Welcome to my fitness log

I've created this to keep everything to do with my fitness journey in one place for easy reference.
I've listed links to places I visit regularly or places I think are interesting or valuable resources.

I started doing Crossfit September 22nd 2009 and I loved it - it's totally awesome and it made me a better person in so many different ways!

After nearly 4 years of Crossfit and wrist injury I tried a home fitness DVD for a change and something new - Rip 60 was really great and then I found Beachbody / Tony Horton's P90X!
It's THE best home fitness program ever!!!
It changed my body in so many amazing ways and got my cardio fitness, my core and overall strength including push up strength better than ever before!!

I now do many Beachbody programs as they are all so great.
I 'm a big Tony Horton fan because he makes me work hard but makes me laugh at the same time.
After I completed P90X, I did P90X3, P90X2 and some P90X+. I''ve tried other Beachbody programs including the P90, Piyo, Focus T25,
21 Day Fix Extreme, Country Heat, BodyBeast and Insanity, The Aslyum 1 and 2. Completed 21 Day Fix and 22 Min hard Core.

Did some Insanity Max 30 and Core de Force but my knees can't handle jumping every day so I have to mix them in.
Shift shop is great and looking forward to the new 80 Day obsession.

I'm the fittest I've ever been in my life and still getting stronger every day!

Saturday, 31 March 2018

P90X3 The Warrior & Yoga

The Warrior was tough today but went better than I remember lol I had some internet issues whcih slowed things down a little grrrr but got it done.

Chased it with Yoga after changing over to cell reception, from annoying wifi, just because I couldn't hack the stop start stop start any more grrr.

Now I just have to decide what I'm going to do next week..decisions decisions.

Have a great weekend everybody!

Friday, 30 March 2018

P90X3 CVX twice

Evening one for me today due to going out this morning.
I did P90X3 CVX with a light weight (1kg) and enjoyed it that much, I skipped the burn out and did the whole thing from the beginning, but with a slightly heavier weight (2kg)!
I had to pause for a shopping delivery, but I loved every single second!!!

I remember this one being torturous in the past but tonight it was just so much fun. I clearly have got stronger both physically and cardiovascularly. As Tony says Aging is for idiots!!!!

Thursday, 29 March 2018

P90X3 Cold Start and The Challenge

Really pleased with how this went today :) Modified Miltary ones and did standard for Vaulter Push ups to protect shoulder but overall loved it!

Not done that many push ups and pull ups for a good while so I think I maybe need to embrace the DOMS tomorrow and/or Saturday ;( 

Haven't done CVX in nearly 12 months so be good to see how I fair in that tomorrow!

Wednesday, 28 March 2018

LMOD BodyBalance 68

Really enjoyed this today - nice tai chi inspired warm up, some warrior poses, hip openers, balance work, twists and a lovely 10 min meditation at the end.

The meditation was lovley apart from the workmen that were around causing a knock on the wall about 2 mins from the end - you can even see the small spike in heart rate from them making me jump grrrr. (I'm actually suprised how low my HR was during those 10 mins)

Other than that it was a superb way to calm, stretch, work on flexibility and really destress.

Tuesday, 27 March 2018

P90X3 Cold Start & Agility X

A few interuptions throughout but got it done. Tony's jokes still make me laugh ;)

Monday, 26 March 2018

P90X3 Cold Start & Total Synergistics

Did cold start first, because I was cold lol and every 50 odd calories helps right!

Loved this today, modifed the crawly plyo push ups to look after shoulder but smashed the rest!!!

Flip Flop Crunch was so easy today so I have to say thanks to 80 DO for that awesome core strength I now have!!! Totally amazed myself lol

Also I manged two unassisted chin ups today which I thought I'd lost the strength in, doing 80 DO, but thankfully not so I'm over the moon about that.

Absolutely loved working out with Tony H again and considering I haven't done this one in almost 12 months I crushed it!!! :)

Saturday, 24 March 2018

P90 Sweat A & P90X3 Yoga

Rested yesterday, well semi active, building some shelves and desks at work and moving some stuff about for around 2.5 hrs.

Today some gentle cardio with Sweat A from P90 - nothing crazy but got the blood pumping and the body moving ;)

Then straight into P90X3 Yoga - I needed me some Tony time to help me recover :)

Friday, 23 March 2018

Quit 80 DO and Rest Day

Active rest day today, spent a few hours building shelves and desks and moving stuff around - loved it!!

My body needed it and looking forward to a gentle bit of Cardio and Yoga with Tony!

Thursday, 22 March 2018

80 DO - Day 60 Total Body Core

This was ok today. I really don't like rushing the moves and so I paused a few times but it just makes it take even longer, which I have to be honest is begining to affect my working day :( Complaints from collegues etc.

On top of all that I even got a wierd cramp in my right shoulder (non injured/recovering one) today during the tricep kickbacks. Also for the second day running I had a sharp pain/tweak in my lower back during the windmills (happened last week too but I shrugged it off).

 I also have little hard nodule/knot on my left bicep that's arrived for some reason???

Hmmmmm I don't want to let myself or anyone down but I think my body is telling me enough is enough of this program - I think I need a rest and a change.
I really wanted to see this one through but to push on and really injure myslef just isn't worth it. My body clearly needs more rest than this program allows.
Also the joy is gone for me and I've said before when I stop looking forward to my workouts then its time to change.

At the end of the day I'm not doing these 80 days for a competition or photo shoot or anything like that. I've had some great results doing what I have so far.
My core is much stronger and I think many of these workouts are great but to push on for another 3 weeks with my shoulders unhappy and my lower back talking to me, will do me no favours whatsoever.

I don't know what it is about Autumns program but whenever I do them I dont sleep well at all and I've always been a good sleeper. Which obviously is affecting my recovery overall. I've been telling myself for last couple of weeks that I'll be alright, just keep pushing on but lets face it, where is the fun in that.
It's about health and fitness and being happy living a fit life, not stressing over not enough sleep, rushing through workouts and not enjoying things.

Sorry for the long post but I felt I needed to explain - sorry guys!!!

Wednesday, 21 March 2018

80 DO - Day 59 Legs

Increased weights every round and loved leg day today!! 3 x 10 is just so much better than 2 x 15!!!

Struggled to hold the 16kg/35lb KB in goblet position for the last round so held in low after 4 reps but got it done!!

Tuesday, 20 March 2018

80 DO - Day 58 swopped Cardio Flow for BodyCombat 70

My shoulder is feeling better but I'm going to avoid Cardio Flow to not exhaust it.

Needed some punching and kicking so a new BodyCombat release for me and it was a great total body workout.

Had some push ups and mountain climbers (which I modifed to bench height for my shoulder) in there and even had some Hip Escape kick throughs & a core centric bear crawl varient too so I felt I wasn't so far removed from Cardio Flow after all lol

Looking forward to Leg day tomorrow!!!!

Monday, 19 March 2018

80 DO - Day 57 AAA

Enjoyed this one apart from my screaming quads again on those curtsy lunge pulses!

Increased weights every round in most moves :)

On the pullovers, when I go to med/heavy weights my left shoulder clicks as I lower backwards. No pain so I assume not dangerous but does anyone know what that would be please???

Saturday, 17 March 2018

80 DO - Day 56 Booty

Oh my poor quads - I didn't really feel much booty work in this one which was also made worse by  the fact that the pain in my quads kinda masked everything else out lol

Like Autumn said this phase 3 should have been called leg phase!!

The single leg hamstring slide felt very easy compared to the double hamstring slide we were doing in last phase???
The single leg hinge felt so easy I had to add some weight into my spare hand on round two.
Everything else just made my quads shout for mercy!!! Here's to getting stronger for next week.

Friday, 16 March 2018

80 DO - Day 55 Cardio Core

Oh my quads!!! Sure this wasn't another leg day in disguise??

This was tough today - tougher than it looked like it should - if you know what I mean. I'm lacking a little sleep but boy did I feel tired pushing through this today.
Felt in my lower abs too from yesterday - those saw thingies really made it work wowweeee!

Long workday on top of it and I need an early night tonight. I think this phase 3 on top of the last 8 weeks is catching up with me this week - is it just me or anyone else feeling it too??

Oh and it's leg day...erm no sorry booty day tomorrow - my legs want to cry just thinking about more lunges and squats.!!

Thursday, 15 March 2018

80 DO - Day 54 Total Body Core

Woke up a litte stiff this morning in the legs/glutes so yesterday was clearly harder than it felt at the time lol

Well Total Body Core was a logistical nightmare as I was at home and I worked out in a very small area and I had to keep pausing to rearrange all the equipment grrrr. My bowflex were too cumbersome for the hammer curls in sumo stance grrrr

But all that frustration aside the workout was pretty good, some great moves in there and for me some not so great but I sweated buckets. Never got my heart rate high but for some reason I just couldn't stop it dripping of me !!!

Wednesday, 14 March 2018

80 DO - Day 53 Legs

OK this one was different with lots of plyo moves in it. I went light first round and heavier in the second (maybe a touch too heavy in some) but overall enjoyed it.

Doing the Split Squat Jump in this today took me back to when I first started P90X in 2013. The same move but without the weight (Mary Katherines) were impossible for me. I literally just couldn't jump up higher enough to change legs. Today it was a breeze and I'll def. use heavier weight next week.

It really is amazing what we can achieve if we just keep trying. Some things feel impossible sometimes but we just keep trying, and modifying and trying until we dont have to modify and wahoo we can do it!!!
It applies to so many things in life - just because we fail on our first attempt - don't give up and keep at it!!

Tuesday, 13 March 2018

BodyCombat 69

Love me some destressing punching and kicking!!!!

Fast moving with a nice lunge/kick section.

Monday, 12 March 2018

80 DO - Day 51 Phase 3 AAA

Some new moves in this one and I quite enjoyed it. My shoulder loved it as there was only one plank move wahoo!!!

Who else shouted pinapples on those Curtsy Lunge Pulses at the end - oh my quads were burnin'!!!!

Not sure my knees were a fan of the Camel Bicep Curls - I may prefer just going heavy on the curls and not worry about the quad work/stretch??? Anyone else???

Looking forward to heavying up on all of this one next week for 3x10 :)

Saturday, 10 March 2018

80 DO - Day 50 But T25 Cardio & Core Speed instead of Cardio Flow

I need to rest my shoulder but still wanted some cardio and a good sweat so I did T25 Alpha Cardio and then because I enjoy it and to get some core work in there too, I did T25 Beta Core Speed and modified the burpees with Tanya, so I didnt go to the floor at all :)

Can't beat a bit of Shaun T = Loved it!!!

Friday, 9 March 2018

80 DO - Day 49 AAA

Done and dusted. She really did forget to mention how trashed the shoulders would be in the Abs and A$$ program!

Shoulder was really not happy on the plank work and on rep 9 of the Teasers said nope not doing anymore. So I stood and did some oblique twists. On the second round I subbed in some more standing twists and then some loop scissor twists without the loops. At least I still got some ab work in.

I didn't even attempt the tricep push ups I just did some light narrow grip tricep presses.

No plank work for me tomorrow at all! 2 days off and see how it feels on Monday for start of phase 3.

Hope everyone is crushing it!

Thursday, 8 March 2018

80 DO - Day 48 Legs + BOD Yoga Stretch

Oooh I'm aware of my obliques today!

Leg day was tough but I loved it as always. Who else did the wierd front curtsy move with the heal on the slider with the first leg until she said "toe on the slider" lol = very differnet move!

It is a great leg day workout and I'm really curious to see how she amps it up for next week!!

I'm excited with just a hint of trepidation for next weeks workouts lol - I'm thinking go light (bit of a recovery week kinda) and learn the new crazy moves then go for it the next week??? Everyone else???

Chased it with Yoga Stretch with the calming Vytas as its great post leg day stretch = perfect.

Wednesday, 7 March 2018

80 DO - Day 47 Total Body Core

Holy shoulders batman!!! Mine were screaming today and my left is a little unhappy after a tried a few modifed spider push ups today...I'm going to have to do some cardio with no floor work at all on saturday to give them 2 full days off before the new phase. 

Good workout though and apart from shoulder concerns I'm still loving it!! 

I really hope she is a little less shoulder intense in phase 3.
I think if cardio core is still as shoulder intense with plank work I might have to skip the core/plank stuff to rest my shoulders otherwise I may not be able to complete the program and that would be really dissapointing.

After the talk of Chickpea Brownies , I watched the vid and I just had to try them and OMG they did not disspoint - they are amazing!!

I used Bournville Cocoa instead of normal and I skipped the Vanilla Essence. I only made half the amount too, just so I didnt go crazy and eat too many.

Fresh out the oven less the two small squares I've eaten already lol

Tuesday, 6 March 2018

80 DO - Day 46 Cardio Core & X3 Yoga

Hip flexors a little tight to start with but fine once we got going.

Felt a little stonger today but legs felt tired and shoulders still cause me to take breaks in those plank moves grrrrr

Chased it with some Tony yoga because well my body needed the self care and I miss Tony lol.

Monday, 5 March 2018

80 DO - Day 45 Booty

Not entirely sure why but I got some serious booty muscle activation on this one today....has it really took 8 weeks to get my muscles firing correctly hmmm???
Anyway it felt amazing, I pushed really hard and loved every second!!!

I can't believe Phase 2 will soon be over!!

Saturday, 3 March 2018

X3 MMX & 22MHC Cardio 2 + foam rolling

Needed some Tony time so MMX for me and then straight into Cardio 2 - love it!

Followed by some foam rolling a good stretch.

Friday, 2 March 2018

80 DO - Day 43 AAA

This was an ok workout for me today. I pushed with the weights and was pleased with my increases but I struggled with the shoulders on the slider stuff.

I had two interuptions when I had to go help out with some work stuff which made it take longer but I got it done.

Thursday, 1 March 2018

80 DO - Day 42 Legs

Great leg day but it over too fast!

Pleased with weights but this quick 3 x 10 sure does burn out thoses muscles!!! I increased to match Autumn's 20lb in the bonus too ;)

Used my 52.5lbs (24kg) complete bowflex today for sumo squat - never used it before !!!!!

I can't tell you how hard, firm and solid my legs feel right now!