Welcome to my fitness log

I've created this to keep everything to do with my fitness journey in one place for easy reference.
I've listed links to places I visit regularly or places I think are interesting or valuable resources.

I started doing Crossfit September 22nd 2009 and I loved it - it's totally awesome and it made me a better person in so many different ways!

After nearly 4 years of Crossfit and wrist injury I tried a home fitness DVD for a change and something new - Rip 60 was really great and then I found Beachbody / Tony Horton's P90X!
It's THE best home fitness program ever!!!
It changed my body in so many amazing ways and got my cardio fitness, my core and overall strength including push up strength better than ever before!!

I now do many Beachbody programs as they are all so great.
I 'm a big Tony Horton fan because he makes me work hard but makes me laugh at the same time.
After I completed P90X, I did P90X3, P90X2 and some P90X+. I''ve tried other Beachbody programs including the P90, Piyo, Focus T25,
21 Day Fix Extreme, Country Heat, BodyBeast and Insanity, The Aslyum 1 and 2. Completed 21 Day Fix and 22 Min hard Core.

Did some Insanity Max 30 and Core de Force but my knees can't handle jumping every day so I have to mix them in.
Shift shop is great and looking forward to the new 80 Day obsession.

I'm the fittest I've ever been in my life and still getting stronger every day!

Friday, 30 June 2017

H&C Max Hammer Strength and 15 MIn Leg Hammer

H&C Max Hammer Strength and I went heavy!

Maybe a little too heavy with 24kg / 53lb lunges straight out the blocks but you don't progress if you don't push do you?

Really enjoyed it but it was a little short so I chased it with 15 Leg Hammer - phew I forgot how good that 15 mins is a Leg and shoulder burner with some bicep burn in there if you curl the ball every time ;)

Really can't decide on tomorrows workout ..... CdF Dynamic Strength or Power Sculpt or Max30 Tabata Strength?? Suggestions welcome.

Thursday, 29 June 2017

Max 30 Sweat Intervals & 360 Abs

Max 30 Sweat Intervals and boy oh boy this was a tough one for me today. I was swearing, moaning and groaning my way through the last 10 mins or so OMG!

The into 360 Abs and did my best. Which I think was a little better than last time.

It's amazing how something so tiring that pushes you to the limit can then make you feel so great once you have recovered from it  ;)

Wednesday, 28 June 2017

H&C Total Body Hammer

H&C Total Body Hammer and increased my weights on Squats, Rows, Military Press and Post Delt fly :) Also managed 2 more pull ups than last week.

I'm so hungry this week - these weight workouts must be asking for more food than normal!

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

22MHC Cardio 3 and Spec Ops Core

Been missing Tony so I had to to give 22MHC Cardio 3 a bash today and forgot how tough it was lol

Then as if that wasn't enough I chased it with Spec. Ops Core and boy I am now toast!

Loved it though- Get Some!!!! ;)

Monday, 26 June 2017

H&C Total Body Chisel & HIIT & Lift

H&C Total Body Chisel & HIIT & Lift

Pushed hard on Total body Chisel, upping most of my weights.

Expections were the Bench Step ups - I used my bench down my gym this time instead the box at home and the height difference made a huge effort difference and I just couldn't increase my weights on this one in fact I did Set 1and 2 the same and then had to drop down for the 3rd - I was toast.
 I think I new I had more leg work to do with Joel too ;)

And Incline curls - wow what a difference that 45 degree lean back makes - I couldn't increase here either I did the same 6kg / 13lb for all 3 sets.

Feeling pretty tired but got stuck into HIIT and Lift and it was pretty good. Fast paced and quite short and sweet for anyone short on time but wanting a good total body lifting routing with some short cardio interval highs thrown in for good measure.

I was pretty shaky for a good hour or so after so I know I worked hard today and it feels great!

Saturday, 24 June 2017

CdF MMA Power & P90X3 Yoga

MMA Power today, I was feeling a little lethargic to start but soon got into it and crushed it or as Jericho says "annihilated it"! The punching and kicking really helped me let go of the frustrations from a stressful week.

Chased it with some calming X3 Yoga. I think I needed my TH fix.

HRM had a few hiccups at the start like me but then settled down lol.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Friday, 23 June 2017

H&C Hammer Power

Decided a change of pace was needed and went for H&C Hammer Power.
Great workout that builds nicely.

I used a range of weights from 3kg / 6.6lb up to 12kg / 26lb - didn't go crazy as it while since I've done this one.

Really enjoyed it - there's nothing like a heavy Clean, Squat and Press to get your heart rate up ;)

Thursday, 22 June 2017

IMax 30 Cardio Challenge and 360 Abs

IMax 30 Cardio Challenge and gave it my all. I was hoping this was going to feel a little easier since doing Shaun Week but it wasn't lol

Tough but I just took a few breathers and dug as deep as I could.

Chased it with 360 Abs which is very tough but so good for you...if/when I can do this all the way through do you think I'll have abs like Shaun????

Wednesday, 21 June 2017

H&C Total Body Hammer

H&C Total Body Hammer

I forgot how tough this one can be! Got the weights right on most of these sets and boy I had to push to finish them.

Pull ups were tough even with Chin up assist (I probably should have given myself more assist but hey) so second set I changed to pull downs to complete all the reps. Every little helps right?

It feels great to be lifting again :) Loved it!!!

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

FOY Yoga + foam rolling

Nice recovery workout with Tony H and his Fountain of Youth yoga and a bit of foam rolling.

Just what I needed :)

Monday, 19 June 2017

Shift Shop Sneak Peak Speed 25 & H&C Total Body Chisel

I tried the new Shift Shop Sneak Peek of Speed 25 and it was great - really enjoyed it and apart from the mountain climbers I pretty much smashed it ;) Having the instruction between each round really let me catch my breath so I could really give it some in the next round.

Some familiar elements in there from Asylum, 22MHC and CdF Dynamic Strength so that made fun too. All 1 minute rounds and during a few I'm hearing Tony H's voice in my head.. "You can do anything for a minute!" lol

Although I had to stop 30 secs before the last round ended as I had a shopping delivery!
But I got that in and put away and cracked on to finish it out. I think I'm going to really enjoy Shift shop when it comes out soon.

I really wanted to hit some weights so I went straight into (after carting my stuff upstairs to my weights as I'm at home today) and hit H&C Total Body Chisel. Didn't go crazy with the weights especially with tired legs but really enjoyed it and felt great ;)

I think tomorrow might be rest or just abs/yoga for me phew!!!

Sunday, 18 June 2017

Shaun week Insane Focus day 7 - Dig Deep = Shaun Week Complete!!

Shaun week Insane Focus day 7 - Dig Deep = Shaun Week Complete!!

I don't normally workout out on Sunday's but for Shaun Week I made an exception.

 I dug deep, was cautious with my knee, but pushed hard and completed Shaun week wahoo!!!

Congrat's to everyone who completed it ;)

Saturday, 17 June 2017

Shaun week Insane Focus day 6 - Speed 4.0

Shaun week Insane Focus day 6 - Speed 4.0

Had an interruption just after starting but got straight back to it and loved, loved, loved it!!! Totally awesome!!!!

I did watch it through first just so I had an idea of the moves because the fast ones are harder going in not having a clue.

It was fast and crazy ("not Speed 4.0 more like Speed 100" lol) but apart from a few 2-3 second breathers here and there I kept up pretty well. I used power stands like Shaun's push up stands and it was just brill!!!

Definitely one of my top favorite cardio routines of all time!!

I did a long stretch afterwards to cool down and this heat I'm still sweating a hour later.

Friday, 16 June 2017

Shaun week Insane Focus day 5 - Ripsanity

Shaun week Insane Focus day 5 - Ripsanity

Loved this one!

I modified the warm up to protect my knee ready for Speed 4 tomorrow (I'm a little scared about it to be honest lol) but loved the weights.

Very Asylum Strength'esque I thought. The set with lots of moves got a little complicated and fast but it will be better next time through. I really enjoyed the hammer, upright row, hip flys move that really made all my muscles cry a little as I got the weight right ;)

The leg and overhead press section was pretty burny on the legs and much more than I expected. I also dropped to a low weight for the sets of 14 presses = Crazy Shaun!!!

Didn't go crazy with the ending and overall really enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to doing this one again with better weights selection. I used 5kgs / 11lb down to 2kg/4.4lbs. Some were too light and some were too heavy.

Thursday, 15 June 2017

Shaun week Insane Focus day 4 - 25 Abs

Shaun week Insane Focus day 4 - 25 Abs

I followed the modifier for the whole warm up today to rest my knee (it gets upset when I do too many consecutive days of jumping :( )

Abs started out pretty easy but ramped up to OUCH!!!! The In and Out abs with oblique knee was just plain cruel for me - I only got 2 reps and collapsed, 2 reps and collapse OMG!!!!

 Some of those sets were tough to say the least - great core workout and not just abs - I love the way Shaun hits the back ie the whole core and not just the front ;)

Nice recovery workout, well for everything except the core of course lol

Looking forward to weight again tomorrow with Ripsanity!!

Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Shaun week Insane Focus day 2 - Insane Weights

Shaun week Insane Focus day 2 - Insane Weights

I had to be steady with the warm up and some of the jumping today as my knee is starting to complain ;( but following the modifier worked well.

Enjoyed the weight although it moves pretty fast and although he says concentrate on form its very easy to try and keep up with them so I can find that a little stressy but other than that is was good fun.

Having got used to asylum I though this would be a walk in the park but it still had me gasping for oxygen in places.

I used 5lbs/2.2kg for 1st round, some shoulders and flys and 4kg / 8.8lb for everything else.

Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Shaun week Insane Focus day 2- Pure cardio 2

Shaun week Insane Focus day 2- Pure cardio 2

Enjoyed this, some new moves I haven't done before and def got the heart rate up there!

Pretty much kept up, had a to take a breather about 3 times and followed the modifier for a few seconds when I couldn't manage full bore - which actually was faster and allowed me to get my knees up higher so all good. I did my best and that's what counts.

Looking forward to the weights tomorrow :)

Monday, 12 June 2017

Shaun Week: Insane Focus - Day 1 Insane Basics,

After a few days rest, fighting a minor bug, I'm ready and raring to go into Shaun Week.

Shaun Week Insane Focus - Day 1 Insane Basics and it was pretty good. A nice quad burner (deceptively so I thought) followed by some different plank/row combos and abs.

Over all really good building up of exercises and I loved the speed and agility part as it was familar to me and I could get stuck in lol.

Excited for tomorrows day 2

Thursday, 8 June 2017

T25 Gamma Speed 3.0 and P90X3 Yoga

I tried Speed 3.0 tonight and was pleasantly surprised how well I did 😊

Don't get me wrong it was tough but I did better than I thought I would. I think I have Previous Speed 2.0's and Asylum Speed and agility to thank for that.

I can't imagine what Shaun has in store fro Speed 4.0 next week 😜

I went straight into X3 Yoga afterwards and I'm not sure it was the afterburn effect or what but wow the sweat just kept dripping off me all the way through - wowweee!

Early night for me tonight  zzzzzzz, sleep well all.

Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Insanity the Asylum Strength

Insanity the Asylum Strength

I made it through the whole thing, including the warm up and even shoulders, with my 4kg / 8.8lbers wahoo!!

Also made it through all the chest press sections with no mid set breaks so more progress 😄

I got to my gym today so I could use my bar for some jumping pulls and assisted pull up work so that made a nice change to just dumbells. Those mountain climbing change thingies are super tough though!!!

Love it!!

Monday, 5 June 2017

Insanity The Asylum Speed and Agility

Asylum Speed and Agility with a few more improvements for me. Skipping was better but I don't like high knees while skipping even had pain in my knee grrr so did it without the rope and it was fine, I could get my knees higher too ;)

Pushed as hard as I could but this one really is relentless but I felt overall I did better than last time.

Saturday, 3 June 2017

Insanity The Asylum Strength

Insanity The Asylum Strength again for me today - I love this workout!!

I warmed up with 1st round at 7.5lb /3.4kg this time again and 2nd round with 4kg / 8.8lb.

Then I did the rest of the workout with 4kg / 8.8lb except the 2nd and 3rd round of shoulders which I used the lighter ones so more progress yay!!

I managed lots more push ups on my feet before dropping to my knees today too ;) 

I'm loving the progress that I keep seeing workout to workout with this (sorry I'm not used to such noticeable progress)

Chased it with  Insanity The Asylum Relief for a nice calming stretch.

Friday, 2 June 2017

Insanity The Asylum Back to Core

Asylum Back to Core for me today and its a fairly tough but brilliant back workout. It works so many of the small muscles that most other workouts miss out on. Great job by Shaun T!

Had to take breaks in many places and some of the them minutes are soooo long but I can only get better.

Thursday, 1 June 2017

P90X3 Triometrics and Yoga

P90X3 Triometrics chased with X3 Yoga.

Pushed hard and did it the best I ever have I think ;) and nice Yoga to stretch and calm afterwards.

Early night for me tonight zzzzzzzzz's