Welcome to my fitness log

I've created this to keep everything to do with my fitness journey in one place for easy reference.
I've listed links to places I visit regularly or places I think are interesting or valuable resources.

I started doing Crossfit September 22nd 2009 and I loved it - it's totally awesome and it made me a better person in so many different ways!

After nearly 4 years of Crossfit and wrist injury I tried a home fitness DVD for a change and something new - Rip 60 was really great and then I found Beachbody / Tony Horton's P90X!
It's THE best home fitness program ever!!!
It changed my body in so many amazing ways and got my cardio fitness, my core and overall strength including push up strength better than ever before!!

I now do many Beachbody programs as they are all so great.
I 'm a big Tony Horton fan because he makes me work hard but makes me laugh at the same time.
After I completed P90X, I did P90X3, P90X2 and some P90X+. I''ve tried other Beachbody programs including the P90, Piyo, Focus T25,
21 Day Fix Extreme, Country Heat, BodyBeast and Insanity, The Aslyum 1 and 2. Completed 21 Day Fix and 22 Min hard Core.

Did some Insanity Max 30 and Core de Force but my knees can't handle jumping every day so I have to mix them in.
Shift shop is great and looking forward to the new 80 Day obsession.

I'm the fittest I've ever been in my life and still getting stronger every day!

Thursday, 31 August 2017

P90X2 SW2 D4 Shoulders and Arms

Was cautious with my shoulder so didn't go crazy today but overall it well well and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Was at home so Lbs not Kgs so some were higher than last time and some were lower.

Had a meal out before a business meeting today and indulged in a desert, that was a Warm Chocolate Brownie with cream, for my birthday (never tried one before) and it was super delicious.

Meeting went well but then had a really stressful afternoon and evening so I'm late posting and late to bed but hey tomorrow is another day and I'm looking forward to Base and Back ;)

Tuesday, 29 August 2017

P90X2 SW2 D2 Plyocide + 22MHC Core 1

Plyocide was fun today in my gym with more room instead at home but some of the side to side hops made my hurt shoulder hurt grrrrr

I used the Power Stands to help modify the frog burpee hops and I swopped the Depth Charges for Chisel's Up and Overs with 3kg Medball in hand ;)

Chased it with 22 MHC Core 1 for a quick bit of Core work :)

Monday, 28 August 2017

P90X2 Chest + Back and Balance

Active Rest day yesterday for me on the garden mowing and strimming - I even put my HRM on to see and I did over 400 calls in 1 hr and 45 mins.

P90X2 Chest + Back and Balance

Made great progress on this today, lots more push ups and assisted pull ups. Also got HR up much higher and burnt more calories than last week also.

I felt my shoulder a little during the penultimate set of push ups where I did military ones and then on the last set I was very aware of it so I stopped and just hope I haven't upset it again 🤞🏻

I didn't do any plyo push ups this time as my wrist really hates it - I injured my wrist a few years ago and I have to be careful as some movements still bother it and landing on it doing a plyo move always upsets it so I just did push ups, (sometimes faster ones on my knees) better for strength gains anyway hey 😜

I'm really loving these X2 Strength workouts 😎 The pacing suits me, Tony makes me smile and it's all done (including my stretch) in an hour = bargain!

Saturday, 26 August 2017

P90X2 Base and Back

Really enjoyed this today, a variety of pull ups followed by a plyo move, repeat with a different one etc etc etc.

Great fun and working those big muscles on those plyo moves really gets the heart rate up - you get a few seconds to find you life again before more pull ups - love it!!

Chin up progress -  tried a couple unassisted on the 3rd round and managed nose to bar then forehead to bar. Hoping for chin over next session - fingers crossed.

Friday, 25 August 2017

Strong but simple flow Yoga with Vytas

I couldn't face X2 Yoga today and I have always found it hard on the shoulders after shoulders yesterday as there are so many Chataranga's in it. So I went with Vytas instead and totally loved it.

I was really pleased I managed all the core work today which I didn't manage last time I did this in March so Yay!! It had me sweating and working but not crazy hard and left me really peaceful. calm and zen = wonderful!

Also apart from 4 yoga push ups (optional) at the start there was no Charangua's at all = bonus lol

Loved it!!

Thursday, 24 August 2017

P90X2 Shoulders and Arms

I was up a few times through the night (hot and dogs) and energy levels and mood was a little low today but loved this.

It was great to push and not feel completely wiped out afterwards. Tony made me laugh and I worked most of my muscles almost to failure and to failure on tricep press. 💪🏻

Thank you Tony!👌🏻

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

P90X2 SW1 D2 Plyocide

Stressful day today as we had take one of dogs into the Vets for an operation to remove his claw after he cracked it on Saturday.  First time we've ever left him with a stranger/vet and it was a hard day but thankfully it all went well and he's back with us. Thank you!

I started to do Core De Force Agilty Power but 5 mins in I just wasn't feeling it with Joel. I wanted the stress release of cardio, thought shorter would be better and its one I haven't done before. But I felt like I was cheating on Tony already so I got stuck in to Plyocide like I should have done in the first place.

Loved plyocide and enjoyed a little giggle with Tony to lighten my mood. I was sweating buckets and my Heart Rate Monitor was messing about ie I'm gasping for breath after Jack-in-the-box-knee-tucks and its reading 121 grrrrr No!!!

So I think my burn is a little off but I gave it my all. It was later in the day than usual, I felt a little heavy and my knees weren't terribly happy after the weekends MMX and Intervals X but its rest day tomorrow and no more jumping till Saturday 😉

Also loving the mild doms from yesterdays Chest and Back 💪

Monday, 21 August 2017

P90X2 Chest, Back and Balance

So I've decided to give P90X2 Strength phase a crack and see how I get on.

Really enjoyed today, it was great to get back to some basics of pulling and pushing. I didn't use many balls as I feel I need get my push up strength back after my shoulder took a few weeks to mend.
But I was pleased that I could still do 5 push ups on two med balls under by hands and I also managed a few using Power stands for hands and put both feet on one med ball ;)

Pull ups, although all chin up max assisted, felt good and strong too.

I've set myself two goals today...
1- Get my unassisted chin up back and then get two.
2- 12 consecutive full push ups.

Here's to getting stronger!

Sunday, 20 August 2017

P90X+ Intervals X Plus and IMax 30 360 Abs

Was unsure which workout to do today but I went with Intervals Plus - great cardio, if not the best cardio, workout from TH!

Chased it with Shaun 360 Abs - Happy Sunday!

Saturday, 19 August 2017

P90X3 MMX and Yoga

Hamstring still a little tender so was careful with kicks but still gave it my all ;)

Friday, 18 August 2017

H&C Total Body Hammer and 15 Min Leg Hammer

Rest day yesterday and my hamstrings still feel sore today so didn't go crazy with weights for the legs.

Didn't match manage all reps on pull ups today (my body definitely needs more than 48 hours between each thrashing when I'm pushing hard) but I did manage a personal best on Military press = Yay!

15 min Leg Hammer is a great little workout and anybody short on time would not go wrong to throw this in. Leg Hammer is the wrong description for this workout (I've said it before but its still true lol). Some core, shoulders and cardio along with the legs that's for sure - phew!!

Note to self... don't do Total body hammer 1 or 2 days after Chisel Cardio.

Wednesday, 16 August 2017

H&C Chisel Cardio & 15 Min Glute Chisel

Upped weight for 2nd round of Over the Top and increased reps in Pull ups and Burpees = Yay.

Did much better in Glute Chisel too today so pleased with improvements and increases.

Love it!

Tuesday, 15 August 2017

H&C Total Body Chisel and Chisel Abs + Stretch

Increased weights in some sets and better paced in ones where I was on the limit last time.

Abs - I seem to really feel them working more than normal so that felt great to get a real ab burny burn!

Smashed it and Loved it!

Monday, 14 August 2017

Shift Shop Speed 45 and a good stretch

I got this done at my gym today so slightly bigger space which helped in one way and made it tougher in a another lol.  I gave it my all and crushed this today.

Sunday, 13 August 2017

P90X3 MMX and Yoga

Magical ying yang combo for me;) destressing punching and kicking followed by stretching and calm - love it!

Saturday, 12 August 2017

P90X3 Eccentric Lower and Max30 360 Abs

Enjoyed this today, didn't go crazy heavy as I know this can be brutal if you are not ready for it lol

360 Abs felt the best I've ever done it so yay!

Friday, 11 August 2017

P90X3 Incinerator twice

I enjoyed so much last time I did it again lol.

Really pleased with my increases too as my push strength is coming back. Lots more on my feet compared to last week 😀

Today was in my gym too so I got to use my pull up bar instead of straps last week.

Burn out was even better today too - did more on my feet before I was toast so Yay for progress!!

Love it!!

Wednesday, 9 August 2017

H&C Chisel Cardio and 15min Glute Chisel

Phew!! I forgot how great this one is - gets your heart rate up with very little impact. Went light first round and heavier on the second.

It's ages since I've done any kettlebell swings and it felt great to get on the pull up bar too ;)

Who'd have thought that putting your foot on a ball would make that much difference to so many moves. The Split lunge - OMG what a burner! And those Single leg bridges on a ball - I was doing them in Shift shop with 8kg / 17lb on my hips so no weight should be easy but OMG on that ball was soooo different!! Nice one Chisel!!!

Tuesday, 8 August 2017

Balance to the Core with Vytas

This was just what I needed today.... Core and balance work with a little Yoga with the calming and soothing Vytas.

Some great shoulder stretches in there too. Hand stand progressions were a little scary but overall really loved it.

Monday, 7 August 2017

CdF MMA Power

Loved the punching and kicking today, felt great to de-stress and I crushed it as best as I could!

Sunday, 6 August 2017

P90X3 Incinerator twice

I needed some Tony today and with tender hamstrings from yesterday I chose Incinerator. I went through it once with light/medium weights to get warmed up, skipped the burn out and went through it again with heavy weights and then the burn out at the end!

It felt great and I loved it!

Need to spend a few mores hours now deciding on my schedule for the next few weeks.

Saturday, 5 August 2017

Beast Up Day 2 Legs

Easing back in so went light'ish and pleased with how it went. Those 10 secs holds after 7 reps 7 times are brutal on those lunges OMG!!!

I'm doubting if this program is right for me already! Over the last few years I most enjoyed body split days ie lower, upper, pull, push etc and didn't enjoy total body (felt like slaughter) workouts but now since I'm eating properly, I've seen results from Shift Shop and the last two days with Sagi I've felt half finished and want more when I'm done????
So I'm thinking total body workouts with Hammer and Chisel or some of the P90X's would be better? The other thing with Sagi in his Beast workouts is he gets boring and shouty - he's no fun and I miss Tony! Sorry Sagi.

Friday, 4 August 2017

Beast Up Day 1 Chest, Shoulders and Tri's

Time to lift some weights with Sagi!!

I pushed but tried not to go too crazy lol.  I clearly went too heavy on the Military press as I failed on the 8 reps only managing 6. New target for next time though 😉

"What ever it takes!"

Thursday, 3 August 2017

P90X3 Dynamix and foam rolling

I can't believe how achey I feel, I think my body is doing some serious mending.

Another nice recovery workout with Dynamix today followed by about 10 mins foam rolling and oooh ouch the tender spots in my quads above my knees were ouchy!! But I feel so much better now.

Wednesday, 2 August 2017

BOD Yoga Stretch

Just a quick 30 mins stretch and calm today and after a stressy morning it was just what I needed.