Welcome to my fitness log

I've created this to keep everything to do with my fitness journey in one place for easy reference.
I've listed links to places I visit regularly or places I think are interesting or valuable resources.

I started doing Crossfit September 22nd 2009 and I loved it - it's totally awesome and it made me a better person in so many different ways!

After nearly 4 years of Crossfit and wrist injury I tried a home fitness DVD for a change and something new - Rip 60 was really great and then I found Beachbody / Tony Horton's P90X!
It's THE best home fitness program ever!!!
It changed my body in so many amazing ways and got my cardio fitness, my core and overall strength including push up strength better than ever before!!

I now do many Beachbody programs as they are all so great.
I 'm a big Tony Horton fan because he makes me work hard but makes me laugh at the same time.
After I completed P90X, I did P90X3, P90X2 and some P90X+. I''ve tried other Beachbody programs including the P90, Piyo, Focus T25,
21 Day Fix Extreme, Country Heat, BodyBeast and Insanity, The Aslyum 1 and 2. Completed 21 Day Fix and 22 Min hard Core.

Did some Insanity Max 30 and Core de Force but my knees can't handle jumping every day so I have to mix them in.
Shift shop is great and looking forward to the new 80 Day obsession.

I'm the fittest I've ever been in my life and still getting stronger every day!

Tuesday, 31 January 2017

22MHC Cardio 1

Pushed for time and I didn't want to go crazy as I'm still not 100% so 22 Min Hard Core Cardio 1 was the chosen sub for MMA Power.

Got the blood pumping and was unusually tough in some parts so just another indicator I'm def. not back up to full health yet but felt great to be shouting "Get Some" at Tony H ;)

I'm hoping I can get back to hybrid tomorrow and carry on, pretending this crappy week never happened, but we will see how I go.

Monday, 30 January 2017

Recovered from Flu & P90X3 Yoga

I came down with the flu last week and OMG all I could do was sleep and rest. I had to sleep on the settee propped up to stop the coughing for 3 days. Wow never popped so many pills before. Very not nice but eventually getting through it.

So I'm now just about over the flu - still not 100% but feeling much better so something gentle was in order to remind my body that it can still move around = P90X3 Yoga.

Then the plan was to take it easy but then we found out one of our workers quit without notice on friday so all of a sudden my 'take it easy day' got very very busy and very very long grrrr.

Monday, 23 January 2017

Wk 3 Buld Chest & Tris

A little under the weather with cold and sore throat but pushed play and got something done.

Skipped the incline press and Fly completely as I wanted to give my shoulder another week to mend fully plus next week is recovery week so in 2 weeks when I start bulk it should be more than good to go ;)

Wasn't planning on pushing hard today but for the Close grip press I picked up the weights for set 2 in set 1 by accident and did the 15 fairly easy so I then had to bump up my weight for set 2 and 3 lol So nice unexpected increase there.

Also managed 2 of my decline sets without putting a knee down so more progress there too.

Saturday, 21 January 2017

CdF MMA Plyo and IM30 360 Abs

Full of cold but pushed play anyway just to make myself feel better lol

Enjoyed this today, not sure my back is a fan of the superman punch but overall much better than last time as no shoulder pain ;)

Chased it with 360 Abs.

Now to take some kitchen cupboards off the wall!

Friday, 20 January 2017

BBeast Build Shoulders

Was cautious with the shrugs this time and increased on rear delt raise.

A few of the other heavy sets I only just managed last time were easier today = minuscule progress but still progress.

Thursday, 19 January 2017

BBeast Build Legs & 22MHC Core 2

BBeast Build Legs & 22MHC Core 2

Out most of the day and walked over 5km. Didn't think I'd get my workout in but I did, had to do it at home with a box instead of bench and used my bow flex weights, but got it done.

Build legs went great, increased weights and when you are pushing up on that last 2 reps of Bulgarian squats with both legs trembling you know you chose the right weight!!😜

Didn't fancy beast abs and I'm missing Tony so I did 22MHC Core 2 and loved it. Didn't manage all the reps but did my best 😋

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

BBeast Back/Bi's

Increased my 8 set deadlift up to 48kg / 105lbs which matches what I was lifting back in 2015 when I did Beast before so fairly please with that.

My one arm row up to 14kg / 31lbs for all 8 reps which is a personal best for this particular workout :)

And my left bicep felt better this week and I got the EZ bar curls done this time too.

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Core de Force MMA Plyo & IM30 360 Abs

Tried MMA Plyo for the first time today and it was good fun - tougher than the others so that was great for the calorie burn. I noticed it more in the calves today from more single leg jumping I presume.

I have to admit I was flagging a little about 11 mins to go but I pushed on and did my best. My left shoulder was not overly happy either so I changed stance a couple of times to ease the front arm a little.

I couldn't face Core kinetics again so I tried a new one for me with Max 30 360 Abs - I like it that he does some back work too. Enjoyed it, maxed out really early like 30 secs in lol but overall did pretty well with it. Definitely worked all the right areas ;)

Monday, 16 January 2017

BBeast Build Chest & Tri's

Later than planned and not feeling 100% today but got it done.

All went well except the incline press - it bothered my shoulder that I thought was fine. So halted in the 2nd set and did the heavy/drop set of fly and press flat with no incline. Might skip the incline completely next week just to not stress the shoulder and hopefully get it mended at last grrr.

Slight improvement on Declines and the Military push ups so chuffed with that. I also managed an extra dip and 3 extra in and outs.

Sunday, 15 January 2017

MMA Power

Back still playing up but total rest (laying down mostly as the only way to get pain free) did nothing for it yesterday so I decided to do a bit of something to see how it felt.

MMA Power was the chosen one as I wanted more calorie burn than shred to make up for doing nothing yesterday.

It went pretty well - a few moves made it moan so I didn't do them and just stuck to what I could do 😉

Overall pleased I got something done and it all feels a bit  freer for it 😀

Saturday, 14 January 2017

Back pain

Not happy today as no workout due to back pain ☹️I obviously upset it some how and the muscles are Ina nod out of spasm grrrrrr
Can do nothing but rest I now but it's so frustrating - I was so looking forward to punching and kicking in MMA shred.
I hope just today should see it right and I can back at tomorrow

Friday, 13 January 2017

BBeast Build Shoulders & BOD Yoga Flow on the go with Ted

Enjoyed Shoulders today - they are the body part that needs the most work and I hope I can improve as the weeks go on.

Chased it with a quick 20 min Yoga which was just what I needed.

Thursday, 12 January 2017

BBeast Build Legs and Abs

Decided to ease back into beast legs gently so that I can still walk tomorrow!!! Family members moan and groan something terrible when I can hardly walk down the stairs the next day! 😒

I forgot how many lunges were in this one!! The alternating lunge supersetted with the step up to reverse lunge in a burner and an oxygen sappper for sure OMG!!! I was even swearing at Sagi today and don't normally 😜

I really backed off on the bulgarian lunges as they sometimes just make me want to 😢

I sub'd the seated calf raise for a standing calf raise just because I can hold more weight and heavy DB's on top of my knees is not funny.

Love leg day 💪

Abs I had a choice of Abs and Abs - Classic - wasn't sure so chose Abs - it was the new one. It was pretty good. Enjoyed a few new moves and cringed as I thought of Joel and Jericho from Core Kinetics as I did plank hip drops (can't remember there proper name).

BBeast Build Back & Bi's

It was great to deadlift today - didnt go super heavy but pleased with what I lifted. I always use barbell to deadlift so I have to pause to get set up and it does takse a few more minutes than dumbells but worth it ;).

Pleased with ez bar rows and db rows but got the heavy set of 1 arm rows too heavy. I used my heavy Kettlebell and I was pretty tired and only managed 3 reps so I need to use my spinlocks and make a  slighter lighter DB up for next time. I dropped to my heaviest dumbell to finish out the set.

Not sure what happened with the Bicep curls but my left bicep started complaining on the second set of seated bicep curls so I backed off a little but even during the hammer curls it was not happy so I thought I'd be smart and skipped the last round of EZ bar curls and went straight to Airplane Cobra's.
Better to skip one set and be able to workout tomorrow than push through and injure myself!

Overall loved it!

Tuesday, 10 January 2017

MMA Shred and Core Kinetics

Crushed MMA Shred today - shoulder was fine and I gave it my all!! Loved it!!
(Had to take a phone call during it too = that's the dip in heart rate down to green about halfway through :(  )

That of coarse meant I struggled through Core kinetics again lol - It is tough one for me!! I did the first round mostly modified except for Hip to Escape thingy, then did I my best to not modify in round 2 but I was toast!!

Those leg check ones in forearm plank early on (move 2 I think) - even on my knees just make my abs/obliques scream!!!
I'm sure it will get better but doing it straight after Shred I can only do my best and forget the rest!!!

Monday, 9 January 2017

BB Chest and Tris

So after a really tough week last week I didn't want to repeat it as I felt there was too much core work for me and I was recovering before hitting or rather killing the same muscle group again so I am moving to week 3 of the hybrid to start hitting the weights.

Chest and Tris went well this morning - arms and chest a little shaky all day since so I think I got the weights about right lol

Saturday, 7 January 2017

Day 6 Cdf/BB - Beast Cardio

So this was really tough for me this morning as so many of the moves were so similar to the last 2 days, I started groaning as soon as I got going.
I modified a bit here and there and my muscles were not recovered and not happy at all and when I saw the last move with more plank work I stopped all together.

I wanted a bit more of something to burn more calories but that wasn't going to task my muscles in the same way so I did some T25 Speed 2.0 just the first 10 mins then I gave it best as my body said enough is enough for 1 week.

The day carried on being hard as straight after, work was crazy and I didn't sit down for around 6 hours working non stop to get an urgent order! I feel so knackered it's not funny.

Friday, 6 January 2017

Day 5 Cdf/BB - Power Scuplt & 5 Min Core on the Floor

OMG - That was deceptively tough this morning!! Gasping for air and everything, those last few rounds were crazy!
I got an interruption around halfway and that still didn't really help lol

5 Min core = I just did my best - mostly modified as I was toast!!

I'm up late again and I seriously need more sleep zzzzzzz's

Thursday, 5 January 2017

Day 4 CdF/BB - MMA Shred

Enjoyed this today ;) Was careful with shoulder on the slashing elbows but it was good fun.

Wednesday, 4 January 2017

Day 3 CdF/BB - Beast Total Body

Enjoyed this today but I do have to pause him sometimes as to make a note of my reps etc and keep up with them grrrrr.

I subbed upright rows for the military press's just to protect my shoulder as it really isn't happy with overhead stuff still. Other than that great workout although I did struggle with the plank twist after all the core kinectics yesterday.

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Day 2 CdF/BB Hybrid - MMA Speed and Core Kinetics

Gave it some today with MMA Speed but was toast for Core Kinetics - I find this one really tough especially straight after Speed!

I thought about doing it first but I felt I would be better twisting and punching with a fresh core than a tired one so that I didn't get injured. I modified where I had to and collapsed on the floor when I could do no more. I did the best I could and hope to do better next time.

Monday, 2 January 2017

Day 1 CdForde/BBeast Hybrid - Dynamic Strength

Boy this one has a lot of push ups in it!!

Took it easy on most the push ups on to knees as shoulder is better but not 100%.
Got it done!