Welcome to my fitness log

I've created this to keep everything to do with my fitness journey in one place for easy reference.
I've listed links to places I visit regularly or places I think are interesting or valuable resources.

I started doing Crossfit September 22nd 2009 and I loved it - it's totally awesome and it made me a better person in so many different ways!

After nearly 4 years of Crossfit and wrist injury I tried a home fitness DVD for a change and something new - Rip 60 was really great and then I found Beachbody / Tony Horton's P90X!
It's THE best home fitness program ever!!!
It changed my body in so many amazing ways and got my cardio fitness, my core and overall strength including push up strength better than ever before!!

I now do many Beachbody programs as they are all so great.
I 'm a big Tony Horton fan because he makes me work hard but makes me laugh at the same time.
After I completed P90X, I did P90X3, P90X2 and some P90X+. I''ve tried other Beachbody programs including the P90, Piyo, Focus T25,
21 Day Fix Extreme, Country Heat, BodyBeast and Insanity, The Aslyum 1 and 2. Completed 21 Day Fix and 22 Min hard Core.

Did some Insanity Max 30 and Core de Force but my knees can't handle jumping every day so I have to mix them in.
Shift shop is great and looking forward to the new 80 Day obsession.

I'm the fittest I've ever been in my life and still getting stronger every day!

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Shoulder Press + Metcon 110807 CF games Master chipper

Warm up:- Spealler, wallballs, 5 mountain climbers (my hips are still clunking and I’m getting concerned?),  10 situps, 10 back ext's, 10 push ups @ pin 5, 5 beginner body rows, 8 (5-3) chin ups @ top

10 @ 8kg
3 @ 14kg
5 @ 20kg / 44lb = 5RM from June 2010!

Pre metcon warm up:- 4 KTE attemtps, 5 powercleans @ 7kg, 10 SDHP @ 7kg

Metcon 110807 CrossFit Games Masters Chipper

Puppies: up and down scaled as below
10 Push-ups - @ pin 5
15 Wall ball shots, 6-8 pound ball to 10’ target - I used a 11lb / 5kg ball to ceiling
20 Toes-to-bar (or as high as able) - as high as I could
25 Power cleans, 15-20 pounds - 20lb / 9kg
30 Burpees - I did 1 with a full push and 15/16 with push on knees all walked out (lost count no idea why/how?), then I did 15 push up against Pin 5 with a jump and clap
40 Sumo deadlift high-pull, 10-15 pounds - 20lb / 9kg (broken 20-10-10)

Done in 14.02mins

If I hadn’t took soo many breath during breaks in SDHP could have finished under 14 mins grrr.
TTB attempts took a long time, haven’t done any in ages and I knew to it!! Also hips clunked at my legs got to the down position??? very odd
Was wary burpees because of foot and also hips clunking at plank.

Stretch and foam roller

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Chin ups and Deadlifts

Warm up:- Spealler, Wallballs, 10 situps, 10 back ext’s, 5 mountain climbrs, 5 push ups on knees, 3 hollow body, 3 hollow body rocks.

Chin ups 5’s (PU revolution assited)
9 @ top PR
5 @ 1.5” down PR

Deadlifts 5’s
10 @ 10kg
8 @ 27kg
6 @ 37kg
5 @ 48kg / 105lb

$ out
After reading my first few wods after digging out my notebook - tried some beginner body rows (inverted with bar in rack)
Bar at Pin 5, knees bent 90 degs x 1-3-3
10 push ups @ pin 5
5 bar dips at pin 5 knees bent
5 ring dips - blue band assisted

Stretch and foam roller inc bridge work and 2 full push ups wink

Saturday, 24 September 2011

Push ups + metcon 110816

Warm up:- Spealler, wallballs, 2 hollow body, 2 hollow rocks, 5 mountain climbers, 1 min elliptical

Push ups
11 @ pin 5
5 @ pin 1 PR
1-1-1-2 @ floor Major PR Rested 2-2.30mins between them.

Metcon 110816 5KM
For time:- 1.5 miles
2400m Elliptical Level 2

Done in approx 14mins excluding a 2-3 mins interuption grrrr - I got interupted and I pressed reset instead of lap on my timer as I hit 2000m, sorted the problem out in about 2-3 mins and came back and finish the last 400m - soooo frusting and hence my time isn’t exact.

$ out:- 1 burpee (feet stepped in and out but with a full push up) yay!

Stretch and foam roller, full push up from the floor.

Total of 7 full push ups in one session = Major PR for - first 2 consecutive push ups since injured wrist in Feb 11 and my form is so much better.

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Front Squat + Metcon110815

Warm up:- Spealler, wallballs, 2 push ups on knees,  2 hollow body, 5 mountain climbers, 5 decline situps, 5 7kg good mornings, 3 chins at top, front squat 4 @ 7kg

Front Squat Test 1RM

10 @ 12kg
6 @ 18kg
1 @ 24kg / 53lb
1 @ 28kg / 61lb
1 @ 30kg / 66lb NEW PR

Barbell taken from Rack each time to save cleaning it and upset my traps

Pre wod warm up:- DB shoulder press x 3 @ 3kg, 3 x 5kg

110815 Puppies
With a continuously running clock, do one pull-up and one handstand push-up the first minute, two pull-ups and two handstand push-ups the second minute, three pull-ups and three handstand push-ups the third minute… continuing as long as you are able. When you cannot complete the required number of reps for either exercise, continue only with the other as long as you are able.
 Use as many sets in any order each minute as needed.

6 mins of Chin ups & 9 mins DB’s = Total 15
First time I've done this and don't think I did it to its full potential as I missed the 'Use as many sets in any order each minute as needed.' tut tut - I'll know for next time.

Stretch, foam roller, tried a full push up but pecs still too tender from those 75 ugh managed 2 on knees just to keep the blood pumping

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

U/H Pulldowns and 110811 400m, Deadlifts

Warm up:- spealler, wallballs, 3 hollow body, 10 sit ups, 10 b/e

U/H Pulldowns
10 @ 20kg / 44lb
6 @ 35kg / 77lb
3 @ 44kg / 97lb PR bigsmile and equals 1RM from 20 June 11 Yeah!!!!!  party(As per GD - I should have retested 1RM before now but only just realised so will retest next pulldown session)

Pre-wod warm up:- 1 min elliptical, DL's 10 @ 10kg / 22lb, 10 @ 20kg, 4 @ 30kg, 2 @ 40kg / 88lb

110811 400m, Deadlifts
AMRAP in 12 mins
600m Elliptical lev 2
5 DL's @ 40kg / 88lb

Completed 2 rounds + 500m elliptical
Splits:- 3.21, 0.50 , 3.43, 0.55, 3.11 - 500m elliptcical
All splits except the first include 12-14 secs to walk from room to room.

Stretch and foam roller

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Pain! from 75 push ups arrghh

OMG I hurt today - the fronts of my shoulders, my triceps and my lats - that what 75 push ups (assisted) does to you when you have never done that many before!!!

Rest day for me ohh

Saturday, 17 September 2011

Chin ups + Gator Wod 110812

Warm up:- Spealler, wallballs, 5 moutain climbers, 5 squat thrusts (which were a little disconcerting because my hips pop each time I get out into plank??), red band dislocates, 5 push ups @ pin 5, 10 front squat @ 7kg

Chin ups - pull up revolution assited
8 @ top  (PR for max reps here)
5 @ 1" down

Pre-wod wram up:- 5 Front squat @ 14kg

110812  “Gator”

35 pound / 16kg Front squat, 5 reps
15 Push-ups @ pin 5 (8-7), (5-5-3-2), (5-3-3-2-2), (3-3-3-2-2-2), (3-3-2-2-2-2-1)

Done in 14.17 mins
Splts:- 1.50, 2.26 (total slog on push ups here on in), 3.07, nearly quit but it was a hero wod so pushed on, 3.26, 3.25.

Push up slogfest for me!! I've lost my muscular endurance since doing strength reps of 5,3 & 1's and very little metcos in months.
I really hope my arms/chest doesn't hate me too much tomorrow.

Stretch and foam roller

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

3rd Physio Visit

Physio again to stop my right trap causing me wierd heavy head / headache pains over right eye grrrr

Long session but hopefully its fixed it - just got to get over the treatment now - normaly 24-48 hours to recover!

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Push ups + Metcon 110731

Warm up:- spealler, wallballs, 5 situps, 5 b/e, 3 hollow body

Push ups
10 @ Pin 5
5 @ Pin 2 - Slow last rep - do again next session as jump to pin 1 will be too much
1-2 Floor - Got 1st rep took a few breaths and went for a 2nd but failed a few inch up. Rested a little approx 20 secs and tried again but failed a few inch up.

Warm up:- 2 Squat MU's, 2 decline situps, DL's 10 @ 10kg, 10 @ 15kg, 5 @ 30kg, 200m elliptical - slow to fast.

110731 Muscle Ups, Deadlift, GHD Situps, Sprints - Crossfit Games Event 4

5 Squat muscle ups
25-65 pound Deadlift, 10 reps
15 Decline Bench Sit-ups
Sprint 50 yards - Sub 100m eliptical
5 Squat muscle ups
65 pound / 30 kg Deadlift, 10 reps
15 Abmat Sit-ups
Sprint 100 yards - Sub 200m eliptical
5 Squat Muscle ups
65 pound / 30 kg Deadlift, 10 reps
15 Sit-ups
Sprint 150 yards - Sub 300m eliptical
5 Squat muscle ups
65 pound  / 30 kg Deadlift, 10 reps
15 Sit-ups
Sprint 200 yards - Sub 400m eliptical

Done in 16.58 mins (includes 12-14 secs to and from the ellipitcal in other room)

Wow it felt great to do a propper crossfit wod - thanks again to Frosty from the Brandx Forum

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Bench Press, RIng Rows, Press, Deadlift

Warm up:- Spealler, 10 wall balls, 10 abmat situps, 10 abmat back extentions, red band dislocates, 5 moutain climbers, 5 squat thrusts

Bench Press
10 @ 10kg / 22lb
6 @ 20kg / 44lb
3 @ 27kg / 59lb

Beginger Ring Rows
6 @ Heels under rings
4 @ -2.5" from rings
3 @ -5" from rings
After each set I did a seated MU to get up off the floor finishing with a support hold for a few secs

10 @ 8kg / 17lb
6 @ 14kg / 31lb
5 @ 20kg / 44lb - failed 5th rep - could hardly budge it! I did this 19th Aug 11 but haven't pressed since so I guess not a total suprise but still annoying grrrr Also programing Press after Bench maybe too much too?

Deadlift - changed to 5's due not DL'ing in 3 weeks and so it seems a good choice/time
10 @ 10kg / 22lb
8 @ 25kg / 55lb
6 @ 35kg / 77lb
5 @ 46kg / 101lb

Stretch and foam roller, tried a push up but only got a few inches again.

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

110730 Rope Climbs, Clean & Jerks Crossfit Games Event 3

First metcon in what feels like an age!

Warm up:- spealler, wallballs, red band dislocates, 5 squat thrusts, tried for a push up but failed. 10 abmat situps, 10 abmat b/e, 4 beginner rope climbs (checking position / logitics in small area), C&J 7kg x 5, 12kg x 3, 18kg x 1

110730 Rope Climbs, Clean & Jerks Crossfit Games Event 3
For Time

Beginer Rope Climbs x 5 ascents
15lb / 7kg Clean & jerk x 5 reps
Beginer Rope Climbs x 4 ascents
20lb / 9kg Clean & jerk x 4 reps
Beginer Rope Climbs x 3 ascents
25lb / 11kg Clean & jerk x 3 reps
Beginer Rope Climbs x 2 ascents
30lb / 14kg Clean & jerk x 2 reps
Beginer Rope Climbs x 1 ascents
40lb / 18kg Clean & jerk x 1 reps

Done in 7.28mins

Cash out:- 3 push ups @ pin 3 - arms felt week so enough for today

Stretch and Foam Roller (new one = suprised how soft my old one had got), tried another push up from floor - went about 5 inch and failed.

Monday, 5 September 2011

Push ups, Chins, Back Squat + Elliptical

After another tough week and no wods I manged a few push ups against the back of the settee on a couple of occasions but thats all grrrrr - I really hope for a better week this week, my mums getting better and stronger every day so here's hoping I can get 3 wods in!

Warm up:- spealler, ballballs, red band dislocates, 3 moutain climbers (to see how foot holds up after all this time)

Push ups
10 @ pin 5
5 @ Pin 3
1 @ Floor - yay!! and form good too, nose and chest to floor, plank felt great!

Chin ups with PU rev assist
10 @ top
5 @ 1" down

Back Squat
10 @ 15kg / 33lb
6 @ 25kg / 55lb
3 @ 32kg / 70lb

Elliptical 800 meters level 2
Target (previous PR from June) = < 4.30mins
Done in:- 4.30 mins equalled PR - Pleased with this considering the last month I've had.
400m splits 2.14.4, 2.15.6, then took a relaxed half speed cool down 400m of 3.58.

Stretch and foam roller, try for push up from floor and got it a little shaky and slow but pleased to get it back after failing last week.

I'm a little wacked tonight - not sure elliptical after this strength stuff is quite right for me?