Welcome to my fitness log

I've created this to keep everything to do with my fitness journey in one place for easy reference.
I've listed links to places I visit regularly or places I think are interesting or valuable resources.

I started doing Crossfit September 22nd 2009 and I loved it - it's totally awesome and it made me a better person in so many different ways!

After nearly 4 years of Crossfit and wrist injury I tried a home fitness DVD for a change and something new - Rip 60 was really great and then I found Beachbody / Tony Horton's P90X!
It's THE best home fitness program ever!!!
It changed my body in so many amazing ways and got my cardio fitness, my core and overall strength including push up strength better than ever before!!

I now do many Beachbody programs as they are all so great.
I 'm a big Tony Horton fan because he makes me work hard but makes me laugh at the same time.
After I completed P90X, I did P90X3, P90X2 and some P90X+. I''ve tried other Beachbody programs including the P90, Piyo, Focus T25,
21 Day Fix Extreme, Country Heat, BodyBeast and Insanity, The Aslyum 1 and 2. Completed 21 Day Fix and 22 Min hard Core.

Did some Insanity Max 30 and Core de Force but my knees can't handle jumping every day so I have to mix them in.
Shift shop is great and looking forward to the new 80 Day obsession.

I'm the fittest I've ever been in my life and still getting stronger every day!

Friday, 31 May 2013

Rip 60 Week 5 Day 4

Had a really rough day and life been a little crazy last few days so think I need to try and do this week 5 again!

So this is Day 4 but I'm gonna do another 4 days 2 on 1 off 3 on 2 off if I can before I start week 6.

Today went fairly well, some bits seemed harder than others but all weights the same as last time.

2.5kg plate for lateral raise, 3kg DB for Vsit, 5kg DB for bicep curls and 8kg KB for KB swings.

For some reasons the 8kg still pretty heavy for KB swings on top of everything else, maybe drop to a 6kg DB see if I can swing continuous for the time as I have to keep stopping or rather missing swings with the 8kg??

Should be able to do 4kg DB for VSit next time too.

Burpees done at pin 5 again so stay there till its gets easier I think.

Mountain Climber after Plank Jacks are really tough so did knee highs instead of full climbers - something is better than nothing and as Jeremy says - keep moving!

Sunday, 26 May 2013

Rip 60 Week 5 Day 3

Took a rest day as energy levels weren't 100% then followed a couple of unplanned rest days but back at it today.

Poor eating the last few days made a tough workout today I realised about half way through - couldn't get the oxygen I needed and everything became hardwork cardio wise ;(

I used a 3kg DB for Vsit today and went all the way through = another PR!

I used 5kg DB for Bicep curls and that feels perfect at the moment.

I used same 2.5kg plate for lateral raises and 8kg KB for KB swings - these felt heavy again, had to stop a couple of of times.

Lat pulls feel like they are getting stronger and did burpees with full pull push against bar 5 against today.

Planks with reverse crunch I held the plank (no push up )and did the crunches for full time = PR!

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Rip 60 Week 5 Day 2

Another great workout!

I kept the DB curl @ 4.5kg today but definitely think go for 5kg tomorrow.

For burpees today I did them from my bar at pin 5 and actually did the Push ups at last - so will stay there till it feels easy then go pin 4 and then pin 3 etc - seems like a good way of getting full plank push ups in with a scaled angle and maybe the jumping will be easier to as I get to the floor ;)

Did VSit again with 2.5kg plate so maybe go for 3kg DB tomorrow? or is that pushing too much too fast??

The push up with oblique crunch I didn't try to do the push up today I just stayed up in the plank and did the oblique crunch - and I only rested once.

Similarly with the push up with reverse crunch - I didn't try the push up just worked on the reverse crunch - these are quite tough.

2.5kg plate used again today for lateral raises - see how it feel tomorrow then maybe go for 3kg DB?

8kg KB felt heavy today with swings so I guess my shoulders are a little tired so early night tonight and see how I feel tomorrow.

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Rip 60 Week 5 Day 1

Spent the last two days really looking forward to today (Is that really sad!!)

Well week 5 turns things up a notch with the addition of Kettlebells and in my case weights. I only have a 8kg, 12kg and a 16kg KB so I used the 8kg KB for the KB swings but figured that would be too heavy for the other stuff.

So I used a 2.5kg weight plate for the Single leg squat with lateral raise and the Vsit - so chuffed I did the full minute with the plate wahooo!!

For the static single leg squat with KB curl I used a 4.5kg Dumbell.  May be go to 5kg tomorrow.

I also built up my 2 blocks + Step to give me a higher platform to do burpees on so that I can do the push up part as I really want to work on my push ups and it seems a logical thing to do scale the height just like when working on pure push ups. It was still a little low so I think tomorrow I will try my bar at pin 4 where I was last on my push ups and if its too easy drop it down.

Because of my limited space and I have to adjust to different places that Jeremy says on the DVD some of the transition were tough to keep up with today but still a great workout - tough but loved it.

My neck is still a little tight from yesterdays painting the bathroom ceiling but I have to say without the 4 weeks of Rip 60 I think I would have been in pretty bad shape today so thank you Rip 60.

Saturday, 18 May 2013

Rip 60 Week 4 Day 3 yoga

Wow I made it with both legs up through all 3 rounds today - major PR considering I put my feet down 1-3 times the first time and my left leg 2 times last time :)

Brilliant workout - really looking forward to adding some Kettlebells into next week - week 5 wahoo - should be great and probably very tough ;) Sooo looking forward to my next workout he he its a while since Ive felt that feeling. Thank you Rip 60 and Jeremy Strom.

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Rip 60 Week 4 Day 2

Still tough but my leg strength was noticeably better already ;)

Loving it ;)

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Rip 60 Week 4 Day 1

Recharge Yoga Week

Wow its hard to believe how much you can sweat just trying to stand still!!!

I did the warm up without the straps but maybe I should have used them - I will on thursday and see if it makes any difference. The main thing being I did all air squats with any assistance so wonder if it tired my legs a little more than normal but it felt good anyway ;)

The yoga was tough but I strangely enjoyed it - looking forward to improving during the next two sessions and I'm hoping for no doms tomorrow?

Really chuffed I managed 2 on, 1 off, 3 on last week. The 2 days rest seemed odd almost , I felt kinda lazy lol. This week its every other day so should be good I'm only conerned that may be doms coming!!!

My upper body feels so much more stable and stronger. Well all of me does to be fair but I couldn't do push up off floor during yoga to get into down' dog so not there yet but it wont be long I'm sure. Bring it on and I'm looking forward to week 5.

I am also aware of wrist/pisoform yesterday and today which seems odd - first time since I started Rip 60 hmmm.

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Rip 60 Week 3 Day 5

Wahoo finished another week of Rip 60 ;)

V-sit with rotation is getting much easier - did rotation all the way through today so chuffed with that. The bicycle one is still very tough.

Mountain Climbers I did a little slower and although I took a few breathers I didn't put my knee down so another PR of sorts ;)

Looking forward to change of pace with the yoga in 2 days time :)

Friday, 10 May 2013

Rip 60 Week 3 Day 4

Lacking bit of sleep but it went well.

Vsits were much better - kept legs up the entire time for both but held legs a little during bicycle.

Reverse crunch went a little better, more stable but still took some rests.

Mountain climbers were better, I rested less and kept going for longer albeit slower.

Started increasing angles on push ups ;)

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Rip 60 Week 3 Day 3

After some Knee pain I have decided the jumping jacks and ski jumps are not good for me so I will still continue with Rip 60 but with less impact ie no jumping jacks - keep moving arms and walk the legs instead of jumping and see how I go.

I did that today and it went ok, I did the running on the spot and that seems ok but not the 'hit, ' hit' parts where you twist as I had pain up my left knee on the second one. Cardio side obviously isn't as much on that section but still get a good workout none the less.

Not sure how burpees will go but I keep trying those.
I actually it more energy left for the mountain climbers so that went better today.
I went lower on the push ups today so felt good and remember to put feet on the handles to do the elevated hip raises - no pain from the handles digging in my ankles/legs.

I have to do whats safe for me and buggering my knees from doing impact stuff with my tibial torsion I think would be pretty stupid so I will do what I can that I feel is safe for me. I want stay fit and healthy and means not in pain.

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Rip 60 Week 3 Day 2

Didn't get enough sleep last night so wasn't running on full energy but got it done.

Swimmers were tough today and I collapsed a few times onto knees - which is not good. But overall it went better than yesterday although I did do the jumping jacks a little slower.

My left knee was a bit tweaky this evening so see how it feels tomorrow - not sure the impact of the jumping jacks is what my knees want with the tibial torsion like physio said but we will see.

Monday, 6 May 2013

Rip 60 Week 3 Day 1

Phew - this one woke me up lol

Tough but great ;)

I never have liked Mountain climbers and like them even less now!
The extra rotation on the pulls and the pushes are different to what I was expecting but add another dimension to it.
It was a warm day but the sweat was pouring off me more than any other workout I've done I think!

My posture is getting better and I feel great.

Friday, 3 May 2013

Rip 60 Week 2 Day 5

End of Week 2 and I'm still really enjoying it.

Parts of me felt a little tired today so the 2 days rest will do me the power of good.

V-Sit is still improving with more rotations added today.

The elevated plank is still tough but the swimmers went better today.

Jumping jacks are still tough but feel a little easier at last.

I'm seriously thinking of using this warm up and cool down when I get back to my Crossfit Wods see if it helps with the soreness as I've had hardly any at all with this Rip 60

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Rip 60 Week 2 Day 4

Went well, felt good afterwards again, so it must have been the lack of sleep that affected last time or bread doesn't work well for me pre workout!!

V-Sit went well, held for the full minute and put in some rotation this time ;)

Elevated plank slightly better but I think I need to change the postition of the Rip 60 as the door is in the way of my feet for swimmers and bridges grrrr.

Jumping jacks seems to be getting slightly better but calves still cramp after a while.