I got some help on a forum regarding doing few reps to speed up progress - so I'll try fewer reps and maybe 2 sets of 3-4 hard reps instead of the
8-10 I'm aiming for at the moment which should accelerate
the progress
You helped me see the wood for the tress thank you.
Each session that I achieve the 3-4 reps all the way through I'll decrease the resistance on PU rev and increase weights on Pull down for the next session.
Well last night after legs and back my knees hurt again (groan) when I
get to 90 degress to sit in a chair and there seems to be puffy fluid
around the knee area (indicative of overwork) so as much as it pains me
to say I think I need to rest my lower body.
I'm not quitting and if I'm honest I don't want to rest as I'm really
loving these workouts but knees like backs are pretty important parts of
the body so I think I need to give them the rest they deserve - at the
end of the day I've been working them really hard for 6 weeks solid
(only 3 off days and 2 of those doing other weighted carrying stuff so
no rest for the knees either) which is 6 solid weeks more than I've done
anything in my life so not really surprising is it
So I think I will extend this phase by a week and basically this week concentrate on upper body stuff only.....
Kenpo today so I think I'll do upperbody only and just plant my feet
careful with any twisting (it may feel a bit odd but at least I can
still burn a few calories?)
Sun - X Stretch - I'll do
Mon - Chest, Shoulders & triceps + ARX - do without jumping in the warm up and pull downs sat down so not on knees and no PU rev to rest knees
Tue - Plyo - skip (even though I love plyo) but maybe do Tai Cheng
Wed - Backs and Bi's + ARX - do without jumping in the warm up and pull downs sat down so not on knees and no PU rev to rest knees
Thurs - Yoga X - skip but maybe do Tai Cheng
Fri - see how I feel for legs and back again? and if completely pain free then do it with no weights see how I am?
Does that seem like a sensible plan???