Welcome to my fitness log

I've created this to keep everything to do with my fitness journey in one place for easy reference.
I've listed links to places I visit regularly or places I think are interesting or valuable resources.

I started doing Crossfit September 22nd 2009 and I loved it - it's totally awesome and it made me a better person in so many different ways!

After nearly 4 years of Crossfit and wrist injury I tried a home fitness DVD for a change and something new - Rip 60 was really great and then I found Beachbody / Tony Horton's P90X!
It's THE best home fitness program ever!!!
It changed my body in so many amazing ways and got my cardio fitness, my core and overall strength including push up strength better than ever before!!

I now do many Beachbody programs as they are all so great.
I 'm a big Tony Horton fan because he makes me work hard but makes me laugh at the same time.
After I completed P90X, I did P90X3, P90X2 and some P90X+. I''ve tried other Beachbody programs including the P90, Piyo, Focus T25,
21 Day Fix Extreme, Country Heat, BodyBeast and Insanity, The Aslyum 1 and 2. Completed 21 Day Fix and 22 Min hard Core.

Did some Insanity Max 30 and Core de Force but my knees can't handle jumping every day so I have to mix them in.
Shift shop is great and looking forward to the new 80 Day obsession.

I'm the fittest I've ever been in my life and still getting stronger every day!

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Unscheduled wod due to foot pain - Cindy

I managed to get a wod in today - I didn't do the scheduled one because my foot was still painful so I decided to do....

Warm-up:- 10 arm swings/rotations, 10 knee highs, a few side to side lunges with overhead press, 10 abmat sit ups un-anchored butterfly, 10 abmat back extensions, 5 push ups against bar at pin 4, 5 blue band assisted chin ups

Complete as many rounds in 12 minutes as you can of:
3 Assisted Pull ups - blue band
4 Push-ups - against bar at pin 4
7 Squats

Completed 13 rounds + 3 pulls and 4 pushs

Thats a 2 and 3/4 rounds improvement on my first attempt in jan   cheese

Saturday, 26 June 2010

100621 Lunges, burpees

After a crazy silly few days of extreme business, stress and lack of sleep I finally got a wod done...

Warm up:- 10 arm swings/rotations, 10 knee highs, 10 side to side lunges with overhead press, 5 band dislocates with ohs, 10 abmat sit ups un-anchored butterfly, 10 abmat back extensions, 10 push ups against bar at pin 4 (8,2), 10 blue band assisted chin ups (5,5), 5 beginner ring push ups, 10 beginner ring rows, 5 OHS with 7kg

Monday, June 21st, 2010 - Lunges, burpees

4 rounds
PVC -10 # barbell overhead walking lunges 35 feet - I subbed a 7kg / 15lb DB x 2 walking lunges
15 burpees - all on knees

Done in 19.13 mins

Rnd 1 = 5 good Burpees, 10 walked feet back and forth
Rnd 2 = Squat thrusts
Rnd 3 = 6 good ones, 9 walked
Rnd 4 = all walking due to painful foot - minor strain I think but it should be fine.

My cardio really slowed me down on this on - felt really out of condition!

It's good to be back at it again though - it's amazing how you miss it!

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Life is just crazy right now!!!!

I had such a busy crazy day yesterday - I was still working at 3am this morning - total craziness just not enough hours in the day!!!

Anyway no standard wod but manage to pull in

10 Push ups at pin 4
10 Pull ups - blue band assist (6,4)
10 Squats
10 Push ups at pin 3
10 Pull ups - blue band assist (6,2,2)
10 Squats
10 Push ups at pin 2 (6,2,2)
10 Pull ups - blue band assist (4 using one leg, 4 using the other, 1 with 2 legs, 1 with slight jump assist as muscle failure creepingin)
10 Squats

Not timed but at least better than nothing. Only 5 hours sleep now so not sure what I'll manage later  :roll:

Sunday, 20 June 2010

another day off

I had another day off - well I managed squeeze in 10 push ups (at pin 5), 10 blue band assist pull ups and 10 air squats followed by a short walk which was better than nothing hey! But we have resolved some of the stress/business issues now and I'm well rested (finally got a good nights sleep last night phew) and so should be back at it full on tomorrow.

Saturday, 19 June 2010

skipped wod

I skipped today's wod completely - it came to my normal workout time and I just couldn't bring myself to do it!! I just wasn't feeling it - last few days of not enough sleep, busy and stress and probably the thought of 175 SDHPs and my body just went nope not today - so went for walk in the woods for about 3/4 hour instead - came back nice and refreshed!

It felt unusual not even want to do the wod today but I guess life happens and believe it or not I'm not even going to try to double up and catch up this one and I'm not going to feel guilty about either!! I think that's progress, yay me lol

Thursday, 17 June 2010

100614 Elizabeth

Warm up:- 10 arm swings/rotations, 10 knee highs, 10 side to side lunges with overhead press, 5 band dislocates with ohs, 10 abmat sit ups un-anchored butterfly, 10 abmat back extensions, 5 air squats
Cleans @ 10kg, 3 assisted ring dips

Sunday, June 14th, 2010 - Elizabeth
Pack ish
Cleans @ 14kg
Ring Dips - assisted toes on floor

Done in 8.52 mins

No cash in or out as pretty knackered due to lack of sleep hence pleased I actually got the wod done!

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

100611 15 rounds of 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 squats

Warm up:- 10 arm swings/rotations, 10 knee highs, 10 side to side lunges with overhead press, 5 band dislocates with ohs, 10 abmat sit ups un-anchored butterfly, 10 abmat back extensions, 3 push ups against bar at pin 3, 3 chin ups blue band at pin 5, 5 air squats

Cash in:- ring push ups x 5 (lent forward about 45 degs), OHS @ 7kg x 5, ring dips x 5 toes on floor

Friday, June 11th, 2010 - 15 rounds of 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 squats

12 rounds for time of:
3 Pull-ups (beginner or assisted okay) - I did blue band assisted at pin 5
6 Push-ups (progressions okay) - I started against bar at pin 3 for 3 rounds, then changed to pin 4 for 5 rounds then changed to pin 5 for the last 4
9 Squats

Done in 13.56 mins

Pleased with sub 14 mins - decreased push up difficulty as I was slowing down to keep up the speed. Pull ups felt good, had one pain thru right knee but other than that sqauts were fine.

Monday, 14 June 2010

Thursday, June 10th, 2010 - 5x5 Deadlift

Cash in:- Decline sit ups x 10, handstand holds x 10 secs x 2, 1 handstand walk, ring dips assisted x 10, ting support hold x 10 secs x 1

Thursday, June 10th, 2010 - 5x5 Deadlift

Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5 reps

40kg / 88lb - 50 - 55 - 60 - 65kg / 143 lb

Not done 5RM since starting crossfit - last time I did one was during SS Jan 09 = 56kg / 123lb and it wasn’t even my 1RM in Nov 09 seems laughable now but shows how far I’ve come bigsmile - Maybe not as fast as some but slow and sure!

I probably could have a done a little more but didn’t want to push it and left thumb was really painful from being squished oh oh  you would think it would be used to it by now!!!

100609 Front Squat, C2B Pull ups, Double-Unders

Warm up:- 10 arm swings/rotations, 10 knee highs, 10 side to side lunges with overhead press, 5 band dislocates with ohs, 10 abmat sit ups un-anchored butterfly, 10 abmat back extensions, 10 push ups against bar at pin 4 (6,4), 3 chin ups blue band at pin 5.

Cash in:- Push ups @ pin 3 x 5, pin 2 x 5, pin 1 x 5, OHS @ 7kg x 5 to practice a narrower grip as per TP (5ft bar too short, but 6ft car I can just get to depth carefully), Good Mornings x 5 @ 10kg

Wednesday, June 9th, 2010 - Front Squat, C2B Pull ups, Double-Unders

Complete as many rounds in 10 minutes as you can of:
pvc - 45 pound Front squat, 5 reps - I did 16 kg / 35lb
10 Pull-ups (beginner or assisted okay) - I did ring rows (feet under rings and lent back and then a little less during later rounds)
15 Double-unders - subbed tuck jumps

Done 4 rounds with 3 secs to spare

Enjoyed this wod, pushed towards the end to try to complete the 4th round as set myself target of 3-4 rounds based on others. Been doing this last few cycles and found it helps to my push myself a little more as working alone it can be easy to take it too easy and not push - especially in wods not done before - so seeing what the other on the  forum are all doing gives me something to aim at  ;-)
Ring rows - chest to rings/ past hands felt tough and very nearly reached muscle failure in rounds 3 and 4. Front squats ok - should go heavier next time. Tuck jumps felt smoother/easier - not knees to chest by a long way yet but much better than a while ago

Cash out:- Push up on push up bars - yay 1 then failed twice = too tired

Sunday, 13 June 2010

Rest day - but got medicine ball done

Rest day for me - pretty lazy apart from I finally got my homemade medicine ball finished like Anna recommended ;)

Cheap football with gravel and sand - I did a few wall ball shots to check it works ok and it does :D
It weighs 5kg / 11lb which I know isn't very heavy but it's better than nothing hey - save me subbing thrusters all the time and I'm curious to see the difference it makes in a wod?

Just going to finish noting the next 3 days wods and any skill work / strength work I can work in with it ;)

Saturday, 12 June 2010

10605 South Central Regional Event 4 & 100606 Northwest Regional Event 4

Warm up:- 10 arm swings/rotations, 10 knee highs, 10 side to side lunges with overhead press, 5 band dislocates with ohs, 10 abmat sit ups un-anchored butterfly, 10 abmat back extensions, 10 push ups against bar at pin 4 (unbroken just about grrr), 10 chin ups blue band at pin 5 (seems tough after 4 today).

tried false grip and 3 x MU progs from floor - went well, 3 x HSPU progs with knees @ 8", a few squat clean @ 10kg, then a few at 11kg

10605 South Central Regional Event 4

For time:
5 Muscle-up progressions - I did seated MU ring progression
15 Handstand push-up progressions - knees on 8 " box
PVC - 25 pound Squat clean, 20 reps - I did 11kg / 24 lb sqaut clean (trying to becareful of form and trying to shrug more - some flew up lol)
Run 250 meters - Ellipitical level 4

Done in 7.10 mins

Cleans felt much better - the shrug is important and after watching the again fater vid - I tried it more and it felt better/easier.

Took a few breaths and then went straight into warming up for next wod as missed yesterday and although I figured I wouldn't get it all done - if I did some of it I wouldn't feel so bad about skipping the rest of it.

SDHP @ 10kg x 5, then 14kg x 3, 3 x thrusters @ 10kg, 5x KB swings @ 2kg, then 3 @ 12 kg, 2 x beginner rope climbs

100606 Northwest Regional Event 4

Puppies/cup mixish
Row 30 calories - subbed 30 SDHP @ 14kg / 31lb
10kg / 22 pound Thruster, 30 reps
30 Kettlebell swings, 31 pounds / 12 kg
10 beginner rope climbs - knees bent laying up to standing 10 times

Only did the one round in 12.28 mins

Was completely shattered after an hour including warm ups + poor eating / unwanted periods of fasting over the last 36 hours and my body said stop so I listened! Rest tomorrow and be back at it Sunday.

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

100605 Northeast Regional Qualfier Event 1

 Warm up:- 10 arm swings/rotations, 10 knee highs, 10 side to side lunges with overhead press, 7 band dislocates with ohs, 10 abmat sit ups un-anchored butterfly, 10 abmat back extensions, 10 push ups against bar at pin 4 (unbroken and feeling easier), 3 chin ups blue band at pin 5,

Cash in:- push ups @ pin 3 x 5, pin 2 x 5, pin 1 x 5 (PR for that pin as failed 3rd rep back in may), kip swings sort of (feet touch the floor so dont think I can really kip in my set up), Tripod attempt x 3 (very strange never done these before - head on abmat and tried but felt very strange with so much weight on my head/neck)

Empty 7kg bar dl's x 5, shrugs x 5, hang clean, power snatches to OHS, OHS x 3 then tried 9kg power snatch to OHS, OHS x 3 (I did them but knew there was no way I could do 15 so stuck to buttercups)

I also was trying out new NewGrip glove equivalent - works well but my rings work loose grrr

100605 Northeast Regional Qualifier Event 1

Three rounds, 15-12 and 9 reps, for time of
PVC-15 pound Overhead squat - I used 7kg / 15lb bar only
Pull-ups (beginner or assisted okay) - blue band assisted @ pin 5 - all chins broken 10,5-6,4,2-9

Done in 8.32 mins

2nd round 6th OHS lost it and had to reset grrrr - I'm still finding OHS hard but its getting better slowly - I think it's shoulder flexibility as I need my hands really wide to get down and that in turn is hard on the wrists! - any good stretches please ??? - I'm doing band dislocates during warmups every session - is there anything extra I could do to help???

Cash out:- Hanging Knee raises x 3, KTE's attempts x 2, Hanging L Tuck x 10 secs

Monday, 7 June 2010

100603 Randy

Warm up:- 10 arm swings/rotations, 10 knee highs, 10 side to side lunges with overhead press, 10 kstarr’s over’n’unders, 10 band dislocates with ohs, 10 abmat sit ups, 10 abmat back extenstions, 10 push ups against bar at pin 4 (unbroken), 5 bar dips with legs at 90 degs, 5 bar dips with legs at 45 degs, 10 chin ups blue band at pin 5 (6,4)
Empty 7kg bar dl's x 5, shrugs x 5, hang clean, power snatches x 6 then tried 9kg power snatches x 3

100603 “Randy”

I originally planned to do….
35 pound Power snatch, 35 reps
Women 20#/9kg

but I got to 35 reps at around 2.20 ish and still felt good so thought hmm why not go for the rx’d 75 reps - so I did smile
Done in 6.36 mins

Really pleased but hope I don’t suffer too much in 24-48 hours with doms!
But hey I’ve got the rx’d reps just got to get the weight up now lol but it’s certainly not the Garddawg approved way to scale - sorry GD worship

Cash out:- 5 burpees just for fun. 1st one was a full push up (YAY), the 2nd I failed the push up so went to knees from then on.

Side note:- I’ve upped my protein (by about 40g via quality protein shakes) over the last 5 days and boy do I feel a huge difference, everything seems to be firming up, I feel stronger during my wods and my recovery has been noticably better/quicker - I guess I wasn’t taking on enough hey!!

Sunday, 6 June 2010

100602 Run 800m x 4

Warm up:- very little - just a few meters on elliptical - 3,2,1, go!!!

100602 - Run 800m x4
Four rounds, each for time of:
400 meter run

I did it on the ellipitcal level 4 because it was raining outside.

Rnd 1 2.24 Rest 3.01
Rnd 2 2.22 rest 3.01
Rnd 3 2.21 PR Rest 3.00
Rnd 4 2.23

Done in 18.36 mins

Enjoyed this one, please that my times very consistant - I know it will be different running outside but still please progress as 26 May 10 same 400 on ellipitcal was 2.38 mins!

Cashout:- after a few mins rest I dida combo of Rind support holds x 10 secs x 1,1,1, Beginner Ring Rows with feet under rings and let back (about 45 degs) x 5,5,5, Beginner ring push ups with feet about 18” from under rings and lent forward x 3,3,5 and self assisted dips to get a feel for them x 3,3

Saturday, 5 June 2010

100601 Shoulder Press

Warm up:- a few arm swings, over-n-unders, band dislocates with ohs x 5, 10 abmat situps, 10 abmat back extenstions, 2 push ups on knees then tried a full one failed, tried another and failed, 10 push ups against bar at pin 4, 10 dips at same bar with knees bent 90 degs, 10 blue band assisted chin ups (5,3,2)

Shoulder press @ 7kg x 5, 10kg x 3

100601 Shoulder Press
Shoulder Press 5-5-5-5-5 reps

12-14-16-18-20kg / 44lb

First time doing 5RM max press

Cash out:- Chin up with blue band assist at pin 3 x 1,1

Thursday, 3 June 2010

10530 The Seven

Warm up:- moved room round to give more room, a few arm swings, over-n-unders, band dislocates with ohs x 5, 10 abmat situps, 10 abmat back extenstions, 2 ring support holds about 10 secs each, beginner ring rows x 7, beginner ring push ups x 4.
Tried a HSPU with knees on chair x 1, then 3 with knees on 5" box, 3 Shouder press with 2 x 7kg DB's, 3 thurster with 7kg, 3 thurster with 14kg, 3 KTE attemts, 3 DL's @ 7, 27, 37 & 42kg, 2 burpees including a full push up ;) (about 3 inch from floor), 3 KB swings @ 7kg, 3 blue band assist chin ups .

10530 The Seven

Puppies/pack mix
Five rounds for time of:
7 Handstand push-ups (progressions okay) - I subbed 2 x 7kg db Shoulder press
14kg / 31 pound Thruster, 7 reps 14kg / 31lb
7 Knees raises / knees to elbows attempts
43kg / 95 pound Deadlift, 7 reps
7 Burpees (most of them were stepped instead of jumped)
7 Kettlebell swings, 14kg / 31 pound DB
7 Pull-ups (blue band assisted) - all chins with a little jump in the latter reps
All broken as nec.

Done in 38.52 min OMG what a beast of a wod, actually a cycle gulp
Splits were 6.36, 7.52, 7.50, 7.29, 9.03

I thought about dropping the weights after round 1 but felt I’d be cheating myself so slogged thru think of the officers who were killed and just push on. RIP

Really tough cycle these 3 hero wods but I got them done and feel stronger for it!

Considering this was so long and tough I was pleased with my energy levels. Oxygen was the main thing that slowed me down lol. I had today pharma whey in milk for breakfast, salmon with a little rice and veg, another pharma whay shake in milk with handful of nuts - worked well!

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

100529 "Arnie"

Warm up:- a few arm swings, over-n-unders, band dislocates with ohs x 5, 10 abmat situps, 10 abmat back extenstions, 10 push ups against pin 4 (8,2), 10 blue band assist chin ups (broken).
OHS with 7kg bar x 3, a few KB swings with 2kg, a couple of ohs squat attempts with 2kg DB, 2 TGU's with 2kg

100529 “Arnie”

With a single kettlebell weighing 10-15 pounds:
10 Turkish get-ups, Right arm
20 Swings
10 Overhead squats, Left arm - I just couldn’t manage these at all - tried a couple and gave up - did BB OHS with 7kg BB instead
20 Swings
10 Overhead squats, Right arm - subbed 7kg BB instead
20 Swings
10 Turkish get-ups, Left arm
A dumbbell can be substituted for Kettlebell. - I used a 5kg / 11lb DB

Done in 23.09 mins

OMG The TGU’s were tough - only second wod /time that I’ve done them - last time I used a 2kg / 4lb DB. I spent a fair bit of time laying on the floor contemplating the next one - some major cns stuff going on I think - I was so whacked afterwards.

Am I the only one that could not get my head round a one arm OHS?????? it really did my head in - I presume it’s more flexability that anything else but there was just no way I could keep that DB up in the air and get my body to squat at the same time ohh any advice please??? 


My energy was zero afterwards, even after shake - had no carbs with meal and I knew to it :(

May have to incorprate a few TGU into warm ups every now and then there's more to them than meets the eye!!

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

100528 "Nutts"

Warm up:- a few arm swings, over-n-unders, lat and front raises, band dislocates with ohs x 5, 10 abmat situps, 10 abmat back extenstions, 10 push ups against pin 4 (5,4,1), 3 blue band assist chin ups.
Tried a HSPU with knees on bed and managed two but knew no way was I gonna get 10 for the wod so tried db's x 3, DL's 7kg x 3,17kg x 3, 27kg x 3, 37kg x 3, 47kg x 3, Thrusters 7kg x 3, 10kg x 3, 14kg x 3.

100528 “Nutts” Hero Workout, RIP Lt Nutall

My Puppies/pack mix
5 Handstand push-ups (or Progressions) - I subbed 2 x 7kg / 15lb DB’s due to logistics
104 pound / 47kg Deadlift, 15 reps (broken all over - ie little too heavy but in trainers didn't help at all!)
25 Box jumps, 8” inch box
20 Pull-ups - blue band Assisted with a little jump as req (broken into 5 chins,5 pulls,5 chins,2 chins,3 pulls)
25 Wallball shots, 14 pounds, 10’ - I subbed 14kg / 31lb Thrusters x 25 reps (10,5,5,5)
30 Double-unders (or Tuck Jumps) - I did tuck jumps
Run 400 meters with a 10-25lb plate - I did 400m on ellipitical level 4 carrying 5kg / 11lb plate.

I was aiming for 16-18 mins and did it in 16.38 mins cheese

Pleased with this overall -  I had doubts during dl’s and thrusters if I was gonna make it under 30 mins lol but I pushed thru and was pleased in the end.  The box jumps and tuck jumps went well - much better than I expected = more progress - you gotta love Crossfit!

Boy it took some recovering from tho’ lol it was definetly nutts and RIP Lt Nutall.

Cash out:- put kit away and then sit mopping/catching drips of sweat from every pore possible I think phhheeeww