 37kg x 1, 47kg x 1, 52kg x 1 and to see if I could get near my PB - 57kg / 125lbs x 1
Giving Crossfit Total of 127kg / 280lbs

I’m pleased with my lifts especially as I haven’t done any 1 RMs really before (except for SP,PP,PJ wod 090921) so I didn’t want to be stupid but I progressed slowly to see how I felt and did what I thought I could without causing injury. My lower back knew to the last DL hence I stopped there. But it gives me a good base to work from and something to compare future workouts to.

Thursday, 15 October 2009

Today I did....

Sunday 091011
Three rounds, 15-12-9 thruster 95/65# 21-15-9 Pull ups
Use appropriate weight
sub Beginner Pull ups, Assisted Pull ups or Ring Rows as necessary

So I scaled this a bit more to see how I got on as its my first "Fran" and wanted to keep it short and aim at target of the 3-5 mins.
I did 12-9-6 Thruster @ 10kg / 22lbs 15-12-9 U/H Pulldown on my knees @ 20kg / 44lbs.

I started off really well during my set of 12 pulldowns for some reasons started to think that I got loads more to do ie another 12-9-6,15-12-9 & 12-9-6,15-12-6 and thought I'm never going to have enough puff so I started to slow a little and have a breather starting to pace myself - during the 6 thrusters I glanced at the time and it dawned on my that this was the 3rd round and I was nearly done DOH!!! so I then finished up and stopped the timer at 5.50mins Phew! I had a moment of madness thinking for some reason! Should def. be able to do it faster next time.

After a fews mins I thought I still had some left in me and as I'm playing catch up from having 2 days off (tuesday spent 6 hours walking round town, wednesday recovery day) so I followed with "Elizabeth"

Monday, October 12, 2009
Dumbbell cleans - BB Hang Power Cleans @ 10kg / 22lbs
Bench Dips
Done in 4.35 Mins

I did Barbell Hang Power Cleans instead of DB cleans as I wanted to get my rack position / power clean technique better - it's beginning to be a more automatic and faster movement and I'm hitting my delts more now so my wrist are getting more flexible just need to shrug it more but I think that will come as I up the weight.

I'm really enjoying my crossfitting brandx and its scaling - short but intense and they are not wiping me out like some workouts have done. I know I'm using low weights at the moment but I want to get used to the movements, techniques and the cardio side up to scratch and then I'll start upping the weights.

Monday, 12 October 2009

Thurs 091112 Clean and Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

I wanted to practice technique with this as not done much before so I did a few warm ups with a 8kg/17lb bar - felt good so thought I'd see what I could do

It went really well - I was really pleased with my form and the progress and it felt good.
If someone told me a few months ago that I could clean & jerked 20kg I would have laughed but I did it and could have done more too!! Awesome god this crossfit is soooo brilliant .

Finished with a few monkey hangs and swings, a couple of hanging knee raises and 5 black band assisted pull ups. I'm really getting stronger I can can get my chin over the bar with much less ie nearly no bouce now = progress!

Edit:- just realised from reading elsewhere that my jerk portian was actually a push press and not a 'catch in a partial squat' jerk - DOH!!!
From Friday 091009
Run 1-2 miles

I subbed elliptical trainer level 4 for 2 miles in 13.18 mins
mainly speed 8 with few 1 min sprints at 10

I’ve never done 2 miles at that pace before, so it was tough but enjoyabl. I know elliptical is not like actual running but 2 miles was my limit today.

Sunday, 11 October 2009

WOD from Thursday, October 8, 2009

Complete as many rounds in 10 minutes as you can of:
Row 250 meters -
I subbed elliptical trainer level for 0.24 miles followed by seated cable pully row 12 reps @ 15kg / 40lb
Sumo deadlift highpull 10-25 pounds, 15 reps -
I did 7kg bar only / 15lb
Pull-ups 10 reps (beginner or assisted okay) -
I did assisted with black woody band stretched across rack

Completed 2 rounds

This was def a metcon workout for me - I was puffed out - I managed 2 complete rounds with about 40 secs to spare but I spent that catching my breath before I could even contemplete walking to my elliptical trainer in the other room!
I enjoyed it though. I know the two subs I subbed for the rows probably made it take much longer but I felt I worked as many muscles as I could that I would have done in a row but without the rower. I suppose the other thing I could have done was gone up a few more levels on the ell. trainer and really pulled on the bars????
My pullups felt great - I they were easier than last time I tried the same move this crossfit stuff really works doesn't!!!! I think I'l try my next ass pullups with the black band again then try for green.

Saturday, 10 October 2009

Wednesday 091007
Thruster 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

I did my normal warmup followed by a burgener type warm up. Tried a couple with a 7kg bar and then a 9kg.


I power cleaned each lift and my wrists felt it more than anything else, but I was pleased with my progress. Still getting familiar with the move but thought it went well.

Thursday, 8 October 2009

091005 Puppies:
For time:
10 Muscle-ups
If you cannot do the muscle-ups do 40 beginner or assisted pull-ups and 40 bench dips or 20 squat muscle ups.

I did 40 beginner pull ups - bar at waist height and use hips for kip type move 10,4,6,5,5,5,5
and 40 bench dips - use bar in rack at mid thigh height & never done them before so was careful with form 10,10,10,10

Done in 9.24mins

Seemed short and sweet but was pretty intense on them triceps!

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

091004 Puppies, for time:
15-12-9-6 and 3 rep rounds of:
Power clean 20# /9kg
Sit-ups - with AbMat
Back extensions - with AbMat

Done in 12.53 mins - seems fairly slow but I trying to keep an eye on my power clean form as not donw masses before.

Enjoyed this workout - was tough but doable. I felt my racking is getting better on the power clean - def. up the weight next time

My abmat came yesterday so tried it today - felt pretty good with extra range of motion that it gives

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

090930 Helen & 091009

A little catching up..

Helen 090930
3 rounds for time of
run 200 m (run/walk) - I did it on my cross trainer / elliptical at level 3 (0.12miles)
12 kettlebell/dumbbell swings, 5-10# - I used a 10lb / 4.5kg Dumbell
6 pull ups (assisted, or beginner pull ups) - I did u/h/chins with ffet on bech to give a little assistance

Done in 6.13mins - found it pretty easy - will have to up it next time for sure.

Still had some energy left as I'm behind due to more rest days than 3/1 so decide to do..
Run/jog/walk 200 meters - I did it on my cross trainer / elliptical at level 3
9 left-legged pistols - not done many before so took it easyish - after watch the excellent vid by adrian boz - I got up on my bench and held on to pull up bar / sides of rack for support and assistance - went well
9 right-legged pistols
15 sit-ups - to vertical with hand between knees. Not got my abmat yet but its ordered and should be here any day along with my pro foam roller wahoo
6 left-legged pistols
6 right-legged pistols
12 sit-ups
3 right-legged pistols
3 left legged pistols
9 sit-ups
Run/jog/walk 200 meters -- I did it on my cross trainer / elliptical at level 3

Done in 9.51 mins

Now I'm done lol - those pistols are tough.
Enjoyed the workout - I'm really loving crossfit - the variety, the challenge, the changes in my body already = totally awesome.

Saturday, 3 October 2009

A few days in one post - 27/09, 1/10, 3/10

27th Sept

For time:
7kg/15lb Squat clean, 10 reps
25 Sit ups
7kg/15lb Squat clean, 8 reps
20 Sit ups
7kg/15lb Squat clean, 6 reps
15 Sit ups
7kg/15lb Squat clean, 4 reps
10 Sit ups
7kg/15lb Squat clean, 2 reps
5 Sit ups
17.59 mins
I had to practice my technique first as I haven’t done barbell squat cleans before. So I watched the vid and read starting strength re power cleans then tried the squat clean so in the end I did ...
As buttercup with 7kg/15lb empty bar only completed in 17.59 mins.
Hadn’t really done situps before either!! Done crunches but after reading thought I better do propper unanchored sit ups - I might know to them tomorrow lol but I did it! Phew

27th Sept

Saturday 090926
Puppies and Buttercups:
For time:
20 Pull-ups or 25 Beginner or Assisted Pull ups
20 Push-ups or 30 Box Push ups or 35 Wall Push ups
20 Sit ups (do not do crunches)
20-50 Squats (depending on ability)
20 Beginner pull ups - bar at waist height with feet on the floor, using a bit of a kip action to help
20 Push ups - on knees (my form is getting much better )
20 Sit ups - to vertical (my abs were still tender from last workout even with a days rest in between )
20 squats - air (better but my tail is still tucking at the bottom - I think I’m getting better as my back is getting stronger but I could just be kidding myself!!)
Total time 7.49 mins
Thoughts…...maybe next time for push ups I should try full push ups from (from toes not knees) on a bar in my rack, a sort of cross between wall and box and see how I do and then lower it as I get stronger?? I’ve done full ones against the kitchen worktop so it’s only an extension of that I guess - maybe better for me than knees now???
I also need a bigger workout area than our spare room - I hope we can get the garage cleared soon.
Question… I’m still trying to stretch my hamstrings too. It’s only in the last 2 months that I have managed to touch my toes (like ever) straight legged (both seated and stood bent over) so I am progressing!! But I’m trying to stretch them with an active lumber curve as this seem a more practical stretch for squats??? Does that make sense and is it a good idea????
Any links to good hamstring stretching advice mush appreciated.

1st Oct

Complete as many rounds as possible 12 minutes of:
10-25 pound Thruster, 5 reps
10-25 pound Hang Powercleans, 7 reps
10-25 pound Sumo Deadlift High-pull, 10 reps
I did..
16lb /7kg Thruster, 5 reps
16lb /7kg Hang Powercleans, 7 reps
16lb /7kg Sumo Deadlift High-pull, 10 reps
Thrusters were new to me and also BB sumo DLHP ( I had done DB ones before tho) and I managed 5 full rounds + thrusters in 11.50 mins
I was pretty pleased with how it went - my rack position seems to be getting better - although still wary of hitting my throat caught it a couple of times.
Certainly got me out of puff and I had to have a few seconds breather between each set - looking forward to seeing this one inprove

3rd Oct

Yesterday I deadlifted some heavy boxes during a clearout day outside.
I did a bit of a combo workout today.
Not done snatch (090929) before so after watching lots of vids and basically got the message that if your squat and overhead squat isn’t solid then don’t try it!
I did some skill work just trying to familarise myself with the movements after a burgener type warm up. Using broom and then 7kg / 15lb bar mainly deadlift followed by a high hang overhead catch for a few reps. Tried a couple of high hang snatches to see how it felt - a little awkward if I’m honest.
Then a sort of me modified version of 091001 due to kit/room/never done before, I did..
15 lunges with 2 x 4.5kg/10lb dumbells
20 Beginner Pull-ups - bar at waist height and with feet on floor using a sort of kipping hip
10 Knees to elbows - well attempts to as close as poss
15 Kettlebell swings - never done before and don’t posses a kettlebell so tried it with a 4.5kg/10lb dumbell
30 Sit-ups - 11 unanchored, 10 anchored with dumbells, followed by 9 unanchored
20 Hang squat cleans with 2 x 4.5kg/10lb dumbells
15 Back extensions
3 Rope beginner rope climbs - I attached my tricep rope to my pull down pully with 18kg on the other end - and pulled one hand over the other, reset and repeat other hand first for 5 reps each side = total 10 pulls
10 push up - bar at waist height (after watching a great instruction vid by againfaster explaining downside to knee pushups and full toe pushups at decreasing angles)
I enjoyed it - quite a few new movements for me today so didn’t want to go mad