Welcome to my fitness log

I've created this to keep everything to do with my fitness journey in one place for easy reference.
I've listed links to places I visit regularly or places I think are interesting or valuable resources.

I started doing Crossfit September 22nd 2009 and I loved it - it's totally awesome and it made me a better person in so many different ways!

After nearly 4 years of Crossfit and wrist injury I tried a home fitness DVD for a change and something new - Rip 60 was really great and then I found Beachbody / Tony Horton's P90X!
It's THE best home fitness program ever!!!
It changed my body in so many amazing ways and got my cardio fitness, my core and overall strength including push up strength better than ever before!!

I now do many Beachbody programs as they are all so great.
I 'm a big Tony Horton fan because he makes me work hard but makes me laugh at the same time.
After I completed P90X, I did P90X3, P90X2 and some P90X+. I''ve tried other Beachbody programs including the P90, Piyo, Focus T25,
21 Day Fix Extreme, Country Heat, BodyBeast and Insanity, The Aslyum 1 and 2. Completed 21 Day Fix and 22 Min hard Core.

Did some Insanity Max 30 and Core de Force but my knees can't handle jumping every day so I have to mix them in.
Shift shop is great and looking forward to the new 80 Day obsession.

I'm the fittest I've ever been in my life and still getting stronger every day!

Monday, 31 March 2014

Les Mills Combat - Combat 30

Day 1 Week 1 Combat 30

Loved this today and really needed it for an aggression dissolver  

Having done this a few times here and there, I knew what was coming and really went for it - good stuff! Really pleased with all my jump kicks 

Sunday, 30 March 2014

P90X3 Fit Test

So I completed P90X3 and loved it - I really did.

Photo's and fittest this morning but I have mixed feeling with my results though.
Weight wise I'm 1 pound lighter @ 149lbs but that no prob as I know muscle takes up less room and weighs more.
Chest I gained 0.4" (I assume lats bigger)
Lost 0.4" off my waist
Lost 0.4" off my hips.
Lost approx. 1% bodyfat
The camera doesn't show much change I don't think which I'm a little disappointed with as people have noticed changes in me and say I look much better?

But where I am pleased is my fit test results/strength gains...
Standard push ups from 2 to 5 full depth chest to abmat,
Miltary push ups from 4 to 6 straight after it. (not on the test but I did them)
I gained an extra 2" on my toe touch/sit and reach.
Still can't do an unassisted pull up or chin up yet but I did go up a little way so still progress.
Heart rate maximiser - it fell much quicker after the first minute 168 down to 141 to 165 down to 125 so must be fitter.
Assisted Chin ups from 7 to 15 at the end of my fit test!
Assisted pull ups I didn't test before but pretty sure it would only be 1 or 2 and today I did 6.

I feel in myself so much fitter and stronger but I guess it's the food stopping me looking it. Don't do shakeolgy but I thought I've been eating very clean with lots of protein?

Thursday, 27 March 2014

P90X3 Dynamix and Yoga

Well I have to take my mum to hospital tomorrow evening so I decided to double up tonight....

X3 Dynamix and X3 Yoga

Dynamix has a few tough moves in there and I did it front of open fire so very warm phew but got it done and then went straight into Yoga. Was sweating far more than normal tonight so it had to be the fire  

But anyway got it done and wahoo!!! I'm done, I did it I completed P90X3!!!!      

I really can't believe I've done it lol!

Gonna take a couple of days off to recover then do photos and fit test and I'm really interested to see my results. I know that I can feel them but be interesting to see what the tape measure says??

It's a really great program and I've got so much out of it - anybody thinking about doing it - DO IT!!!!

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

X3 Pilates + 10 minute trainer Yoga Flex

X3 Pilates

So I have to be honest I'm pleased this is done - I honestly can say I don't enjoy this workout.

But hey it's done! 

I kinda feel unfinished after it too and as I grabbed Tony's 10 minute trainer for a total bargain of £11 inc postage off ebay a few days ago I stuck in Yoga Flex straight after it.
Nice quick little 10 minute yoga stretching routing - made a very nice cool down 

Even if I don't use any of the other DVD's (which I'm sure I will if I'm short on time one day) the yoga flex dvd and the door attachment things was worth the £11 alone  

2 more days to go and I'm finished 

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

P90X3 Accelerator

X3 Accelerator

Oh my I forgot how tough this one is phew!!

So much plank work, I seemed stronger and better than last time I did it but boy it really whooped my booty last night  
Didn't help after all the plank holds in Isometrix the night before either!!

I just couldn't keep up towards the end, I kept collapsing and shouting 'uncle' lol
The swimmers planks, plank/sphinx combo and those bloody donkey kicks!!!!

It's a great workout and one I should maybe do more often to work on my weakness's!

Monday, 24 March 2014

X3 Isometrix

X3 Isometrix

Wow some of these are so tough! Most of the lower body stuff I find ok but the upper body plank stuff is hard and the Bound Dog with left lift is just comical  

Got through it so it's all good!

I'm gonna try and lower my Carb intake this week like the book recommends. Don't want to be too crazy and leave myself with no energy again but I think a little cut back might be good. 
Will probably skip my recovery drinks for most of the workouts this week too as they are not that demanding or calorie burning high. 
Except Accelerator tomorrow - I think that one is fairly intense if I remember??

Saturday, 22 March 2014

P90X3 Eccentric Lower

X3 Eccentric Lower

Went well tonight, I upped my weights for Sumo, Squats, Lunges and pistol 

Had a major balance issue on the Albanian Squat right leg for some reason = really annoying 

But that's it Week 12 done so Victory week here I come - I can't quite believe it! 

Polar HRM 53.56mins 451 Cal Avg HR 132 Max 165

Friday, 21 March 2014

P90X3 Pilates

X3 Pilates

Not a lot to say about this, I still think it's a wired workout but I got it done!

Just Ecc. lower tomorrow and I'm done with the heavy stuff! Then Victory Week here I come! I can't quite believe it!

So then do I do the Elite Block or do I start Combat with The Challenge in once a week or do I do X2  

Having done the Complex Lower and Complex Upper already I think to do these 4 times a week with yoga and pilates would drive me crazy so nice workouts to have but not what I need at the moment I don't think?

I really want to give Combat a go so Combat it is with The Challenge on the middle rest day unless I'm totally whacked lol, then I'll do X2!

Polar HRM 36.38mins 179 Cal Avg HR 104 Max 133

Thursday, 20 March 2014

P90X Triometrics

X3 Triometrics

This was good tonight still really tough at the end but it's an enjoyable workout!
Major Quad burner!!!!

Polar HRM 55.28mins 486 Cal Avg HR 136 Max 171

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

P90X3 Eccentric Upper

X3 Eccentric Upper

I upped my weights on some of these tonight but it seemed to affect my push ups quite a bit. 
I also realised I really gave it some in MMX yesterday as I still felt tired in some of my muscles today, mainly back and shoulders.

Tuesday, 18 March 2014



Loved this tonight, tried to concentrate on form and intensity and it went really well. My sprawls are slowly getting better and I just about kept up and didn't flake out at all  

Monday, 17 March 2014

P90X3 Week 12 Decelerator

So I took the weekend off because my body was asking of it and I feel much better for it  

X3 Week 12 Decelerator

Crushed this tonight, it went really well. 

I managed all the reps much better in elevator pull ups, including holding the last few for almost full time so really pleased with that, as it's progress on last week  

The crane cracker push ups and the crawly plyo push ups are still impossible for me but I did my best and this felt better than last time.

Felt good and strong all the way through! Struggled with the quad burner sequence (sorry that's my name for it lol) = spinning plyo squat lunges near the end and did my best for big brother burpees with tired arms!

Friday, 14 March 2014

P90X3 Total Synergystics

X3 Total Synergystics

Wow I really had forgot what this was like. Good workout with a bit of everything chucked in (almost)!

Enjoyed it and did better than last time which I expected but still nice to do it lol

At the end I thought I'd try a unassisted chin and pull up.
Chin up I only got a few inches but felt controlled and better than last time. 
Pull up not much at all. 
But I then decided to try a jumping chin up and wahoo I got it. I got up with my chin a few inches away from the top, pulled and got my chin over   and did it again and    

A major PR for me!!! I know it's not a deadhang pull up but its a start and it's progress - as last time I tried a jumping one, I kinda got half way up and then nothing just came down.

It also told me I have the strength at the top so when I'm done X3 I think I will decrease the assistance of my assistance band and keep my reps low to see if I can get that dream of mine to do an unassisted chin up 

Thursday, 13 March 2014

P90X3 Triometrics

X3 Triometrics

Great workout, I'm defineilty getting better at it  I got throughout it all fairly comfortably till the last bit (burpees always kick my butt but we'll gloss over that bit)- it really ramps up near the end and my legs start to cramp in the Kablam section - squat, right lunge, squat, left lunge, aarrggghhhhh 

So last day of week 11 tomorrow and it's Total Synergistics - not done that since 1st Jan so it should be really interesting to see how much I've improved?

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

P90X3 Yoga

X3 Yoga

I needed this tonight! The half moon is still a struggle for me but the rest I really enjoyed

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

P90X3 The Challenge

X3 The Challenge
I debated this one or Complex Upper with myself for quite a while but I'm so glad I did it! (you have to choose on/from the calendar  )

I crushed it!!  

Not only did I increase all my reps but my form was better as in chin over the bar every rep and full depth on all my push ups!   I'm over the moon with my progress on this. (I had to drop to me knees for a couple in the burn out but I'm cool with that)
Last time I did this was Jan 4th and the progress I've made by listening and following Tony is immense!
Sorry is it obvious I'm a little stoked about it lol

I'm still not sure what program to do after X3 but what ever it is - if it doesn't include pull ups that is (most have push ups don't they) - I'll have to make sure I do The Challenge regularly as I don't ever want to loose the amazing progress I have made doing X3 - it's friggin' amazing   

Monday, 10 March 2014

P90X3 Agility X

X3 Agility X

Love this workout and pushed tonight and it done me in!

Tried to finish strong at the end with the walking push up thingies but I was pooped  

With cold start and stretch nice burn at 547 cal though 

Sunday, 9 March 2014

P90X3 Decelerator

Had to work all day yesterday and didn't finish till 10pm so no workout!

But I'm well rested and so got it done today .... Start of X3 Week 11 - Decelerator and I crushed it!

My elevator pull ups (assisted) are getting better - I made all there reps today! I couldn't hold the last two middle floor for long but I at least got all the positions so more progress and I'm chuffed.

Loads of sweat towards the end phew!!

Friday, 7 March 2014

Les Mills Combat 30 and Les Mills Pump Flow

Day 7 is usually rest day but sunday will be another rest day so I decided to chuck in something different instead and so went for..

Les Mills Combat 30 followed by Les Mills Pump Flow

Combat made a real nice change, didn't go crazy with it especially as my glutes wouldn't let me (I'd forgot this had 246 continuos kicks in it!) but thoroughly enjoyed the change of pace, the music and the rhythm  

Then finished it with Flow, which is a nice Yoga/stretch everything out for 20 mins which was lovely  to get me ready for Decelerator tomorrow!

Thursday, 6 March 2014

P90X3 Eccentric Lower

X3 Eccentric Lower

I upped my weights for about half the exercises tonight - and it felt good. I could go loads more on the squat at the start but need to leave a little in the tank for the rest of the workout hey?

Albanian squats are still tough and not sure the hip flexor splits has got any easier 

The TT plus - was crazy hard after doing something very very similar in pilates yesterday 

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

P90X3 Pilates

X3 Pilates

This is still an odd workout, it's sort of alright - some moves are easy, some are still very awkward but overall I enjoyed it. Got the burny burn in the abs so all is good 

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

P90X3 Triometrics

X3 Triometrics

Enjoyed this tonight, still a quad and glute burner but love it!!

Warrior 3 squats still cause enough burn that I have to shake it out before the end grrrrr but I did manage all the way through Hells Chair without putting my foot down 

Monday, 3 March 2014

P90X3 Eccentric Upper

X3 Eccentric Upper

This was tough tonight - I kept all weights the same as last time and this was tougher than I expected. I didn't have my normal meal before hand - I went for non starchy carbs and my energy levels took a hit, they were low tonight and it made this hard work.

I got through it but didn't see the ease I expected  but my Polar Beat results showed interesting heart rate results for was is essentially a weights session