Welcome to my fitness log

I've created this to keep everything to do with my fitness journey in one place for easy reference.
I've listed links to places I visit regularly or places I think are interesting or valuable resources.

I started doing Crossfit September 22nd 2009 and I loved it - it's totally awesome and it made me a better person in so many different ways!

After nearly 4 years of Crossfit and wrist injury I tried a home fitness DVD for a change and something new - Rip 60 was really great and then I found Beachbody / Tony Horton's P90X!
It's THE best home fitness program ever!!!
It changed my body in so many amazing ways and got my cardio fitness, my core and overall strength including push up strength better than ever before!!

I now do many Beachbody programs as they are all so great.
I 'm a big Tony Horton fan because he makes me work hard but makes me laugh at the same time.
After I completed P90X, I did P90X3, P90X2 and some P90X+. I''ve tried other Beachbody programs including the P90, Piyo, Focus T25,
21 Day Fix Extreme, Country Heat, BodyBeast and Insanity, The Aslyum 1 and 2. Completed 21 Day Fix and 22 Min hard Core.

Did some Insanity Max 30 and Core de Force but my knees can't handle jumping every day so I have to mix them in.
Shift shop is great and looking forward to the new 80 Day obsession.

I'm the fittest I've ever been in my life and still getting stronger every day!

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Pullups as per GD Day 5, Brandx Ramona 2012-08-06

Pullups as per GD Day 5
3 pullups EMOM for 14 mins
3-3-3-3-3-1f-3-1f-2f-1f-tried a pull instead of chins=f-2f-1f-1f
Total = 27 of 42 reps
Well this was disappointing shut eye but I haven’t slept well the last few nights, ate poorly and not enough yesterday, worked hard yesterday and ate too late today so I guess I just chalk it up to a bad day and try again next time.
Brandx Ramona 2012-08-06 2nd half continuing from yesterday.
Run 1 mile - sub elliptical lev 2
I started but legs were heavy and really ache and considering everything figured at 300m I was being stupid, trying to do too much on not enough and called it quits. Some days we push on and some days we have to listen to our bodies.

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Push ups as per GD Day 5, BrandX Ramona 2012-08-06 Run,pushups,Run

Push ups as per GD Day 5
4 push ups EMOM for 10 mins
Bar position 6
Completed all reps with relative ease   bigsmile
mixture of elbows in and out

BrandX Ramona via strengthdiary.com 2012-08-06
Mile run/50 push ups/mile run
Run 1 mile - subbed elliptical lev 2
50 push ups - scaled to 10 knee push ups (3-3-2-2)
Run 1 mile - subbed ellipitcal lev 2
Done in 21.48mins
Splits 10.13, 1.26, 10.08
Enjoyed today. Pleased with breathing during elliptical work.
Wore HRM during this wod too just to see and Average was 162 bpm 87% and max 177 bpm 95%

Sunday, 26 August 2012

Brandx Ramona 2012-08-03 Front Squat, hill sprints. Tabata Row

Unplanned rest day yesterday as I was still shattered from all those burpees.
But today I did
Brandx Ramona via Strength Diary 2012-08-03
Front Squat 3 x 3
70%-85% of 1rm
Post heaviest load lifted
5 @ 12kg
5 @ 15kg
3 @ 18kg
3 @ 21kg
3 @ 24kg / 53lb = 80% of 1RM back in Sept 11

Hill Sprints/Front Squats - What are hill sprints guys??? Is there a standard please???  question
3 Rounds
Hill Sprint - self scaled/subbed Elliptical on lev 6 50m
7 Front Squats, 155/115 - s/s to 12kg / 26lb
Done in 3.58mins
Splits 0.21, 0.39*, 0.30*, 0.54*, 0.35*, 0.57*
* includes 12-14 secs to walk from elliptical to weights

Tabata Row - Self subbed/scaled to SDHP @ 12kg / 26lb
8 rounds
10-9-9-9-9-9-9-9 Total reps 73 reps
Compared to last time -
6 rounds only
Reps 10-9-9-8-8-8 = Total 52 reps
Really pleased with SDHP today - I felt much stronger and fitter - I didn’t need to slow down due to oxygen like last time. I actually felt a little muscle fatigue in quads on the last 3 rounds but considering all squats earlier and I pushed through - really chuffed with progress bigsmile

Friday, 24 August 2012

BrandX Ramona 2012-08-02 MU, burpees, DU, Strict pull ups

BrandX Ramona via strength Diary 2012-08-02

3x 5:00 rounds, 2:00 rest
3 muscle-ups - Self scaled to 3 DB curls @ 6kg / 13lb & 3 bench dips
10 burpees - s/s to  5 burpees
15 double-unders - s/s to 10 tuck jumps in Rnd 1 and 30 single unders jumps ie without the rope in rnds 2 & 3

Rnd 1 = 2 rnds + Curls and BD + 3 Burpees
Rnd 2 =  2 rnds + Curls and BD + 5 Burpees + 13 SU jumps
Rnd 3 =  2 rnds + Curls and BD + 3 Burpees

Holy cow that was tough but strangely enjoyable lol
I think maybe my arms wont be thanking me tomorrow!!!
I also hope I haven't asked too much of my wrist as the bench dips and all the burpees were tough for it.

EMOM strict pull ups
10 mins pick a number
3 reps EMOM was the original plan but after feel pretty recked from the sod I scaled down to 25kg / 55lb cable pull downs - with pull up width grip. Basically because I didn't trust myself with a normal assisted pull up!

I did actually complete the 10 mins much to my surprise so if I repeat this which i think I will as i'm working chins on my strength days - def up the weight or try 4 reps.

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Pushups as per GD Pullups - Day 4

Pushups as per GD Pullups - Day 4

Max sets x 3 - at bar in rack position 6
4 mins rest

15-15-12 (compared to 12-14-12)
Mixture of elbows out and elbows in.

Elliptical Prog 2 (2 tier steep hills as intervals)

20 mins (with arm assist on steep section as I got tired)
Distance covered 2.82M (last time 2.0m)

Felt tough today for some reason probably lack of sleep

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Pull ups as per GD Day 4

Pull ups as per GD Day 4
Repeat Day 2

3 sets of max pull ups
@ PU rev top
4 mins rest

7-5-4 (compared to 6-4-4)

Only 2 reps more but still thats progress and while i'm progressing I'm happy  :)

Saturday, 18 August 2012

Brandx Ramona 2012-08-01 Deadlift, Thruster, MU

Brandx Ramona via strength diary 2012-08-01

5-5-3-3-3 @ 70-80% of 1 rep
Record highest weight

5 @ 27kg / 59lb
5 @ 37kg
3 @ 47kg
3 @ 54kg
3 @ 59kg / 130lb

Double Body Weight Deadlift - self scaled to 48kg = 70% BW
Body Weight Thruster - s/s to 16kg = 23% BW
Muscle-Up s/s to beginner pull ups and bench dips on bar

Done in 12.20 mins

I worked hard today and after those tough FS from yesterday, pleased overall - definitely rest day for me tomorrow.

I'm loving the Brandx Ramona programming - thanks again to Metric and Guarddog - I actually feel like I'm getting stronger and getting a great workout - wahoo!!

Also the 2 on 1 off, 2 on 2 off def feels good for me, I'm recovering and always looking forward to my next workout which is awesome.

Friday, 17 August 2012

Brandx Ramona 2012-07-31 Front Squat. Powerclean, Press, Run

Brandx Ramona via strength diary 2012-07-31

Front Squat 3 x 3
70%-85% of 1rm
Post heaviest load lifted

5 @ 12kg
5 @ 15kg
3 @ 18kg
3 @ 20kg
3 @ 22kg / 48lb

Power Clean and Press/Front Squat
AMRAP in 10
3 Power Clean and Press, 135/95 - self scaled to 14kg / 30lb
10 Front Squat, 135/95 self scaled to 14kg / 30lb
100 M - subbed 100m elliptical lev 2

Rounds:- 3 + PC + 7 FS

This was tough - I haven't really front squated since Nov so I reckon I'm gonna know to these in the morning!!
Also having my wrist wrapped up well I think my fingers took the strain and i really hope i haven't strained them.

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Pull ups as per GD Day 3

Pull ups as per GD Day 3
= Repeat Day 1

2 pull ups EMOM for 20 mins - using PU Rev top

Completed all reps but I did have a 1.18 mins interruption at 16 mins.

Really chuffed I completed all reps unlike day 1 but the extra 1.18mins recovery must have helped so not sure if I should do 3's next time or repeat 2's again???

Tabata Sprints on Elliptical lev 2
All 8 rounds

I knew to the last two rounds as I'm only used to doing 6 but got to get to 8 some how - so try and make it the norm now instead of scaling all tabatas.

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Push ups as per GD pull ups Day 3

Push ups as per GD pull ups Day 3

Bar position 6
3 push ups EMOM for 14 mins

Did all reps fairly easy - pleased with this felt good and strong

Short on time today so that all I did.

Saturday, 11 August 2012

BrandX Ramona 2012-07-30 Muscle ups and Elliptical

Brandx Ramona 2012-07-30

30 Muscle ups
self scaled to 30 beginner pull ups and 30 bench dips
done in sets of 2

Bar position 5 for pull up with knees bent
Bench dips some with knees bent and some much less so.

Done in 9.47mins

Pullups were harder than I thought - a lot of leg used and a bit of kip motion also.
Really surprised how well my dips went and felt - its seem such a long time since I did any.
Made a wrist ache little which was a shame I should have used my push bars or done in on a bar but hopefully helps it to get stronger.

Had more in the tank today so got on Elliptical lev 2 and just did steady pace (6-7) while reading (Very uncrossfit I know but it felt good) and something is better than nothing.
18 mins done and 2000m covered.

Friday, 10 August 2012

BrandX Ramona 2012-07-28 Push press, Burping Karen

BrandX Ramona 2012-07-28 via StrengthDiary.com
Push Press 3 x 3
5 @ 10kg
5 @ 12kg
3 @ 15kg
3 @ 18kg
3 @ 19kg / 41lb
My previous 3RM Push press was back in Nov 2010 and I did 20kg so pretty pleased with that to be back where I was considering and I’ll def be able to do 20 next time maybe even 21kg.

Burping Karen
150 wall ball shots - self scaled to 40 reps with homemade 5kg ball to ceiling
3 burpees at the top of every minute
Done in 4.00
3 burpees done at 20, 26 & 31 reps

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Pull ups as per GD

Pull ups as per GD

Max sets x 3 - PU rev assist top
 3-5 mins rest

6 reps
rest 4 mins
4 reps
rest 4 mins
4 reps

Elliptical Program 2 for 20 mins steady pace 2000M
Felt good

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

push ups as GD pullups

Pushups as per GD Pullups

Max sets x 3 - at bar in rack position 6
 3-5 mins rest

12 reps
rest 4 mins
14 reps
rest 4 mins
12 reps

Saturday, 4 August 2012

BrandX Ramona 2012-07-27 Max HSPU, Box jumps/DU/Box jumpes

BrandX Ramona via StrengthDiary.com 2012-07-27

Max HSPU - Self scaled/subbed DB presses @ 7kg /15lb
Reps 5-5-6

Box Jumps/Double-Unders/Box Jumps
50 box jumps, 24"/20" - subbed/self scaled to 20 tuck jumps
100 double-unders  - subbed/self scaled to 100 singles
50 box jumps  - subbed/self scaled to 20 tuck jumps

Done in 5.04 mins

Friday, 3 August 2012

BrandX Ramona 2012-07-26 Deadlift, Cleans, Tabata Row

BrandX Ramona via StrengthDiary.com 2012-07-26

Deadlift 5-5-3-3-3 @ 70-80% of 1RM

5 @ 27kg / 59lb
5 @ 37kg
3 @ 47kg
3 @ 52kg
3 @ 57kg / 126lb = 82% BW

Its a while since I lifted heavy - feels great to get back to it. Looking forward to building on this.

30 Cleans with Cindy penalty
30 cleans, 135#/95#
(Each rep begins at waist; tap on ground and go. Rep is counted when bar returns to waist.)
1st break, perform 1 round of Cindy (5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats)
2nd break, perform 2 rounds of Cindy

I self scaled to 12kg / 26lb

I did them all without putting the bar down
Done in 5.59mins

Next time I need to do it faster before upping the weight

Tabata Row - Self subbed/scaled to SDHP @ 12kg / 26lb
Also 6 rounds only
Reps 10-9-9-8-8-8 = Total 52 reps

Really enjoyed these workouts.

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Push ups as per GD pullups Day 1

Push ups as per GD pullups Day 1
Bar at rack position 6
2 push ups EMOM for 20 minutes.
Got them all with relative ease :)

Possibly started a little too easy but at least it gives me some where to start from.