Welcome to my fitness log

I've created this to keep everything to do with my fitness journey in one place for easy reference.
I've listed links to places I visit regularly or places I think are interesting or valuable resources.

I started doing Crossfit September 22nd 2009 and I loved it - it's totally awesome and it made me a better person in so many different ways!

After nearly 4 years of Crossfit and wrist injury I tried a home fitness DVD for a change and something new - Rip 60 was really great and then I found Beachbody / Tony Horton's P90X!
It's THE best home fitness program ever!!!
It changed my body in so many amazing ways and got my cardio fitness, my core and overall strength including push up strength better than ever before!!

I now do many Beachbody programs as they are all so great.
I 'm a big Tony Horton fan because he makes me work hard but makes me laugh at the same time.
After I completed P90X, I did P90X3, P90X2 and some P90X+. I''ve tried other Beachbody programs including the P90, Piyo, Focus T25,
21 Day Fix Extreme, Country Heat, BodyBeast and Insanity, The Aslyum 1 and 2. Completed 21 Day Fix and 22 Min hard Core.

Did some Insanity Max 30 and Core de Force but my knees can't handle jumping every day so I have to mix them in.
Shift shop is great and looking forward to the new 80 Day obsession.

I'm the fittest I've ever been in my life and still getting stronger every day!

Friday, 31 October 2014

T25 Cardio

T25 Cardio

Phew think I nailed this tonight. Pushed hard and kept going as much as I could.

My 3rd time and I'm getting better. The lungey bits were tough with doms from the squats from yesterday but overall really enjoyed it.

Thursday, 30 October 2014

Les Mills Pump and Burn + Pump Flow

I rested yesterday as I just couldn't fancy anything and not even half hour of yoga so I decided to listen to my body and chill out.

Les Mills Pump and Burn + Pump Flow

This was my first time doing this one and it pretty good. Was unsure on my weights but went with 2 x 2kg to warm up with then 7kg for the rest and 1 x 2kg DB for abs at the end.

Squats I just got through it only missing a few reps so the weight was perfect  Chest was pretty good too, real good burn going on but got through it Deadlift, Row, Clean & press section was very easy so will up that to maybe 9 or 10kg  

Abs were tougher than I thought, crunches with weight and heel taps went ok I got through it but then the plank section I pretty much failed miserably at  so lots to improve on there.

Overall loved it and the time flew by and I kinda wanted more  (not the abs section though)!

There was a pretty good stretch section at the end but I still chased it with Flow and that took me the full hour all in and I felt great 

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

T25 Speed 1.0 and T25 Stretch

T25 Speed 1.0 and T25 Stretch

Well I reckon I nailed Speed 1.0 tonight  

Apart from a few reps to see the move I kept going for all of it and kept up with them for most of it too. Big improvement from the first time I did it - love it!!!

and I followed it immediately with Stretch which I enjoyed this time too. Holding the lunge for a long time for the hip flexor stretches I found tough (my legs were a touch tired from pump yesterday) but the rest was great and I felt good. 

I was originally going to chase it Pump flow but as I got the T25 DVD out I saw the stretch DVD and thought yep that will be better 

Monday, 27 October 2014

Les Mills Pump Challenge

So I took the weekend off and feel better for it  

An hours meeting took 2 so a little short on time this evening but I managed to get done..

Les Mills Pump Challenge

And it was pretty easy, I didn't want to go crazy with the weights as it's only to get me in the high rep mood for when I do Pump and burn for the first time later this week.
I did it all with 7kg (15.4lbs) barbell except the shoulders bit at the end where I use 2 x 5lb (2.2kg) DB's.
I could easily up the weights for it all except the lunges - I only just made it phew, and the shoulders were about right giving a nice burn at the end of the reps  

But I will go with these weights for Pump and Burn as I think that is a proper session unlike Challenge, which is more of a ease you in gently one it seems, from when I previewed Pump & Burn and Pump & Shred at the weekend. 
So we will see!

Friday, 24 October 2014

P90X Stretch

X Stretch

Nice to just stretch today and I'm thinking I might just take the whole weekend off - I was gonna do some yoga but I feel a little beat up and it is suppose to be recovery/transition week so I'll see I feel. 
But I think couple of days off will do me good so I'll be ready and raring to go on monday with a bit of LM pump just for a change of pace for a while.

Thursday, 23 October 2014

P90X+ Upper Body Plus

Recovery and Mobility yesterday - nice to roll out the wrinkles ;)

P90X+ Upper Body Plus

So a brand new one for me tonight  

It was quite different, to do all upper body stuff in one session was different for other Tony stuff I've done, the was some new moves that I haven't seen or done before but the main difference for me was doing reps for time and not aiming for 8-10/12-15 reps?

My weights seemed really low at only 5, 10 & 12.5lbs but when you are doing lots of reps the burn comes pretty quick. I was conservative on some and will up them next time but some were spot on and really burny burny!

But overall I enjoyed it  

My chin up max came today too and that works great!

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

T25 Total Body Circuit

T25 Total Body Circuit

Phew - this one is tough for me especially with doms still from saturday, but I didn't start to struggle till about 18-20 mins so thats progress  

My lunge left, centre squat, lunge right thingies seemed much better.

I struggled with the push up and plank stuff as expected. Those pikes are tough too as usual my upper body strength showing a lack but I pushed hard  so overall pretty pleased.

Monday, 20 October 2014

Les Mills Combat 45 + Inner Warrior Stretch

Les Mills Combat 45 + Inner Warrior Stretch

This was good fun, didn't go crazy as it recovery week but still enjoyed it. Immediately chased it with Inner warrior stretch which is good stuff, some of the kata moves are still odd to me for some reason but enjoyed it!

Saturday, 18 October 2014

Deadlifts + P90X Legs and Back

Deadlifts + X Legs and Back

Did Legs and Back warm up then some deadlifts...
Deadlifts were 15 @ 17kg, 12 @ 27kg & 8 @ 39kg

Then into legs and back and I pushed myself today, I upped most of weights again  

I upped the pull downs to 40kg and that 5kg made a difference as my 5-8 reps went down to 4-6 reps which I guess is to be expected but I'm trying to build a bit more strength to helps me do more unassisted ones. I only managed 1 & 3/4 unassisted chins tonight.
Still trying to decide on the chin up assist???? The pull downs I think will help but the movement does feel slightly different??

But this is the end of this 3 week phase so recovery/different week coming up and a change is as good as a rest so I'm thinking of switching things up a little before I get back to more of the same.
I've done 14 weeks of my own hybrid and I think it's going pretty well, my body is looking much better and I'm getting stronger so it working  

But I'm thinking of trying a bit of Les Mills Pump so still weights but lighter and more reps..a lot more reps so it will be a challenge in a different way.

Friday, 17 October 2014

P90X3 Yoga

Short on time and didn't want to upset my shoulder as its feeling great so just a quick..

Short and sweet but gets the job done, great yoga workout when lacking more time.

Thursday, 16 October 2014

P90X Back and Biceps

Yesterday turned out to be a rest day after a long drive and also resting my tweaked shoulder (yep did it again think I went too low in those chair dips grrrr - think I need to set it up so I can't go too low in future!

X Back and Biceps

Good workout today, upped some of my weights and reps on the bi's so pleased with that. Did some chair assist up neg down on some of the pull ups and did some pull downs @ 35kg.

Was cautious with shoulder but no pain yeah!

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

P90X Plyometrics

X Plyometrics

It's a while since I did this and I absolutely smashed it tonight  Best I've done, even pleased with the mary katherines that I've struggled with for a long time so I'm over the moon.


Monday, 13 October 2014

P90X Chest, Shoulders and Tri's

X Chest, Shoulders and Tri's

Enjoyed this tonight, improved on most of my reps and my push ups are feeling stronger again at last 

Saturday, 11 October 2014

LM Combat 60 Live

LM Combat 60 Live

Really enjoyed this tonight, needed the stress relief and loved it! This one has it all even with some push ups, abs, stretching and even a little tai chi = magic!!

Friday, 10 October 2014

Deadlift + P90X2 Base and Back

Deadlift + X2 Base and Back

So did the Base and back warmup and then did my deadlifts 15 @ 18kg, 12 @ 28kg & 8 @ 38kg then hit base and back but had trouble with my pull ups.

Because my chin up assist is fubar I tried my door hanging/beachbody pull up bar with a black band and put my knee in for the first few but my knee doesn't like being squished. Tried another type of assist with a blue band in my rack but it was too easy and awkward grrrr - I thought it might be better than the chair but I was wrong.
So in the end I did pull downs @ 35kg which is better than nothing but somehow just not as satisfying.
Will def. try the chair assist up and negative down next session to see if I can build some more strength. But I know that can get very painful so as I can do a good 8 reps with the 35kg pull down I'll up it to 40kg and see how many I can do? To get the best of both worlds.

See how I go if all else fails will get another assist grrrr 
Please ignore my thinking aloud and venting nobody else quite understands 

Thursday, 9 October 2014

P90X Yoga X

X Yoga X

This is a great yoga workout - I know it pretty long at 1 1/2 hours but it really works you like no other yoga workout I've ever done.

I remember getting pretty good at some of this by the time I finished P90X but tonight it really did make me work  considering there hasn't been many weeks over the last 12 months where I haven't done some amount of yoga this one still kicks my booty 

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

P90X Back and Biceps

X Back and Biceps

I enjoy this workout  

But tonight the 2nd of 3 bands of chin up assist broke  
Thankfully I was only just putting my foot in but it's a little annoying as with only one band it pretty useless and I wouldn't trust it now anyway  

So I had to resort to do the 1 or 2 unassisted I can manage (although it was about half way through, I was pretty tired and couldn't manage another unassisted chin up at that point) then used the pull down bar that I have as part of the lat pull down pulley I have on my rack.
Much easier to add/check/increase weights than with bands I feel. So I will work along those lines now and see how I get on. I don't really want to fork out for another assist if I can help it.
So I'm planning a mixture of chair help up and negative down plus the pull downs to help me get stronger, to be able to do more unassisted chins and hopefully some unassisted pull ups soon.

Was really pumped up in the arms at the end, struggled to lift my shake to drink it 

Monday, 6 October 2014

T25 Alpha Cardio + P90X3 Ab Ripper

T25 Alpha Cardio + X3 Ab Ripper

I enjoyed cardio today, I felt I kept up better and it felt much longer before I had to take a few sec break - as in around 15 mins mark before I actually stopped moving  

For most of you that probably is really naff but for me its more progress  

So I'm starting to get better at it and that has to be great thing!!

So I decided to chase it straight after with X3 AB ripper and wow that is a tough workout. It's only my second go at it and I did what I could which I think was more than last time but by abs seemed prettied toasted as soon as I got started.....think I worked my core more Cardio than I thought I had 

Saturday, 4 October 2014

P90X2 Chest, Shoulders and Tri's

X2 Chest, Shoulders and Tri's

This one is brand new to me - it's one of the bonus/alternative workouts that you can choose to do that I didn't do when I originally went through X2.

It was really good. I was short on time so didn't mess about with med balls or sticking my foot on anything, just used stability ball for tricep extentions and chair for a couple of moves and it was good fun.

Chatarocker push ups (not new to me as I remember them from I think X3?) are still hard for me and seem to hurt my elbow so after two painful ones I just did chaturanga push ups. (which I'm still pretty week at  

Was really pleased with my push ups to side arm arm balance, good deep depth and I felt my form was great  

Tricep dips I did on power stands the first round and although wary from the past I did the second round using the chair so that I could go deeper. Pleased that I got no pain going to parallel  I have been guilty of going too deep and hurting my shoulder so chuffed with that!

There was a strip set of shoulder press which was kind of new - knew to Tony's X's anyway but done some in the little bit of beast that I did so that was good. Didn't go crazy heavy as didn't know how the whole thing would go but good fun.

Friday, 3 October 2014

LM Combat 45 and Inner Warrior Stretch

LM Combat 45 and Inner Warrior Stretch

Really enjoyed this tonight, having done a few T25's now - the cardio element of this combat was pretty darn easy  

Made it a pretty active rest day if you know what I mean lol

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Deadlift + X Legs and Back

Deadlift + X Legs and Back

Did Legs and Back warm up then some deadlifts...
Deadlifts were 15 @ 18kg, 12 @ 28kg & 8 @ 37kg I was a little wary as its a few weeks since I've lifted but it felt good and I felt strong so up it next time.

The legs and back and it really is a great workout this one, I was a sweaty mess that's for sure.

But.....I got my chin up back wahoo  I managed two unassisted before going to assist so pleased with that. Great workout, really punished my legs tonight but after Shaun T the other day, I hope I won't suffer too much 

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

P90X2 Recovery & Mobility

X2 Recovery & Mobility

Much needed foam roll - I felt much better afterwards and I'm ready for legs and back tomorrow