7 weeks to get ripped program
warmup up: spealler
warmup up: spealler
Prep lev 1, week 3, Day 3
Set 1
Set 1
4 Chin ups - 5" from top
14 Hanging Leg Raises - 4-4-3-3 (no pause at the top
9 Lunges with a twist - per leg
8 push ups - Pin 3 - only just made last rep - took a few breaths
Rest 2 mins
Set 2
3 Pull ups - 1" from top - 2nd was only just, failed last rep
16 Squats
45 secs plank
8 push ups - pin 3 - 4-3-1
Rest 2 Mins
Set 3
3Chin ups - 5" from top
14 Reverse Crunches
16 Mountain Climbers
18 Wood Chops - 5kg ball
Rest 2 mins
Cardio - 10 mins - None - short on time so skipped it.
Notes:- my body is really beginning to look better - actual muscles are noticeable is lots of places ;) its awesome!