Welcome to my fitness log

I've created this to keep everything to do with my fitness journey in one place for easy reference.
I've listed links to places I visit regularly or places I think are interesting or valuable resources.

I started doing Crossfit September 22nd 2009 and I loved it - it's totally awesome and it made me a better person in so many different ways!

After nearly 4 years of Crossfit and wrist injury I tried a home fitness DVD for a change and something new - Rip 60 was really great and then I found Beachbody / Tony Horton's P90X!
It's THE best home fitness program ever!!!
It changed my body in so many amazing ways and got my cardio fitness, my core and overall strength including push up strength better than ever before!!

I now do many Beachbody programs as they are all so great.
I 'm a big Tony Horton fan because he makes me work hard but makes me laugh at the same time.
After I completed P90X, I did P90X3, P90X2 and some P90X+. I''ve tried other Beachbody programs including the P90, Piyo, Focus T25,
21 Day Fix Extreme, Country Heat, BodyBeast and Insanity, The Aslyum 1 and 2. Completed 21 Day Fix and 22 Min hard Core.

Did some Insanity Max 30 and Core de Force but my knees can't handle jumping every day so I have to mix them in.
Shift shop is great and looking forward to the new 80 Day obsession.

I'm the fittest I've ever been in my life and still getting stronger every day!

Saturday, 30 July 2016

BB Bulk Shoulders and 22MHC Core 1

So 3 days of no workouts and I'm climbing the walls. The knee is a little better thank goodness so hopefully another few days should see it ok again - its all very strange.

I needed to get something done and didn't want to upset my knee so bulk shoulders and as I now can safely get to the floor I did some core too! Great workout without bothering my knee once = result!

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Beast Up Chest, Shoulders and Tris

Energy was low today for this workout after some poor eating while hectically traveling around viewing houses yesterday caught up with me. (no workout yesterday for me either)

I got it done but I struggled a little as the weights seems heavy ;( even the push ups in the warm up were mostly on my knees as I felt that week!

But good day on the property front ;) I'm not going to say too much in case I jinx anything but things are looking positive at last!!

Was late starting my HRM too!

Sunday, 24 July 2016

BBeast Build Back and Bi's

Missed my workout yesterday due to traveling for a house viewing ;( Nice property but kitchen way too small and its a little far away.

So got it done tonight thank goodness.

Legs feeling better so I did full barbell deadlifts but kept the same weights as last time but one so did the 8 rep set @ 50kg / 110lbs (much easier this time) with drop set down to 37kg / 81.5lb

Pull over I increased slightly and ez bar row upped too. Bicep curl I kept the same but I upped the last set of Hammer curls so that was good progress.

Got a crazy busy day tomorrow with 4 more house viewings so may not get my workout in tomorrow but we will see.

Friday, 22 July 2016

BBeast Bulk Shoulders and 22MHC Core 1

Busy day out seeing a mortgage adviso,r which went great, then a property viewing, but managed to get it done.

Gave the shoulders a beasting then woke up the core ;)

Thursday, 21 July 2016

22 MHC Cardio 3 and P90X3 Yoga

My ying yang combo that just works!! 
Things are not going so great on the property front so some real downer emotional rollercoasters today so needed Tony shouting at me to help my mood and then some calm to help balance things out again.

Trying to stay positive but some times its soooo hard when everybody chucks hurdles at you!!!

Wednesday, 20 July 2016

BBeast Build Back and Bi's

After a very hot and sweaty day - this was very much needed.

I was cautious on the deadlift as my hamstrings were tender from leg day so I went with Dumbell's instead of Barbell.

Pleased with the rest and reached failure on one and only just managed the heavy set of ez bar curls!!! I want my little guns to grow!!!

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

BOD Beast Up Legs

OMG what a BEAST of a legs workout!!

I went slightly cautious on the weights and I think now I should have gone more so!!!

The heat today has been ridiculous and I don't think that helped but I was surprised when I felt my heart really pumping in my chest during the heavy and super heavy sets of squats = 178 ooh err!!!

I have to hand it too him another great new workout by Sagi!!! I hope he does more Beast Up - its brill!!

Please pray for my legs over the next 2-3 days.

Monday, 18 July 2016

BOD Beast Up Chest, Shoulders & Tris

Started the BOD Beast Up Calendar today and this first new one was awesome - loved it. Really great workout, made me push hard with the 6 rep sets and an excellent improvement on the original beast!!! Great job Sagi!!!

Had a minor issue with my bench - it went too low for the decline press so will have to find a away to up it a little for next time.

Chest and shoulders are areas I really want to work and boy this works them like Magic!!!

Saturday, 16 July 2016

P90X3 The Warrior

Some of the leg part of tis were tough after yesterdays CVX but I pushed through and did my best and forgot the rest!!

Friday, 15 July 2016


OMG - I loved this tonight!! I spent all day thinking it was The Warrior tonight and double checked and found it was CVX.
Took a little pre workout and got stuck in (after a very stressed 24 hours as my Mac died yesterday and I thought I'd lost everything! Thank god for Time machine!!) and it was tough on the shoulders but I crushed it as best as I could - phew!!!!

Thursday, 14 July 2016

P90X3 The Challenge

The challenge for me and I did 10 push ups each set all on my feet (with a few breaks as needed) - major pr for me! I did 8 pull ups each round too - doing unassisted where I could and assisted as I got tired. Really pleased with my progress :)

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

One-on-One Patience "Hummingbird" yoga

Tried a new one tonight and really enjoyed it. Much slower pace with the poses being held for a while (think isometrics but not as bad) and it was good.
It gave me a really nice stretch out and a great recovery workout :)

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

P90X3 Agilty X

Great little workout this one - really ramps up towards the end - phew!

Monday, 11 July 2016

P90X3 Cold Start and Total Synergistics

Had a long day again, been at our soon to be property with a building surveyor and all went pretty well. But I ate more food/flapjacks than I should have done (even though they are homemade).

Recovery week for me this week from my 8 weeks P90X hybrid so I thought I'd change things up a little and do an P90X3 week because a change is as good as a rest right???

I quite enjoyed Total Synergistics - ages since I've done it but some great moves in there ;)

That gives me this week to decide what I'm going to do next....
a) Do P90X3
b) Do Bodybeast with some extra cardio (poss try 30 days BOD Beast up Calendar)
c) Do Hammer and Chisel
d) Continue with my P90X hybrid with more X2 thrown into the mix
e) Something else like 21 day fix/extreme for longer rest then go back to weights

Any thoughts or suggestions please guys???

Saturday, 9 July 2016

MHC Hammer Power & Asylum Relief

Crushed Hammer Power tonight - pushed hard and it felt great ;)

Then a lovely Shaun T stretch to finish off ready for rest day tomorrow and yes I need it!

Hope everyone is doing great?

Friday, 8 July 2016

Body Beast Bulk Back and 22MHC Special Ops Core

Had a long but great day and finally feel I can share...... we finally got our formal mortgage offer and the sale has been agreed on the property we've been wanting and waiting on for 3 months now. So wahoo!!!!! Finally get to move to a place of our own and out of the current harassing toxic situation we are in ;) :) ;) ;)

It been a really stressful time (12 months of tireless looking and many disappointments ) and the waiting has been crazy hard but thankfully my workouts keep my sane! More stress to come I know but it will be great and so worth it when is done up - I even get my own bigger gym room with big gorgeous mirrors!!!!

My workout although later than usual went well too. Upped all my weights except the Force Set of 1 arm rows - I'm using 22.5lbs (for 5 x 5 without dropping) and the increase to 30lb is a big jump ;( 

Deadlifts I upped the 8 reps set to 50kg / 110lb so yay!

Special Ops Core was tough as usual but I think I got quite a few more reps done and felt stronger through out ;)

Body Beast Bulk Back and 22MHC Special Ops Core

Had a long but great day and finally feel I can share...... we finally got our formal mortgage offer and the sale has been agreed on the property we've been wanting and waiting on for 3 months now. So wahoo!!!!! Finally get to move to a place of our own and out of the current harassing toxic situation we are in ;) :) ;) ;)

It been a really stressful time (12 months of tireless looking and many disappointments ) and the waiting has been crazy hard but thankfully my workouts keep my sane! More stress to come I know but it will be great and so worth it when is done up - I even get my own bigger gym room with big gorgeous mirrors!!!!

My workout although later than usual went well too. Upped all my weights except the Force Set of 1 arm rows - I'm using 22.5lbs (for 5 x 5 without dropping) and the increase to 30lb is a big jump ;( 
Deadlifts I upped the 8 reps set to 50kg / 110lb so yay!

Special Ops Core was tough as usual but I think I got quite a few more reps done and felt stronger through out ;)

Thursday, 7 July 2016

22MHC Cardio 3 and P90X3 Yoga

This really is a great Ying yang combo - high octane pretty much non stop cardio for 22 mins then (apart from still sweating profusely) controlled movement of Yoga postures with balance and finally calm!!!

For me a wonderful way to scorch around 700 cals!!! Magic!!!

And talk about complete balance - check out my Heart rate zones - 25%, 25%, 25% and 24% with 1%!!! Couldn't have done it if I had tried lol

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

P90X2 Chest, Shoulders and Tri's

This made a real change tonight, I forgot what its like to do push ups and tricep dips while balancing on balls!!

Really enjoyed the strip set press - felt like my shoulders got properly woken up and got the weight spot on as almost reached failure nearly every set, just managing to straighten my arm phew ;)

The only thing this one misses is a shoulder fly so I might swop the second Circle fly for a 8-10 set of rear felt fly next time.

Had to pause for a few mins to take a phone call from Dad and another small interruption but other than all good.

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

P90X3 Triometrics & 22MHC Core 2

Wowser still a really great workout and such a leg burner OMG!!! Got a little further through Kalam tonight but still crashed and burned before the end Ouchy!!!

Core 2 was tough tonight too, not sure I'll ever get all the reps but we keep trying ;)

Monday, 4 July 2016

P90X Back and Biceps - Week 7

Upped some of weights and boy did I feel it. It affected my pull /chin up numbers though as my Biceps were fried!  Got a wicked pump from the workout though!

Saturday, 2 July 2016

P90X One-on-One Super Cardio

A new one for me tonight with One-on-One Super Cardio. I thought I would struggle with this one after watching Tony with his hands on knees for a lot of it when I watched it through before hand but it was a a breeze!

Tony clearly was suffering the day of the recording or he just wasn't as fit back in '08 as he is now!!!! I enjoyed it and while he's standing there catching his breath I'm stood there thinking 'Come on Tony!' - Who'd have thought it???? 22MHC definitely got me fitter and this was easy by comparison ;)

With DOMS from Legs and Back yesterday some of the lunge / squat sequences were ouchy but over all nice light'ish cardio day for me. Nice change and will do it again ;)

Friday, 1 July 2016

P90X Legs and Back

Hard day with a 3 hour long very heated and frustrating business meeting :( but thankfully got my workout in. Upped some of the weights and reps on pull ups so pleased overall.