Welcome to my fitness log

I've created this to keep everything to do with my fitness journey in one place for easy reference.
I've listed links to places I visit regularly or places I think are interesting or valuable resources.

I started doing Crossfit September 22nd 2009 and I loved it - it's totally awesome and it made me a better person in so many different ways!

After nearly 4 years of Crossfit and wrist injury I tried a home fitness DVD for a change and something new - Rip 60 was really great and then I found Beachbody / Tony Horton's P90X!
It's THE best home fitness program ever!!!
It changed my body in so many amazing ways and got my cardio fitness, my core and overall strength including push up strength better than ever before!!

I now do many Beachbody programs as they are all so great.
I 'm a big Tony Horton fan because he makes me work hard but makes me laugh at the same time.
After I completed P90X, I did P90X3, P90X2 and some P90X+. I''ve tried other Beachbody programs including the P90, Piyo, Focus T25,
21 Day Fix Extreme, Country Heat, BodyBeast and Insanity, The Aslyum 1 and 2. Completed 21 Day Fix and 22 Min hard Core.

Did some Insanity Max 30 and Core de Force but my knees can't handle jumping every day so I have to mix them in.
Shift shop is great and looking forward to the new 80 Day obsession.

I'm the fittest I've ever been in my life and still getting stronger every day!

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

No major damage to shoulder - phew

Went Physio on Monday and I 'correctly diagnosed yourself' he said lol - just a delt' strain, no damage to rota' cuff thank goodness. He gave me some treatment inc some ultra sound (never had that before) and said rest it for the rest of the week and then build back up slowly.

I asked him about my wrist while I was there and he suggested using push up bars to save irritating my wrist so I think I will do that from now on too.

I was thinking of backing off and try push up on bars for 3's again instead of jumping the gun again and I think this proved that I should!!

Sunday, 27 November 2011

Deltoid stain from push ups without warmup with poor form

My planned wod went out the window today after trying to show someone how well my push ups were coming along!

I didn't warm up properly (just a few arm swings) and dropped down and did a push up - which was a struggle but I did it  bigsmile(which I have to stay was great progress as last time I showed her a few months back - I failed and pretty much face planted  blush ) but when I got up my shoulder hurt - I figured just a minor strain.

She told my position was not great so I got down and did another which she said was better.

But when I stood up my shouldder really hurt and within a few minutes I couldn't lift my arm for the pain   beatup OMG!! I guess I badly strained my front delt - that was not on the plan - I 'm pretty pissed, and made an apointment to see a pyhsio on monday, to make sure I haven't done it any major damage!

We live and learn don't we!

Note to self - push ups to me are pretty much still max effort and I know for certain I wouldn't do Bodyweight Deadlift without lots of warm up first so why should my push ups be any different = lessons learnt 1) Don't be stupid or you will pay with pain!!, 2) Always warm up properly 3) Check your start postiton is correct always!! 4) Just because of lots of people can just drop and turn out 20 push ups and do push ups for warm up - I'm clearly not there yet!!

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Front Squat + 110920 Lynne

Warm up:- spealler, wallballs, red band dislocates, 7kg front squat x 5

Front Squat 3's
10 @ 13kg
6 @ 19kg
3 @ 25kg / 55lb

Pre wod warm up:- push up at pin 5 x 5, pin 1 x 2, 3 chin ups pu rev assited top

110920 Lynne
5 Rounds of
Max push ups - full
Max pull up - Chins PU ref assisted

Push ups = 1 failed 2nd - 2 - 1 f - 1 f - 1 f
Chin ups = 8-6-5-5-5
Rested between rounds 2-2-3-3mins respectively

I guess my push ups were down from mondays Press and wallballs, and my abs still haven't fully recovered from those box jumps and HKR's!

Stretch and foam roller

Monday, 21 November 2011

Press + metcon 110926

Warm up:- spealler, wallballs, sit ups, b/e and 9 chin ups pu rev top assist

Press DB's 3's
6 @ 3kg
2 @ 6kg
3 @ 8kg / 17lb

Pre metcon warmup:- box jumps 4 @ 4", 4 @ 8", 4 @ 13", HKR x 3

Metcon 110926 wallballs, TTB, Box jumps
AMRAP in 15 mins scaled to
10 wallballs (5kg to ceiling)
10 HKR's (KTE attempts)
10 box jumps 13" box

Completed 4 rnds + wallballs +2 HKR in 15 mins including 1.10min interuption (had to run downstais and back)
I finished the 5th round 16.57mins - because of the interuption and ebcause I wanted to.

Really please with box jumps - NEW PR for me especially since foot injury.

Stretch and foam roller

N.B. Gone pretty strict primal eating over the last few days and my energy levels are not quite there, don't think I'm eating enough grrrr

Saturday, 19 November 2011


I've cut out the oats and I feel much better - can't beleive the difference. I feel lighter and more energetic, my get and go is coming back! Damn those oats - they really are the enemy!

Chin up s+ Metcon "Dianne"

Warm up:- Spealler, wallballs, sit ups and b/e, a few red band dislocates

CFSB lite
Chin ups
8 @ PU rev assisted top
5 @ 2.5" down

Pre metcon warm up:- DL's x 5 @ 7kg, 5 @ 17kg, 5 @ 37kg, DB presses 5 @ 2kg, 5 @ 5kg

Metcon 111010 Dianne
scaled to
Deadlifts @ 43kg / 95lb
DB Press @ 7kg each

Done in 10.35 mins - wow bit of a slog today

1st round went ok, then slogged the rest
Splits 1.35, 1.59, 1.39, 2.09, 1.16, 1.55 phew!

Stretch and foam roller

Monday, 14 November 2011

Push ups + Metcon 111012

Warm up:- spealler, wallballs, 5 situps. 5 b/e’s, 5 mountain climbers

Push ups
8 @ pin 5
2 @ PU Bars @ pin 1
Full x 1-2-3 failed last rep so only 2-1-3 and failed 3rd rep again = Total of 8 full push ups in a session - NEW PR - Still can’t manage 3 consecutive push ups yet but still hoorah for some progress no matter how small!

Metcon 111012 400m, pul ups, b/e, s/u
Scaled to AMRAP in 10 mins

Eliptical 400m
10 chin ups - PU Rev assisted top
15 abmat b/e
20 abmat sit ups

Completed 1 Rnd + 400m + 10 pull ups in 10 mins
then finished the round untimed.

1st round of chin were unbroken in as much as as hands didn’t come off the bar, but did take a few breaths inbetween reps = PR, 2nd round was broken 5-4-1

Stretch and foam roller

Recovery has been slow this last 2 weeks, diet changes of note - oats, nuts and fruit for breakfast instead of toast and maralade with protein shake and other meals more fish than meat. Also cooking in coconut oil instead of olive oil.
I lacked sleep a few nights but cought and still noticed recovery is slow??? 
I've been trying to reduce protein shakes and get all protein from food - my protein intake is down from 100-130 non workout days with extra 30 protein in postwork out shake on workout days down to 80-100 non workout days with extra 30 protein in postwork out shake on workout days.

Anything glaringly obvious to be the cause please??

Friday, 11 November 2011

Beg RIng Rows + Deadlift

w/u spealler less leg swings because i missed them with interuptions and distractions, wallballs, situps and b/e, push ups x 3 on knees, tried for a full but just failed miserably red face so did 2 red band assisted from pin 3
question  if i’m strong enough to do push ups - why is on some days I just can’t do them, and others and I can do 2 in a row?? whats that all about???

CFSB lite inspired
Beginner Ring Rows 3’s
6 @ heel at center
4 @ heels -3.0 inch from center
3 @ heels -6.0 inch from center NEW PR bigsmile

Deadlift 5’s
10 @ 15kg
6 @ 30kg
4 @ 45kg
5 @ 60kg / 132lb

$ out:- 10 DB lateral raises @ 2kg, 10 bicep curls @ 2kg, 10 DB press @ 2kg, 10 DB lateral raises @ 2kg, 12 Bicep curls with 7kg Barbell

Stretch and foam roller

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Bench Press + metcon 110824 Santiago

Warm up:- speller, wall balls, bench press 10 @ 7kg

Bench Press
10 @ 12kg
6 @ 22kg
3 @ 31kg / 68lb - failed 3rd rep about 1/2 up with left side grrr - thank goodness for my safety bars. Rested a few mins and tried to lift it but nope, had to slide out from under it.

Pre metcon warm up
Hang squat clean 3 @ 2kg DB's, 3 @ 4kg DB's, 2 @ 7kg DB's, 3 PU Rev assisted chin ups, Power cleans 3 @7kg, 3 @ 12kg, 2 @ 16kg - found a strange pain in right glut when lifting so rolled on a tennis ball, 3 push ups on knees

Metcon 110924 Santiago scaled to
3 RFT of
7kg / 15lb DB Hand Squat Clean x 12
PU rev chin ups x 12
16kg / 35lb Power Clean x 10
10 push ups - on knees

Done in:- Stopped after 2 rounds @ 14.57mins - so slow - I felt like I was going in slow motion.
The DB HSC were tough, the chins were slow and broken up (5-3-2-2 & 4-3-2-2-1), PC's were ok and felt light by comparison to the rest, Push ups I did all on knees due to room logistics and although broken up I was quite pleased with. But after 2 rounds and way over my normal 10 mins range I decided to stop and not be pig headed.

Stretch and foam roller

Friday, 4 November 2011

Back squat + metcon 100928

Warm up:- speller, 5 wall balls, 10 sit-ups, 10 b/e, 8 chin up @ top

Back Squat
10 @ 20kg
5 @ 30kg
3 @ 38kg / 83lb

Pre metcon warm up - a few rep of all except wall balls and burpees

Metcon 110928 CF Games Event 10 scaled to
10 SDHP @ 14kg / 30lb
20 wallballs @ 5 kg to ceiling
10 TTB attempts
20 box jumps @ 8"
10 SDHP @ 16kg / 35lb
20 burpees - mainly walked out and all push up on knees
10 shoulder to Overhead @ 18kg

Done in 14.55mins inc 0.57 sec interruption

Tough wow! but somehow enjoyable lol - couldn't get enough oxygen for the burpees and shoulder to overhead!

Stretch and foam roller

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

DB Press + Metcon 111020

Warm up:- Spealler, wallballs, situps and b/e

CFSB lite
DB Press - Find 1 RM
6 @ 2kg
2 @ 5kg
1 @ 8kg
1 @ 10kg left arm slow
1 @ 11kg left arm terribly slow and struggled but made it so - 11kg / 24lb is my new 1RM

Metcon 111020 100m's
8 Rounds of 100m sprint on elliptical
Rest 90 secs
0.24 - 0.21 - 0.22 - 0.23 - 0.23 - 0.24 - 0.23 - 0.22

Stretch and foam roller