Welcome to my fitness log

I've created this to keep everything to do with my fitness journey in one place for easy reference.
I've listed links to places I visit regularly or places I think are interesting or valuable resources.

I started doing Crossfit September 22nd 2009 and I loved it - it's totally awesome and it made me a better person in so many different ways!

After nearly 4 years of Crossfit and wrist injury I tried a home fitness DVD for a change and something new - Rip 60 was really great and then I found Beachbody / Tony Horton's P90X!
It's THE best home fitness program ever!!!
It changed my body in so many amazing ways and got my cardio fitness, my core and overall strength including push up strength better than ever before!!

I now do many Beachbody programs as they are all so great.
I 'm a big Tony Horton fan because he makes me work hard but makes me laugh at the same time.
After I completed P90X, I did P90X3, P90X2 and some P90X+. I''ve tried other Beachbody programs including the P90, Piyo, Focus T25,
21 Day Fix Extreme, Country Heat, BodyBeast and Insanity, The Aslyum 1 and 2. Completed 21 Day Fix and 22 Min hard Core.

Did some Insanity Max 30 and Core de Force but my knees can't handle jumping every day so I have to mix them in.
Shift shop is great and looking forward to the new 80 Day obsession.

I'm the fittest I've ever been in my life and still getting stronger every day!

Saturday, 29 September 2012

Brandx Ramona 2012-08-22 DUs/15-12-9 Deadlifts/DUs, Max Rope Climb

Brandx Ramona via Strength Diary 2012-08-22
Double-Unders/15-12-9 Deadlifts/Double-Unders
100 Double-Unders - self scaled to 100 singles (broken as required)
15 Deadlifts @ 37kg / 81lb
rest 2:00
12 Deadlifts @ 37kg / 81lb
rest 1:00
9 Deadlifts @ 37kg / 81lb
100 Double-Unders self scaled to 100 singles (broken as required but i got the frist 50 unbroken wahooo!)
Done in 12.14mind but this includes 51 secs of travel upstairs and downstairs as I skipped outside and my weight room is upstairs.
Splits 2.07mins, 0.25 travel, 2.09 DL’s (tough getting air, holding breath to lift after skipping)
Rest 2 mins 1.14 DLs, Rest 1 min 0.54 DLs, 0.26 travel, 1.55 singles (went better than the start lol).

Max Rope Climbs in 5:00
Self scaled to beginner - floor to standing
I got 21 reps - 2 more than last time - I love progress bigsmile

Friday, 28 September 2012

Brandx Ramona 2012-08-21 Fran

Brandx Ramona via strength Diary 2012-08-21
21-15-9 - self scaled to 12-9-6
Thrusters - scaled to 12kg / 26lb
Pullups - scaled to PU Rev. assisted
Done in 7.17mins
Thrusters were unbroken with a few breaths here and there.
Pull ups - i started with PU rev assisted 12 (5-4-3), 9 (3-2) then knew i was taking too long so changed to beginner ring rows (feet under rings) (3), 6 (3-3)
I wasn’t going to asisted pull ups since GD said no in wods but I wanted to compare to my last Fran…
August 2011 - Metcon - “Fran” scaled
Thrusters 12kg / 26lb
Pull up - PU rev assist
Rediculously slow 10.08 - I didn’t want to push too hard as not great eating last 24 hours and lacking sleep but still soooo much sucking wind it was untrue and the pull ups were a slog. Just shows how much conditioning I have lost over the last 2.5 weeks grrr
But I realised when my arms were really struggling that to wait it out till my arms recovered and the set up of getting into the foot loop each time was just eating into the time and although GD has never actually shouted at me as I’ve never met him in person - I could hear him telling me to stop being stupid and so I changed to ring rows. Which if I’m honest were nearly as hard but I saved the set up time each break. So I will try same assisted ring rows next time and see how I go. Was pleased with thrusters though - I had my wrists strapped so not to aggravate anything and they went well better than I remember doing any thrusters in Fran before.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Push ups as per GD Pull ups Day 9, 3 x 400m Run / elliptical

Push ups as per GD pull ups Day 9
Bar position 6
6 push ups EMOM for 8 mins
Completed all reps - should have been 7 mins but I did 8 due to clerical error - so I did even more reps bigsmile

3 x 400m run - Subbed elliptical lev 2
Rested 2 mins between each round.
1st = 1.57 mins = New PR by 5 secs Wahoo!!!
2nd = 2.01 mins
3rd = 2.07 mins
Gotta love PR’s and gotta love this stuff - Thanks to GD’s help and programming my body has changed more in the last 10 weeks that in it did in the first 2 years of just doing scaled main site! I’m getting the stronger body that I always knew I could. I know I still have a ways to go but I can see positive changes, I can feel positive changes, I can see progress and I keep making progress and its awesome!!
If anyone had any doubts - GD really knows his stuff and and this stuff really works!
Thank you GD huggs , please don’t ever give up.

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Pullups as per GD Day 9, Yoga

Pullups as per GD Day 9
Repeat day 5
3 pullups EMOM for 14 mins
Total of 39 of 42 reps
5 more reps than last time cheese so hopefully will complete it next session.

An hours Yoga.

Saturday, 22 September 2012

Brandx Ramona 2012-8-20 JT Tabata Row/SDHP

Brandx Ramona vis Strength Diary 2012-8-20
21-15-9 for time:
Handstand Push-ups s/s to Heavy DB press @ 5kg / 11lb
Ring dips - s/s to bench dips on bar
Push-ups - on bar @ pin 5
Done in 16.23 mins
I think I got the scaling wrong on this one as it was a real slog - but checking my time I was similar to others???
But it was heavily broken and really tough on my shoulders.
DB’s broken into 15-6, 6-4-5, 6-3, Dips into 10-8-3, 7-5-3, 6-3, Push ups into 5-5-5-4-3, 3 then changed bar up a position 5-5-2, 5-4.
My intention was to compare to my last time which was May 2010..
100522 “J.T.”
Pack /puppish
HSPU (If you cannot do HSPU choose the hardest progression you are able to and use that) - Knees on 8” box
Bar dips - bench dips at bar at pin 5
Push ups - scaled to 15-9-6 bar at pin 5
Done in 10.10 mins
Doubled up to catch up but as soon I started JT I realised it was a mistake! I planned to do all in the 21-15-9 rounds but after the first few push ups I realised how fatigued I still was from yesterday and I was not going to make 21 so decided to drop to 15-9-6 and just slogged thru to the finish.

Tabata Row
Record meters s/s to SDHP with 8kg KB (I was gonna do 12kg but after 3 warm up reps and my arms were smoked from JT I dropped to 8kg) Also first time using KB's for SDHP.
11-10-10-10-10-10-10-10 Total reps 81 reps bigsmile
Compared to last time
Tabata Row - Self subbed/scaled to SDHP @ 12kg / 26lb
8 rounds
10-9-9-9-9-9-9-9 Total reps 73 reps
It actually felt tougher than last time and my quads started cramping towards the end.
But if I’m right with my power calculations then my power output was higher doing 81 reps @ 8kg vs 72 reps @ 12kg wink

Friday, 21 September 2012

Brandx Ramona 2012-08-15 DU's, KB Swings, DU's, Rope Climbs

Brandx Ramona via Strength Diary 2012-08-15
100 double-unders - scaled to 100 single unders (Broken as req)
100 Russian kettlebell swings, 1.5/1.0 pood - scaled to 8kg / 18lb @ 50 reps KB swings (not russian as i forgot in the craziness if limited time) (broken 30-12-8)
100 double-unders - scaled to 100 single unders (Broken as req)
Done in 13.13mins
Splits 4.09, 3.12, 5.51
Single under were a slog today - was going to try for more double unders with new wire rope, but I have to skip outside and it was really wet, been raining all day and the wet grass made it a real slog - much harder and longer tahn it should have been. grrrrr

Max Rope Climbs in 5:00
Record Max Rope Climbs completed in a 5:00 time frame.
I did beginner - floor to standing rope climbs and managed 19 reps
Pleased as this was 4 more than last time.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Pull ups as per GD Day 8

Pull ups as per GD Day 8

3 sets of max pull ups
@ PU rev top
4 mins rest

8-5-6 (compared to 7-5-5)

2 extra reps smile  - really pleased considering energy low today

Tabata Sprints - Elliptical lev 2

Distance covered 600m

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Pushups as per GD Pullups - Day 8

Pushups as per GD Pullups - Day 8
Max sets x 3 - at bar in rack position 6
4 mins rest
20-16-15 (compared to 18-16-14)
Mixture of elbows out and elbows in.
Extra 3 reps.

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Brandx Ramona 2012-08-13, Front Squat 3 x 3, AMRAP goblet/toes2bar/boxjumpovers

Brandx Ramona via Strength Diary 2012-08-13
Front Squat 3 x 3
5 @ 12kg
5 @ 15kg
3 @ 18kg
3 @ 21kg
3 @ 25kg / 55lb

AMRAP goblet/toes2bar/boxjumpovers
AMRAP in 12
10 goblet squats - I used 8kg KB - I’ve never done a goblet squat before!
10 toes to bar - s/scaled to knees to elbows attempts
10 box jump overs - s/scaled to box jumps 14”
Completed 3 rounds + 10 G squats 3 KTE attempts
Poor eating today so pleased considering.

Friday, 14 September 2012

Brandx Ramona 2012-08-11 Bench Press 3 x 3, Hazel, Max Rope Climbs

Brandx Ramona via strength Diary 2012-08-11
Bench Press 3 x 3
5 @ 12
5 @ 17
3 @ 22
3 @ 25
3 @ 27kg / 59lb

1200-meter run - subbed elliptical lev 2
63 kettlebell swings, 24 kg/16 kg - self scaled to 21 @ 8kg
36 pull-ups - self scaled to 12 beginner ring rows
Done in 9.24mins
Splits 7.06, 1.27*, 0.51
Note to self - Up the KB’s to 42 next time and Ring rows to 24.

Max Rope Climbs in 5:00
Record Max Rope Climbs completed in a 5:00 time frame.
Self scaled to beginner rope climbs - laying to standing
Completed 15 reps
Forearms cramping again as tired from ring rows.

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Push ups as per GD pull ups Day 7, Brandx Ramona 20112-08-10

Push ups as per GD pull ups Day 7
Bar position 6
5 push ups EMOM for 8 mins
Completed all reps bigsmile

Brandx Ramona 20112-08-10
3 x 200m run - Subbed elliptical lev 2
Rested 2 mins between each round.
1st = 1.01 mins
2nd = 0.58 mins
3rd = 0.55 mins = New PR by 12 secs Wahoo!!!  bigsmile

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Pullups as per GD Day 7

Pullups as per GD Day 7
Repeat day 5
3 pullups EMOM for 14 mins
Total of 34 of 42 reps
Compared to 29 Aug 12
3-3-3-3-3-1f-3-1f-2f-1f-tried a pull instead of chins=f-2f-1f-1f
Total = 27 reps of 42 reps
So I’m disappointed that I didn’t complete the 3’s but I’m pleased I made progress - 7 more reps is still good progress I feel grin .
My forearms were cramping up grrrrrrrr

Not sure whether to try again next session or drop back to 2’s and then try the 3’s again???

Some kettlebell swings to try out my new KB’s 15 @ 8kg/ 18lb, 15 @ 12kg / 26lb and 3 @ 16kg/35lb (russian swings as heavy)

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Brandx Ramona 2012-08-09 Hill Runs/ Squats, Deadlift

Brandx Ramona via Strength Diary 2012-08-09
Hill Runs/Squats
3 Rounds
Hill Runs - sub Elliptical Lev 5 100m
25 Squats
Rest 2 mins each round
Splits:- 0.37, 1.18.  0.33, 1.34.  0.36, 1.47

Bodyweight Deadlight
25 reps - self scaled to 40kg / 88lb = 58% BW
Done in 3.44mins broken into 10-5-5-5
Its over 12 months since I deadlifted heavy so decided not to be too stupid today and look to increase next time.

Friday, 7 September 2012

Brandx Ramona 2012-08-08 Back Squat 3x3, Jackie

Brandx Ramona via strengthdiary.com 2012-08-08
Back squat 3 x 3
10-5-5-3-3- 70-85%
10 @ 10kg
5 @ 14kg
5 @ 18kg
3 @ 22kg
3@ 25kg
3@ 28kg / 61lb = only 49% of 1RM but haven’t squat heavy for well over 12 months so looking forward to big improvements on this as I felt good, solid and strong today.
Rested 3 mins between 3’s

Jackie as AMRAP
12 mins ARAP
800m Run - subbed ellipitcal lev 2
50 thrusters @ 45lb - self scaled to 12kg / 26lb x 15 reps
30 pull ups - s/s/ to ring rows (feet under rings) @ 10 reps
Completed 1st round = 800m, 15 (7-5-3), 12 (5+5)
2nd round = 470m only
Not sure what the aim of this wod was so not sure my scaling was very good today?? And I couldn’t find any Jackie wods on here that had been scaled previously so data for another day lol

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Pull ups as per GD Day 6 & Pushups as per GD Pullups - Day 6

Crazy day yesterday so doubled up today
Pull ups as per GD Day 6
3 sets of max pull ups
@ PU rev top
4 mins rest
7-5-5 (compared to 7-5-4)
Only 1 rep but hey that still progress!

Pushups as per GD Pullups - Day 6
Max sets x 3 - at bar in rack position 6
4 mins rest
18-16-14 (compared to 15-15-12)
Mixture of elbows out and elbows in.
Extra 6 reps bigsmile

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Brandx Ramona 2012-08-07 HSPU,Dips,Push ups

Brandx Ramona 2012-08-07
3 x 4:00 intervals of HSPU/Dips/Push ups (2:00 rest)
4 HSPU - subbed DB heavy press @ 7kg / 15lb
8 Ring Dips - self scaled to bench dips
12 Push ups - self scaled to bar position 6
Rnd 1= 1 set + 4 press + 8 dips + 8 push ups
Rnd 2 = 1 set + 4 press
Rnd 3 = 1 set + 2 press
Well pushing hell that was tough!  big surprise  The heavy DB press were for me well really heavy!!!
3rd rep of 2nd set of 2nd round I failed completely from fatigue and had to shake it out.

I finished off with a few kettbleswings as I’ve just got my first ever kettlebells - I was bought a 8kg/17lb, 12kg/26lb and a 16kg/35lb for my birthday party
So from now on proper KB swings, my row sub of SDHP can be a KB too. I can finally put in to practice all the hours of Jeff Maritone vids I’ve been watching lol. = Awesome stuff!!