Welcome to my fitness log

I've created this to keep everything to do with my fitness journey in one place for easy reference.
I've listed links to places I visit regularly or places I think are interesting or valuable resources.

I started doing Crossfit September 22nd 2009 and I loved it - it's totally awesome and it made me a better person in so many different ways!

After nearly 4 years of Crossfit and wrist injury I tried a home fitness DVD for a change and something new - Rip 60 was really great and then I found Beachbody / Tony Horton's P90X!
It's THE best home fitness program ever!!!
It changed my body in so many amazing ways and got my cardio fitness, my core and overall strength including push up strength better than ever before!!

I now do many Beachbody programs as they are all so great.
I 'm a big Tony Horton fan because he makes me work hard but makes me laugh at the same time.
After I completed P90X, I did P90X3, P90X2 and some P90X+. I''ve tried other Beachbody programs including the P90, Piyo, Focus T25,
21 Day Fix Extreme, Country Heat, BodyBeast and Insanity, The Aslyum 1 and 2. Completed 21 Day Fix and 22 Min hard Core.

Did some Insanity Max 30 and Core de Force but my knees can't handle jumping every day so I have to mix them in.
Shift shop is great and looking forward to the new 80 Day obsession.

I'm the fittest I've ever been in my life and still getting stronger every day!

Monday, 30 April 2012

7 Weeks, Week 3, Day 2

7 weeks to get ripped program

warmup up: spealler
Prep lev 1, Week 2 Day 2
Set 1
12 Hanging leg raises - 2-1-2-2-2-2-1
8 lunges  with a twist per leg
9 push ups - Pin 3 
12 Ins and Outs
Rest 2 Mins

Set 2
3 Pull ups - 1" down
8 push ups - Pin 3 - 6-2
14 Squats with ball press - 5kg ball
16 Mountain Climbers - on PU bars - PR
Rest 2 mins

Set 3
3 chin ups = PU rev 5" from top - only just on last rep
16 wood chop - 5kg ball
20 Marching twist
12 Squats
Rest 2 mins

Cardio - 10 mins - Elliptical Prog 5. Total distance 1.45M - Ave speed 8-9

Saturday, 28 April 2012

7 Weeks, Week 3, Day 1

7 weeks to get ripped program

warmup up: spealler

Prep lev 1, week 3, Day 1
Set 1
6 Assisted Pull ups - PU rev top - not quite on the last one
8 push ups - Pin 3 - only just made last rep - very shaky
12 squats with med ball press - 5kg
14 Mountain Climbers - on pu bars
Rest 2 mins

Set 2
12 Hanging Leg Raises - 3-2-2-2-2-1
8 Lunges with a twist - per leg
8 push ups - Pin 3 - 4-2-2
10 reverse crunches
Rest 2 mins

Set 3
3 chin ups - 5" from top - just made it
14 Wood chops - 5kg ball
20 marching twist
45 secs plank hold on bars
Rest 2 mins

Cardio - 10 mins - None - only had 6 hours sleep so skipped it

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

7 weeks, Week 2 Day 3

7 weeks to get ripped program

warmup up: spealler

Prep lev 1, week 2, Day 3
Set 1
8 push ups - Pin 3 - only only just made last rep
11 Squats
30 Secs plank - on pu bars
6 Assisted Chin ups - PU rev -  2" down
Rest 2 mins

Set 2
8 push ups - Pin 3 - took a few breaths, last 2 were shaky but got there
8 Lunges with a twist - per leg
2 pull ups - 2" down last rep failed so did another
10 In and Outs
Rest 2 mins

Set 3
14 wood chops - 5kg ball
20 Marching twist
12 Mountain Climbers - on pu bars
12 Jumping jacks
Rest 2 mins

Cardio - 10 mins - I did Deadlifts instead as per 531
w/u 5 @ 17kg, 5 @ 27kg, 3 @ 33kg
5 @ 35kg, 5 @ 40kg, 5 @ 47kg

Friday, 20 April 2012

7 Weeks, Week 2 Day 2

7 weeks to get ripped program

warmup up: spealler

Prep lev 1, week 2, Day 1
Set 1
6 Assisted Chin ups - PU rev - 1 x 2" down by mistake, next 5 were top and just made the last one
5 push ups - Pin 3 - just made the least one
8 Squats with Med ball press - 5kg
10 Mountain Climbers - on pu bars
Rest 2 mins

Set 2
10 Hanging leg raises - 3-2-2-2-1
6 Lunges with a twist - per leg
5 push ups - Pin 3 
10 In and Outs
Rest 2 mins

Set 3
2 chin ups - tried a unassisted but nope so PU rev 5" down x 2
12 wood chops - 5kg ball
16 Marching twist
8 Squats
Rest 2 mins

Cardio - 10 mins - Elliptical Program 1 - Total Distance 1.41m last time was 1.22 = PR

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

7 weeks, week 2 day 1

7 weeks to get ripped program

warmup up: spealler

Prep lev 1, week 2, Day 1
Set 1
5 Assisted Chin ups - PU rev 2" down
10 Squats
8 push ups - Pin 3
30 sec plank
Rest 2 mins

Set 2
14 wood chop - 5kg plate
12 Mountain Climbers (non-stop = pr)
20 Marching twist
12 Jumping Jacks
Rest 2 mins

Set 3
6 push ups - Pin 3 
30 sec plank - on bars to save wrist
15 secs side plank each side - on elbows
10 Reverse Crunch
Rest 2 mins

Cardio - 10 mins - Elliptical Program 3 - Total Distance 1.37m

Thursday, 12 April 2012

7 weeks day 3

7 weeks to get ripped program

warmup up: spealler

Prep lev 1, Day 3
Set 1
3 Assisted Pull ups - PU rev top
5 push ups - Pin 3
8 Squats with 5kg ball press
12 Mountain Climbers (10-2)
Rest 2 mins

Set 2
10 Hanging leg raises (2-2-2-2-1-1) - these felt hard today
6 lunges  with a twist per leg
5 push ups - Pin 3 - only just
10 In & Outs
Rest 2 mins

Set 3
3 Assisted chin up = PU rev 2" from top
12 wood chop - 5kg plate
20 Marching twist
8 Squats
Rest 2 Mins

Cardio - 10 mins - Did 5 mins Deadlifting to work my back and I don't want to loose the strength I've built plus I enjoyed Deadlifting. 5 @ 7kg, 10 @ 17kg, 
5 @ 27kg,
5 @ 37kg
5 @ 40kg

Then 5 mins Elliptical 1 min warm up then tab ate sprints 8 rounds Total distance 0.82M

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

7 weeks day 2

7 weeks to get ripped program

warmup up: spealler

Prep lev 1, Day 2
Set 1
3 push ups - Pin 3 
20 secs plank - again on hands being careful of wrist
10 Mountain Climbers
2 Assisted Pull up - PU rev top
Rest 2 mins

Set 2
6 lunges  with a twist per leg
10 wood chop - 5kg plate
18 Marching twist
8 Squats
Rest 2 mins

Set 3
3 Assisted chin up = PU rev 1" from top
8 Hanging leg raises
8 Reverse CrunchRest 2 Mins
Cardio - 10 mins - Elliptical Prog 1. Total distance 1.22M - made my legs work a little harder than they have in a while.

Saturday, 7 April 2012

7 weeks prep

The push up are going well, I feel stronger and bigger already - sounds crazy but it true. Especially with a young couple of days. I was checking out the 7 week push ups website and he's brought out his new 7 weeks to fitness website and his new 7 weeks to get ripped program, book and app. Which combines the best of all his programs and I had wondered about trying his push up prog and his pull up prog but wasn't sure I should and so this is THE answer! Nice one Brett!

So I'm gonna jump in and see how I get on. (Don't want to loose my deadlift strength so may chuck some of that in somewhere but lets see how we get on.) I know it's not crossift but I feel I was pushing myself too hard with crossfit and trying to work on my strength I just haven't got the balance right and so without a coach and some guidance I feel little unsure. So I'm hoping this should help my foundation and then I can go back to it.

Starting 7 weeks to get ripped program

warmup up: spealler

Starting test
Max pull up = 0 - I tried chins up too = 0
Max Squat = 30 - I probably could have done more but i figured I'd be starting at prep level anyway so why push and be silly.
Max push ups = 0 - I did actually try a full on the floor on my hands and I got one but with poor form, my back arched and was not straight at all but I was surprised that I managed what I did considering how long it is since I have done one i.e. Nov!!! I tried another but stalled a few inches up.
Max Plank Hold = 45 secs - again on hands rather that push ups bars like I have been doing.

So starting at prep lev and I went straight into the first workout (not recommended I know, but its not like I'm new to working out)

Prep lev 1, Day 1
Set 1
4 push ups - I chose Pin 3 because I thought I could get 4 which I did but last one was tough
6 squats
30 secs plank - again on hands being careful of wrist
3 Assisted chin up = PU rev 1" from top
Rest 2 mins

Set 2
5 Push up - pin 3 and only just managed them - maybe too low to start with but will see next session when fresher and not already done a full max effort.
10 lunges - 5 each leg - its while since I lunged and it felt good.
3 Assisted Pull up - PU rev top
8 in & outs - these are new and first were a little wobbly but I got the hang of it then realised at rep 7 I wasn't pausing at the top so did 10 in total.
Rest 2 mins

Set 3
10 wood chop - new to me so was cautious and used a 2.5 kg plate - went well and felt good, I think it may work your core more than you think for.
16 Marching twist - different but fun
8 Mountain Climbers - my knees and hips don't like this move, lots of clunking and an ache in left knee - see how we go.

Cardio - 10 mins - got on elliptical steady pace around 7-8 with a run up to 11 for 15 secs at 5 mins and again for 30 secs at 5.30mins. Total distance 1.32M

Enjoyed it - good workout - hopefully I will benefit from the less is more and I'm want to concentrate on my push ups and pull/chin ups so that I can do them unassisted very soon.

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Push ups 2

Was struggling time raise again to get a full workout in so stole 10 mins and got my push ups done, after no excuse to find 10 mins hey!

Push ups - preliminary program 2nd day

Pin 6

resting 60 secs between sets

The 12 was tough but I did it
