Welcome to my fitness log

I've created this to keep everything to do with my fitness journey in one place for easy reference.
I've listed links to places I visit regularly or places I think are interesting or valuable resources.

I started doing Crossfit September 22nd 2009 and I loved it - it's totally awesome and it made me a better person in so many different ways!

After nearly 4 years of Crossfit and wrist injury I tried a home fitness DVD for a change and something new - Rip 60 was really great and then I found Beachbody / Tony Horton's P90X!
It's THE best home fitness program ever!!!
It changed my body in so many amazing ways and got my cardio fitness, my core and overall strength including push up strength better than ever before!!

I now do many Beachbody programs as they are all so great.
I 'm a big Tony Horton fan because he makes me work hard but makes me laugh at the same time.
After I completed P90X, I did P90X3, P90X2 and some P90X+. I''ve tried other Beachbody programs including the P90, Piyo, Focus T25,
21 Day Fix Extreme, Country Heat, BodyBeast and Insanity, The Aslyum 1 and 2. Completed 21 Day Fix and 22 Min hard Core.

Did some Insanity Max 30 and Core de Force but my knees can't handle jumping every day so I have to mix them in.
Shift shop is great and looking forward to the new 80 Day obsession.

I'm the fittest I've ever been in my life and still getting stronger every day!

Thursday, 2 June 2022

645 Day 60 Upper Body Strength

 645 Day 60 Upper Body - I'm still trying to mix things up a little and this went well apart modification for glute grrrrrrr

The tripod row that I subbed in for the balance row they were doing, that I didnt think would hurt my glute clearly did???? so that was annoying and revealing at the same time. I changed to a supported kneel instead and that was better.

So I think I may have to swop that in my own workouts, even though recommend by Athlean X, I dont think its suits me :( so still to Tony Horton kneel or pull the lawn mower position me thinks.

Glute seems ok, went for a slow walk in the woods, not even a mile and when I got back home OMG my butt was not happy at all :(

So rest day tomorrow me thinks!

Wednesday, 1 June 2022

645 Day 80 Mobility and Stability

My glute was getting worse yesterday and not better so did some trigger point work in my lower back and that really helped

 645 Day 80 Mobility and Stability - another good one, although I had to skip the lunge section - I just did it standing instead.

Felt good to move and glute feels little better.

Tuesday, 31 May 2022

Les Mills Grit Strength #37 and 645 Week 2 Range and Repair

 Les Mills Grit Strength #37 which was great apart from the modifications so I dont hurt my glute any more. No lunges as putting my leg behind me in a no no. Squatting, clean and press, plus rows seems to be ok.

Burpees seemed ok at the time but the ache afterwards told me I maybe shouldnt have done them.

Nice sequences of moves that you do each for 20 secs and then put them all together.

Chased it 645 Week 2 Range and Repair which was great as usual.

Monday, 30 May 2022

LMOD Core Base and BB 91 Flexibility Short

 LMOD Core Base 

Which was good and tough and had to modify slightly for anything that hurt my glute but some noticeable improvements.

Chased it with BB 91 Flexibility Short just a cool down.

Sunday, 29 May 2022

Lower A

 Lower A today and it went great. I swopped the pairing round and it was much better.

Pleased with reps and strength increases apart from Iv'e pulled my left piriformis again grrrrrr - I think the silly Single Leg Deadlifts I put in for some reason. Well I know the reason - I haven't got a barbell or enough weight in my room to proper deadlift so I thought single leg would be better as I need less weight but I think that ultimately was pretty stupid!

So I will deadlift as normally as I can using the Bowflex I have and see how I get on, doing more reps to get the burn as I need to. I think that will be safer.

Friday, 27 May 2022

Upper A

 So Upper A today and it went great, good improvements and strength including my push ups :)

Thursday, 26 May 2022

22 MHC Cardio 1 and Les Mills Grit Strength 35

 I was up late this morning after a late night so needed something short so I got a little Tony Horton fix with 2 Min Hard Core Cardio 1 less the burnout for time.

17 mins of work was enough for me this morning lol. Stretched and showered.

This afternoon I was full of beans I wanted something more so I did Grit Strength 35 with hslighlty heavier weights ie 3kg for plate and 4kgs for Bar. It was awesome and loved every second.

More quality reps over crazy speed but still loved it :)

Sunday, 22 May 2022

645 Day Day 59 Mobility and Stability

 Rest day today so just 645 Day Day 59 Mobility and Stability for me. Nice stretch and mobility work and feel much looser and better from it.

Saturday, 21 May 2022

Les Mills Grit Strength 35 and BodyBalance 90 Flexibility Short

 So I needed a fitness high this morning and went for something I haven't done in ages - Les Mills Grit Strength and boy it never fails to hit the spot.

Les Mills Grit Strength 35 for this morning, after much reviewing of the newer releases yesterday, and it was great. I went very light with weights with only a 2kg and 2 x 3kgs for the barbell moves. Took it fairly steady and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Will up the weights next time.

and chased with BodyBalance 90 Flexibility Short for a nice stretch :)

Friday, 20 May 2022

Les Mills Core Base

 Went for just some Core work today and did Les Mills Core Base - really good and fairly tough.

Need to get stronger at this one before moving to the others.

Thursday, 19 May 2022

My own Upper Body

My own Upper Body A today and it was great, really enjoyed it just pushing weights and listening to music.

Looking forward to see where I progress to from here.

Wednesday, 18 May 2022

BodyCombat and BodyBalance 94 Flexibility Short

I tried a new BodyCombat this morning as just wanted to punch and kick out my frustrations.

I tried 86 but after the frustrating warm up as soon as Track 3 started I couldn't hack it any more. Too quick, too many changes of angles and poor cuing by anybody that isnt Rach or Dan!

So I changed to BodyCombat 67, which is my old favourite but time had flown by so only options was 55 mins or 30 mins so I did the 30 mins and then chased it with BodyBalance 94 Flexibility Short.

Tuesday, 17 May 2022

My own Lower Body, 22 MHC Core 1 & BodyBalance 87 Flexibilty

So I'm wanting to lift and after searching all the Beachbody and Les Mills programs at my disposal nothing quite hits the spot or has the right trainer so I'm going to do my own lifting sessions.

I've put them together with the help from input from The Workout Routine programs I purchased, The TNB and general experience over the years, trying to keep all bases covered but working on my weakness'.

Lower Body A today went fairly well although the Single leg deadlift I did after Lunges was a bit of a mistake but we live and learn. I did change it from my original plan during the workout and that was clearly a mistake.

Chased it with 22 MHC Core 1 although I skipped the one of the moves that I thought would bother my hip flexor and the push up move near the end.

In the afternoon I wanted to move and stretch my body so I did BodyBalance 87 Flexibility - just what I needed.

Sunday, 15 May 2022

6 Weeks of the Work Wk 2 Range and Repair

 Decided on 6 Weeks of the Work Wk 2 Range and Repair today - nice 25 mins concentrating on T spine.

Loved it :)

Saturday, 14 May 2022

BodyCombat 67

 BodyCombat 67 this morning and thoroughly enjoyed it until I became aware of my right hip flexor.

I had a twinge in it yesterday after those wired sit up and twist things in Core after LIIFT 4 Shoulders on Tursday grrrrrrrr

After 3 or 4 twinges I gave it best, stopped around 35 mins mark and gently stretched out.

Really annoyed as last time I did LIIFT 4 I ended up hurting something - its always his cardio or core sections grrrrrrrrr the lifting is fine.

Well twice Joel workouts have done me no good so that enough of that!!!

Need to figure out what I'm doing next...do I try 4 Weeks for everybody or do I go back to Amoila as he was treating me right and no injuries?  But I do want more weight lifting?

Friday, 13 May 2022

BodyBalance 84 Flexibilty

 BodyBalance 84 Flexibilty was great this morning.

It's a while since I've done this one with the sword action in the tai chi warm up.

This is a quite a nice gentle one with short easy Yoga section, great for rest day.

Thursday, 12 May 2022

LIIFT 4 Shoulders

LIIFT 4 Week 2 Shoulders today and enjoyed it, increased weights and felt good.

Still only doing high knees instead of soccer runs and I tweaked something doing them a few years ago.

The Burpee catchers are a bear!

Wednesday, 11 May 2022

Fire and Flow Sample + 645 Mobility & Stability

 I tried the Fire and Flow sample workout this morning and it was ok.

Jericho is still a trainer that somehow rubs me the wrong way and I'm not sure why. It was good little sampler of the three days I guess but I couldn't jump up and down about it.

Elise is great and I think her Flow workouts good be great. Some new moves in there and just like the bit of BarreBlend I tried, she has a way of making your muscles scream for mercy very quickly. I'm looking forward to her workouts ;)

Chased it with another Amoila Mobility and Stability day from Week 10. Good but not one his best. It still amazes me that with and his time keeper Cody, they can't keep time grrrrrrrrr.

Monday, 9 May 2022

LIIFT 4 Chest and Triceps

 LIIFT 4 Week 2 Day 1 Chest and Triceps - Circuit

This was much better as it was all lifting with no HIIT. I'm aware of the rolling back and up again with the weights I think as it's all done on the floor except the tricep kick backs near the end.

Went well though, I went lightish and there are more sets and reps and didnt want crazy doms - so we will see. I was very aware of my chest for about an hour after so fingers crossed its not too bad tomorrow.

In the afternoon I did a new Les Mills Bootcamp workout as it was legs and I wanted more leg workouts so gave it a try, only 30 mins with warm and a short cooldown and it was pretty good. Quite different with just Erin as the trainer it was not too bad. Got a good little sweat considering I used a 3kg weight lol.

But later I'm noticing some minor doms already and a bit for a straight to the left of my right knee - quite odd?

I'm doing the Circuit only lifting routines from LIIFT 4 as too many days hiit is no good for me knees. Then put in my own cardio and extra leg sessions. 

See how we go.

Sunday, 8 May 2022

645 Mobility and Stability

 Rest day from LIIFT 4 but dog go tme up so did something and Amoila Mobility and Stability days are great. Really good stuff, they seem odd at times but boy they work.

Saturday, 7 May 2022

LIIFT 4 Wk1 Day 4 Legs 50/50

I went light to be careful of the glute pain but it was all good. Enjoyed it.

Friday, 6 May 2022


 So I have been really poor at posting for sooooo long as life has been crazy but looking back, the notes really help me so I'm going to start posting again. Might not be daily but certainly more often that I have in loooong time.

Starting LIIFT 4 again after 8 weeks of 645 - which I really enjoyed and my mobility and shoulder stability has improved dramatically but I'm still lacking strength and muscle. The third stage is fast and functional but I want strength.

Monday was LIIFT 4 Wk 1 Day 1 Chest & Triceps 50/50 

Enjoyed it, went light as didnt want crazy doms, just to see where I'm at. Used the grey band and black band to help with the tricep push ups at the end OMG!

Tuesday LIIFT 4 Wk1 D2 Back and Biceps Circuit - Good stuff, really enjoyed it. I used the TRX row for the traditional row, just to protect my back.

The rolling on the floor and the leaning forward can aggravate it so need to be cautious.

Wednesday I did Bodycombat 69 30 mins and chased it with BodyBalance 91 Flexibilty Short

Great ying yang combo and just what I needed.

-Update to this I think I twisted something in this that caused me glute pain grrrrrr so beware in future of this release.

Thursday was LIIFT 4 W1 D3 Shoulders Intervals - and it was really good. The intervals really keep the heart up when working such a small muscle group like shoulders.

Friday should have Legs but I had some glute pain in my right side when I lent forward or bent down so I was sensible and just did some LIIFT 4 Foam Rolling and wanted a little more so chased with with 645 Foam rolling lower.

Rested and gave my butt some heat and felt better for it.

- Also my knees are a little sensitive already from all the HIIT stuff with Joel already and I remembered before how much HIIT stuff he does so I'm going to do more of his 'Circuit' workouts and less of his 50/50 ones. Going to get my cardio in on my other days with combat that I enjoy much much more. :)

Tuesday, 15 February 2022

Lower Strength with Joel

 Bodi Lower Strength with Joel

Increased most of the weights from last week :)  

Narrow Squat 1 x 4kg - up from 3kg

Alternating Reverse Lunge 2 x 3kg - up next time although good HR raiser - Kept the same and should have increased.

Hanging Squat 1 x 5kg - pretty easy so try 7kg next time - Did 8kg KB - good

Stiff Leg Deadlift 2 x 4kg - see how I am tomorrow but try 6's next time - Did 6's and good.

Calf Raises 2 x 4kg - keep these weights as only just got through this, better quality next time. - Yes and yes

Bridges 1 x 5kg - OMG after every thing else this was burny and took two breaks in sets 1 and 2, dropping to 4kg in 3rd. Try 5kg next time all three sets and no breaks lol. = Yes and just about lol.

Burn out was good and only just got through it - phew!

Thursday, 10 February 2022

BodyCombat 86 45 mins

 BodyCombat 86 45 mins was an awesome release!!

Loved it, didn't push crazy hard as first time doing it but great fun! Seemed familiar because it the same music from Bodycombat Base so that was good.

Didnt jump too much but burnt some great cals. Can easily increase on this one as I feel fitter :)

No major leg section but some lunges and jumping lunges make sure the legs are not left out. Nice little push up section in one of the power tracks - all knees for me but looking forward to getting stronger.

Some mountain Climbers and burpees just for good measure :)

Monday, 7 February 2022

Lower Strength

 Bodi Lower Strength with Joel

Good Lower strength day today, didn't go as heavy as I could have done as first time through but good place to start from.

3 x 45 secs, with little rest between of 

Narrow Squat 1 x 3kg - good warm up

Alternating Reverse Lunge 2 x 3kg - up next time although good HR raiser

Hanging Squat 1 x 5kg - pretty easy so try 7kg next time

Stiff Leg Deadlift 2 x 4kg - see how I am tomorrow but try 6's next time

Calf Raises 2 x 4kg - keep these weights as only just got through this, better quality next time.

Bridges 1 x 5kg - OMG after every thing else this was burny and took two breaks in sets 1 and 2, dropping to 4kg in 3rd. Try 5kg next time all three sets and no breaks lol.

Then short burnout of Lunges with high knees and jumping squats. - good stuff!