After 3 days on unbelievable DOMS pain that I really didn’t expect and my Nana dying at the weekend I’m back at it!
Bx 2012-12-18
20 Muscle-Ups - Scaled to Squat MU’s with jump assist (rings at 13)
10:00 mins cap
Completed 20
HSPU/Ring Dips/Push-Ups/Double-Unders
3 x 5:00 AMRAP
5 Handstand push-ups - scaled to DB press @ 6kg but dropped to 5kg after 1st round
5 ring dips - blue band assisted (rings at 12)
10 push-ups - at bar position 5
15 double-unders - subbed 30 single under jumps without rope (room to small to skip in)
Rest 2:00
Rnd 1:- 2 Rnds + 2 DB presses, Rnd 2:- 1 Rnd + DB + RD + 4 PU’s, Rnd 3:- 1 Rnd + DB + RD + 4 PU's
Bx 2012-12-18
20 Muscle-Ups - Scaled to Squat MU’s with jump assist (rings at 13)
10:00 mins cap
Completed 20
HSPU/Ring Dips/Push-Ups/Double-Unders
3 x 5:00 AMRAP
5 Handstand push-ups - scaled to DB press @ 6kg but dropped to 5kg after 1st round
5 ring dips - blue band assisted (rings at 12)
10 push-ups - at bar position 5
15 double-unders - subbed 30 single under jumps without rope (room to small to skip in)
Rest 2:00
Rnd 1:- 2 Rnds + 2 DB presses, Rnd 2:- 1 Rnd + DB + RD + 4 PU’s, Rnd 3:- 1 Rnd + DB + RD + 4 PU's