Welcome to my fitness log

I've created this to keep everything to do with my fitness journey in one place for easy reference.
I've listed links to places I visit regularly or places I think are interesting or valuable resources.

I started doing Crossfit September 22nd 2009 and I loved it - it's totally awesome and it made me a better person in so many different ways!

After nearly 4 years of Crossfit and wrist injury I tried a home fitness DVD for a change and something new - Rip 60 was really great and then I found Beachbody / Tony Horton's P90X!
It's THE best home fitness program ever!!!
It changed my body in so many amazing ways and got my cardio fitness, my core and overall strength including push up strength better than ever before!!

I now do many Beachbody programs as they are all so great.
I 'm a big Tony Horton fan because he makes me work hard but makes me laugh at the same time.
After I completed P90X, I did P90X3, P90X2 and some P90X+. I''ve tried other Beachbody programs including the P90, Piyo, Focus T25,
21 Day Fix Extreme, Country Heat, BodyBeast and Insanity, The Aslyum 1 and 2. Completed 21 Day Fix and 22 Min hard Core.

Did some Insanity Max 30 and Core de Force but my knees can't handle jumping every day so I have to mix them in.
Shift shop is great and looking forward to the new 80 Day obsession.

I'm the fittest I've ever been in my life and still getting stronger every day!

Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Push ups, chins, Front Squat

No wod since last thursday :( looking after my mum is taking up so much time and work has been busy too! Life sometimes is just like that isn't it!

Warm up:- spealler, wallball,

Push ups
10 @ pin 5
4 @ pin 3
3 @ PU bars on 8" box - last rep was slow again. Next jump is 4" so may change to 5's

Chin ups with PU rev assist - change to 5's as 3's have stalled. Went for 5 @ 60% but feared it would be too much.
6 @ top
2 @ 2.5" down
1 @ 4.5"
5 @ 6.3" - got 3 then rested got 1 and arms just gone, so rested and then got the last 1. I thought it would be tough but grrrr

Front Squat
10 @ 10kg / 22lb
6 @ 15kg / 33lbb
3 @ 22kg / 48lb

Strange headaches again that didn't subside with wrkout like usual. Also lacking time, sleep and good food so called it quits for the day

Stretch and foam roller, try for push up from floor and failed only a few inch up, tried again and failed. Tried lowering from top of push up and back up again but failed again. Considering I managed two last thursday it's very frustrating but good food, more sleep and hopefully physio can sort my neck issue out that he caused last week and all we be ok again.

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Push ups, Chins, Back Squat + Elliptical

The physio took a few more days to get over than I thought after some weird migraine like symptoms grrrr

Warm up:- spealler, wall ballballs, Hollow body practice

Push ups
9 @ pin 5
4 @ pin 3
3 @ PU bars on 8" box

Chin ups with PU rev assist
5 @ 1" down
2 @ 3" down
1 @ 5.5"
3 @ 7.9" - got 2 and failed 3rd rep forehead to bar grrrr - I think its time to switch to 5's

Back Squat
10 @ 15kg / 33lb
6 @ 25kg / 55lb
3 @ 30kg / 66lb

Elliptical 1600 meters level 2
Total time:- 9.39 mins
400m splits 2.21, 2.24, 2.28, 2.26

Stretch and foam roller, try for push up from floor and got it, tried for a second and yes got that too - shaky and slow and lost a little form but got it = progress yay!

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Physio visit 2

Went Physio again yesterday and he gave me loads of treatment for my upper back (thorasic) area and it has really helped - I feel so much freer, like I can actually get my shoulders back to where they feel they should live!

Had a rough day today, I woke up with my right eye lid puffy and had migrain type feelings, nausea and sweating first thing. Then weird pressure around my neck and head on and off throughout the day feeling pretty off colour but got better as the went on. I think it was some anxiety, some IBS and some treatment reaction from yesterday. Needless to say my planned workout today didn't get done but tonight I feel much better so a good nights sleep and all should be ok again.

Looking forward to see what better rack position I can get with my freed off back!

He's advised me to stay away from running for a month or so till my orthontics settle down and hopefully help my knee issue so I will be getting back on my elliptical!

N.B. Note to self started using my self raised stand up desk just over a week ago and it's going well. I also want to start getting on ellipitical for a few mins every hours to keep my self moving around more.

Friday, 19 August 2011

Front Squat, Press, Deadlift + Metcon "Barbie"

Warm up:- Spealler, 10 wall balls, 5 abmat situps, 5 abmat back extentions, red band dislocates

Front Squats
10 @ 8kg / 17lb
6 @ 14kg / 31lb
3 @ 20kg / 44lb

10 @ 7kg / 15lb
6 @ 14kg / 31lb
5 @ 20kg / 44lb

10 @ 15kg / 33lb
6 @ 30kg / 66lb
4 @ 50kg / 110lb
3 @ 64kg / 141lb

"Barbie" scaled to 3 rounds
5 Pull ups - PU rev assist top
10 Push ups - pin 5
15 Situps - abmat with toe above head and to toes
20 Squats

Done in 14.27 less 2 x 3mins rest = 8.27mins
Rnd 1 2.50, Rnd 2 2.42, Rnd 3 2.52

Foam Roller and stretch. Tried for a push up but only got a few inches again, but after todays wod I think my arms were pretty smoked   rolleyes

I'm wondering if I'm trying to do too much again ! Think I might need to rejig my plan.

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Physio visit, Back Squat, Push ups, Ring rows, Fran

Well guys I went to see a physio yesterday about the rubbing noise/feeling in my knee and to see if he could help with my rack position and check my upper back for tightness....and apparantly I have External Tibial Torsion! Which he tell me is structural and I should wear Orthontics for with extra arch support to help with the knee tracking / alignment. This has been the reason for ITB's being so tight and have triggers in them.

Finally an explanation as to why I have never been a runner lol!
Also he checked by back and was pretty amazing how far I can't twist round and said my upper back was "solid"!!! So he has given me a twisting excercise to do and I'll see him again next week for some treatment on it!

Warm up:- Spealler, 10 situps, 10 b/e, 3 hollow body practice, 10 wall balls, 5 kick up attempts

Back Squat
10 @ 10kg / 22lb
6 @ 18kg / 40lb
3 @ 25kg / 55lb

Push ups
8 @ Pin 5
4 @ Pin 3
3 @ Pu Bars on 8" box - last rep was slow but form was pretty good

Beginner ring rows - "infront of center
5 @ 2"
4 @ 4" last rep was tough and form deteriorating
3 @ 6" 5" - tough last rep - redo next time

Metcon - "Fran" scaled
Thrusters 12kg / 26lb
Pull up - PU rev assist

Rediculously slow 10.08 - I didn't want to push too hard as not great eating last 24 hours and lacking sleep but still soooo much sucking wind it was untrue and the pull ups were a slog. Just shows how much conditioning I have lost over the last 2.5 weeks grrr

Strecth, foam roller and push up from floor again yay!

Saturday, 13 August 2011

Front Squat, Shoulder Press, Powerclean, push ups and tabata sprint

Warm up:- Spealler, 5 wallballs, red band dislocates, burgener skills

Front Squats
10 @ 7kg / 15lb
6 @ 10kg / 22lb
3 @ 15kg / 33lb

Shoulder Press
10 @ 7kg / 15lb
6 @ 13kg / 28lb
3 @ 19kg / 41lb

Power clean
10 @ 10kg / 22lb
6 @ 15kg / 33lb
3 @ 21kg / 46lb

Push ups
3 2 pin 5
3 @ pin 4
2 @ pin 2
1 @ pin 1
1 @ push up bars on 8" box
1 @ push up bars on 4" box
1 @ push up bars on floor
1 @ floor - nose to floor but not chest

Tabate Sprints on Ellipitcal lev 2
4 mins of 8 sets of 20 secs on / 10 secs rest
Including warm up and cool down total distance 1 mile

Stretch and foam roller, tried push up from floor again and yes I made it - I needed to get that back for my mental health after 2 weeks of no wods and 2 failed attempts - hoorah bigsmile

Friday, 12 August 2011

Back Squat, Bench Press, Pull down + Metcon Helen

Those deadlifts beat me up a little so took an extra rest day.

Warm up:- spealler, 10 wallballs, red band dislocates

Back Squat
8 x Air
5 @ 10kg / 22lb
4 @ 15kg / 33lb
3 @ 20kg / 44lb
Starting back slow and will check form next session

Bench Press
10 @ 10kg / 22lb
6 @ 18kg / 40 lb
3 @ 26kg / 57lb

Pull downs (close grip underhand on knees)
10 @ 20kg / 44lb
6 @ 30kg / 66lb
3 @ 43kg / 95lb

110723 Helen scaled
Run 200m (+ up and down stairs to get outside)
12 KB / DB swngs @ 7kg (long time since I've done any swings)
6 pull ups - PU rev assist top

Done in 11.10
Splits Run:- 1.49, Swings and PU's (chins 4-2-1)1.34 = Rnd 1 - 3.23
1.58, 1.51 = Rnd 2 - 3.49 (PUs were 4 pull ups and 2 chins)
1.52, 2.03 = Rnd 3 - 3.55 (PU's were 3 ull ups and 3 chins 2-1)

Still getting back into it so didn't push too hard but todays workout felt good. The warm ups sets at 10 & 6 felt muhc better than 5 & 4 like I was doing - thanks again kempie

Stretch and foam roller, tried for a full push up and felt stronger but still only got about 4-5 inches rom the ground grrr

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Front Squat, Press, Deadlift

Well after my mum hurt her back last monday, I've been on full carer duty but she slowly getting better and I managed to get couple of hours to get a workout done. I haven't lifted any iron for 2 weeks and my back ache is coming back from the inactivity/lack of stretching big surprise

So good to move around again but I didn't want to push it after so much inactivity, so aimed to redo last session ie not increase the weight

Warm up:- Spealler, 10 wall balls, 10 abmat situps, 10 abmat back extentions, red band dislocates

8 x Air
6 x 1" from bench
4 x front squat @ 7kg / 15lb
3 x front squat @ 10kg / 22lb

7 @ 7kg / 15lb
6 @ 13kg / 28lb
5 @ 18kg / 40lb - this was the same as last session smile

7 @ 18kg / 40lb
5 @ 35kg / 77lb
4 @ 50kg / 110lb
3 @ 60kg / 132lb - was going to be 66kg / 145lb but I listen to my body and desided not to be stupid and backed off a little.

Foam Roller and stretch. Tried for a push up but only got a few inches again shut eye

I've also made an appointment with a pysio to see if they can help with my knee and my upper back.

Sunday, 7 August 2011

My Mums Back and very long different week

Wow I can't beleive the last week - last monday I woke up to my mum calling me as she was stranded in the bathroom having hurt her back! Since that moment I have been full time carer - it's been tough but she's getting there! She can now walk on her own with just a stick but i still need to help up and down out of chair /sit down and get up.

So my wods were the last thing on my mind this week, lacking sleep and using muscles in a different way - support and lifting my mum as needed. I cant really leve her side for more than 5-10 mins as if she gets in pain I need to get her up.

I managed a few push ups at pin 5 3-3-3 during the day and today I did 5 against the kitchen counter while waiting for the kettle to boil, and 5 against the back of the settee!

I'm hoping we can get her to a physio tomorrow or tuesday and that they can her more.