Tuesday was L4 Shoulders Intervals (Wk4) and although tough I enjoyed it. Stayed with the same weights on the raises but felt better. Had to drop a little for the swimmers to keep form. But My shoulders actually felt a little stronger on the overhead press at last. 💪🏻
Yesterday was Legs 50/50 (Wk 7) and I'm doing more workouts from home at the moment as work is crazy busy and there is just no time. So I had to make the best of Bowflex and 2 Spinlock adjustable Dumbells.
Got stuck in and thought...wow I'm feeling strong today these 12kgs/26lbs feel really light for the front squat and calf raises. Bowflex felt super heavy @ 35lbs/16kgs for deadlifts when I'm used to using my Barbell. But after first block was done I double checked and the 2 plates on by dumbbells that I thought were 5kg plates were actually 2.5kg plates so the 12kgs/26lbs were actually only 7kgs/15lbs doh!! 😳
6kgs/13lbs went ok for side lunges and pulsing squat and I was pleased with my increase to 22.5lbs / 10.2 kgs for Bridge. I'm pretty sure I could bridge way more but the weights are awkward to get onto my hips 😔
Really chuffed with my Sumo squat with a single 50lb/22.6kg as it was only 5lbs under one of the muscle men in the cast lol 😍
Oooh yeah PR to share - during the HIIT section I actually successfully stayed up for the three sets of twisted mountain climbers - first time ever for me!!!! Nothing for some I know but my shoulders just screamed at me and all through the first round of LIIFT 4 I just couldn't do but 4 weeks later and today lots of progress wahooo 😝
Sorry for not posting more often - life is just crazy right now. So much going on with work and life OMG 😩
Collaboration request
11 months ago
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