Bodi Lower Strength with Joel
Increased most of the weights from last week :)
Narrow Squat 1 x 4kg - up from 3kg
Alternating Reverse Lunge 2 x 3kg - up next time although good HR raiser - Kept the same and should have increased.
Hanging Squat 1 x 5kg - pretty easy so try 7kg next time - Did 8kg KB - good
Stiff Leg Deadlift 2 x 4kg - see how I am tomorrow but try 6's next time - Did 6's and good.
Calf Raises 2 x 4kg - keep these weights as only just got through this, better quality next time. - Yes and yes
Bridges 1 x 5kg - OMG after every thing else this was burny and took two breaks in sets 1 and 2, dropping to 4kg in 3rd. Try 5kg next time all three sets and no breaks lol. = Yes and just about lol.
Burn out was good and only just got through it - phew!